Organization provides Sanity… don’t you think??
However it doesn’t always come naturally- sometimes we have to work hard for it!
Last Fall, my daughter started Junior Kindergarten and there is one small thing that I did that made a HUGE difference in our lives, for the better!! Today I want to share it with you- perhaps it will help you as you prepare to send your kids back to school this year!
This is the small thing: I made a schedule.
A very simple, morning routine schedule:
I started by deciding what the basic things were that we needed to accomplish in the morning before she went to school and made a little list. Then I decided what order to put them in (but they didn’t always happen in order- as long as they got done, I was happy!)
Then I opened Photoshop (you don’t need Photoshop to do this- you just need a basic program that lets you draw lines!) and made some lines.
For my kindergartener, I wanted more than words- I needed pictures for her to “read”. You can find great pictures for this purpose on this website. Another way that I find photos I need is by googling for icons or coloring pages because I can print them in black & white.
Here are some examples of what you can find on the website I linked to above:
When you’re happy with your chart (with minimal words & pictures your child will understand), print it.
I laminated mine which made it last really well. Then I put it on the hall wall with rolled painters tape (so it wouldn’t take any paint off the wall).
It stayed there all school year.
I loved that she always knew what was expected of her.
By the end of the year, we didn’t really need the chart, but it was a good reminder.
And I was really happy because we were so good at remembering to pray together & read scriptures before the day got away from us! (at least on school days) because that was a big goal of mine.
There’snothing too earth shattering about this idea, but it works magic! 😉 I know there are a lot of ways to keep track of & display family routines- what are some ways you have done this, that work in your family? I love seeing the creative things you come up with!!
Come see me over at Raising Memories sometime- Lately I’ve been posting some fun treats & games from a school-themed shower I threw for my sister who’s marrying her highschool sweetheart!
{We’re linking up to these parties!}
Jo-Lynne {Musings of a Housewife} says
This is brilliant! thanks!!
Missy says
It really is the simplest ideas that make the biggest difference. I, too, have tried this idea and can attest to the brilliancy. When the kids ask to go play all I have to say is, “Is your morning routine done?” and they know what needs to be done before they can play without me nagging them about every little thing. Thanks for sharing, Heather!
crystal bergman says
Perfect for my new kindergartener! Can’t wait to put it together and use it!
Emily @ ReMarkable Home says
I started doing this for my kids a couple years ago and it really helps! I have graduated from the simple chart to this vinyl chalkboard clipboard.
They really help the kids remember what they are supposed to be doing!
Heather says
That clipboard is so cute! Thanks for sharing that, Emily!
Mindy says
This is a wonderful idea! I need this chart.
stacy says
I love this! I just made up my own chart last week and this one is so much cuter. Thank you so much for sharing!
Nancy says
HA! I need one of these for ME!! Make bed…pack lunch…read Bible…get dressed…GET OFF FACEBOOK!! Maybe I’d start getting to work on time 🙂
Heather says
haha 🙂 I know! I think I also need someone besides me to enforce it though, if it’s going to work on me! 😉 (I’m afraid I’ll have to rely on willpower for myself)
Elizabeth Grace Saunders says
You can always bring in a friend, accountability partner, or coach to help!
Grown ups need support and encouragement too!
Anne Marie says
Thank you so much! I am doing the same thing, but I didn’t know where to find the pictures! Love, love, love!!!
Heather says
You’re welcome!
That web page is really helpful & some of the photos get really detailed if you have a child that needs details 🙂 (I made a “how to use the potty” chart when we were at that stage- so that she’d remember to do things in the right order & not forget to wash her hands)
Jaime says
We will be doing this! Thanks!
Rebecca says
My seven year old son asked me to make him a list to help him remember what to do in the morning and I hadn’t gotten around to it yet, this is perfect! Thanks for the picture link also, now my four year old can use the same list getting ready in the morning. I have a clipboard with three clips so I’ll make an evening list also. Now to figure out a fun list for the third clip. =]
JenT says
I tried a chart, but for us, we have found that a “high five” works better. I don’t remember where I read the idea, but it is the following:
1. Dress
2. Make Bed
3. Breakfast
4. Dishes in Dishwasher
5. Brush teeth
When everything is done, they yell “High Five” and we give each other high fives!
Obviously you can substitute in any five items that work for you.
Just an idea for those of you who find chart doesn’t quite work. My kids adore giving fives so this works for them, charts just lacked motivational qualities.
JennyB says
This is awesome! LOVE the high five idea. I’m going to try both the chart and the high five.
Amanda says
Thank you so much!!! I have been looking for a basic chart with pictures for my preschooler and this fits the bill PERFECTLY! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Heather says
You’re so welcome! I’m glad this could help 🙂
Morgan says
Thanks for sharing that website, I always have a hard time finding the right clipart for my kids charts. This is perfect!
Heather says
You’re welcome!
Riette (Red) says
THis is just SO clever! I’ll adjust it a little because we don’t ‘do traditional school’ 😀
Blima says
I would love to print this out. Would you be able to provide a link so I can press print?
Terri E says
I would love to have a link to a printable version!
Melissa M. says
This is exactly what I need! Thank you! Today was my daughter’s 2nd day of kindergarten and by the time we were out the door we were both practically in tears, but a routine chart like this is what I’m hoping will help us! Thanks!
Elizabeth says
I kept thinking to myself “Well we know our ruitine” mornings are get up, get dressed, brush teeth, run to the bus since I refuse to get up before 6am since I’m normally up til 12am doing chores and I think if I’m any more dead at work I may be standing in a very long line down town LOL … anyways it dawned on me… I could do this for the evenings! But I really should do this for my husband! Show him he needs to do something other than come home and flop down infront of the TV LOL.
Melissa says
I am curious if anyone knows of a digital or app version of this concept?
Christina says
Thank you for this! My toddler is continuously asking and then what? And what after that, Mom? And what’s next? I just want him to complete the initial task, but he won’t stop asking the plans for the entire day! lol This is just what I need 🙂 Of course, Heaven forbid I should get off-schedule…