How many of you would be interested in having a personal stylist pick clothing that is specific to your style and body type and that looks GOOD on YOU?
How many of you would be interested in having these items sent right to your door so you never have to set foot in a store dressing room again?
We had a ton of questions over on our Facebook page about Stitch Fix. What is it? How does it work? How much does it cost? I broke down all the basics in my first post about my first fix HERE.
Just to recap for those that are new to the idea:
Stitch Fix is a personal styling service where items are handpicked for you based on a “style profile” you fill out. 5 items are sent to your door!
Here’s how it works:
1. You fill out a personal style profile online. I was SUPER specific (and glad I was!). In mine, I told them I had 4 young kids. I worked from home. I preferred clothes that were modest. I told them I had a concern with my post twin belly and hated clingy fabrics. I preferred less expensive items (I wish I had been MORE specific with that). Ladies, I even told them my (true) weight! GASP. I loved that they asked me for my Pinterest “clothing” board. Your Pinterest board can REALLY help them NAIL your style.
2. You pay them $20. This $20 is for their time to put together the clothes for you. This $20 is applied as CREDIT for the actual items. So, the $48 designer jeans I fell in LOVE with? I already paid $20, so I only pay $28 more. Clear? If you choose NOT to keep anything in that “fix”, you lose the $20.
3. They pick out 5 items, based on your style profile and send it to you on the date you request. You get this delicious box of AMAZINGNESS delivered to your door and do a happy dance when you see it. Or, at least, I did…..You can schedule fixes monthly, or just occasionally for season changes or big events.
4. You try on the clothes at HOME. This is probably my favorite part. No more dressing rooms where I’m trying to nurse the baby with one arm and corral two 3 year olds from crawling under the doors to wave at the half naked lady in the room next to me (you know it’s happened to you). I tried everything on in my bedroom. My husband offered his opinion. Stress relief!
5. You pick what you want, and send back what you don’t. They provide a prepaid envelope. What you don’t like, send back. Then you just log in to your account and pay for what you want to keep – if any. (Oh, and if you get a WiLd hair and want to keep it all, you get a 25% discount). There are NO shipping charges.
It’s no secret. I am CRAZY about Stitch Fix. IT’s really a useful and FUN service. Everytime a box arrives to my doorstep, it’s like Christmas! I would totally (and do!) recommend to my girlfriends to at least try once. WE’ll see if you aren’t hooked FAST!
I recently decided to give Stitch Fix another try. I have been STRUGGLING with my changing body post baby #5. Let’s just preface this all by saying, no matter WHAT your body type/size etc, everyone’s body is DIFFERENT after a baby. It’s inevitable. I can accept that with gratitude that my body has been able to carry 5 perfectly healthy children. Nonetheless, dressing post baby can be a challenge. I found myself down because nothing that USED to look good, looked good on me. I know with time, I can probably fit back into those pre-preg jeans, but for now, I needed to find a solution. I also wanted to get some new clothing for the upcoming cooling temperatures and I wanted to share my experience and Fix with YOU!
(And because I KNOW it will be asked, Stitch Fix currently offers standard, maternity, and petite sizes. No plus size yet! They also offer shoes and accessories)
Now, I’m going to be totally transparent here. I had a baby 5 months ago. I still have a tummy. I expressed this to my stylist and she did a great job trying to be sensitive to this. My “baby belly ” is slowly going away, but it’s still present, so I wanted items to not emphasize this.
Additionally, this fix was a little pricier than my previous. Reason being, I am trying to find pieces for a specific upcoming event (which I’m so excited to tell you about later!). DO NOT LET THE PRICES SCARE YOU! You can specify your price points when you create your style profile.
So are you ready to see what was in my Fix?? (I already revealed all this on Facebook Live last week! Be sure to be following us for more fun LIVE broadcasts!)
I forewarn you, I am no fashion blogger. 😉
I asked for an embroidered shirt and I loved this! The detail was SO pretty! I liked that it had a loose fit that was generous enough to cover the tummy, but not so big that I looked like I was in a mumu.
I ended up deciding to return it because it was just a touch too short for my 5’8″ frame.
See how the shirt is just a touch too short? I was sure to tell my stylist this so she can watch the lengths of shirts in the future
They also sent these great Liverpool skinny jeans ($88). These were a size 4, and I think they were just a TAD too tight. Like I said, I’m a little heavier post baby than my norm right now, so I’d say a size 6 would have fit like a gem. I loved the rust color for Fall! I decided to keep them in hopes that in a month or two, they will fit perfectly.
This darling sleeveless cardigan ($66) was a heavier knit and seems to be REALLY good quality (everything I’ve gotten from Stitch Fix is high quality). I threw it on just to show you, but I wouldn’t wear WITH the embroidered shirt. This cardigan has POCKETS (eeek!!! LOVE!) and would look fabulous with a chambray shirt and my FAVORITE black leggings. Can’t you just see how versatile this piece is? Naturally, I had to keep it.
Are you ready for the shirt I DIDN’T like?
This laser cut white shirt ($48) was great in theory. The cut out was just beautiful!!! The problem was the fabric. It was this really neat, almost scuba like material, but it was ALL WRONG on my body. See how it clings a tad to my stomach? NOT flattering in my opinion. So, I had to say BUH BYE to that little diddy. (Now, let’s burn this picture okay? Just Kidding..I told you I’d be honest here!) Plus, it was a little pricey for a white tee.
My husband noted, that you can totally tell by my facial expression, how I felt about said shirt.
Words can’t describe how COMFORTABLE this poncho style sweater was. The fabric was a DREAM of comfort and warmth. My first thought was “I’m SO keeping this”….till I saw pictures. Being frank here again, I felt like it makes my chest (aka boobs…sorry…had to go there) look totally odd. Maybe it was just the bra? Either way, I didn’t feel comfortable in it.
See what I mean? (great, now everyone’s totally looking….)
Maybe it’s not so bad here?
So there you have it. I awas pretty happy with the results of this box. I felt so much more confident and I’m so excited to try it again. If anything, it was FUN and nice to do something for myself.
I have a few other tips for those of you wanting to try the service. Hopefully, these tips give you some ideas to ensure a positive experience.
- Be sure to create a Pinterest board. Pin outfits that reflect your style, but also search “STITCH FIX” and find items that they might have in stock that reflect your style. You CAN request these items in your note to your stylist, but it’s not always in stock.
- Take pictures in the clothes you receive and pin them —even if it’s uncomfortable for you (as it is me!). This can help your stylist really see how different things looked on you and make similar or better decisions next time.
- Try the clothes on for someone else. IT’s always good to get a second opinion.
- If you get a stylist you like, request her again!!! (My favorite is Kristen!)
- Even if you think you don’t like what’s in your fix, TRY IT ON. You never know. Don’t be afraid to try new things!
I hope you’ll give Stitch Fix a try!
You can sign up HERE and get your first fix!!!
If you do it, will you let me know what you think???
Want to win $300 product credit to Stitch Fix? Just GO HERE!

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. This means, we may receive a small commission if you choose to purchase something from a link we post. Don’t worry, it won’t cost you anything. This small percentage just helps us keep the power on and the Diet Coke stocked. We appreciate your support!
Molly says
This was a great review, thank you! I’ve been interested in Stitch Fix for a while but admittedly I couldn’t handle the prices, I’m hard on clothes so I tend to stick to cheap clothing so I don’t worry when it gets stained. But maybe I will have to give this a try!
Andrea says
I’m glad you found it helpful Molly! Stitch Fix really is a blast! I think you’ll like it. If you’d like, just be sure to tell them you want lower priced items. Maybe you could try it for a special event or occasion? Have fun!
Veronica Maldonado says
I absolutely love Stitch Fix!! It is like getting a Christmas present. But it can get a little pricey which is why I only ask for a fix every other month. I especially love more now that they offer shoes!
Megan says
I tried Stitch Fix several times. I think that I kept one shirt. Despite telling them that things were a little too pricey, the prices were never really lowered.
I loved the idea and convenience of not shopping myself and trying it on at home. But, I found I was throwing the styling fee away each fix. And, I finally cancelled my subscription.
Andrea says
Thanks for the great review of Stitch Fix! I thought the last shirt you had on might work well with a tank top under it? Just a thought. 🙂
Kerri says
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