How’s that for an ice breaker?! π We have had a few comments, messages, and emails over the months asking us if we were members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, aka Mormons. Religion isn’t a subject we talk about very often on HowDoesShe, and honestly, we don’t plan to talk about it much in the future either. But for the record, we are proud to publicly say that we (the founders of are indeed Mormons. That’s actually how “HowDoesShe” got started. We were all in the same ward at church. Since then we have all moved away, to three different states, and don’t see each other nearly as often. Sniffle.
We realize that religion is an extremely sacred subject and please know that we respect the beliefs of all individuals. We would hope you would be respectful of our faith as well.
Mormonism has been in the media a lot lately, and a group of us bloggers got together to share what makes us tick.
We recently stumbled across this movie clip about social media, and what a fabulous platform it is to share your beliefs with others. We feel so blessed to live in the United States of America where we are free to choose what we believe and have the ability to share our beliefs through all the amazing technology available to us.
{Another one of our favorite Autumn “Mormon Messages” videos about Thanksgiving can be found here. Makes us smile every single time}.
You can request a free packet to learn a little bit more about our beliefs. In each packet, the bloggers below wrote their personal experiences of why they belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Melanie ~ Sugardoodle
Kierste ~ Brown Paper Packages
Shelley ~ How Does She?
Brooke ~ The Crafting Chicks
Ruthie ~ What’s Cooking With Ruthie?
Along with the blogger packet, you will find our favorite scriptures, the ones that have personally touched our lives, along with a free Book of Mormon. Yes we believe in the Bible, but we also believe in the Book of Mormon. Why the Book of Mormon too? Well, it would be impossible to really understand us without it. It plays a major part in our religion, our lives…and part of WHY we are Mormon. The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. It is the ancient records of prophets who lived in the Americas before, during, and after Christ’s time on earth. Honestly, we think it’s the coolest book ever. So, there you have it. Between the bloggers’ thoughts and the Book of Mormon, I think you’ll get a fairly good idea about where we’re coming from.
Don’t worry, we aren’t trying to convert you today, tomorrow, or even next year. π We just realize how much joy, happiness, and peace is brought into our lives through our beliefs, and we figured we might as well share it for those who would like to know. If you are interested in receiving a free blogger packet please send your name and mailing address to Mariel (fellow Blogger): [email protected] and one will be sent your way. No strings attached. We won’t share any information with our missionaries, so don’t be afraid of “Mormons” coming to get you. π You can also go directly to to learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Also, feel free to email us directly with questions or comments at [email protected].
Other video links we LOVE:
“I am Mormon” videos & “Mormon Messages“
This video clip, this video clip are a couple of our favorites.
Jen says
Awesome post. You ladies rock. π
Jen says
You ladies are absolutely wonderful! Technology is a wonderful thing and there are so many wonderful ways to share the gospel through social media, blogging, and texting. Thank you for being willing to share this about yourselves!
Coreen says
I have noticed a lot of the great websites I visit for help with keeping the homestead or educating my children are run by Mormons. Thank you for your willingness to share your religion. I think the more people who learn about God and Jesus the better, no matter what religion we are. God bless you in continued success.
Michelle says
I have always wondered the question you addressed above…why are so many of my fave bloggers Mormon? I appreciate your openness about your faith and your statement about respecting each others faith. I wish more people in the whole world would adopt that simple respect for one another! I am not Mormon & know nothing about it except for what I “learned” watching Big Love π All kidding aside, I will say that I have my own beliefs and I respect you ladies for yours!
Shelley says
Ah! Don’t get your information about Mormons from “Big Love”! π Wrong source for sure. π –Thanks for your note and support Michelle.
Mandi says
I am so, so, so impressed with this post. You go, girls.
K Crew says
Lovely post, ladies. Thank you so much for sharing. I am K Crew. Wife, mother [baker, chef, nurse, maid, therapist, disciplinarian, peacemaker, judge, organizational guru, happy police], couponer, blogger and resident basket-case. Oh, and I am Mormon, and proud of it.
lisa (@i_am_lisa_too) says
I love that you appreciate and respect others. I love that you support people and take care of your own, as well as the community around you. I’ve not really “noticed” but “heard” that lots of my fave blogs are written by Mormons, but… that doesn’t affect how I read or think of them. We are each our own individual, inspired in many ways. I’m glad you were inspired to be who you are, as I love reading all of your posts. Blogs that I regularly read are an eclectic combo of all races, religions, countries, and cultures. And I LOVE THEM ALL! You all rock it. Thanks for just being you!
Beverly Tank says
I appreciate you sharing this information about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I too am a Mormon and love the fact that we can share our testimonies in simple ways via the Internet whether it is on our blogs or through Facebook, etc.
Alli Miller @ Cupcake Diaries says
This is wonderful! As a fellow blogger and member of the LDS church, I appreciate everyone’s words and how they were said. I’m so grateful for the internet and social media so we can share our testimonies in so many ways. What a wonderful thing!
Mormon Media Reviews says
I think this is awesome. Me and my sister at @ are both Mormon Bloggers. We love being able to share our faith passively and sometimes openly. We would love to be added to this list last next time!
Amy says
Great post, Shell! People can often get confused what the Church is about from all the sources the media uses. If you want to know what Mormons are about ask a MORMON! π
Pat O says
Knowledge is to be shared .
I don’t care what religion people are if I can learn from them. Thank you.
Jade says
Thank you so much for sharing your religion with all of us. It makes me proud to be a Mormon and helps give me the courage to share that on my blog. Keep it up ladies.
Mindy says
Awhile back, I actually did notice that a lot of the bloggers I follow are Mormon. And I had no idea why that was. Thanks for addressing it!
Anna says
Thanks for the post. I had been slowly realizing that half the crafting blogs I read seem to be written by Mormon women and was starting wonder about it. One of my favorite things about the blog-world is how many people I encounter that I wouldn’t in my daily life and how much I learn from that.
Shelley says
Thanks for your comment Anna. I LOVE that “world wide web” connects so many different people. Makes the world a much smaller place. π
Nesleirbag says
Thank you for your openness and candor. Sharing our beliefs is difficult for each of us, because we all want to be respected and loved.
And thank you for your creative blog, which gives me inspiration every day.
Lauralee says
My sister is also a Mormon blogger and I want share her link! She lives on a remote heritage dairy farm in Northern Sweden with her new husband of six years. It is her second marriage to a man she met on-line and they are so happy together. She moved from being a special needs Seminary teacher in Smithfield, Utah to a remote farm in Eden, Sweden (6 hours north of Stockholm) where, besides all the work, she chronicles the activities of their farm in her blog. It is wonderful, interesting, inspiring and newsy. Check out: Oh, and did I mention she is 67 years old? Donβt miss it!
Mindy says
Thanks for putting yourselves out there ladies. That’s never easy. You are examples to us all.
Roger says
The Three Nephites could not have said it better! What a wonderful post! You could feel of your goodness and love as you shared your Christ like ideals.
connie says
I know you ladies are “good”, kind-hearted, talented women. It’s a shame you aren’t Christians. You are to be commended, however, for your commitment and dedication to your faith. You put many Christians to shame.
Shelley says
Hi Connie! Thanks for your comment. π We actually are Christians. We believe in Christ and he is the center of our religion. π
Joelle says
Love your ideas and recipes, everything you do! Way to go on coming out of the religion closet that you are Mormons, now I love you more,and sooo proud Thanks!
Karen says
It matters none to me what religion, race, size, shape etc. you are. You ladies are lovely and talented and I enjoy your emails! It is a little unexpected surprise everytime I open them. I must admit though, I am with Shelley….I don’t know much about Mormons except through the show she mentioned.
Shelley says
Hi Karen. The shows “Big Love” and “Sister Wives” are not about Mormons. Mormons do not practice Polygamy. π My husband better love me and ONLY ME. π Fundamentalist Mormons (which these shows feature) are not the same as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They are a hybrid of sorts, who practice different beliefs.
Jessica Adams says
I am not Mormon, but I have many friends who are LDS. While there are many things I do not know or understand about Mormonism, I have always loved and respected the importance it places on family. It is truly beautiful, and something that everyone, no matter their religious affiliation, can learn from! Cheers to you!
Sylvia says
Thank you for sharing. Thank you for your great blog!
Amber says
Super cool! Thanks for sharing!
Naomi says
You were right about that Thanksgiving message, I ended up with the hugest smile on my face! I think it was getting bigger and bigger through the film without me even realising!
I’m a totally different kind of blogger to you girls but also Mormon; thanks for sharing this – I always suspected you were!!! π
Jesica Suparo says
great post!! you are actually one of the first sites I started to follow when I got interested in DIY world. I from Argentina, and I always get inspired by your work, I appreciate people that take the time to make a statement. thanks for your good will ! I’m Jewish, but more than that I enjoy being with people ( virtually at least) that are strong about their beliefs! good for you!!
Shelley says
Argentina!! I love hearing these things. It’s so fun to have friends across the world. π Thanks for supporting HowDoesShe. π
Adrienne Reina says
Thank you for sharing that info, I am not a Mormon, but a Jesus loving, believing, following Christian. You guys have some really great craft ideas…I love it and thank you for them, they are a def blessing. Jesus calls us to love one another, and so that doesn’t change how I see you as God wants me to see you. He loves you and so do I. We just believe different things.
Tanya says
Awesome post, thanks for sharing! One of my best friends is also Mormon and she’s never tried to convert me either. She’s just always offered her support when I needed it.
Sanders says
What you ladies do and the advice you give, is Amazing! It was intresting to read about the connection that you have with each other. I myself am not Mormon, but my husband and his family are. My father-in law was the bishop a few years ago and our daughters are facsinated about the religion. I think that even though I am not the same religion, I feel that I can understand where you are coming from. Thank you ladies for sharing and everything that you do!
Teresa says
Thank you for sharing! I am a non-denominational Christian. I love that so many bloggers are followers of Christ. I have decided to home school my daughter and the best blogs I have found are run by Mormon women. What does this say to me? That Mormon women understand what it is to be a great wife, homemaker, mother, and teacher (oh and of course crafty!). I personally feel as if more women need to be more involved with their families and less involved with the corporate world. But that’s a whole other issue. LOL!I have friends that are Mormon and they are just as lovely and kind as anyone I know. Thank you ladies for sharing!
Erika Naegelin says
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing something deeply personal with your readers, but that regardless of your relgious beliefs whether I beleive the same or not, would never sway me from reading your blog entries and enjoying being a part of your readership! I happen to have called the Mormom church locally for some storage tips and they were happy to share, so thank you for all you share as well!
Teresa says
Hey – way to go, ladies! Tactfully shared, and it’s nice to see an opportunity for others to “check us out!” Thanks! π
lisa says
hi girls! i so appreciate your blogs- love all your crafty ideas and your printables!!! i just have to say though that it makes me very sad to hear that you are mormon. you see, there is no way that you can believe the Bible and the Book of Mormon because they contradict each other. Jesus Christ came and He was the Messiah. He is the Son of God. I write this not because i am angry, judgemental, or hateful. only because i care for you and want the truth to be known. please know that i will pray for you. AND, i will still read your blog and glean from your expertise in so many areas!!! : )
Shelley says
Hi Lisa, Thanks for your comment. We very much believe that Jesus Christ came, that he is the Messiah, and that he is the Son of God. π He is the foundation of our Church. We also believe the Bible and the Book of Mormon to go hand in hand with each other. We believe both to be true words of God, complimenting each other, not contradicting each other. The Book Of Mormon tells of another people (in the Americas) during the same time Christ was on Earth (New Testament). –Again we appreciate your love and support. We are so lucky to have such fabulous readers. π XOXO.