Welcome Idaho Statesman Readers!
Here is the link to all Mother’s Day Ideas!
If you read the paper than you know about the new Idaho Mom & Dads section… it’s wonderful!!!
We need to make sure Brenda and Holly get a raise over at the Statesman!
This is today’s article that can be found on the front of the Life Section in today’s paper!
{{Did we mention how much we love the Idaho Statesman}}
I am so framing this article and giving it to my mother-in-law for mother’s day…her baby in the paper:) She will be so proud!
Philip says
Congratulations!! This is awesome! It is always fun to have some recognition and you gals deserve it!! Keep up the great work!
.-= Philip´s last blog ..A Documentary on Dads =-.
Tammy Moore says
That’s fabulous!! Congrats!
.-= Tammy Moore´s last blog ..It’s HERE! =-.
brenbren says
YEAH! Congrats! That is so exciting for you guys!
.-= brenbren´s last blog ..Bloomers and WINNER! =-.
Sarah Marie says
How exciting! Well you do have some great ideas to share, glad your newpaper picked up on it! And I’m sure local Moms will be grateful too!
.-= Sarah Marie´s last blog ..Tuesday’s Top 6 Splurges =-.
Penny says
Woohoo!! that’s awesome that you made the paper, again! You girls do a great job!