I have many memories of my Dad trying to make a BIG pancake ‘S’ with a spoon and a little pancake batter. His sweet letters and shapes were never really identifiable. The squeeze bottle method works sooo much better, but today we are taking it up ONE more notch.
I recently spotted adorable pancake molds at Williams Sonoma.
‘Dear Williams Sonoma, I love you in so many ways. You are just a bit out of my price range’.
Due to limits on budget, I took matters into my own hands. Without further adieu, I give you my version of pancake molds in transportation shapes.
All you need is a few of your kids’ favorite cookie cutters, nonstick spray, and a killer pancake recipe.
(I stock up on assorted cookie cutters at Sweet Baking Supply and you seriously can NOT beat this pancake recipe).
First things first. Coat your cookie cutter with non-stick spray. Don’t be shy,..get it good!
Place cookie cutter on griddle and fill it 1/2 way full with batter.
Watch out! It expands!! Make sure to only fill it half way!
After flipping your pancake, you may need to push down your pancake a little, so it’s not too thick. Wiggle the cookie cutter a little, and if you sprayed the cutter enough, it should slip right off.
The ‘new and improved’ pancake cookie cutter mold versus the ‘old but still kinda cool’ squeeze bottle method.
Cookie Cutter shaped pancakes wins in my book. Hands down.
These adorable little pancakes make me smile.
The meal wouldn’t be complete without a little whipping cream art!
And for educational reasons, make sure to provide a bottle of whipping cream to further your child’s artistic ability. 😉
–Don’t worry Dad. I loved your sloppy pancakes,…and for the grandkids,…I’ll show you how. 🙂
Lynn from For Love or Funny says
Forget making these pancakes for the kids…I’d love to have some myself! So cute!
Green Gracie Home says
adorable! love the whipped cream “clouds”
Nicole says
OMG! I love this!! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Kati M. says
Love this idea. Simple and fun! Much better than my crazy looking pancakes! 🙂
Mindy says
love the matching airplane pjs!
Peggy says
Thank you oh so very much! I have pancake molds from Williams Sonoma which my sister-in-law gave me as a gift several years ago but there were no instructions (ok there were but very vague ones!) The spray cooking oil makes perfect sense!! Yippee I foresee more shaped pancakes in our future. Well at least in the guys’ future…. Yeah I can see it now reindeer banana chocolate chip pancakes in our 11, 14, and 17 years old lunches!! I know the younger two won’t mind! In fact the 14 yr old and his friends will think they are great! As freshman they are already very secure with themselves! Gotta love the artsy/musical crowd!!!
Alison says
Oh my they are cute! I love the little puffs of clouds too. Cute post Shelley!
Chelsy says
So fun! That is such a genious idea. I’m going to go try it right now for my sick little princess. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Jacque Charwood says
These are adorable!! You should check out http://jimspancakes.com He does all kinds of crazy cool things with pancakes!!!
Shelley says
So cool!!! Thanks for sharing!
Kat says
Wow! Those are some crazy pancakes!
Annie Byers says
Thats funny you should mention cause I was gonna post his link!!
Emma says
Great idea. Gives new meaning to “here comes the airplane!”
Heidi says
So cool! Thanks for sharing. I haven’t made pancakes for awhile, but I think I know what we’re having for breakfast tomorrow 🙂
Sarah T says
I thought about using cookie cutters for this but wasn’t brave enough to try it. Thanks for the tutorial!
Ashley Ann @ Our Daily Chocolate says
I did the same thing this Christmas, my kiddos wanted snowflake pancakes Christmas morning, so I just used my cookie cutters. It was so much fun!!
MyKidsMake says
Great idea! Looks like a lot of fun. Your pictures are great btw!!
cathy says
Shelley! My husband is just like your dad and does this a few times a month for our littles. Just Monday night were discussing the need for molds but weren’t sure if it’d work! Thanks so much for the inspiration! Can’t wait to try the recipe too!
mindy says
PURE genious! Love it…gonna try it!
Melissa says
I have always loved pancakes! I have a couple of pancake molds– the only problem is most of them have a handle, or knob that sticks up so you can just pull the mold off of your pancake, but you cant pull it off when you’ve only cooked one side; the pancakes dont turn out! A simple cookie cutter is a much better idea! I love it! Thank you!
Suzanne says
Wow! This is so fun!! I could totally make heart shaped pancakes for V-Day with these. Not the “schloops” from last year!!
Missy says
Love it! The whipped cream in a squeeze bottle would be so fun to play around with, as you showed with airplane man!
Heather - Chickabug says
These are the cutest!! I love that they’re affordable – I hear you about Williams-Sonoma!
DIane {createdbydiane.blogspot.com} says
my kids LOVE pancakes and I’ve made some with molds, here is a fantastic website from someone who is ultra creative with pancakes http://www.jimspancakes.com/ His ferris wheel remains a favorite 🙂
Amy says
Wow. I can’t even handle how awesome that Jim guy’s pancake creations are. Thanks for sharing that link! So cool!
Leticia says
I recently started doing the same thing. I tried it as curiosity after buying some small silicone pancake molds at the dollar store. I tried it and it worked. Thanks for sharing!!!
Now I need to get more creative.
evienlizzie says
Super adorable… and to think, my kids had plain old round pancakes for breakfast! 🙂
pennymck says
So cute! I’ll bet pancakes get eaten fast at your house! Can’t wait to try it.
Heidi . says
One thing I LOVE about this website is that you always have an innate ability to know that I think is just SO FUN!!! I thought I was the only one who gets such a kick out of these things. LOVE IT!
Shelley says
Awwww. Your comment just made my day. 🙂 thanks.
Yadira @ One Sweet Party says
This is so cute! Too bad my kids are too old to appreciate something like this. Hey, my nephew is not! Gotta try it next time he sleeps over. Thanks!
Amy says
Absolutely love this. So simple, yet so brilliant! It’s all about the small touches.
Amy says
Cute cute post. Do you know if this will work with plastic cookie cutters?
Shelley says
probably not. I think the plastic would melt?
Amy says
Yeah that’s what I was thinking…I just thought I’d ask the experts before I completely threw the idea out 🙂 Thanks!
Suzanne says
I just shared on my blog. It was so fun and easy. Took longer to cook because of how thick it was, but well worth it. The kids LOVED them.
Erica says
Where do you get your squeeze bottles? I have hard a hard time finding them!
Anonymous says
What would happen if you cooked a regular pancake then cut it out with a cookie cutter?