It’s time for NEW printables!!
Don’t you hate it when you get done wrapping your baby shower gift (which has already made you 5 minutes late to the shower) and you can’t find a card to put on top? All you can find is a thank you card. URG. Never again! Enter the all occasion card. Print these babies out and you will never have to scratch out
Happy Birthday and write, Welcome Little One, again!
OR maybe a little surprise for the one you love, just because…
OR maybe a night at the movies with a friend…
OR maybe brighten someone’s day…
Let’s see this one a bit closer…
OH, the possibilities!!!
Chickabug never ceases to amaze us with her talent! Thanks Heather for designing yet another genius HowDoesShe printable! Check out all she has to offer. We personally use her for all of our little celebrations. By the way, Make sure to check our her blog too, which is full of inspiring party ideas.
Want these?
If you are a HowDoesShe email subscriber, they are already in your inbox (or will be shortly). If you aren’t an email subscriber, we can fix that. Just enter your email in the box below and the printables (along with all of our other FREE printable sets) will automatically be sent to you once you’ve subscribed.

We send an e-mail once a week updating you on our creative posts. Don’t worry, we treat our e-mail subscribers right. We will never EVER sell your e-mail address.
And thanks for supporting HowDoesShe!!!
Shelley says
Added. 🙂 Just make sure to verify in your inbox. {check your junk if it’s not there}. Enjoy!
Kristen says
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!! Thank you!!!
Kristen says
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!! Thank u!
Rachel Berry says
I’d love to download them but when I click on the link to open the download window nothing happens…..
And yes I am signed up to get your emails. Not sure why it’s not working. I can get all the older links to download.
Alison says
Email [email protected] She’ll get you the goods!
Brandi says
I have always received your emails just fine, but I didn’t get this one and I can’t reapply…HELP!!! I love these cards….
Rachel Berry says
When i click on the title link to download I get this:
Shelley says
You type in the password there. It’s a password protected post. Find the password in your email we sent out! 🙂 Enjoy!
Heather - Chickabug says
BEAUUUUTIFUL photos, Missy! You did an amazing job!! : )
Marne says
I still haven’t gotten my email either…can’t wait….those cards are adorable!
Alison says
Email [email protected] and she can get you squared away on the free printables!
Nesleirbag says
To have the right card at the right time – -priceless! These are such clever ones! Thanks, Missy and Chickabug. Love the pic with the geranium!
Shelley says
Weird! I just added you manually. Verify in your inbox. Enjoy! 🙂
Mandy says
I accidentally deleted this email. Is there any other way to access the printables?
Alison says
email [email protected] she’ll get you what you need:)
Julie {CalleLillyCafe} says
these are too cute! Love ’em! thx for sharing! I didn’t receive an email either w/these printables.
Tamra says
Thanks girls! Shelley – your “miss you” card is on the way :).
Christal says
for some reason I get get these off the email or find where they link from can you please please send it to me again thanks so much!
Christina says
I got the email the other day, but accidentally deleted it. Now I want to print them today and can’t figure out how to get to it. Is there a link or something to access them away from email? Thanks!
Stephanie says
I would love this printable!! I am subscribed, but my email got hacked recently, and I lost a ton of great stuff, this included!! Is there any way I can get the email and password again?
doolah says
the cards are adorable
Mindy says
I am so curious to know the name of the font used in the big greeting! I have seen similar fonts all over lately. I liberated it! Just today there was a similar font on my cover of “House Beautiful” in the mail!
Leah says
Love these, thanks
Jen Kim says
These are awesome~ Thank you so very much for all the freebies~ =D
Janis says
Thank you SO much for your sharing caring ways! Love the printables! I am telling the world about you!
Brooke says
Hi! I love these cards. They are super cute! But I need help with the download. I can’t seem to figure out how to get them. “/
Thanks for the help!
Brooke says
nevermind. i finally figured it out. i’m just a little slow sometimes. lol
Toni says
I’d love to download them but when I click on the link to open the download window nothing happens…..
And yes I am signed up to get your emails. Not sure why it’s not working. I can get all the older links to download.
Melissa R. says
Can’t wait to explore and send out to my grandkids!