We wanted you to get to know a few of the lovely faces of HowDoesShe, and what better way than to peek inside their purses? The contents of a purse can tell a lot about a person… so we asked the ladies of HowDoesShe, “What’s in your purse?” and here’s what they said! {There are some great items you might want to add to your purse as well!}
What’s in your purse?
Andrea is our affiliate manager and a city girl turned cattle rancher’s wife. She’s got four adorable kids, with one on the way, and wishes she were part of the cast of “Friday Night Lights.” Read all of Andrea’s posts here!
What’s in your purse?
Nyx butter gloss (THE best lip gloss ever invented), Calming the Child essential oil blend – I’d bathe my kids in this if I could, my Hobo vintage wallet which is worth EVERY penny since it helps me stay organized, always a Larabar due to the fact I’m always hungry, and this alphabet game my kids love to play if we’re stuck waiting at appointments. Oh, and THESE puppies, because my 1 year old likes to lick Wal Mart carts…..aaaaannnnd that’s disgusting.
I also carry around a bunch of stale waffle fries from Chick-Fil-A, but let’s not go there.
Katie is behind the scenes of HowDoesShe, making everything run smoothly. She’s pretty much our glue. Her and her hunky husband Russ also put together all of HowDoesShe’s awesome YouTube videos. See more of Katie’s posts here!
What’s in your purse?
Pens, receipts, ice breakers, empty dum dum sticks (the kids think my purse is their garbage when we’re away from home), earbuds, lip gloss, a gold dress up necklace (I blame my twin 7 yr old girls for this), leftover chocolate oreos (2) from a lunch with friends a month ago that I brought home to the kids and forgot about, more receipts, and a wallet with 9 cents in it (just sent my last $5 bill with my daughter for after school).
Darleen is a jewelry designer and pro of all things kitchen. She loves healthy cooking and throwing parties for her four adorable children. Read all of Darleen’s posts here!
What’s in your purse?
Essie wicked nail polish, Kate spade wallet, and Mac faux lipstick.
Kristin is a guest contributor and Project Manager for Picture Books Summit and KidLit TV. She is currently working on her own fantasy novel for middle-grade kids. Read Kristin’s post here!
What’s in your purse?
Yikes! My purse…such a scary, scary thought (I need to clean it out):
- wallet, of course
- iPhone, of course and ear buds (I listen to podcasts like Social Media Examiner and Writing Excuses in the car)
- keys
- almost lipstick (everyone who hates lipstick should have this)
- travel sized Aquaphor lotion
- car charger (for my iPhone)
- pens

What’s in your purse?

What’s in your purse?

What’s in your purse?

What’s in my purse?
So…what’s in YOUR purse?
We wanna hear all about it—so dish. What have you got in your purse?

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