- Cover story on the Costco Connection, August 2015
- TV appearance on The Meredith Vieira Show, Spring 2015
- MSN.com, January 2012
- MSN.com, December 2011
- LDS Living magazine, 2011
- Featured as one of Babble’s top 50 mom blogs, 2011
- Better Homes and Gardens, March 2011
- Parenting Magazine, July 2011
- Disney, December 2010
- Disney, November 2010
- Disney, November 2010
- Cover story on the Idaho Women’s Journal, September/October 2011
- Good Things Utah, October 2010
Good Things Utah, August 2010
- Idaho Statesman Newspaper, July 2010
- Idaho Statesman Newspaper, June 2010
- Channel 4 Good Things Utah, May 2010
- Idaho Statesman Newspaper, May 2010
- Idaho Statesman Newspaper, March 2010
- TV appearance on Channel 4 Good Things Utah, February 2010
- Idaho Statesman Newspaper, February 2010
- TV appearance on ABC Channel 6, December 2009
- OhDeeDoh (Apartment Therapy)
- Tater Tots and Jello
- U Create
- Sugar doodle
- Tidy Mom
- Whip Up
- Blue Cricket Design
- Somewhat Simple
- Pleasant Home
- The Idea Room
- The Inspired Room
- The Crafty Crow
- Little Birdie Secrets
- Tip Junkie
- Today’s Creative Blog
- A Thrifty Mom
- Discount Queens
- FabuLESSly Frugal
- Dollar Store Crafts
- Amanda’s Crafts
- ISharePrintables
- Infarrently Creative
- Mod Podge Rocks
- Idaho Statesman Mom2Mom blog
If we have missed you please let us know. We are so grateful for your features!