Cutest baby ever! Leo fights to stay awake. He just loves smiling at his Mummy. How can you not fall in love with this little dude!
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by Alison 4 Comments
Alison is one of the 3 founders of She is the mama of 4 rockin' kids who love PB and J's. She has one fantastic husband who is the love of her life and loves long walks on the beach!
Janice says
That was just sooooooo precious!
Laura says
Adorable video, however I am concerned because this child is in a car seat in the front seat of a vehicle.
milly says
this is adorable but I can’t help but notice how insecure this child is in the car seat.. We really need to make sure moms are aware of carseat safety and protecting our precious babies.
Jenny says
this video appears to be from Europe where 3-point harnesses are the standard. And car seats can be in the front seat if the airbag is shut off (or if there is no passenger side airbag).