When my little guy was invited to this Cars-themed birthday party, I almost left my camera at home. I thought to myself, “Commercialized theme parties are hard to pull off without looking,…um…commercialized.” Boy, was I wrong! I was so glad I brought my camera. Does your child love Spiderman, Dora, Cars, or Barney? Well…don’t rule them out until you see this creative event.
This Cars-Themed Birthday Party was SO Much Fun!
One Cars-themed birthday party coming right up!
I love the stacked doughnuts that look like tires.
The food and decor were pretty dang cute, but the games…INCREDIBLE!!! Each of these cars were hand-crafted out of simple boxes. The children raced around the yard, each in their own car. I don’t think I have ever seen so many smiles. On your mark, get set, GO!!!!
This little ‘TOE-MATER’ car was my favorite.
You’d better believe after the kids left, our husbands had to join in the fun. Nothing better than seeing grown men act like kids. Did my heart good.
Wouldn’t this make the best Halloween costume? You can learn how to make cardboard box ‘Cars’ here.
Let’s meet the face behind this adorable party. One of my dearest friends, Tamra.
{I snagged this picture from a much-needed cruise vacation we took together last week. So fun! :)}
5 Fun Facts about Tamra:
1. Tamra was my college roommate. Technically, my husband picked up on her before he did me! At a dance club!
2. She likes to dance (um, ya,…obviously!) 😉
3. She knows how to stretch a dollar better than anyone else I know. She usually makes money when she goes couponing.
4. She is an athletic girly girl. (Seriously?! Ugh). –She just ran her first half marathon and is an accomplished swimmer.
5. She loves almond extract.
When asked, “What ‘Super Hero Power’ would you want?” Tamra replied:
“I’d like the power to be able to read people’s minds. Nevermind. I don’t.”
Thank you, Tamra, for sharing this adorable Cars-themed birthday party with us.
Do any of you have fun ‘commercialized theme parties’ you’ve tried? We’d love to see them. We just received a submission for the cutest Hello Kitty party ever! We can’t wait to share it. Soon!
Momma says
Oh my word! My son would LOVE that. Every morning he wakes up and the 1st thing out of his mouth is, “Cars? Oovie (movie)???” Very very cute!!!!!
.-= Momma´s last blog ..Fabric Flower Hair Pretties! =-.
Cathy says
So cute Tamra!!
.-= Cathy´s last blog ..Target Deals 10-10 – 10-16 =-.
Michele @ The Scrap Shoppe says
Oh the games!! Fantastic! My 2 year old is obsessed with Cars. The other day all he would say is “kachow!”
Looks like a fabulous party!
.-= Michele @ The Scrap Shoppe´s last blog ..T-Shirt Design- Announcement- & a FREEBIE!! =-.
Kati says
Awesome party!! 🙂 LOVE those cardboard cars. They look just like the movie!
.-= Kati´s last blog ..Christmas Present Planning =-.
beth says
i feel the same way about commercial parties. unfortunately, kids love their characters and it’s their birthday right? i’d love for you to check out my parties. i have pinkalicious, little mermaid and cinderella. but most recently toy story! http://bethkruse.blogspot.com/2010/08/jessie-woody-cowgirlcowboy-party.html
.-= beth´s last blog ..trick or treat! =-.
Infarrantly Creative says
Wow she put a lot of effort into it making all those cars. WOW! Impressive.
.-= Infarrantly Creative´s last blog ..Giveaway & Sweepstakes =-.
Jill Jackson says
Such a well done party. I can’t believe how many individual cars she made for each of the kids! Thanks for sharing!
LeAnna says
Please please please share the Hello Kitty party very soon! My soon to be 3 year old has decided that she wants a Hello Kitty party which is in December. I would love to see some great ideas!
Amy says
This is absolutely amazing! Will you please convince Tamra to provide a tutorial complete with information on the size of boxes she used and how she made them. I would love to try and do this for a future birthday for my twin boys!!!
Kristen says
I agree with the pp! My son is still in love with Cars and has been since the movie came out right when he was born! I would love to know how she made those Cars since it would be great for his birthday.
Noreen says
Very cute! What a super job she did, and totally creative!
Amy @ Blowout Party! says
Those cardboard cars are incredible! So fun and creative!
.-= Amy @ Blowout Party!´s last blog ..DIY Cupcake Stand =-.
jill says
thanks so much for the great ideas. I have been looking for the cardboard car boxes how to! The Cars ones are the best 🙂
Katie says
Oh wow!! I love it! Those cars are the cutest thing ever! How amazing!
Lacey says
OMGOSH I LOVE the cardboard cars.. going to attempt this for Halloween!!!
carrian says
Stop it! Tamra!!!! Woohoo! Loved your birthday bash! Way to go! We never had any fun parties like this when we were college roomies!!!
Jenn Erickson/Rook No. 17 says
Wonderful party — love the details. And those “box-cars” are positively amazing!
.-= Jenn Erickson/Rook No. 17´s last blog ..Easy Felt Trick or Treat Bucket – Guest Post from ModistaModesta =-.
Jenn Erickson/Rook No. 17 says
I’m just curious how long it took to make all of those cars. Curious, because I’m tempted. Tempted to show this to my 5-year old as a possibility for her January birthday.
.-= Jenn Erickson/Rook No. 17´s last blog ..Easy Felt Trick or Treat Bucket – Guest Post from ModistaModesta =-.
aaron says
This is a great idea and something easy enough for me to do thanks!
Val says
Oh my goodness……my son LOVES CARS! Anyways you can ask your incredibly talented friend how she made the cardboard CARS or if she found the “how-to” on a website? I’d love to know!!!
Shelley says
I’ll ask her! 🙂 You can look at basic instructions in the link here in the post. 🙂 I’d love to see them if you do them! 🙂
AN says
These cars are fabulous! I saw the link in the post but there are many different shapes, etc. represented. Did she use another resource for instructions? We would love to make these for my son’s party but didn’t have much luck with the link. Any help or other references would be appreciated.
Amy says
Her cars are amazing! The link in the post references one of the shapes but there are many others in the picture. Is anyone aware of a resource for other patterns? I would love to make these for my son’s party. Thanks!
Tom @ hello kitty costumes says
Wow!! that was a great idea. i like the idea of the games.
children race while holding their cars.. Great post!!
sara england cunningham says
oh my goodness! (late to the party, but how fabulous!!!)
i am doing research on how to throw a fabulous ‘cars’ party — children’s bday gathering are not ctd’s usual event! — we have offered our services pro bono for a little boy who is seriously ill and would like a ‘cars’ bday party (his 10th, dr’s said he would never make it, but he has!!. may we use some of these ideas? they are really wonderful.
many thanks, sara england cunningham connect.the.dots events (www.ctdevents.com)
Shelley says
OF COURSE you can use some of these ideas! We would be honored. Please send pictures. We would love to add them to this post. 🙂 -Shelley
sara england cunningham says
hi shelly, thanks very much for your speedy response and permission! will def. send pics (event date: april 30).
such a privilege to be invited to help bring a smile to this little boy (he made it — one decade!!!).
best! sara
melissa says
Adorable cars party…
However, I would love to see that “Hello Kitty” party… I am in need of some cute, fun, non-commercial ideas.
Julie says
One month until my son turns five and guess what kind of party he wants?! I hope your friend doesn’t mind if I use a lot of her ideas!
Kate says
I figured you on my blog!
Martha says
This is SOOO awesome!! I am totally doing this for my son’s third birthday next month! Cant Wait!
Tiffany says
Love the idea for the box-cars. Made them this weekend and posted them on my blog. http://frugalgourmetmom.blogspot.com/2011/10/carsieproject-birthday.html
Thanks for the great inspiration!
Jessica says
This is amazing! I’m planning my son’s 2nd bday and it’s Cars themed! Where did you get those tires from? Can you get them from the junk yard?
gina love says
super cute!! my son is crazy about “wah wah deen” lightening mcqueen and would LOVE a party as cool as this one! thank you so much for sharing…i am going to nab a few ideas, if you don’t mind!!!!
Lori says
OH EM GEE! this party looks A-MAZE-ING! I’m in the begging stages of planning my 2 going on 3yr old’s party and “cars” is what I was going for! this has helped me SO MUCH! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
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Automotive expert says
That’s great advice. I am going do that this weekend.