I have always wanted a WHITE kitchen. I realized this when looking back through my “home binder” not the super organized one Julie taught us about, but the one where I put all the magazine pages I tear out for inspiration. Does anyone else do this? Anyway I found that every kitchen picture I have torn out for the past 10 years has been WHITE! So when we bought our house, I had the kitchen painted white before I even moved in and I am so glad I did! I love how clean and crisp and happy it makes me every time I walk in. I will show you the before and after and then share all the details in case you are WHITE happy like I am.
Hi Mom!:)
I still get excited seeing the difference! I was so lucky to have my sister come out for a couple weeks right when I was moving to help. She helped me with all the details: lights, stools, knobs, trim, tile and all that other stuff that needs to change when you make the jump to white.
Lights AFTER
New Hardware
Cute Baby…I mean Stools
I also changed the backsplash tile to white subway tile, had new moldings cut for above the cupboards and changed the pantry door. WhEw! But so worth it!
Just a little tip to pass along from my sister-in-law: Put these genius sticky felt circles (found at Lowe’s) on the bottom of the legs to your chairs, stools, highchair, etc. so they can slide easily in and out and protect your flooring. It makes it so much easier to sweep! *In case you are wondering I found the hardware at the Home Depot, the dining light and stools at Overstock.com and the other lights at Builder’s Lighting (local store in Boise). I’m so happy I made the jump to WHITE! If you are wanting to do the same but want to do it yourself, Shelley informed me that she has already bought her paint and will be painting her kitchen WHITE in the near future. She will take pics along the way and share a fab tutorial on the process.
Next remodel to tackle is the garage. I’ve been pinning residential garage doors for inspiration. What’s on your list?
Beverly - Green Gracie Home says
Love the white…so fresh and always looks clean!
Lynn from For Love or Funny says
I wish I didn’t see this, because now I definitely want to go white in the kitchen.
Rondell says
I’m definitly going white, love your lights too!
zeyno says
white is awsome. have a white day:)
Natasha says
The first picture I saw I thought oh that’s so pretty why ruin it. BUT…then I saw the new kitchen. I LOVE THIS!!!!! It’s absolutely beautiful.
Alison says
I am with ya…white all the way! It’s beautiful! Your pictures look like they are ‘out of a magazine.’
Angie Smith says
It was a nice kitchen before, but it is absolutely gorgeous now! It looks like a page from a magazine. We are planning on buying a new house this year and I keep telling my husband a white kitchen is on my list of things to do when we move in! You did an amazing job on yours. I have always loved the hardware you chose, but that beautiful white light fixture?…LOVE!!
SnoWhite @ Finding Joy in My Kitchen says
We just did this too! We’re revealing our remodel next week! I love the white — looks amazing, and refreshing.
Shelley says
Yes, I too have dreamed of a white kitchen for years!!!!! My Oak cabinets can’t wait for a make-over. Now only if I could find the time. –Your kitchen just might give me the ‘pep-talk’ I need to get my toosh in gear and get going. It is absolutely gorgeous. 🙂
Kaela says
I love it! I want a white kitchen, too!
Sewfordough says
Yes, I’ve always loved a white or off white kitchen. I figured you had your cabinets painted. You did them yourself? How did you do it without getting drip marks on the cupboards?
Becky says
LOVE IT! Beautiful!! We gutted the kitchen at our last home and did a white kitchen. Loved it and I’m dreaming of another white kitchen for my next home.
Sheila says
So beautiful!! I want to do this so very badly to my kitchen. I have always had two setbacks before I read your post. #1…The maple cabinets we have now are only 8 yrs old, and I am sure they were pricey, so I feel so guilty painting them. (but I just need to get over that) And #2, we have baltic brown granite, and I wasn’t sure how that would look with white cabinetry. But it looks like you have the same granite?? And it looks awesome! Can’t wait to pitch it to the hubby and get started!
Marcie says
I’m the same way. My inspiration binder (I have one too!) has WHITE WHITE kitchens … with a brightly colored accent wall. BUT I love this before and after because your before was still pretty. It was a really nice kitchen that you just gave a whole different nice kitchen look. So I’m going to save this one. Because I’m pretty sure if my hubby saw that nice kitchen and knew that I wanted to go to all that work just to make it white … well I don’t know if he would be on board 🙂 BUt maybe, just maybe, if I show him pics like this then he would catch the vision 🙂
Mrs. Jen B says
LOVE IT! Oh, I am so jealous! Not of the white cabinetry, which we already have…but of your ovens! Drooling…
…actually, I’m jealous of the whole shebang. You have a gorgeous kitchen!! Congrats on the beautiful new look!
Mindy says
This looks so amazing! I would LOVE to paint our oak cabinets white, but I will wait until we get stainless steel appliances, because we have white ones now, so that would be TOO MUCH WHITE. OH, where did you get your chandelier? I love it! Thanks for the beautiful inspiration!
Heather - Chickabug says
I’m dying of jealousy RIGHT THIS MINUTE! I’d even love to have the “before” kitchen! ; )
jessie mclouth says
Love the hardware on the drawers. My kitchen is already white, but I need to update the hardware now. Thanks for the inspiration!
Dawn says
LOOOOOOVVVVEEE this! I wanted to paint my cabinets white when we moved last June but couldn’t bring myself to do all the sanding – yuck! Maybe I won’t sand them and just get it done! Your pictures are amazing! (Just like you!) Your favorite mother-in-law told me your new house was beautiful, I couldn’t agree more! Thanks for always inspiring me!
Adrian says
Am I missing what color she painted her walls in the after?
Tammy @ The Sabourin Family says
I’d like to know that too.
Peggy says
Please please tell me where you got the pendent light…I love all of your make over but especially the light fixtures…
Missy says
I bought the light from overstock.com. They have some great prices if you can find something you like:)
missy, is that light a table lamp just hung up side down? i love that light!
Missy says
No, although I thought the same thing after I hung it! It is made to hang like that:)
jennifer says
oh my gosh my kitchen looks almost the same !I took 3 months of summer painting sanding…ii same it! I painted ky island black. Love it, I like that I can see messy hands, a quick wipe with papertowel and all the mess is gone! Great job!
Lauren Peterson says
I love this kitchen model too! Absolutely, white is the way to go!
so classy and clean!
I have to ask you where did you get the fruit/veggie 3 tier stand? I have been searching and searching for one. If you could tell me I would appreciate it very much.
Missy says
I found it at Pottery Barn – I looked for a long time as well and finally found it there!
Pegg says
My white kitchen is one of the reasons we bought the house we are now living in. Some very nice ideas for upgrades for me, it’s been awhile and things could use a little lift. Thanks.
Mindy says
Yea you are finally posting the kitchen pics! Next you need to show your organized spices and drawers. 😉 LOVE the kitchen!!! Someone really cool must’ve helped you put it together. 🙂 The pics really turned out great and Alison is right they look they are out of a magazine.
Julie @ Practically Spent says
Truly my biggest dream in a house….a lovely, large, WHITE kitchen!! Way to go.
Michelle says
I love it! I love that vent hood, too!! I have those same knobs on my cabinets and drawers.
Alison says
Hey Missy this is Jared using Alison’s sign in…. I love it as well, the kitchen looks beautiful!! You must have one great painter, lol.
Lisa says
We did that too! LOVE it! Makes everything look so new!!
Caley says
I LOVE white kitchens too! I’m definitely having one when I buy a house! Thanks for sharing!!
Robin S. says
Oh my gosh, I love it! I so want the subway tile too. I have always wanted a white kitchen too. I agree that it looks fresh and crisp. You see the spills and smears right away.
My cabinets are beginning to show their age after 24 years, but I am afraid to paint them. A friend painted hers and it chipped off aroung the door handles. How can this be prevented?
Nicole says
Missy you did great! so smart to have it done before you moved in. SO SMART!! all of your finishing touches pulled it all together into a chic contemporary kitchen. your photos are beautiful too!!! hope to see you soon!
Amanda says
Where’s the how to on the cabinets? Hopefully in the near future. Did you paint them yourself, or did you pay someone? I want to do it but need to know how. Would it work on oak with the grain or is it better to just replace them? Looks awesome!
Shelley says
I’m redoing my kitchen (OAK) with the how to this month! 🙂 Missy had her cabinets done professionally. Stay tuned for a DIY tutorial. 🙂
Amanda says
Perfect, thanks! Can’t wait!
TidyMom says
Missy it turned out FABULOUS!!! I love it all!!
Wendy King says
Looks fabulous! LOVE all the white and the lights! Great stools too. And cute baby (I love his name. ;))
Mary Williams says
I love it! So beautiful! My mom did the same thing with the felt circles on everything to protect her wood floors. (I have to admit that when I first saw the picture of your felt circles I thought they were hamburger patties lol)
Erin V says
Where are the stools from… did I miss that? I love your whole kitchen, it’s very similar to my “dream” scenario too!
Missy says
Thanks! I bought the stools on Overstock.com
stacy says
What an amazing difference white makes! Your kitchen is so beautiful and happy and I can’t wait to come see it in a few weeks! You and Mindy did such a great job with the little remodel. I love the white subway tiles and your beautiful stainless appliances! The lights are great and I L-O-V-E the stools! Your photos are so amazing too…you are one talented girl!
Becca Sutton says
Love the white! : )
Now…can you please tell me where you got that HUGE 3-tiered stand you have your fruit on?
Missy says
I bought it at pottery barn:)
Mindy says
yes! I do have a stash of dreamy magazine inspiration! and yes! in them are white kitchens! love love love what you’ve done.
just realized my last post links back to a howdoesshe post 🙂
Tracy @ Hall of Fame Moms says
Beautiful! “Fits of envy”…lol
Tricia Richner says
Ohmigoodness. . .you painted is all yourself? Or had someone else paint it? I cannot even imagine the mess that was. Really like it though. We have a hideous kitchen. . .starting to wonder if I can re-do it, too.
Tricia Richner says
Oh, PS. I too have a binder of “ideas” that I have been keeping FOR-ever. I just rip out pages of things I look, or amazing before and afters. It’s been an obsession of mine for years.
Brett Quinton says
We painted our kitchen white and changed the hardware when we first moved in and it makes such a HUGE difference! Our “before” wasn’t nearly as nice as yours was, the cupboards were a really gross yellowish-oak-from-the-80s color so it was a MUST!!! 🙂 Good work, I love all your lights too, that is my next step!
meridianmama says
Someone else asked too, but could you tell me the paint color of your new kitchen?
Joan Morris says
Great job Missy! I love your white kitchen.
Jeannie says
I, too, love the entire look. I have a white kitchen now, but want to change out the counters—to granite or stone, and the walls from wallpaper (eek!) to a soft warm color. What is the color of your walls, please? I see that others want to know, too.
Amy says
I love a white kitchen…but mine would need a ton of work (think gut everything and start over with only the fridge!). Can I just move in with you instead??? 🙂
Natalie says
We are finishing our basement & I keep debating on white cabinets (we are putting in a kitchen). I think your pictures convinced me.
Rhiannon says
I really want to paint my cabinets white but Im afraid its going to be more work scrubbing that greasy film off my cabinets. how do you keep them so clean
Missy says
It is nice because you can see the spills right away and hurry and wipe them before they are stuck on. Also, make sure to use paint that is made for kitchens – it is MUCH easier to wipe clean!
Kristin says
love love LOVE the white subway tiles on the backsplash! beautiful!
Madigan at madiganmade says
I love white kitchens, simple & vintage hardware, subway tile, and crisp lighting. So, you can imagine that I love this kitchen! What a beautiful space and a great transformation!
alison says
I love white too!!! Your kitchen is amazing. 🙂
Karen says
I love it! I especially like your granite – can you please tell me the name of it? (ps, love the before too!)
Ashley @ DesignBuildLove.co says
HUGE transformation! LOVE it! (oh ya… and the baby’s pretty cute too!)
jeannie says
I have those cabinets that are not real wood how do I cover them with paint. Like the ones in Trailers.
Missy says
That’s a good question. I had someone paint these, so I am not sure how to do that…have you tried to google it?
Hollie says
What color white did you use? I’m closing on my house in January and I’m painting my kitchen cabinets before I move in..Your kitchen is gorgeous!!! Does the rest of your home have brushed nickel hardware? I’m wanting to use the same pulls but I’m not sure where to start.
Cheri says
I love the transformation. Does the light fixture shown (with the crystal balls) have a chrome finish? Thanks
Ceri says
I’m new to How Does She? I just saw your older blog of your White Kitchen. Did you paint the cabinets yourself? If so, can you share the products and process you used. They are beautiful
Thanks, Ceri
Missy says
I hired someone to do it, so I am no help for the process information.
Ann Varghese says
Is your countertop granite baltic brown?