It’s date night. Kiddies are home with the sitter and you are all dressed up with your man at dinner. He leans in for a smooch on the lips, then quickly jerks away with surprise and horror in his face. The offender? Your sandpaper-crackly lips.
Nothing says “Kiss me” more than dry crackling lizard lips!
I don’t know about you, but during this time of the year my lips have the most difficult time staying soft. Once I gave my little boy a kiss on the cheek in the dark and he immediately mistook my rough lips for my husband’s rough facial scruff. He had to feel my face to believe it was really me.
No joke.
But it got even worse! When I came home from a tropical vacation to the dry and must I add FREEZING dessert- my lips were having a major CRISIS!
Don’t hide your eyes with what I am about to reveal to you… this is real.
Yes, these are how horrible my lips were getting. With Valentine’s right around the corner…it was time to get those babies into kissing condition. I had to have an intervention. ASAP!
The solution?
So here is an at home remedy to exfoliate and condition your smackers with ingredients you have around the house.
Grab some coconut oil, brown sugar, and honey.
Combine 1 tsp. of each.
I added a little almond extract just because the smell makes me happy. 🙂 Mix them until you get a paste-like substance.
Note: I found these little bead containers work perfect for keeping my scrub in the fridge.
To exfoliate, simply apply and rub into your lips for at least 30 seconds… no need to wipe off with a wet cloth- just lick it! Remember, to give your lips plenty of moisture after exfoliating. See the next recipe below.
I continued to scrub every other day and applied a little treatment constantly on my lips to lock in the moisture and help my lips heal.
And what did I use? Coconut Oil of course!
We all know how fabulous it is (why? check this post out here) so, I combined some of that and vitamin E oil and applied directly after the scrub. Realizing that the oil wasn’t staying on my lips for very long, I added some beeswax to the recipe to create a balm. I have to confess that I didn’t have beeswax on hand at the time so, I used some of my Burt’s Bees Chap Stick in the meantime. Worked like a charm! So to combine them, heat up the coconut oil and beeswax and combine that with a dash of vitamin E oil and you have just created a balm for your lips!
Note: If you want your lip balm to set up more, add more beeswax and less oil. Just putting it in the fridge doesn’t work. I tried that and it still stays pretty oily.
Now the fun part. I was curious about adding color. So, I grabbed some fruit.
And it turns out that they add pretty colors to your balm! After washing them, heat each one in a small bowl in the microwave for like 5 to 10- seconds. It doesn’t take much for them to soften up. I found that the blackberries, pomegranate, and raspberries did better if I mashed it in a strainer and let the juice drip out.
I added it to the oil and beeswax mixtures and let them set.
But wait that is not all! Before I was completely done, it occurred to me that my favorite lip balms have YUMMY flavors. So, I pulled out some different flavor extracts that I thought may go well with the coconut oil. Strawberry, peppermint, and almond were my favorites and maybe my husband’s favorites too! 😉
Then I store them in the fridge and you have your edible lip treatment on hand.
Which by the way, after five days, my lips are on the road to recovery.

Stephanie says
Healthy, natural, hydrating, restorative and yummy too!? This one’s a win all across the board. I’ll definitely be trying my own lip scrub and balms. Fun!
Heather Lynne says
Fabulous post, Cristi! I totally have this problem in the winter. Also? Gorgeous photos! I kept getting distracted by your pretty dishes! haha 😉 Now I really need coconut oil :/
Cristi Dame says
Thanks! Coconut oil is a must have!!
Missy says
WoW – what a difference! I LOVE that first photo of you, though.. 🙂
These look like fun – I have some burt’s bees chapstick that seems a bit dry – I never would’ve thought to add some coconut oil to it…genius!
Cristi Dame says
Perfect combo for your lips! But I am sure they are nowhere near the condition as mine were!
Rachel says
Um, this is genius. I have SUCH a bad problem with cracked lips. I will seriously be forever grateful for you sharing this.
Ashley says
This is the cutest idea cristi. My girls lips r so dry too. This is going to b a fun activity to do with them. They r going to love it. Thanks a bunch.
A.Michelle says
This is so cool! I cannot wait to try it. Thanks so much for sharing!
Kristi says
I love this and can’t wait to try it myself! I featured it on my blog today:
Meghan says
What brand of vitamin e oil do you use? Thanks!
Cristi Dame says
I am not really sure what brands are good as far as vitamin e goes to be honest with you- but the one I used for this postwas called Spring Valley. The store I checked had a limited selection and it was all they had as far as liquid vitamin e goes.
Darlene says
Wooo! I love this! It has all of my favorite ingredients!
Caitlin says
Where do you purchase the coconut oil??
cristi says
I think I got my big tub at Costco- but any health food store sells it I am pretty sure.
Becky says
So what “color” did you put on? Cause I LOVE the color!
cristi says
I actually didn’t have a color on my lips- However, I had just barely scrubbed them minutes before taking the photo so they were nice and rosy at the time!
Becky says
Wow! You’ve got a great color of lips then!
Jessica says
I love this!!! I’m actually planning to make these for my son’s teachers for a sweet little Valentine’s Day gift. Question about the beeswax – where and what kind do you use? The only thing I can find locally is at a craft store and says its for candle making. Is this safe to use for the balm? Thanks!!
cristi says
As far as I know that candle beeswax found at craft stores will work just fine.
You could also try looking at a health food store or online. Amazon sells it I know for sure.
Julie says
My husband is allergic to coconut. Do you have any substitution suggestions for the coconut oil?
cristi says
I have heard of people using olive oil, sunflower oil, or cocoa butter?
AUDRA says
Ok this this amazing! I Cant wait to try it…but let me just say that my lips will never look that good, but heres to trying! 🙂
Kim says
Can you use grapeseed oil instead of coconut?
Cristi Dame says
I am not an expert in mixing balms but I don’t see why not? But further research on amounts may be in order?
cami says
you have the most gorgeous eyes i have ever seen oh my god!
Cristi says
Thanks Cami- you made my day! 🙂
K says
This looks cool but did you realize that by eating it you’re also eating your dead skin?
Cristi Dame says
Hmmmm very true… something I didn’t even think about haha! maybe lick your fingers instead?
Laurie says
amazing! plus, you are beautiful!
Tracy says
Where did you get the containers from? They are the perfect size.
cristi dame says
I got these at Hobby Lobby but I bet they have them in any craft store in the beads section!
Jame at Lush Salon and Boutique says
That’s a fabulous idea for DIY and home treatment but just incase you don’t want to DIY and have something to carry with you try Jane Iredales Sugar and Butter. One side is a brown sugar and butter exfoliant and the other side is a lip plumper. It’s amazing! I carry one in almost every single coat pocket in the winter months here in Stowe, VT. 🙂
cristi dame says
MMMM that sounds amazing! I will have to check that out!
Kayley Ann says
they sell this at lush
Oeendree says
Wow! Yummy Yummy! Surely gonna try it! Thanx for sharing!
shyne says
Fabulous 🙂
Manchester Escorts says
This is great! Thank you so much for the advice, my lips feel great after 3 days! I have recommended this to all my girl friends xx
Cristi Dame says
I am so glad to hear that!! I couldn’t believe how easy it was!!
Abby says
OMG I loved that lip scrub!! So awesome!!
Morgan says
This is AMAZING! I Can’t wait to try it!
meital says
This is a great post and a great idea. My lips definitely need this treatment and I love home-and-chemical-free-remedies like this.
Doing it today!
Thanks for sharing:)
Ellie S. says
Love the photography as ever! All the products just look irresistible.
D Al Abdessalaam says
Day 1 of this Edible Sugar Lip Scrub! =D Lips feel softer already *dreamy face*
Lisa says
How long does the scrub and the lip balm last(expiration date)? Do you have to store them in the fridge?
Can’t wait to try this.
Miranda @ Slashed Beauty says
The lip scrub is so simple! I used to use my toothbrush and run it over my lips but sometimes that’s just too harsh. Gotta try your recipes 🙂
samantha says
how long do these last? i have a big problem with chewing and picking at my lips and i spend a lot of money on like carmex and chap stick…i have all the ingredients on hand and think this would be so fun to try. does any of it spoil?
stephanie says
Since the scrub is made out of all natural ingredients, how long does it last in the fridge?
Monica says
Honey is a natural preservative, if that helps! It doesn’t need refrigerating and it never spoils. I know this is years later, I’ve just now seen this recipe and posting. I sure hope you’ve used it all by now! hahaha. Just in the future… Not sure if anyone has thought about using raw sugar instead of brown sugar? It should really exfoliate.
Jessica says
Love it! One question though did you do anything specific to get the colors so of the balm so vibrant?
Carrigan says
I love this!! Do you know of a substitute for coconut oil? I’m allergic to coconut and almond extract… Worst allergies ever.
Natalie says
I love the idea of using fruit as coloring! Although, when I used it with my special lip balm recipe, it kept sinking to the bottom and separating. I used all natural ingredients, but this continued to occur. I was wondering if this ever happened to you or did you stir it in a certain way? Thank you! And these are great recipes! 🙂
Cecilia says
Hi, my friend and I are trying to make this for science at school for a beauty product experiment. We were wondering how do we make the different flavours each a different colour? Did you put dye in the lip scrubs? or does the flavour extract change the colour automatically? Would love to hear back as soon as possible thank you 🙂
Meghan says
I love this idea! My little girls will love making the lip balm! So the scrub has to be refrigerated when you’re not using it?
Alyssa says
how long is the shelf life of the scrub and balms? and are there restrictions in choosing a fruit to be mixed in the balm?
Altonia says
Hi. Is there something else you can use in the place of vitamin e oil?
Kenzi says
What is the shelf life when using fresh fruit!?!?