See bottom of post.
{Oh ya and the only thing that’s true on the 5 facts is #5 and I do like my Super Hero Power!}. Help me think of a way to get Missy back! {insert my evil laugh here}
How Does She turn a lamp from DRAB to FAB?
Who better to answer this question than our one and only, Alison! Let’s get better acquainted with the 2×4 master…
Five Fun Facts:
1. I dream in Spanish.
2. I once had a pet newt but it escaped and 1 year later I found it dried up in my heating vent.
3. I have never had a late fee for anything.
4. I can burp the alphabet.
5. I am obsessed with like numbers.
Super Hero Power wished for:
The ability to turn any store into a Barnes and Noble.
On with the tutorial!
“I was cruising (that is what you do when you have two toddlers) through Wal Mart one day (I LOVE to shop) when I saw this ‘boring’ lamp. I thought to myself (or maybe said outloud), “I can FAB this up on the cheap!” So I bought it for like 5 bucks.
Let me show you what I did in 5 easy steps, I am a genius…really!
1. Remove the shade
2. Cut a piece of ribbon to be the same size as the height of the shade with just a little extra to wrap to the inside (just eyeball it, I never measure anything).
3. Get out your trusty hot glue gun and glue each end of the ribbon to the top and bottom inside of the shade. (Be sure not to have too much ribbon on the inside or it will become a fire hazard.)
4. On some of them, use 2 pieces of ribbon and make a tie on the outside to give it some dimension.
Like so.
5. Repeat.
I know, FAB right?
What can I say, I am good.
What else can I say, I am really good.
You like that?
And you thought I was only good with wood and saws!
Thanks for the opportunity to be featured on HowDoesShe! In my wildest dreams I never thought I would be worthy of such an honor. You are the best, Missy. I owe you my first born son. NOT Annie, Missy.”
Thanks, Alison for answering the question, “How Does She turn a boring (what were you thinking) lamp from DRAB to FAB?”
. PS .
I have a confession: It is 1:00 in the morning and I am supposed to have a post ready by 6:00am. The post I thought I was going to do bombed so lucky for me I edit all the pictures on How Does She and therefore have access to all pictures and therefore…who says therefore anymore? Let me stop my 1 am rambling and get to the point – these are Alison’s pictures and I am totally stealing using them, but I am featuring her and pretending to be her, so she won’t mind right? (insert evil laugh here.)
Alison, I owe you a post.
Alison says
Oh one more thing. I did this with my daughters. It looks fun in their room.
Lisa Anne says
Oh I love it. I love Walmart, especially since I live walking distance from one. LOL Who would have thunk ribbon, hot glue gun and a lamp shade could produce something so fab! Great job!!
.-= Lisa Anne´s last blog ..Summer MUST have =-.
Jennifer says
if you makes you feel any better I use “therefore” all the time!! And therefore, we are cool!! LOVE the lamp btw!
Missy says
Thank you. I do feel better!
Shelley says
Oh this is great. Love that you used Alison’s pictures! 🙂
Philip @ RAOP says
You three make me laugh. Wish I had someone to steal a post from at 1am! Cute lamp and idea. I am sure my girls would love it. Oh, I am part of the therefor club as well. Tis a fun word. 🙂
.-= Philip @ RAOP´s last blog ..The Baby Commercial Trend =-.
Cathy says
You girls totally crack me up! I can relate to the 1am sillys!
.-= Cathy´s last blog ..Fabuless Yard Sale Listings 6/18-6/20 =-.
Mindy says
That fun fact about the newt escaping and drying up on the heating vent only to be found (days…not a year) later is MY fun fact. You thief! PS staying up past 11pm does not become you. Leave the late nights to me. Love you.
Green Gracie Home says
Love it! Too cute.
.-= Green Gracie Home´s last blog ..Welcome Wednesday =-.
Alice says
That does look for for a kids bedroom. I love my altered lamp shades. Everyone could do this in their on decor preference because it is so easy. Love the laugh.
Kay says
Love the lamp, love the word “therefore”, and what the heck is a newt?
Missy says
It’s a lizardish frogish fishish thing that lives in a tank if it is your pet. They are kinda cute it you like that sort of thing, but sneaky little rascals:)
Sarah H says
I can top that. My sister had a corn snake that escaped after she moved out of my parents’ house, we couldn’t find it anywhere. 6 weeks later I went into he room to look for a missing jacket she’d borrowed, and I threw it in the wash. When I opened the washer at the end of the cycle, the snake struck at me. It had been in my jacket and gone through the wash cycle. It died a week later.
stacy says
I love the lampshade and love the past 1 am lingo even better! Your blog keeps me interested and very entertained! You three are all so talented!
kimberly says
I love this. So simple and cute! Will have to try it out.
.-= kimberly´s last blog ..How to Stretch a Shirt – Project 7 for your sister =-.