After a month of recuperating from the girls’ first birthday party, here it is….FINALLY. Who knew throwing a twin birthday bash would be so much fun? AND so exhausting?! My husband told me that he learned one thing, and one thing alone from this experience. That he WILL be giving me ‘cash in an envelope’ for my girls’ weddings. 😉 Ha. Men. –I mean really,…how often do twin girls turn ONE? My point exactly…
The Invitations – by CHICKABUG
Birthday Banner –by AtoZebra Celebrations
Ruffled Party Streamers – tutorial hereThe Sweets Table – all dessert labels by CHICKABUG
Tutorial for cupcake centerpiece here.
Thank You’s – Printables by CHICKABUG
Ice Cream Sundae Buffet
Over-the-top GORGEOUS sugar cookies – by Sweetopia
The Experience
The Family
Now I am not claiming to be my party idol, but I was pretty dang pleased with how it turned out. Thanks to so many people who helped me pull this all together.
-My sweet husband, who rolled his eyes far to often, but smiled at the end.
-To all our family and friends who came to love on our sweet girls.
-To Missy for taking the pictures and to my sweet sister who edited all bjillion of them.
–CHICKABUG who designed all of the adorable printable graphics for this custom sweet shoppe theme (which is now available in her shop).
–Sweetopia, who usually does not accept orders, made an exception and created these breath-taking sugar cookies. You can learn how to make the most incredible sugar cookies on her blog. Similar cookies can be ordered through a highly-recommended business on the sidebar of her blog.
–A to Zebra Celebrations who made the custom Sweet Shoppe Banner that is too cute for words. If you need a custom party banner, she is the gal to do it! Check out her custom banners in her shop.
–Eat Drink Chic who gave me the idea for this party. Check out her gorgeous Ice Cream Parlor photo shoot.
–TomKat Studios who continues to provide an ‘eye candy’ of inspiration for all my parties.
-These Clear and White Polka Dot Balloons which just made me happy.
-The adorable pink and white striped party bags that can be found at the Layer Cake Shop.
And lastly Hannah Bannah Boutique for the pink and white headband. I am a dork and had to ‘match’ the party.
*Updated – This party inspired Cassie to create a similar themed Sweet Shoppe themed Birthday for her daughter. You MUST check it out for more Sweet Shoppe inspiration! I love the ‘steamer bar’.
{We’re sharing this adorable party at these great linky parties! Check ’em out!}
Lynn from For Love or Funny says
Now I want to have a SMASH CAKE!!!!
.-= Lynn from For Love or Funny´s last blog ..More Proof that Martians Exist… =-.
Kim says
Adorable! As a mom to twin boys…hubs & I said that their first birthday party was for us, too! After all, getting through that first year with two little ones is a definite need for celebrating! 🙂
.-= Kim´s last blog ..A few of my favorite things =-.
Amber says
Umm wow, really what else can I say, this is a party I could only dream of and I’m 27.
.-= Amber´s last blog ..Planned and prepared =-.
Shelley@DivinePartyConcepts says
It looks absolutely wonderful!! My twin girls just turned three and it goes by so fast! By the way…my husband says the same thing but they just don’t understand 🙂
Nikki says
Shelley, Shelley, Shelley! How adorable! You are so fun, excellent job!
amy says
wow wow wow!! amazing!
Taylor says
Shelley, you are amazing! Those girls are so dang lucky to have a mom and dad like you guys!!! (Noah too 😉
Julie says
I’m thinking of going with the Pinkalicious for my girls 3rd bday and wanted a pink treat table – yours is such an inspiration!
Anna Dowdy says
What awesome memories!!! Just awesome :o)
Kathryn says
WOW – what an amazing party! Happy belated birthday to your beautiful daughters.
.-= Kathryn´s last blog ..Mario Graphic T-Shirt =-.
Jennifer Birkhead says
Just adorable!! Plenty of sugar rushes all round I’m sure 😉 And yes, am very used to husband rolling his eyes 😉
Liz says
What a special thing you did!! You will never regret all the hard work you put into it!! They grow up so fast and they are only one once. Your pictures are as fantastic as the party set up. Thanks for sharing!!
Misty says
LOVE IT! So CUTE!!! Now I am even more excited for my baby girl’s 1 year party…what I want to know is where did you get their cute little smash cakes (I do lots for my photography and I want to know how they did the icing!)? So cute! You are amazing! 🙂
Shelley says
Albertsons! I just showed them a picture of what I wanted them to look like. $4.99 each. Can’t beat that! 🙂
Mira says
Hi Shelley. I am so in love with those smash cakes I want to make a blue version for my Little Man’s first birthday (I even posted on my blog about those gorgeous cakes). Can you please help with the icing? Was it soft/hard? Buttercream/Frosting/Ganache… or something else entirely? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Mira
Shelley says
Ah!! I’ll have to look into it for you. I just brought a picture to Albertsons and they created it. It was soft,…runny,..and then it formed up with that drizzled look. It wasn’t buttercream. Possibly Ganache? I’ll let you know if I find anything else out.
Mira says
Thank you for helping out. Have my first cake trial setting in the fridge as I type this. Used chocolate frosting. Perfect texture but not dark enough. Will try ganache next. Got until October to get it right. Thinking of doing a choc mint flavored cake. Wish me luck and thanks again for the inspiration. Xxx
Carrie Hamm says
wow – can you give us more detail on the cakes – what is a smash cake???
Shelley says
‘Smash Cakes’ are the small cakes ONE YEAR old babies get to ‘SMASH’ into on their first bday. -I think I deserve a ‘Smash Cake’ every year too 😉
Lauren says
Amazing. I have to ask… I see you bought the polka dot balloons, but how did you get the pink ones inside?? So cute.
Shelley says
Just pick out a color of balloon you want on the inside of the clear balloon. Have your party story put one balloon inside of the other. Have them blow up the clear balloon first, then the colored one. Kinda confusing huh?! Here is a youtube video with clearer instructions. -Use Helium of course. Hope this helps!
Diane {} says
Shelly, what a fabulous party! Happy Birthday to your girls 🙂 Love all the pink!
.-= Diane {}´s last blog ..God Bless America- =-.
Nathy says
Beautifulll!!! I love every detail! Thanks for sharing! I have my little one first bday too feel free to check it out!
Happy bday!
.-= Nathy´s last blog ..Diaper =-.
Nancy Pfeifer says
WOW Shelley!!!! MY Goodness!!!! This is seriously incredible!! I LOVE LOVE all the details 🙂 YOU could be a party planner NO PROBLEM :):) Congrats!!! Now- off to share on my blog….yippeeee!!!!
tammy b says
holy cow! no wonder you’re tired, your party looks amazing! with almost 7 yo twin girls myself, i TOTALLY get the importance of that 1st birthday party. kudos to you!
Jennifer Hahsen says
This makes me want to have another baby girl, since mine is a teen and would refuse to have that much pink around, lol. AWESOME job and I love all of it!
Chria @ Celebrations At Home says
This is a GORGEOUS party!! Fantastic job!…and you look adorable with your matching head band ;D
Ann Marie Buckley says
ABSOLUTELY FABULAOUS!!! You totally rocked it out of the park! what lucky babies to have such a talented Mum!!
Leslie says
Love the adorable party! How did you do the pink and white backdrop? Sooo cute!!
kelli says
I LOVE IT ALL!!! Amazing and so fun. your girls are adorable. I love every detail. I love the candy shoppe, the ice cream table. I love their hats, the banner, the invite. oh so cute!! what a great mom you are. it takes a special person to be a mom of twins 😉
.-= kelli´s last blog ..Strawberry Days Carnival =-.
Nickelle says
Shelley ~ Holy Moley… I’m exhausted just by looking(ok drooling)at all the Pictures! ~ What a FuN expierence to share with those CuTee’s ~ You’re a “SweeT” MoM~ :o) Thanks for Sharing!
Lynne says
I totally get it! My twins are turning two years old this weekend. Last year, it was a HUGE bash. We definitely need to celebrate getting through the first year!!! Your party and decorations looked scrumptious. We’re all envious of the great job!!
Tammy @ Not Just Paper and Glue says
This looks like a party right out of a fairy tale book! This is just too stinking cute!!!!
Michelle B says
I am swooning over this beautiful party. Mark my words that your party will be featured on all the party girls website’s. I am thinking Amy Atlas will even feature you! I LOVE everything! Great job! I will look to you for inspiration now too!
Shelley says
Here is hoping! I LOVE AMY ATLAS!
Jennifer says
Oh my goodness! How adorable! I have two boys, but hopefully will have a girl next so I can have this party!! LOVE THE PARTY!! How did you get the pink balloon inside the polka dot balloon? Or is that a silly question and I’m just not thinking??
Shelley says
Pick out the color of balloon you want on the inside of the clear balloon. Have your party story put one balloon inside of the other. Have them blow up the clear balloon first, then the colored one. Kinda confusing huh?! Here is a youtube video with clearer instructions. -Use Helium of course. Hope this helps!
-Most likely your party store won’t have clear polka dot balloons. Use link in the post to buy some. Bring them with you to have them blown up. 🙂
Angie says
Wow! Wonderful job, momma!!! Your kids are so blessed! I wish more than anything we could afford to give our kiddos such wonderful parties!
Heather - Chickabug says
Oh, Shelley! I am blown away by your beautiful photos of Chloe and Sophie’s party! I am just in awe of you, as ALWAYS. It was so much fun to help you with your party – can I sign on now to do the girls’ wedding invitations, or is it too early? ; )
Heather : )
Terri says
Adorable. Beyond. Words. Blessings!!!
.-= Terri´s last blog ..Preparing for a Productive Retreat- =-.
Kim @ The Celebration Shoppe says
So very lovely and the girls are just beautiful. Plus, I can empathize. I just hosted my son’s 4th bday bash (dinosaurs!) and felt the same way… how often will he turn 4! Trust me when I say you will go big every year. 😉
Lora Joy says
OMG sooooo fabulous!!! I love the invitation!!! And everything!!!
Liz@HoosierHomemade says
WOW! I suppose it’s a good thing I have boys 🙂 Cause my hubs would be doing the exact same thing. And I agree, they are only 1 once, and 2 once, and 3 just kidding
.-= Liz@HoosierHomemade´s last blog ..Delicious DishesWeek 5 and a Giveaway =-.
Michelle says
My twins turned 5 this year…time goes by SO fast but we LOVE celebrating each birthday! Beautiful pink-a-licious party!
.-= Michelle´s last blog ..4th of July 2010 =-.
Michelle says
I was wondering if you could do some kind of tute on how to do your cute pink and polka-dotted balloons! I would LOVE to learn how. Or direct me to where you learned?
Shelley says
Pick out a color of balloon you want on the inside of the clear balloon. Have your party store put one balloon inside of the other. Have them blow up the clear balloon first, then the colored one. Kinda confusing huh?! Here is a youtube video with clearer instructions. -Use Helium of course. Hope this helps!
AmberLee says
Shelley! oh my wow. Those little cakes are to die for. Everything is perfect. Esp those sweet baby girls!
.-= AmberLee´s last blog ..Printable Swim Teacher Thank You =-.
Joy says
Everything is so cute! Your little girls are adorable! At least you have a few years before they will be having weddings. I did my two daughters weddings a month apart last year. Lets just say this summer is a little less exciting.
.-= Joy´s last blog ..DIY Picnic Basket =-.
shelly (cookies and cups) says
What a gorgeous party! SO many sweet ideas ~ just perfect!
.-= shelly (cookies and cups)´s last blog ..The Eternal Debate =-.
jamie says
where did you get your girl’s highchairs from? i am in love with them!!!!
Shelley says
Craigslist! Painted and distressed. Easy and cheap! 🙂
Lisa Maheu says
What a beautiful party! Can you give more info on the cupcake looking candle holders….did you make the part that looks like the cupcake wrapper?
Shelley says
Tutorial coming next week! 🙂 With links to that cute ‘cupcake wrapper’ holder.
Danielle from A Few of My Favorite Things says
It doesn’t get much sweeter than this party! As a mama of twin girls who are about to turn two, I know how big of a deal that first birthday is, too. Not only are you celebrating their birth but a year surviving life with twins! Congrats.
.-= Danielle from A Few of My Favorite Things´s last blog ..A Little Update =-.
Keisha - Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams says
Everything looked absolutely adorable. I’m especially fond of those smash cakes!!!
.-= Keisha – Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams´s last blog ..Happy Birthday to Cupcake Wishes -amp Birthday Dreams Blog- =-.
Debbie says
Wow, this party is amazing. I love all the details. My daughters first is in september and I’m planning a sweetshoppe for her aswell. I’m stealing your backdrop idea its just too precious. You are amazing and a true inspiration. Your daughters look so sweet and deserving. Enjoy them. And don’t worry about all the eyerolling, in the end they always love everything you spill your heart into.
Ps the smash cake is adorable! And if you could tell me how you made or who you bought the birthday hat from id be forever greatful. Thanks for sharing.
Shelley says
I just made the birthday hats out of scrapbook paper, flowers, ruffle ribbon, and corkscrew ribbon toppers. We have a simple birthday hat tutorial here.
Keisha says
The party look amazing! Where did you find those beautiful high chairs for your girls????
Shelley says
I found wood highchairs on craigslist. I simply painted them white and distressed them. $50 total for both! Whoo hoo!
Luvenia Sims says
do you still have the high chairs and if so do you want to sale them? i just have twin daughters and they will be one in five months..
Yarah says
Amazing! Every detail is simply perfection!
Trina says
Absolutely adorable. What did you use as the pink and white background where you hung the banner. I am hosting a baby shower and love the look. The wall I am setting the dessert table up against is burgandy and I need to cover it somehow.
Shelley says
Just sewn paper streamers. I have a link to the tutorial in the post. -Send us pictures!! 🙂
Cathy says
Holy cow – that’s insane!!! Way to go girl!!
.-= Cathy´s last blog ..You CAN Coupon- =-.
Leslie says
What an amazing party!! I am wondering how I can create something similar for my boys!! Loved it all!!
Rebecca says
Wow!! This party is fan-tabulous!!! All of the details are outstanding! So creative…just beautiful! Great job (:
Crystal says
You did an AMAZING job on this party. So many details. Everything just looks delish! Beautiful twin girls! and you are not a dork for wanting to match the party! I think every mom wants to “match” the party even if its someone else. Always looks good in the pictures :-;
Flavia says
FABULOUS party!!! I am working on my second daughter’s first birthday which is an Ice Cream Parlor theme inspired by Eat Drink Chic and now I am beyond inspired with many more ideas. Thank you, you did an amazing job and congratulations on being a mom of twins 🙂
Would love to know about your smash cake and the cupcake flower as well.
Thanks and enjoy, they are so much fun from this age on too.
Natalie Johnson says
Natalie Johnson says
WOW! Shelley– this is incredible! –Definitely a party worthy of your adorable little ladies!
polwig says
Absolutely beautiful. You are so lucky to have same sex twins at least you can do a pink party. I have 2 year old boy/girl twins and I forsee bday party issues in the future. Mine also had their own cakes on 1st day but were too scared of the bright colors. Therefore for 2nd bday I opted for cupcakes. I can’t wait to see what you do for their 2nd.
.-= polwig´s last blog ..Toddler Friendly Chinese Chicken =-.
Kristy ~ Posh Pixels Design Studio says
Omgosh, WOW! Truly stunning, Shelley! It’s SOOO gorgeous! You girls are too cute!! Those blue eyes are killing me! 🙂
.-= Kristy ~ Posh Pixels Design Studio´s last blog ..sneak peek – mackenzie’s alice in wonderland party =-.
Linda V says
This is really completely adorable. The cookies are amazing, decorations gorgeous, smash cakes the best and the twins are too sweet for words. Love it.
.-= Linda V´s last blog ..Little Red Bird Cake Pops =-.
Andrea says
Shelley you are amazing! Everything looks so professional and perfect. I love the jars of candy for favors. Your girls are very cute.
thanks for sharing. I get so many great ideas and inspiration from How Does She.
.-= Andrea´s last blog ..Homemade Dog Biscuitsand cooking with your kids =-.
Lori says
I have been searching the internet for insipiration for my daughter’s “pink party” and had not found much. Then I clicked on my TomKat link and voila! Love it! I was wanting pink with a slight vintage look & this is perfect. Any other ideas on using the ruffled crepe? Also, do you have instructions on making it? I’m trying to be conservative, my husband has “suggested” a budget on this party (OMG). He thinks I’m party crazy. Hey, like you said they’re only 1,2,3, once in there lifetime!!! Thanks for the inspiration:)
Shelley says
The streamers are super easy and cheap! 🙂 Just the way our men like it! 😉 -Send pictures our way!
Melissa says
It’s absolutely beautiful!!
When my twins turned one we had a “Survivor” themed party.. as in “we survived the first year with twins!!”
.-= Melissa´s last blog ..New Tutorial- His -amp Hers Baby Quilts =-.
Omae says
So adorable! Beautiful girls. My favorite party thing is the pink n clear baloons! And the pictures really make the entire party perfect. Can I share the pictures on my gift n party blog ?
.-= Omae´s last blog ..Baby Buy- =-.
Shelley says
Of course! If you would please link back we’d appreciate it. Thanks! 🙂
Omae says
i’ll def link back. and if you have a “button” i’d add that to my blog for sure. and meant to say before, it’s great that u let the girls get messy with their cakes!
.-= Omae´s last blog ..Ooh La La- =-.
Carla says
Absolutely adorable, and incredibly creative.
Heather - Dollar Store Crafts says
Amazing birthday party! I’m linking up tomorrow at Dollar Store Crafts:
.-= Heather – Dollar Store Crafts´s last blog ..Make Food Face Plates =-.
Charmaine says
What a fun party…I want to do this for my own birthday in September and I am very far from being 1!
.-= Charmaine´s last blog ..Baby Shower Gift… =-.
Tracey says
This is lovely. Looks like you were inspired by the Eat Drink Chic Party posted a few months ago. Pretty.
Shelley says
YES!! I WAS! 🙂 I love LOVED her Ice Cream table.
Sarah says
I LOVE this! Your babies are so cute! My little girl will be celebrating her first birthday in September and I really want to do a candy shoppe theme as well. Where did you get all your candy?
Also, where did you get their cute tights and dresses?! I LOVE them too! 🙂
Happy Birthday to your sweet little girls!
Shelley says
I got a lot of the candy online. And kept my eyes open for pink candy everywhere I went! 😉 The dresses, macys,…and the leggings,… Hope that helps! 🙂
Cassie says
Shelley, what candy websites did you use?
.-= Cassie´s last blog ..10 Months =-.
Jo Shabo says
I have a shout out to you guys on my blog… for the baby shower I just did recently! 🙂 Thanks again!!
.-= Jo Shabo´s last blog ..April Showers Bring May Flowers and a BABY BOY TOO- =-.
Erika says
Those smash cakes are adorable! Did you make them yourself?
Shelley says
Albertsons! 4.99. -Can’t beat it! 🙂 I just took them a picture.
Roxie says
I came across this site today and I have decided that THIS is death by cute! I am soooo linking to this on my new blog! I believe that I just found my daughter’s birthday theme! I’m so happy to see that other people believe in smash cakes! Those are the cutest ones I’ve EVER seen! I love it here!
Sidenote: How did you possibly think of that much pink candy..I need a list…I was just sitting here thinking..and I can’t think of
.-= Roxie´s last blog ..Under constructionwatch the wet paint- =-.
TAylor says
Completely amazing! I have boy girl twins so party planing for them is not nearly as fun as something this girly!
ashlee says
I love planning parties for my kids. My husband thinks I go overboard. But I told him he should check out the other amazing bloggers parties! This one is SO cute and very well done! I’d love for you to come to my link party, if you have the time!
Pink Party Girl says
Too PINK and too cute for words!!!…it’s eye candy that has definitely made my tummy hurt! 😀 (Just Kidding!)
And no wonder it took you a month to recuperate…geez, that’s alotta work, but def worth it!
.-= Pink Party Girl´s last blog ..Party Favors as a Centerpiece =-.
April says
This party is absolutely adorable!! My little Ava will be turning one in a month and this is such an inspiration! I started on the ruffled streamers tonight-I have a large wall to cover-how realistic is this? How long did it take you to make all of those?? Also, how did you get them to lay so flat against the wall? I would love any advice! Thanks for all the amazing ideas!!
EverydaySoirees says
I have to know…how in the world did you get the pink balloons inside the polka dot balloons?
Shelley says
Bring the clear balloons to your party store and ask them to blow a colored one up inside. I linked a you tube video too. 🙂
Daisy says
Gorgeous….Gorgeous….Gorgeous!!! This Pink Sweet Shoppe Party is Fantastic!! I am in love with it. Those cakes are so Cute! I am going to feature your twins party on my blog…hope that’s alright.
.-= Daisy´s last blog ..Little Cottage =-.
Katherine marie says
Pure party PERFECTION!!!!! I can’t believe those mini cakes were only 4.99! Are you already planning the next bash? I can just imagine their sweet sixteen!!
Bird says
One of the prettiest and most amazing parties I’ve seen in a looooong time!!!
I’m so sharing this over FB!! 🙂
.-= Bird´s last blog ..NEW GIVEAWAY- Cole Baby Tutu!! plus last weeks giveaway winners =-.
kara's party ideas says
this party is amazing! great job! i’m kara, admin of kara’s party ideas. i would love to feature this party on my site, if that’s ok? 🙂 let me know! thanks!
Shelley says
Of course! 🙂 Thanks for asking. 🙂
TidyMom says
Shelley this is FABULOUS!!!! you did an outstanding job! every single detail is PERFECT!!
.-= TidyMom´s last blog ..Im Lovin It – My new baby! =-.
Omae says
Hi, which photo tool do you use to make the photo collage? And any special technique to get the pictures so dreamy? thanks
.-= Omae´s last blog ..Darling Details! =-.
Sherrie says
What a fabulous party! Everything is just gorgeous (including the birthday girls). TFS
Caroline says
Where did u get the pink stripe treat bags?
Shelley says
The Layer Cake Shop online. I’ll add a link in my post! 🙂 Thanks for the reminder.
Shannon says
Love it all! I’m starting to plan my daughter’s first birthday party and will be using yours for inspiration! Love the pink and white striped bags…where did you find them?
Shelley says
The Layer Cake Shop online I’ll add a link in my post! 🙂 Thanks for the reminder.
Jackiefo says
Absolutely precious! And so are your twins!
.-= Jackiefo´s last blog ..Fabulous-ness from around the web =-.
mindy says
I noticed cherry covered pretzels in your beautiful pictures….where o where did you get them??…make them???
I’m planning a baby shower for by daughter and I would love to have them!!
Shelley says
Do you live near a WINCO? They were in the bulk section there. They are sooo delicious! I think winco has them in about 5 flavor? Winco is in Washington, Idaho, Nevada, California, and Oregon {I think}. -Hope that helps. You might be able to find them online as well?
Pamela Stansberry says
First and Foremost …..I should have gone to bed 3 hours ago:) (I’m babysitting my twin granddaughters overnight), but more importantly, I just love your blog!!! You three girls are so darn cute!!Keep up the great work!
PS One tiny question-how can I make the advertisement that pops up on the bottom of the screen disappear?? It is distracting, and I have already signed up for your email
Alison says
We are trying to get that fixed! Our web guy is working on it because we think the same thing!
alyssa says
Where did you find those adorable candy treat bags? I’m having a Candyland party for my son and have been looking everywhere! Thanks!!
Shelley says
The link is at the very bottom of the post. 🙂 I’d love to see pictures! -Send them our way!
Ebony says
Absolutely FANTASTIC! I’m doing a Sweet Shoppe for my daughter as well and saw the Eat, Chic Drink photoshoot. I like you loved everything about it. You did a fantastic job! Love those SMASH cakes! I’m subscribing now!
Stacey N. says
You did a great job! The husbands will never understand what we would go through for our kids!
I knew those cookies looked like the work of The Sweet Shoppe. She’s amazing!
I’m sure your girls had the best time!
.-= Stacey N.´s last blog ..City Life Field Trip – Phantom Of The Opera =-.
Kelly D says
This is sooo cute! What lucky twins:) I love your cupcake centerpiece
Dawn (KitchenTravels) says
Beautiful party. I’m a mom to identical twin girls who turned 5 this year, plus a 9-year-old boy. It’s a crazy, wonderful thing to mother multiples, isn’t it? I pulled together a homemade dessert table for my twins’ recent birthday, but unfortunately, I wasn’t aware of all the great resources out there for printables, etc., until after the party. Now that I’m in the know, I’m not sure if that’s a good thing… or a dangerous thing! 😉 Even planning a modest dessert table took a lot of time, so my hat is off to you on what I can only imagine was a huge labor of love. Well done – it’s lovely!
If you like, you can see some pics of my twins’ dessert table/party here:
Thanks for sharing all the great ideas and photos. 🙂
.-= Dawn (KitchenTravels)´s last blog ..Berry Cobbler =-.
Shir says
you’re so incredibly talented!!!
the pictures are inspirefull and creative and I just love them!!
your twins are so cute!!!!
April says
This party was amazing!! I love everything about it. I am working on ruffled streamers for my daughters first birthday party that is 2 weeks away. I read the tutorial on how to make the ruffled streamers but how did you get them to lay so flat against the wall?? Thanks for the wonderful inspiration!!
Shelley says
I taped them to the wall. 🙂
Tracy says
I love the sweet shop party and your blog! You did such a great job! I am planning my little girls 4th birthday (Pinkalicious) and my daughters 1st and plan to do a sweet shop as well. Where did you get the adorable outfits for the girls? The lace leggings are so cute. Also, did you have to sand the high chairs before you painted them white?
Thanks for sharing!
Shelley says
The twins outfits came from Macy’s. I didn’t sand the highchairs first, just painted right over them. You can take a peek at our recent refinishing post for other tips. -Hope that helps. 🙂
Toni says
I love everything about this party. All the little details are so cute. Would you mind telling me where you got the pink pretzels from?
Shelley says
Winco. In the bulk section. I am sure you can find them online as well. 🙂
Amy @ Blowout Party! says
What a beautiful family and stunning party! I LOVE that backdrop! Thanks for posting the tutorial!
.-= Amy @ Blowout Party!´s last blog ..Decorated Summer Cookies =-.
Kristen Raleigh says
oh WOW! Shelley you are amazing! This makes me want to throw my own little sweet shoppe party, just for kicks!
Summer says
I know everyone has already said this but WOW!!!! I can’t imagine the hours spent but it was well worth it I’m sure! You have outdone yourself. I’m trying to track down some good candy sites to order from for my son’s 1st birthday bash coming up. Any favorites that you could recommend?
P.S. Love this site…I’m officially addicted!
Sue says
OMG is all I can say!!!! You are an amazing party planner! I have never seen anything like that, what a little girls dream party. I love the sweet shoppe theme, I never would have thought of that. Your family is beautiful and your little girls are so lucky to have such a talented mommy 🙂 Enjoy those gorgeous babies!
Melissa Hemming says
What an awesome party. My daughter would have loved it. Pink, pink, and more pink.
jamie says
what size would you say the cakes were? they seem like the perfect size. i called my bakery to make me a smash cake and they said they do them where they are around 6″. that seems tiny!!
thank you!!
[email protected]
.-= jamie´s last blog ..trying out his new shoes =-.
Heather Bro says
that’s so adorable. Where can I get balloons like that?
rosemary says
This is so beautiful. Would you please tell me where you got the label pattern from? You personalized each label. I want to know where it’s from and if I can use it to personalize my own message on them.
Shelley says
I got them from She is fabulous to work with and will customize each label. 🙂 Send pictures our way! 🙂
Rosemary says
I went to the site, but I didn’t see the specific card labels you used to label the toppings, treats, etc. The cards have a nice pink design around the text. Are these from the site you said?
Shelley says
You are right! She must have sold out her inventory. I am sure she would be more than happy to put up a listing for you (it is usually in her shop). Just contact her and let her know what you are after and she will treat you right. 😉 You can also contact her directly at [email protected].
jamie says
i love the paper tissue idea but i can not find anywhere to do it for me. how did you do it? i dont have my own sewing machine but every place i call tells me they cant do it. please help! what do i ask for? what setting do they need to set their machine to?
thank you!
.-= jamie´s last blog finds =-.
Shelley says
Don’t have someone else do it for you! You can totally do it. Borrow a sewing machine and get to work! 😉 Good Luck and let us know how it turns out! 🙂
Debbie says
I LOVE EVERYTHING!!! im drooling just looking at the photos! I just wanted to know where you got that swirly pop??? You are a true inspiration!!
alysa says
Beautiful Party. I would love to know the color of white that you painted the high chairs.
alysa says
I would love to know the color of white paint that you used to painted the girls highchairs. Thanks
Shelley says
Crap. I don’t know 🙁 It was just a pretty basic white. Sorry.
Melanie says
I really want to do the streamers for my daughter’s birthday…how did you hang them?
Shelley says
I just used packaging tape on the back. I’m sure you could use tacks or staples (shhhh,…don’t tell hubby) at the very top?
Leila says
This is a beautiful birthday party! I wondered if you also created your amazing party hats?
Rosa says
hi there,
i have 2 weeks left in planning my daugthers bday party, you are sooo talented, i love all your ideas..perfection!
would love to know where you got the party hats???
Shelley says
I made there party hats. Super Duper easy. 🙂 Here is a link.
Kristin Bolling says
Girl! What a party! I have a set of twins too (only boy-girl). They’re first birthday was in March of 2010. I started planning it New Year’s Eve night and by February, my entire body broke out in hives. I had no time during the day to plan and I am a party perfectionist, so I would put them to bed at 7:30 pm and my older son at 8:30 pm, then my husband at 9:30 pm and I would stay up until 2 am for almost 2.5 months straight to then wake up at 5:00 am to work out. Needless to say, I was so happy to see that party come and go…. sad to say. I’d love to share pictures if you have an email address. LOVED the photos of them mashing their cake. You did an EXCELLENT job. I wonder what birthday number two will be???? I already have my plans in place. YIKES.
darcy says
where did you get their adorable pink outfits?
Shelley says
Macy’s. 🙂 I LOVE Macy’s.
darcy says
so so cute!!
where did you get their adorable outfits?
Maggie Craven says
How did you get the pink balloons blown up inside the clear polka dot balloon?? They party looks amazing!
Shelley says
just follow the you tube link and it will show you how. 🙂 Or just ask your local balloon place to do it. 🙂
jenleahlynn says
my triplet girls are celebrating their 8th birthday this week and we are planning a bakery party, love the lables on your sunday bar and the cupcake flowers. since this is a party for 2nd graders, we are planning to let the girls and their freinds decorate their own cupcakes.
Momof4chickadees says
I love your party photos and ideas. I am getting ready to plan our twins 1st birthday party. Where did you get the high chairs?
Shelley says
I found them on craigslist and painted them white. 🙂
Cassie says
Shelley, I used your party as complete inspiration for my little girl’s 1st birthday. I did a post about it, and hope that I gave you enough credit for the ideas.
Shelley says
Are. You. Kidding. Me?! This just made me smile sooo much. I love all the details!!!! Thank you so much for sharing this link. I am going to add it to the bottom of my post for more inspiration. 🙂 -Shelley 🙂
Sara says
I LOVE the cakes for the girls! Simply adorable. I’m curious if you made them? If so..what is the pink topping made of?? Do you share recipes?
Shelley says
I got them at albertsons for 4.99! 🙂 Can’t beat it. I just brought them a picture.
Summer says
You are my kinda gal! I love all the ways you were able to be thrifty with this party…gives us a little room to splurge for the “have-to-have” things, haha!
I’m using the streamers idea for a baby shower coming up this month and was wondering how many rolls did it take for the space you covered? I am planning to hang a rag garland over top. 🙂
fitness girl says
Such an adorable post……
Sweet little twin babies…..
This is the party I wantd for my soon to be baby….
Nea says
goodness! you threw a cute party. I have triplets and need to find ideas for their 1st birthday.
CCummings says
Hi Shelley, you did an absolute amazing job for this party. I have been looking for ideas for my daughters first birthday and I have stumbled across some ideas here and there but nothing that was absolutely perfect, like this!
I was wondering how you managed the ice cream sundae bar? Did you keep the ice cream on ice, or did you just have some serve it at a certain time?
I love every aspect and every DETAIL!! I am already planning away!
Shelley says
Awww. Thank you so much. Comments like this make my day. —I had everything out for the icecream bar EXCEPT the icecream. I pulled that out last minute. Please PLEASE send me your pictures. I’d love to see them! 🙂 [email protected]
Eileen May says
I was wondering how did you get a double balloon? I love the decorations:)
Shelley says
In the comments I left a you tube video. 🙂 Just explain that to your party store and you should be good to go! 🙂 Have fun!
Shelley says
Just bring the two balloons to your party store. There is a how to link in the comments if you’d like to see a you tube video. 🙂 Enjoy.
Jenn says
Love your ideas and theme for your girls party last year. I came across your web page hoping for inspiration for my twin boys 1st birthday this July. Funny they nearly share a birthday with your twins- mine were born July 8th.
Thanks for re-inspiring the creativity which has been dormant since I was pregnant. 🙂
I would love to hear if you ever thought of any boy themes off chance…..
Charisma says
I am planning my daughter’s 1st birthday and would love to know how you got the pink balloons to go into the clear ones. I absolutely adore this idea and think they would go perfectly with the theme for her birthday. Thank you so much for your help and for posting these pictures for inspiration!
Katy Lunsford says
What lucky girls! This is Awesome!
Becky says
Wow, this is incredibly impressive. As a marketer and promoter you have outdone much of what I’ve seen major companies pay for in the way of event theming and execution. I stumbled upon your blog while looking for birthday ideas for my daughter’s first bday party. My question is where in the world did you get Sophie and Chloe’s darling outfits? My Sophie absolutely needs that cute little outfit for her big day. Bravo to you, supermom. Great party.
Shelley says
Awww. Your sweet comment was truly the ultimate compliment. Thank you for saying it. 🙂 Made my day. ==I bought their outfits from Macy’s on clearance about two years ago. 🙁 Probably not much help now huh?! 😉
Jillian says
These are such great ideas!! I’m trying to duplicate it for my daughter’s party!! What material is the pink and white striped ribbon for the cupcake centerpeices?? It looks like such a nice stiff ribbon? Not a grosgrain, right?
Shelley says
It wasn’t grosgrain. I think I got it from Hobby Lobby? Hope that helps. 🙂
brandy says
i was just wondering where u got all the containers to hold the candy. they are really cute! i love all the different shapes and sizes.
Shelley says
Everywhere! Dollar store, old jars, apothocary jars came from hobby lobby. Just look for cool glass canisters and you’ll find them 🙂 Hope that helps.
Kendra says
Most beautiful party ever!!!! I have twin boy/girl and planning their 1st party in August. I love everything about your party. Im trying to add some blue to mine for my twin boy. Do you know what size are the smash cakes? Absolutely gorgeous!!!!And yes, how often do they turn 1?? LOVE IT…
Kendra says
LOVE IT!!!!! Gorgeous everything…I have boy/girl twins and in the middle of planning their 1st party. Do you know what size the smash cakes are??
Shelley says
I just got them at albertsons. They were single sized cakes for $5. 🙂
Girls birthday party says
Your both babies are so cute and lovely. i liked you post so much and you birthday’s pics also. its so lovely…
Girls birthday party says
Your both babies are so cute and lovely. i liked your post so much and your birthday’s pics also. its so lovely…
NYC Birthday Ideas says
Wow, now I want a Sweet Shoppe party! Great job, and love the pictures. Keep up the fantastic work!
jazz says
I was wondering where you found the lace leggings the girls are wearing??? Way too cute!
Shelley says 🙂
Sophie says
That is SO cute!!
patti says
Very adaorable… where did you get the lace tights your girls are wearing? I would love to get some for my daughter.
Shelley says
I got them here: -You can also find them on etsy. 🙂
Sarah says
When you hang the party streamers, how exactly do you hang them? Tape? And how do you hide the top where you taped them to the wall/ceiling?
Thank you!! Pics are beautiful!
Shelley says
I did tape them individually, but you could sew them across all the way along the top (much easier!!). I had a ledge I hung them from. Hope this helps. 🙂
jules says
my twin girls are turning one in may and i am non-stop looking for ideas for their theme. thanks so much for such great inspiration here 🙂
Sharon says
Wonderful party! Where did you find the adorable outfits & especially lace tights the girls are wearing?
Pls. reply. Thanks!
Kristen Catrina says
Thanks for the inspiration. Just had my daughters 1st birthday and I think it turned out great! A scaled down version of yours, but perfect for us and our home!
Melissa @ Best Friends For Frosting says
I especially love the smash cakes. You are one heck of a party planner. Marian always does the cutest cookies. I think she needs to open a shop. Happy birthday twins! =)
Angela says
This is so great! Can you tell me what brand the girls dresses are?
stephanie says
where did u get ur high chairs??
Irene says
You did an amazing job, this is absolutely stunning! Go mommy! My daughter is 14 months now and I couldn’t do anything quite like that.
Sara says
I LOVE the cake! Did you make them? I love the drizzling chocolate idea! If you made it please pass me some hints bc I’d like to do something like that for my daughter’s 1st bday
Holly says
What website did you use to order the candy? Every website I have found sells the candy in large bulk. I am planning my daughter’s 1st bday party in mid Jan and using your Sweet shoppe party as my inspiration!! Thanks so much!!
Shelley says
So Fun!! I used for some. What candy are you looking for specifically? Drop me an email 🙂 [email protected]
Jennifer says
What size were the polka dot balloons? And how long did the balloons float?
Alissa says
LOVE everything you did for this party! My twin girls are turning one in March and I want to use all of your ideas. I love that centerpiece you made of the cupcake with candle…where did you find that large cupcake holder and what is the white stuff you used for the top? Thank you for the great ideas!
Alissa says
oops! just saw your tutorial..thanks!
Ashley McGough says
What did you put the lollipops in to get the to stand up?
Shelley says
styrofoam 🙂
rose says
I love what you did and I can attest to how much work it is. LOL I am a party planner who does alot on m own hands on making of things. you did a Great job and I bet everyone is wanting to know more. Thank you for sharing your work .
kids party places brooklyn ny says
I’m totally in love with every detail of this theme! And what’s a first birthday party without a cake smash? The girls look so messy yet still adorable!
Carla webber says
Where did you get the zig zag flower pot? I’m trying to find a light pink one like he ones in your cute girls birthday party.
Michelle says
I had to comment because I have 2 year old twin girls named Chloe and Sophie. And when I googled “Twin Girl Party ideas” and found this page I nearly fell off my chair. What are the chances of finding party ideas that include the same twin girl names. Good choice on the names by the way 🙂
sewfor says
This is so great! Can you tell me what brand the girls dresses are?
Nha Phong