Our Valentine’s Sugar cookies are BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!!
We are excited to re-share one of our MOST POPULAR posts EVAH! *Warning! If you are easily offended, please do not read too far down in this post. {No, there isn’t any crazy inappropriate stuff here! We are talking about sugar cookies. ;)}
Do you remember the gorgeous sugar cookies at my Twins’ First Sweet Shoppe Birthday Party? Well,…I didn’t make them. My incredibly talented friend, Marianne of Sweetopia, created them. Since then, I have attempted royal icing sugar cookies several times. While I am a long shot from becoming my idol Sweetopia, I’m having fun trying.
Are you in need of Valentine’s sugar cookie Ideas? I’ve got three in one!
First up. My sweet ‘Rated G’ marbled Valentine Sugar Cookies. These are definitely the ones you want to take to the kids’ Valentine’s Day parties.
Aren’t they fun? This sweet little heart border is surprisingly easy to create!
Royal Icing Rules!
Using royal icing, simply outline and fill your heart with a base color. Then add dots of a contrasting color around the edges. Simply drag the toothpick through the dots around the edges.
{You can find a more detailed explanation about marbling here and a video here}
Awww. I love his little chubby hand.
Look at these sweet innocent little sprinkles. They are about to SPICE things up around here!
Lingerie Cookies
‘Rated PG’ – Lingerie Bra Heart Shaped Cookies.
Find some heart sprinkles to imitate a lacy bra….
Outline with royal icing…
Fill in…
Smooth out icing with toothpick. Shake to settle.
Aren’t these sexy!? Add a little edible glitter and you’ve got one sassy cookie!
I love the pearl necklace on this one!
Before this post goes any further, I MUST give a warning. If you are easily offended, now is the time to CLOSE this window.
You need some undies to match that sassy bra top! These lingerie heart-shaped cookies wouldn’t be a complete set without the lingerie bottoms!
‘Rated PG-13’ thong heart-shaped cookies.
Add a few white sugar pearls to enhance,…uh,…the ‘rear’.
I used an open heart sprinkle to create some lacy undies.
Now wouldn’t these be fun to give your sweetheart on Valentine’s Day?! Maybe with a suggestive little love note? 😉
{These could be fun at a lingerie bridal shower too? Or even a bachelor’s party?}
Sheesh, I hope I didn’t offend anyone! For real, I ALMOST didn’t post these, but I thought they were just way too fun not to share. I was inspired by this adorable Valentine’s Day card Missy spotted last year.
I know there will be many questions about how to decorate sugar cookies with royal icing and I am NOT the one to tell you. Every last ounce I have learned, I have learned from Sweetopia‘s fabulous tutorials. A few good places to start:
You’ll need a fabulous Sugar Cookie Recipe. Next you’ll need a Royal Icing Recipe. Before you dive in, make sure to read over Sweetopia’s Top 10 Royal Icing decorating Tips and 10 Royal Icing Mistakes to Avoid. Whew! You’ll be a pro in no time. Don’t hesitate to ask Marianne if you have questions. She is fabulous!
So which version did you like best? Rated G, PG, or PG-13?
I’m needing some comment love on this post. I was a little nervous about it.
What are you doing for your significant other on Valentine’s Day?
{We’re linking up to THESE parties}
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Jaki says
LOL!! They are all fantastic!
Love the PG and PG-13 versions 🙂
A says
My new thing to tell everyone is ‘listen’ before I say anything. Just one of those things you get addicted to saying. 😉 So listen: I read on another blog that one of the best ways to keep your marriage healthy/happy is to bring it yourself sometimes and not always make your husband initiate intimacy. And I agree. I’m not advocating immorality, for the love. But husband is the key word. I’m married. He’s a man. I do have kids so we know a few things about the birds and the bees. I would hide these from my kids but I think any husband would love them.
alex says
I totally agree, and hey, you started with “so listen:” and I read the whole comment, so that obviously worked 🙂
I can’t see how anyone would find this post offensive. They are just really good fun, and quirky.
Heather says
I love these! So so so cute and how cool would they be for a bridal shower or bachelorette party!
Beverly - Green Gracie Home says
Those are so cute! My cookies usually end up looking like the kids did them, but I think I could attempt those cute hearts!
Lynn from For Love or Funny says
These look almost too beautiful to eat!
Jennifer says
These are awesome. I love them so cute.
Tori says
I think they’re adorable!!! I’ll probably whip some up and put them in hubby’s lunch around Valentine’s Day with a little note that says something like “Just a sneak peak!”
Janette says
Geat idea! I’m going to do that too!
craftytammie says
those are awesome!! i’m glad you decided to share 🙂 the best part is they look pretty easy too.
Jennifer Rodriguez says
Super cute!
I have also seen with with PG-13 cookies, they slice a little off the point at the top so it looks more like a back.
Glad you posted, great idea 😀
angela says
Those are seriously adorable! Love them!
meaghan (the decorated cookie) says
fantastic! Great tutorial… I posted a link on ediblecrafts.craftgossip.com 🙂
Jen S says
These are adorable! I think they would be awesome also for a bachelorette party or bridal shower like you mentioned. I’ve not tried royal icing cookies, but the G rated cookies might just be making an appearance at the kids’ V-day parties.
Lorraine says
The cookies are adorable. I would love to send some to my husband since we will be apart on Valentine’s Day – I just need to figure out if they will travel well enough!
Mindy says
Or, you could just take a picture of the cookies and send him the picture message on his phone saying something like “Can’t wait till you come home!” What an awesome idea! Love these cookies!
Leslie says
Oh goodness… when you mentioned it could be offensive, you wouldn’t believe the ideas that ran through my head! Your cookies are awesome, not at all offensive, and make me want to whip up a batch for… myself, I guess!
Caryn says
I might just try them for my next book club meeting. The ladies would get a good laugh!
Marian (Sweetopia) says
Shelley you did and awesome job on these!!! Sassy AND pretty!!
Thanks for sharing my tutorials with your readers and happy va va voom Valentines!
Chris L. says
Cute as can be!!
Kati M. says
Love them all! Very cute!!! 🙂
Terry Fitch says
LOVE THEM! You did great, and I love the idea! Thank you for sharing with us!! :o)
marinda says
Soooo much fun!
Kayla says
These are awesome! I love all of them actually!!!
Vanessa says
We had these at my friends lingerie shower. It’s alittle awkward to eat a thong, but hey are super cute and tasty too.
txgirl says
I like them. They are racy but not inappropriate. I agree they would be good shower or husband cookies. Very creative.
Alison says
I have been waiting for this post all week. I saw a sneak peak of the pictures in the back end. This is a fun post and oh so fun!
Stacy W. says
LOVE them! So much fun and not offensive at all 🙂 I just clicked on the link to the tips for royal icing because mine “crashes and burns” every time I try it. Maybe I should read the things not to do first because I’ve probably done one if not all of them 😉 Thanks for sharing such a fun V-day idea.
Mrs. M says
Hilarious lingerie cookies!
Amy says
Love ALL of them! I’m TOTALLY going to try the 1st one for my kids!
And the other two are ADORABLE! Sometimes my kids look at these crafty sites with me, and though it wouldn’t have been a big deal, it was nice to know to read this one alone. So thanks for the warning… but I AM glad you posted it!
That being said, these would SUPER CUTE for a lingerie shower!!! Next time I host one, I’m definitely coming back to this for a reference!!!
Happy Valentines!
Jessica says
Love them! I especially like the idea of getting to design a bra and panty set…without having to wear them!! (You could even write something spicy on the panties!)
Pam says
These are adorable!! When you said “easily offended” I thought you were taking the bra off the cookie or something. haha! I love the pg ones… I don’t wear thongs so my husband might think I was giving him a cookie of another girls bootie! haha Thanks for sharing!
Nikki says
ha, ha. hee, hee, ha. You are so adorable Shelley!
colette says
Those are just too funny. Those who are offended don’t have a sense of humor! Thanks for the post!
Erica says
I love all three! My hubby has been away on business for weeks. I think I’ll surprise him with these for when he finally get home! Thanks for sharing!
Charity says
These are absolutely adorable!!! I am definitely going to be making the PG and PG13 versions for my hubby for Valentine’s Day. Thank you for the awesome gift idea!!!
Jennifer S says
Now those are cute. And not the least bit offensive!!
I found you through WFMW. Here’s my post: Reverse Works For Me Wednesday
Krystal says
SOOOOO funny! I totally love them! I’m going to include these in my “inspiration file” this friday if you want to check them out.
Frk. Overballe says
Great, pretty, and not at all offensive 🙂
Tiffany says
Seriously laughed out loud when I saw your PG-13 cookies! What a shock my hubby would get when he opened a box with these in them. Saving this one for sure ~ love it.
Kim says
Haha, LOVE!!!
Staci Starnes says
Hilarous Shell! SO glad you shared! I can’t stop laughing! ☺
Jen says
What a fun idea 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Angie Smith says
These are FANTASTIC!!! Haha I love all 3 versions! 🙂
Nina@MommaGoRound says
So funny!!! I linked to these on my FB page. Thanks for sharing!
Mindy says
lol love it. stashing the idea away for bacholerette parties!
Chris says
Love them… trust me, I have seen (and maybe made) more offensive cookies!
Laura says
I love them all! I am going to try making these. My husband ‘thought’ he loved cookies…well, WAIT til he sees (eats) these! LOL
Thanks Shelley
Marie says
No you didn’t!!!! Those are absolutely fantastic!!! So great. The thong is my favorite! 🙂
Danielle B. says
I LOVE these cookies! They are so cute, and fun, and creative. I’m getting all of my friends together to make these for our hubbies. How fun would these be as Giant heart cookies!!! SO excited. Thanks for the cute idea!
sara says
Hilarious!! Great job! Thinking these are a must for my hubs on V-day! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!! 🙂
Maryanne @ Scrappy Gifts says
love them all! So fun and put a smile to my face =D Great job.
Jennifer says
I LOVE them!!!
I may have to bake some to send to my hubby!
Jayme says
so stinkin’ cute!!! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Kelly says
These are GREAT!!! I loved them all!! They are so fun and cute!! I am not much of a baker…something always seems to go wrong when I do…but I am gonna have to make these!!! Thanks!!
Shannon Allen says
LOVE THEM. All versions! How do you think of these things? I’m super impressed!!
Nicole says
they are all very cute and I think my husband would very much appreciate them!!!
shanna uptergrove says
I really did LOL. they are SOO cute! Wish I was talented enough to try my hand at creating some of those PG and PG-13 cookies! They’re adorable. I loved this post 🙂
Steph says
Loved it! Def made me smile! Thanks for sharing!
Martina says
I work at Victorias secret and love making goodies to leave in the break room for employees. These will be perfect!!!! The are so cute!
Laurel says
I think these are so cute! I’m glad you decided to post them. I’m also thankful for the warning. I made sure my six year old wasn’t around otherwise I’m sure she would’ve had a ton of questions. 🙂
Jamie says
Love ’em! G and PG were my favorites. I could see doing the bras in pink for a save the TA-TAs event. Love it!
Marisol Avila says
So stinkin cute! Thanks for sharing
Lisa says
The cookies are super cute! 🙂 I loved all of them.
Mikelle says
You disgust me! Ha ha I’m totally makin those for all my friends if I can figure out the frosting!! Thanks for being soo fun Shel, you r da best 🙂
Lindsey Grace says
These are hilarious!!! If I had the patience to try them, I so would! Maybe for my future sis-in-law’s bachelorette!! In fact, I’m emailing these to the other bridesmaids now!!
Kami says
Those are all awesome! So many options & how simple and cute! I think I will make some this weekend for our girlfriends Girls Night Out Birthday party! Yeah! Thanks for sharing. I may have to make some and give them to my husband too when he returns from his Business trip also!!
Wanda says
LOVE ALL OF THEM!! Thanks for fighting through the fear and breaking out of the box a bit. These are so cute! I’m making some tomorrow!
Jackie says
PG-13 is super cute. I loved the BOW-CHICKA-BOW-WOW Title.
Heather L. says
LOVE the PG-13 cookies – they are SO cute!!!
Of course, I am also the mom who has a little embroidered sign in my girls’ (12 and 7 year olds) pink “Parisian” bathroom that says, “Don’t Give In To Frumpie Undies.” LOL!
beverly @ the buzz says
love these! the bra one needs a little bit of frosting to make some cleavage!
Monica says
that is too funny!!
Annette says
LOL…..LOVE this tutorial!!! These can be used for sooo many occasions!!!;) I will definitely try my hand at these!
Carol says
These are too cute. So glad you decided to share them with us! I’ve never made royal frosting but if I did, these cookies would be on the top of my list!
Karen says
I just love these. The bras and undies are so cute and clever. I think I just might make some to give to the hubby!
Denise @ Felt Playground says
Love it!!!!! Fantastic stuff!
Kalli Collins says
I LOVE them!! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
N says
These are clever! I am not the most creative person in the world. I use the ideas I find on the internet. I think my hubby will get a kick out of these! I’ll make the “rated G” version with the kids after they get home from school one day, but I’ll get those others done while they’re gone! TOO CUTE! Thanks for sharing!
Jennifer says
They are all fantastic! I think the bras are my fav because they are the prettiest. 🙂
Makinzee says
Hillarious! Gonna try it with the hubs this year!
Holly says
OH MY!! I love them. The PG-13 set is SO cute! What I love the most is you can bake one huge batch of the same cookies – and have treats for everyone. Thank you for the great idea. These are a must.
Tara says
These are ADORABLE! The hubs is going to LOVE the PG and PG-13 versions! I can just imagine the phone call I’ll get after he opens his lunch on Valentine’s day! Thanks for such a cute idea!
pennymck says
Thanks for the warnings along the way. I just about didn’t go to the PG-13, but at least I was prepared, and I had a good laugh for the day! Maybe Grandpa will get surprise cookies from this Grandma on Valentines day :0
Shelley says
Ewwww Mom!!!!!! Come on! 😉
Emily Dixon says
loved them! the pg and pg-13 one’s made my husband and i laugh!
Beth says
I am happy you decided to post this…so funny and cute and I am sure, yummy! Thanks for the giggle 🙂
Alice H says
Love these – how adorable!!!!!
Wendy says
hilarious AND adorable! Thank you for sharing. 😉
Michelle says
Those are great! So cute! I love them all! Glad you posted it. : ) I’m thinking I better stick to the rated “G” for the office….Bow chicka bow wow! Ha! : )
Sarah says
Um, my husband thinks these would be hilarious to take to work. To the single, IT geek, co-workers.
Shelley says
🙂 I love it. He sounds like my husband. Make them feel all squirmy and uncomfortable! 😉
Lauren says
Love these!!!! Was looking for a sweet treat to make for my Hubby for Vday and I found it!!! He will love these!
Stephanie says
Love these!!! So cute!
Jennie Larsen says
GET OUT- these are to dang cute and NAUGHTY, AND FUNNY! I do love the naughty panties can’t help but laugh. I shared your link on my CraftOManiac FB page. LOVE IT! jen
Anne J says
So cute! I was expecting something a little more risque with all your warnings! Lol.
Harmony The cuz says
I LOVE them all! So cute! I love the little disclaimer too! When do I get to see your cute little family again?
Miss ya! Love ya!
Holly says
I showed these to my husband and now he wants me to make a batch. 😉
Lisa says
Perfect for those of us who like to think outside of the box. Love the thought you put into for the “unmentionables” details.
Aryana says
My husband just walked by and said “Oh heck yes those look delicious!” LoL, cute idea!
Jesslyn says
LOVE THESE!!! The bra & panties are stinkin’ adorable!!
Allie says
Those are STINKIN’ Adorable! I LOVE these!
You should come link this up to my weekly Thursday through Sunday Making It With Allie Link Party! I think it would make a Fabulous addition!
Craft Passion says
This is such a creative idea for the most romantic day of the year!!!! I wonder what the guy will think when they bite on the cookies, ha ha ha….. Love the PG versions 🙂
Sarah says
I am blushing, can you tell ;). I always search for a fun treat to make my husband for valentines, these are perfect! And you can bet I will be making the pg-13 version for sure ;). So cute!
Mandi says
I LOVE these cookies!! LOL!! 🙂 They are so creative and so much fun! I like the pg13 and the G ones, I think I’m going to make my hubby some of those for v day. He will LOVE them too! Very cute!!! 🙂
Carol | Online Flyer Printing says
Super funny cookies. They’re so cute. It makes me want to look at them and display them for a while before eating. I think that’s an ideal gift for Valentine’s Day!
PamB says
Too cute too cute!! My husband will love these and I’m going to show them to my daughter to make for her husband for Valentines Day too!! And what a great idea for a lingerie shower! I’m sure I’ll be giving one for some blushing bride soon and I’ve never seen anything like this!! I’m always looking for new ideas to surprise my guests with! Thanks for sharing, you’re brilliant as always!
Liberty says
So cute! Everyone needs to get a little suggestive now and then! 😉
Mary says
Love them!! You guys are soooo CREATIVE!!! AWESOME!!!
Aubrey says
How do you get your icing so red?
Shelley says
Use WILTON frosting. I use Wilton no-taste Red. 🙂
Aubrey says
I use that kind but can NEVER get it that red. Do you use the WHOLE bottle?
Shelley says
No,…but probably 1/2 to 3/4 of it. The Red gets deeper as it dries too. 🙂 Good Luck! 🙂
Noelle Mink says
These are so fun, cute and PERFECT for valentines day!!!! I’m so happy you decided you share!
Ashleigh Ashby says
These cookies give a whole new meaning to the word “Bootyliscous!” 🙂
Katie says
these are awesome!
Dee says
Those are hilarious! Would you mind if I do a mini-feature of this tutorial on my wedding planning blog?
Shelley says
Of course! 🙂 Go right ahead. I’d love to see the link when you do it. THanks for asking. 🙂
Kim says
Love love LOVE how you turned the card into cookies! Genious–I’ll totally have to do that 🙂 Thanks again for the feature!
Sabrina says
I absolutely love this idea! I am going to make these to take to my husband’s bicycle shop for Valentines!! The men will so get a kick out of them!!
Shelley says
Definitely will whip up a few for my husband for Valentine’s Day. Thanks for the tutorial!
The Treasurista says
These are so fun. I even blushed a little. LOL You have been featured at http://www.thetreasurista.blogspot.com 🙂
The Treasurista says
So cute! I even blushed a little. LOL… You have been featured on http://www.thetreasurista.blogspot.com 🙂
Amie says
Ahahahaaaaaa this is too funny! Love it!
Katie @ Eye Spy DIY says
These are so cute! Love the different ratings!
Tiffany says
Those are so cute!
Thank you for sharing!
Jessica says
Jennifer says
YAY! I think these are AWESOME! A couple of my girl friends are coming over next week so we can make them for our husbands! Can’t wait!
sarah says
these are adorable and really creative. keep up the awesome work!
Zaz says
oh don’t worry about morality, the music clips where women singers shake their booties is far more shocking and sexual than poor beautiful cookies sitting unmoving on a counter or in a box 🙂
enjoy OX
Jo-Anna says
These are the best! The BEST idea for Valentines Day that I have seen yet!
Jo-Anna says
I had to post your idea on my blog!
Shelley says
Aw thanks!!! 🙂
Jenny says
These are so cute. That’s as close as I’d ever get to owning a thong though, LOLOL!
Jana says
Fun fun!
Would love if you came and linked up:
tammy says
Adorable, adorable, adorable!!
Suzi says
Love all three! I am very glad you posted them….I do not find them offensive at all. I think the lingerie ones are adorable. Thanks for the great ideas!
Debbie says
Love these cookies! Planning on making some and sending to my husband in Iraq! I think the guys will get a kick out of them!!
Iris {Sweet Metel Moments} says
You just made my day!! These are so stinking ADORABLE!!! I’ve been wanting to attempt making cookies using Royal Icing and you just inspired me to finally try! Thanks for sharing!
joanna says
I absolutely LOVE them! Thanks for brightening up my day and bringing a smile to my face. 🙂
Yael says
What a cute idea, I can’t wait to try them.
Ember says
Oh. My. Gosh! These are ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!! I’ll definitely make the pg 13 ones for my hubby on Valentines Day.
Aaron Greenwood says
Hi there! LOVE THE COOKIES! I actually have a bra & panties set that I use to make for clients. I do boudoir photography & love to give the ladies a little “thank you”
Any chance you ladies would be interested in doing a giveaway for your utah readers?
Alyssa says
I love them! They are so cute and hilarious! That would be a great idea for a bachelorette party. You could even do diapers for a baby shower!
SheilaG says
These are too cute! Unfortunately, my hubby doesn’t really care for sweets. If only I could figure out how to do this with salsa and chips! 😀
stacey christensen says
I saw these and had to do a post about mine as well. Ours were created in October 20009 for a lingerie Bridal shower.
I linked to your post from my blog. These are too stinkin’ Cute.
Becky says
These are adorable!
Katie says
Are you kidding?! These are AWESOME!! We are stuck in the house today due to the ice and snow storm so I may be making some sexy cookies for husband! He is in Indiana right now for work so it will be a nice little “welcome home” present! Thanks for the idea!!
Kaylynne says
These cookies are so hilarious! I did laugh and almost fall off my chair. So creative! My husband of 20+ years has become so serious and since he is a mechanical engineer he has lost a bunch of his humor. I am definitely going to make these for him and take a picture of his reaction. I better get a smile out of him. Thanks for making my day funny. =)
Jessica Harwood says
Very fun! I don’t think my hubby would know what to do with these. We almost remind myself of a super old-fashioned, very basic and non-suggestive couple. Perhaps we should change that? Especially considering we are still in our 20’s. Sheesh. Anyway, these are fun!
Dania Trahern says
Ooh la la! Love these! I’m a newlywed, and I will be making these for my husband for Valentine’s day! He will love them! Nothing wrong with being a little saucy! 😉
Dolly B-enson says
I that the G-rated were sweet, but the pg-13 are the ones I’m going to make!
Jennifer says
WOW! Are you kidding me? I L-O-V-E the PG and PG-13 ones! Absolutely fabulous! I’m thinking about making some of these for my husband and maybe even for some of the guys at his job. Really too cute!
Carla says
These cookies are too fun!!
Sarah H says
Seriously, anyone who is offended by this needs to R.E.L.A.X. They are hysterical! I saw the bra cookie and cracked up, and then my 5 year old popped up and said what are those? She saw the panty cookies and laughed, she thought they were silly. Of course, this is the same kid who when she sees my ‘racy’ undies in the laundry says ‘those were from before you were married, right?’ Ah the innocence of children.
Linda V @ Bubble and Sweet says
I loved all the versions and was not offended at all, using the sprinkles for the lace was a great idea for any piping impaired cookies makers.
April S. says
I love all your cookies! I made a card like this for my Hubby last year!!
Keandra says
Your BOW CHICKA BOW WOW made my day! And I’m sure I’m gonna make the Hubbs too because he is SOOOO gettin’ some of this!!!!
1 Funky Woman says
These are so freakin awesome! Can you hear me squealing? Love, love, love em! So glad you showed us your thong!
Dee says
Omg those are fan-freaking-tastic!!!!!!! You are so creative!
Amanda says
I LOVE THEM! Especially the PG & PG-13! I have to make these and I NEVER make sugar cookies AND ice them! This will be fun to do! THANK YOU for doing this post!
Heather Tucker says
Too freaking awesome!!!
Christie says
Blushing, but love it. I may stay up late and make some of these cookies. 😉
Crystal says
Awesome cookies! Loved the PG and PG13 ones especially! My husband is gonna get quite a surprise when he opens his lunch on Valentine’s Day. Hopefully he doesn’t open it in front of anyone. 😉
Crystal says
Awesome cookies! Loved the PG and PG13 ones especially. The hubby’s gonna get quite a surprise when he opens his lunch on Valentine’s Day. Hopefully he doesn’t open it in front of anyone. They might get jealous! 😉
Ellen Moore says
Too fun! I love all of them. I am definitely making them for 2/14. I think our newly married dgd will love them…or not! 😉
Thanks a bunch.
Aliessa says
hahahahahahahahaha!! I LOVE it!! My husband says he likes getting new lingerie for Valentines day (for me obviously), but how many can you have really? What a FANTASTIC solution!! Thanks, I will definitely be trying these for Valentines day. LOVE IT 🙂
Emily says
These are so dang cute… and sexy too 🙂 I love them and if I don’t make them in time for Valentine’s Day I am definitely going to for the next bridal shower I help with!
Maureen Anders and Adria Ruff says
Dee says
lol these are cute, and i know my hubby would love them except he would want the hearts bigger if you know what i mean!!! he’d say can’t u find a big ol heart cutter? LOL Happy Valentines day ya’ll!
Janette says
My hubby would be right there asking the same thing….. LOL!!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Janette says
HILARIOUS!! I love them all! Not at all offensive, I laughed when I got to the “PG-13” cookie, so funny. Thanks for sharing and I will be making these for my hubbie.
Michelle B. says
I love the cookies! My friend does “passion parties,” i sent her a link to this post – these cookies would be so fun for her parties. Thanks for the tute!
Lei says
Thanks for the laugh! I never knew heart shaped sugar cookies could be so sexy! Ha!
clare curd says
Hi there!
Thanks for such a great idea! You have inspired me to have a go at making these gorgeous creations that look too good to eat! I have NEVER done anything like this before (especially the royal icing piping so I’m looking forward to see how they turn out. I will be posting on my blog, and will definitely link to here and Sweetopia! Thanks so much for sharing! Brilliant ideas as always xx
shelley@armywifequilter says
I totaly love these cookies. I was not offended. I laughed my tushy off. thanks.
Cheri says
Love them!
Staci says
These are so getting featured in my Friday Favorites tomorrow! I might have to make these for my Valentine get-away with my hubby!
susan says
love them all!!! especially the underwear ones 🙂 soooooo cute!
Susan Hodgson says
Sweet and Saucy!
Perfect 🙂
Cheers for sharing,
Jessica says
This is the best thing that has happened to me today. So so so funny. Thanks for the laugh.
MomAlotofChocolate says
These are soooo stinkin cute!!! I am soooo gonna have to do these this next week!
Sarah BB says
Love them! You ladies continue to impress me with your ideas.
Nikki says
Oh my. That g-string had me blushing. I never knew how creative one could get with heart-shaped cookies.
CC says
These are super-cute! I am so going to make these!!!!!
CC says
Shelley!!! I made them last night!!!! They are too cute to eat!!! Thank you for this fabulous idea!!!
Linze says
Totally made these today for friends! Um… HUGE hit! Haha… They’r ridiculously cute and awesome. My mother was the only one who said, “Maybe the panties are a LITTLE tacky Linz,” and yet still smiled, laughed, and loved them! Haha… GREAT idea! 🙂
Shelley says
Your comment made my day. Thanks for letting me know! 🙂
Jen says
You were an inspiration in my cookie decorating this week! http://www.thesellers.net/2011/02/operation-cookie-bake/
CC Marie says
So cute! Thanks for sharing I am going to try this ASAP!
Katie says
I just baked heart shape sugar cookies and will definatley be making these for my husband! I used to send him sugar cookies when we were dating (way back when…) and he often complains that the cookies are always for the kids!
🙂 These are fantastic!
Haley K says
LOVE THIS!! The first heart cookies were adorable 🙂 And the last two…oh I’d make them for my husband in a second! I know he’d get a kick out of them 😉 And they’d absolutely be all-too perfect for a lingerie bridal shower! Thanks for sharing these sexy-sweet ideas!
Jenny says
I linked to these hilarious cookies: http://ourniftynotebook.blogspot.com/2011/02/links-i-like-edition-32.html
Gina A. says
I loved all 3….very fun and creative. I’m just going to have to try royal icing now I guess. Thanks for sharing.
Charity says
I love the lingerie cookies, they are so cute!!!! I featured them on my blog at http://www.ascrapoftime.wordpress.com.
Cindy says
Thanks so much for posting these! I work at Victoria’s Secret and I’m taking them into the girls today. They are going to love them!
Tiffany says
Love that this blog is so G rated that you were nervous to post this!! 🙂 Trust me, in all the sex crazed media I appreciate your discretion. With that said, I LOVE them and am so glad you shared!! They are adorable.
Bonnie says
sugar cookies
Tara Chandler says
thanks for this amazingly cute idea, once again, from you gals! here’s our mom cookie night.
Holli says
I Love these cookies! Great idea to keep in mind for next year.
Sarah McKinlay says
I got all the componants together to make these cookies and couldn’t find my heart shaped cookie cutter. So, never one to allow a project of a crafty nature to be derailed, I trekked around my apartment complex until I located a neighbor who was generous enough to lend thier cookie cutter to me. It wasn’t until I had done the dishes that I realized that simply returning a clean cookie cutter without any cookie would be entirely inappropriate. But having just created 2 1/2 dozen bra and panty sets I was a little nervous delivering the cookies (after all, I don’t know my neighbors THAT well) But on the way out the door my step daughter saved the day, “Sarah” (she said to me with a very serious look on her face) “it’s too cold outside for swim suit cookies” PROBLEM SOLVED!
As a funny side note I took the cookies to work the next day and when given the choice everybody ate the bras…I’m sure Freud would have something to say about that.
raybak says
omg.. at first I saw and smiled and then I laughed. They looked sweet and then they started looking weirdly sweet..
Kjersti says
I just discovered your blog and LOVE IT! 🙂 This post was awesome I love to bake and my husband loves cookies! I can’t wait to make some of these for him! Even the PG-13 ones 😉 haha
Angie Smith says
I am throwing my sis a lingerie shower on Saturday and I’m making these. 🙂 I’m so excited! I only have a couple of royal icing experiences behind me, but I still can’t wait…your turned out so cute that I’ve been waiting for an excuse to make them!
Heather says
I LOVE THESE!!! They are great, & will make cute treats for ladies night out, & for my anniversary with my husband or V-day, not sure Wich I want them for. I will do them in is fav color (the color he likes to c me in, 😉
For the ones not wanting to make thongs, just cut the tip off to resemble a back more and fill in the whole “bottom” (no punt intended or maybe it is, lol”) they will be cute either way. I work in a bakery and I’ve made a lot more Rated-R cakes, cupcakes & cookies. We use the heart to look a lot Luke a bride
Too. Thx for the post, and I will be looking at the royal iceing tips too
Ember says
I Ab-sol-UTELY love these cookies! I am DEFINITELY doing them for my hubby for Valentine’s day this year!
Tara says
OMG, ok first of all I’m just going to talk to you like you’re my new friend. P.s. I’m southern
Guuuuuurl! Those are too cute AND I’m psyched because I actually have a heart cookie cutter. I am DEFINITELY going to try these. This is my first venture into cookie decorating. I will be giving out thongs and boobs for V-day. I did a boob cake for breast cancer awareness, these would also be great for that. Thank you thank you thank you. Aaaahhhhh!!
My friends are special individuals and God will surely bless them for putting up with my crazy
Leslie says
This is TOO AWESOME!! I am TOTALLY. making these. Pure brilliance.!! Thank you thank you for sharing! I’m sure my husband’s bosses will get a kick out of these when they receive thatem as Valentine’s Day gifts!! 😉 gotta love it!
Lianne says
These are SO SO SO Cute!!! I love that you rated them 🙂 I had a lingerie shower for my sister back in August of ’11 and I wish I had seen this then!!!
Johanna says
Love the cookies! Especially the PG and PG 13 versions. I need to find a good gluten free sugar cookie recipe so I can make them for my hubby! Know of any? Thanks for sharing.
Nancy says
The PG-13 are by far the most fun, but all are cute!
Dani says
I cannot wait to make these for my next get together! Thank you so much for breaking it down enough!
Ashley says
Love the cookies–fun Valentine’s ahead. Would love to hear about your girl’s only party too.
Amanda says
Those are so cute! I will have to try them this year.
Cammie says
LOVE these!!
My Girlfriends always get together around valentines day and do a panty exchange! I can’t wait to make these for them 🙂 Thanks for sharing!!
ellen says
you’re right – they are way to fun not share!
Cat says
I love it! Such a good idea. Let’s just hope that I get to do something like this year instead of a last minute scramble to find something for BH. Oh, and anyone offended by this needs a sense-of-humour transplant!
heather gladney says
Very cute!
SteviKay says
What a cute idea..
Susie says
WOW I am so excited to bake the PG-13 or maybe even some R rated cookies for V-Day this year.
Yvonne says
Those are all AWESOME! Can’t wait to try to make some for my hubby! Thank you for posting them!
sue @ Cakeballs, cookies and more says
LOL the x rated ones made me giggle!
Anna says
I love, love, love the lingerie cookies. I’m thinking of making some. I work at the lingerie department at Dillard’s and my co-workers would get a kick out of these. So, so cute!
Thank you!
Lanae says
I love love LOVE the pg & pg-13’s! So dang funny! I would love to try these this year! and the g’s are cute too for the kids 😉
maura says
Love these ideas. I tried to order something like this a few years ago and was turned down by three bakeries. I didn’t think it was that scandalous, especially for a personal shower. Oh well, next time I can make my own.
Melanie says
Haha, love them!!
Angie Marie says
So adorable! I am mighty glad you decided to post this idea, it is great!
Lulu says
OMG!!! Love these! My husband will get a kick out of them too 🙂 So cheeky! Thanks for sharing!
Jen says
Love the PG 13 cookies…but I guess I better make the G rated ones for my daughter’s class 🙂 She can even help me decorate them. I just bought cello bags with hearts on them from Box and Wrap online. We’re going to put the cookies in them and tie with a pretty bow. Perfect! Thanks for sharing your designs!
Sara says
These are great!!!! I love them all – the PG-13 – bra & matching panties is really cute & I am sure any man would love to get these with a suggestive note – glad you posted them!
FelisG says
Love it! I made the lingerie cookies to take to the superbowl party we went to. They were a hit!
Julie @White Lights on Wednesday says
I’m featuring your lingerie cookies on my blog post today. 🙂
Liz T. says
LOVE IT! So glad you posted! I can’t imagine even an old school marm taking offense to these- they’re just so darn clever!
Brittany @ My Decoupaged Life says
Ok so I know this is an old post but I just had to include it on my Show Off Saturday. I just love these cookies! I made a very poor imitation last Valentines. Maybe I’ll attempt it this year 🙂
Laura says
These are so adorable & super creative I love them! My husband will get a kick out of these for sure 😉 thanks ladies!
Adrienne says
I love it! I’m going to have to try making some PG-13’s. Pretty sure hubby will appreciate the efforts. 🙂
Michelle Rl says
These are awesome!!! My husband would LOVE these!! I will never look at a heart cookie the same for sure….what creativity!!! TFS
Kimberly Wilson says
I love these cookies! I appreciate the tutorial too! I am making these for my best friends lingerie shower. It is sure to be tons of fun! -Kim
Cheri Haaga says
These are so cute!!! I like them all but I love the PG-13 ones for mu hubby. Cute idea that doesn’t cost a lot but you can still say you spent time making. Maybe you can eat them together later valentine’s night… 🙂 Maybe I’ll make some for my anniversary!
Sherri says
ABSOLUTELY LOVE, LUV, LUV, THE POST!!!!!! You are so creative and I want to thank you for all the ideas because they make me look creative too! Luv ya!
Nathalie @ Angelina's Dream Parties says
What a fabulous idea! And you took away the fear of decorating cookies, I will try these at home tonight. I’m sharing on my blog 🙂
Tara says
Is it possible to purchase these? Please email me
Doce Cupcake says
They are all fantastic!!! Thanks for sharing!
Jamie says
These are fabulous…all of them! One of my friends is having a Pure Romance party this weekend in time for Valentine’s Day, and I am going to bring these. I think they will be a hit!
Samantha Hyatte says
O my gosh, these are Adorable!!! I can’t wait to make some for my dad, papaw, uncles, hubby, etc. I’ve never seen anything like it! So glad you didn’t hold back on posting these. ?
Daniela says
Thank you for sharing this delightful recipe! I can’t wait to make these with my daughter and nieces this Valentine’s Day—such a fun idea!