This post is one of our Pinterest fans FAVORITES so we thought we’d repost it in case you missed it the first time! What ? You are not following us on Pinterest? Come see why over 350,ooo other people are!…click here, and join us!
7 Natural Home Remedies
#1. Diarrhea
#2. Constipation
#3. Burns
#4. Ear infections
#5. Headache
#6. Teething
#7. Sore Throat
It’s so simple, just heat 1-cup water, add 1-Tbsp lemon juice, and 1&1/2-Tbsp honey!
This feels so nice going down your throat, I just made some right now, and I’m not even sick!
Also check out Dawn’s magic herbal tea recipe that is sure to blast sickness away:
BONUS #8! Coconut Oil.
This stuff can help a bunch of things from diaper rash to dry hair – we love coconut oil around here (why?.. see this post). We found a brilliant new way to use it. The best part, we have also found a coupon to make it dirt cheap {yes that is a $10.00 coupon we just found for it. You are welcome ;)}. Or you can find it here for a great price.
Want more natural remedies?
Check out these posts:
From Skeptic to Believer. All Natural Remedies.
If you forget everything else, but remember what I told you about #2, I’ll feel like I accomplished some good in the world!
Weedwacker says
Thanks for sharing! Here’s one that’s been time tested, and it saved me from getting up a dozen times a night in the summer.
When the kids have mosquito bites (they wake up at night with itching and then they wake you up to do something about it), use a cotton ball to put witch hazel on the bite. They will go back to sleep and not wake you up any more that evening. I use it for my mosquito bites all the time, and only need to do it a couple of times before the bite disappears.
ALSO, for children and adults too, a teaspoon of brown sugar (followed by a couple swallows of water) cures the hiccups, EVERY TIME.
.-= Weedwacker´s last blog ..Smells =-.
em says
Thanks! I didn’t know either of these remedies. I wish I had known them before my kids took a trip to their Grandparents and got mosquito bites on every square inch of their body. The poor things… and poor me too!
Amy says
We use a spoonful of peanut butter for hiccups at our house. 🙂
Meredith says
That’s funny, because my kids crack up every time they see me about to eat a spoonful of peanut butter because it GIVES me hiccups every time. I’ve been getting hiccups from peanut butter as far back as I can remember.
Jennifer M says
Easy hiccups cure, get a pencil and put lengthwise in your mouth all the way across you back teeth bite down and hold for 60 seconds. Saw it on the doctors last year, thought it was crap, 5 min later DH had hiccups , tried it, it worked! it worked on me and my daughter that week too! Coconut oil is helpful for eczema too. Black licorice is good respiratory healthy as well and for sinus infections try oil pulling (swishing of sesame oil in the mouth for 15-45 min , also good for respiratory issues and dental health or issues.
Lynn from For Love or Funny says
I had no idea about the black licorice!! I’ll see if my kids will eat it!
.-= Lynn from For Love or Funny´s last blog ..11 people are smarter than I am =-.
Gretchen says
I had NO idea about the licorice. Thank you so much!!! I’m putting that on my go to list. 🙂 My little one was suffering from constipation for over a year, and on Miralax for several months, until recently. Long story short, he is regular, and not on any medication now! If you’re interested, his whole story is here:
Anyway, thanks for the tips! It’s always a pleasure reading these articles.
Lauren says
I’ll be using the teething remedy TODAY. Poor Baby J is cutting molars this week and they are no fun at all! (I actually received a gift {it came from Target} of these “teethers” that look like nets on the end so that you can put frozen fruit in them. That took the pain away a few days ago but I’m trying the washcloth today!)
.-= Lauren´s last blog ..The Secret Life of CeeCee WilkesChapters 36-50 =-.
Lex says
Hi Lauren, I used to put an ice cube in a wash cloth ( the thin baby ones) and tied an elastic around the ice cube- My kids used it to chomp their needy gums on. Works great and no mess – perfect for car trips;)
Amy @ Blowout Party! says
This is your most useful post yet! I had never heard about most of these tips. Thank you!
.-= Amy @ Blowout Party!´s last blog ..From the Closet- Gorgeous Headbands by Dolce Vita Mia =-.
Shannon says
I am definitely bookmarking this one so I don’t say, “Where did I read how to…?” Thanks for all of the great suggestions. I really don’t care for black licorice, but a mom’s gotta do what a mom’s gotta do. I had no idea!!
Marie says
Love all these tips! Natural rememdies are the way to go! Peppermint oil is also a great way to ease nausea. Just put a little on a kleenex and lay on your kids pillow. Added bonus: It smells great, even when your kid stinks!~
Tami Higbee says
Great ideas! Thanks!!
.-= Tami Higbee´s last blog ..Builders of Nations =-.
Cathy Green says
When my kids were teething I used freeze pops. The ones in the long tubes. Don’t cut it open for them to eat, just hand it to them straight from the freezer. They can chew and chew on it and if they happen to break through the plastic, it won’t hurt them since it is made to be eaten. My pediatrician told me about that one.
Stacey says
I’m drinking the secret lemon honey drink right now! It’s amazing and does feel fabulous going down! Thanks for the recipe!
Jenna says
I have used this remedy for years and it is SO good. The only thing I do differently is use lime instead of lemon.
Julie says
I’m printing this – thank you!
.-= Julie´s last blog ..What really matters =-.
Jessa (Holiday Haven) says
Great tips! I had never heard of the BRAT diet, will have to try that next time. And what a cute baby/blueberry photo!!!!
.-= Jessa (Holiday Haven)´s last blog ..WISH i was on HOLIDAY – Craigdrroch Castle =-.
Nancy says
THANK YOU for very useful tips! I am going to bookmark them now! 🙂
jacklyn says
Thanks Em, that was very useful and I loved the pictures. My rice bag is actually a sock with a big knot tied in the end…it is hideous but for a quick one it works
Linda Kish says
Just honey for babies under 12 months.
em says
Shoot, thanks so much for the reminder. I don’t think about it b/c my kids can’t tell me their throat hurts till they are well over 12 months of age.
Amy Edwards says
Thank you so much for the tips! I CANNOT wait to try the black licorice tip. My 6 year old takes Fletchers Laxative for Children every single day as prescribed by the gastroenterologist in an attempt to get his body working right and retrained to go regularly. I really hope this will work for him!
.-= Amy Edwards´s last blog ..Good Excuse! =-.
Karen says
When my daughter was little I gave her Jello everyday to help with #2. :-))
Gladys says
If you can find a good acupuncturist, it may help with the constipation.
Swimming cures constipation in our house – everytime! Within 5 minutes kicking around they are out running to the bathroom!
Sue G says
So does jumping up and down on the bed! Every time I allowed the children to jump, within a minute or so they would have to go poo. Lol
jackie says
try probiotics – you can become dependent on laxatives.
Breonna says
My 6 year old gets constipated sometimes, so I give her a few prunes! She loves them!! If your little one isn’t that into them on their own, we also like to chop up a handful of them and throw them in to our oatmeal! My husband even likes it this way! Super yum!
Deborah Warner says
Thank you so much for the teething ideas.
Claudia Bridge says
Thanks for all the tips Em!! I will use them on my sweet grandchildren. you have some great ideas… the one about the baking soda and vinegar for burns is a life saver. Cute bags for the hot packs for ear aches. Remember the long white gym socks we used!! thanks again!!
em says
HeHEhE, yep, Jack and I still use them. I even made one with those socks that have toes. Thanks for keeping it real Mom.
Rachel says
Now here’s one for if your infant is colicky or has lots of air or gas in the tummy.
Boil half an onion in water until the onion is soft.
Pour the water not the onion in a bottle/sippy.
Put a tsp of sugar in. Remember what Mary Poppins says!
stir it.
Drop an ice cube in to cool it down.
Have your baby drink as much as possible. Doesnt have to drink it all just enough.
and it somehow gets all the air off their tummies and lets them sleep.
(grandma told mom when i was a baby. I was colicky. So was my mom. They said it worked everytime. I gave it to my daughter once when she was having hurtful gas. It helped her)
annie says
Try lemon juice on the blueberry stains. We used to eat mulberries off Grandma’s tree and get stains all over us. Lemon juice took it all out of our clothes and off our hands and faces.
Angela says
Vitamin A drops work every time. The trick is start them at first sign of your child or you feeling sick. Must do correct dosage for Childs age and weight and for a maximum of 3 days, no more because it can be harmful if taken for too many days. When I feel like I’m getting sick I take these drops and it keeps me well.
Maija says
Awesome. When my kids were teething, I took the dollar gloves from Wal-mart or Target and washed them up, dried them, then stuck frozen peaches in the fingers, tied off the cuff part and let the kids go to town with them! Nowadays I see they have the mesh teethers! (I knew I should have patented it!)
Also, if your child is coughing at night, rather than using cough syrup or some other medication, we rub Vicks Vaporub on the bottom of their feet for a bit, make sure there is plenty, and then stick clean cotton socks on them. (I don’t know why they have to be cotton, that’s just what my mom did!) The coughing stops at night!
.-= Maija´s last blog ..Fast Runner =-.
Amanda says
One thing that helps my kids ear aches is to put some warm rubbing alcohol in their ear. It relieves the paid almost instantly and allows them to sleep. This especially works for swimmers ear but works for other ear infections too.
Ashley says
It does work great, but remember to not put it in ears that have tubes in them. It is eqivalent to pouring alcohol on a open wound. Not pleasant for the little ones!
Silke says
Here we heat up an onion, wrap in a towel and lay on ear. The heat and the fumes minimize the pain. Old German recipe :)Smells but works and everyone has onions at home-simply stick in the microwave.
Jen says
One of my favorites for night time coughing is a teaspoon of honey at bedtime. Try to give it last thing with no water afterward. It really works. CAUTION though – don’t give straight honey to small children. I can’t remember the age now but I think it’s 2 or 3?
Dawnielle Westerman says
the age is 1 do not give honey to infants under the age of 1 🙂
em says
I want to give a big thanks to everyone for sharing your tips with us. I didn’t know most of them, and am way excited to try them out!
shirley says
Another method for ear infections is an onion. Cut an onion in half and heat in a pan until soft and juice is running from it. Let cool and then hold to infected ear for 5-20 minutes.
I tried this when we had just moved into our new home and everything was still in boxes & my son woke up at 11:30 screaming in pain over his ear. I was tired, couldn’t remember were anything was at but had remembered reading this somewhere. He stopped crying literally within 5 minutes of letting the juice seep into his ear and the next morning his ear no longer hurt at all. I have since tried it two other times and it has worked every time!
ALyssa says
I have heard that the juices from garlic work as well and that is sold at ‘health food’ stores with the little eyedropper things in them already.
Aubrey says
Thanks Em….and everyone else for these fabulous tips!!! I loved your post about first day of school traditions and now tips about what to do after your kids start school and the colds and sickness begins! What great info for the fun and practical parts of parenting!!!! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Mars MeeMaw says
Look the tips! Knew of the BRAT diet and it has worked well!
I’m bookmarking this page and will follow your blog.
I’ve scanned though other pages but can’t seem to find the other “posts” you mention Aubrey. Can you direct me to the “tips about what to do after your kids start school and the colds and sickness begins”, please?
ALyssa says
Does the black licorice have to be a certain brand? We have chronic constipation in our house and any natural things (other than prune juice which is getting old) we can do would be great- we are already on Miralax, mineral oil, probiotics, Dulcolax, Wheat bran and high fiber diets with little to no improvements.
Tracy J says
We’re now on a Miralax and magneseum citrate 3 out of 4 weekends a month (fri pm; sat am; sat noon…then miralax sat pm and sun am); and miralax and mineral daily during the week to “clear everything out”. The Magneseum Citrate even hit my hubby hard! We’ve also added Pedisure w/ Fiber.
For ear infections/pain, I’ve also heard to use sweet oil. Put a few drops in the ear and place a cotton ball to keep the liquid in (if old enough).
Kristy Prine says
I’m a nurse who works at a large hospital and I work with an older gentleman nurse who has been a nurse for pretty much forever. When we have a patient with constipation, he swears by the remedy of alternating prune juice and cows milk. He does 1 cup prune, 1 cup milk, 1 cup prune, 1 cup milk, 1 cup prune, 1 cup milk. I have never had a patient who it didn’t work for or who required more than 3 cycles. I work with adults, so you probably could use less than a cup for a child.
Carrie Hamm says
Regarding teething – you can us cloves rub it on your finger and rub it on the childs tooth area it has a nubing affect. Also pickles work – don’t know why maybe the vinager and cold but it really workd on both kids.
Robyn says
I do the pickle thing with all my kids and tell everyone about it as well.
Sandy says
Hi – I haven’t read the rest of the comments (gotta get a boy to shcool!), but Chamomilla is usually a brilliant homeopathic remedy for teething bubbies.
Have a great day everyone!
kdonat says
The homeopathic description is misleading. Great suggestions for kitchen remedies none the less.
Teresa Verhoestra says
My Grandmother always used onion tea for a cough. She would take a small onion and boil in a cup of water. She would and suger (really sweet) drain and cool. I think the onion has a sedating effect and the sugar coats the throat.
Cori says
Next time I will try the licorice remedy on my kid. Until now, I was giving him fresh figs to eat when I had and it workd well for constipation: the fresh figs should be eaten with their skins. Otherwise, when I don’t have fresh figs, I make a kind of jam with the dried figs: let 4 figs soak in some water all night. Drain them and mash them with a fork. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with the mashed figs and eat them with whole wheat bread for breakfast.
Shelly says
Just a quick tip from a former chef (I say “former” because I don’t do it professionally anymore)… lemon juice removes blueberry stains from skin in a snap. Just sayin’.
Roisin says
Love the BRAT diet. I use it for when IBS issues decide to flare up. A home remedy I use for burns is steeping tea bags in water then adding ice to cool it down. It works a lot better than just cold water. Not sure why. Oh, and the honey tea is fantastic. For adults, it’s also quite good with a bit of peach brandy added. My dad swears by it as a cure-all.
April leblanc says
Nothing suggested here is “homeopathic”! You really need find out what “homeopathic” means, these are all wonerful sugestions, and I have used many of them for years! I am a Registered Nurse and have 10 years experience in Pediatricts. You can call them “natural” or “naturopathic” or even “holistic”, but NOT “homeopathic”!
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
I guess we used the word all wrong. Good to know. 🙂
Rachel says
Put a slice of ginger steep in the lemon honey drink! If your kids don’t understand not to eat it at least try it yourself! It is delicious and really helps you feel better. I was taught to give a slice to each mug and you just keep it in there until the tea is gone.
Cassandra says
These are great! Although you might want to add in a side note about the tea. Honey should not be given to children under 12 months!
Kiersten says
I have used most of these ideas EXCEPT for #2 and that’s probably the one I have needed to make the kids use the most! Thanks for the tip! I’ll for sure be using it. Suppositories are no fun at all.
Kylee says
Another great thing for ear infections is garlic oil. You can buy it at any health food store. Or even just plain ‘ole olive oil… warm it up a smidge under running water drop it in the ear, put a cotton ball in and put a warm pack over it… or just drop it room temp and put the warm pack over it. It’s a little harder for the little ones, to get them to stay still, but garlic is a natural anti biotic {it’s either antibiotic or anti- inflamitory.. I forget which one}
Tracy says
I add a bit of grated or thinly sliced ginger to the honey lemon tea for a sore throat. It helps with the inflammation, and tastes yummy too! If you add too much it might be too spicy. I usually boil it with the water for a few minutes and they add the lemon and honey.
Emily says
These methods are not “homeopathic”. Homeopathy is a branch of pseudoscience that involves incredibly diluted ingredients in water. Some great ideas, but a misleading title.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
We’ve recently been updated as to what is what. 🙂 Thanks for filling us in. Hopefully they are still helpful tips nonetheless. 🙂
Jennifer says
My entire family has been into holistic medicine for years. For earaches, an even better cure that I’ve used several times and I use it on my animals, even my vet said it would work, Sweet Oil. You can buy it almost anywhere, just a few drops in any aching ear and it takes it all away.
And the honey tea is great, but adding a shot of whiskey to it makes it even better for people with a severe cough, now I’m not saying to give it to kids, but for adults it’s an excellent remedy. My mom’s doctor even agreed that if it helps then use it.
Tianna says
To get the stains off, use toothpaste! I use it for koolaid all the time! It works for any food/drink that stains the skin!!
Ann Marie says
These are great! I just got one for you to add to this list. If you have Pink Eye, use milk. There are 3 types of Pink Eye… allergenic, viral, and bacterial. Allergenic is more about getting away from the problem or if there is dander in your eye to wash it out with water. For the viral type, it’s the same as any common cold and will go away after about 5 days or so, the bacterial type is the one that most people use antibiotics for. I have just had this type and didn’t want to use antibiotics so I researched home remedies and I found that if you use milk it really works and it was gone almost completely by the first day of putting milk in it. 4 times a day for about 2 days, drop a drop or two of milk in your eye and the good bacteria in the milk will build up the good bacteria in your eye instead of using antibiotics which destroys all the bacteria in your eye leaving you vulnerable again to getting another dose of Pink eye. Thank you so much for putting these together into one site!
MrlKerr says
Another one for #2 (though might be used more by brave adults) Sea Salt Flush: 8oz warm water and a tsp of SEA salt (table salt will not work, and it’s disgusting). It’ll clean you right up, plus it flushes toxins from your body – even ones built up over a long period of time. Best part, it works every time, and only within about 30 minutes to an hour (and you’re done in about 2 hours0.
Christina says
I loved you idea’s. A good one for ear infections is to cut an onion in half and warm it in the microwave, then hold it your childs ear for ten mins or so. The pain will be gone and back to sleep they will go. It works amazing!!!!
Molly says
I’m a peds nurse and do telephone triage, your tips are great and often what we recommend. A few things to add for constipation is also avoiding the ABCs of constipation – Apples Inot apple juice), bananas, and Carrots. Also, for ear infections as long as they don’t have tubes or drainage from the ear a few drops of olive oil or other cooking oil a few times a day helps provide pain relief!
Melody B. says
Really? I guess our son was the exception to that ABC’s of constipation. Apples, bananas and carrots all three would make him have a bowel movement very quickly, especially the carrots. If he ate more than 1 carrot a day, he’d have wonderfully orange loose bowel movements for hours.
Jennifer says
I have used Hydrogen Peroxide to cure colds, ear infections. Using a Qtip put a couple of drops in the ear and let it sit for a couple of minutes with your head turned so the ear is up– it feels like it’s tickling your ear. Then drain on a cloth or tissue.
BTW–love these ideas!
Gladys says
At the first sign of a sore throat, I pour a bit of hydrogen peroxide into the ear canal and let it bubble there for awhile. Eliminates most cold. If you do get a cold, suck on Vitamin C/Echinacea drops (not the sugary kind) to sooth throat tickles. I’ve known them to stop coughing fits that nothing else would touch.
Kat says
For fevers my Grammy would use vinegar on the bottom of our feet. And as for coughing and congestion of chest or head she would put Vicks vapor rub on bottom of feet and place socks on overnight. Works like magic!
Erin Hall says
I also freeze celery stalks for teething-both my kids loved it!
Kim says
Black Licorice is also great for relieving phlegmy throats/noses and congested chests.
sam says
Any suggestions on how to prevent staph infections in a child diagnosed ass carrier?
Teena says
Turmeric, probably in capsules because of the taste, work up to 4 times a day, then once under control back off to once or twice a day. Use both internally and powder externally on sores with castor oil to make a paste. Google turmeric and staph for more info.
Annette says
As a natural health enthusiast, I love your ideas….just wanted to make a quick comment about the honey tea. Be sure not to give honey to children under one year…honey contains botulism spores which is harmless to older kids but can be fatal to children under a year.
Kelly says
For burns we use toothpaste, it can be gel or not, put some over over the affected area, if it starts melt put some on, with in minutes the pain is gone and no blisters will appear. I use it quite a bit as I tend to burn myself while cooking and seeing to the kids needs at the same time.
Pamela Blevins says
This was great
Emily says
I thought this was so perfect, there are so many ways to soothe a child without 1st checking the medicine cabinet. I too look to natural oils, & remedys & have had a year free from any antibiotics. its nice to have a fun reminder here. Thx again-Em
Darla says
The one save-all for me with my kids, husband and myself with earaches has been to-
1-Melt a spoonful of Vicks VapoRub on a spoon, being very careful not to ignite the spoon as it could happen (I know this from personal experience).
2-Take a cottonball you have ‘fit’ to the ear and soak up the melted Vicks VapoRub.
3-Touch to your wrist making sure it’s cool enough to put in ear and then insert just inside the ear only far enough to secure within the outer ear canal.
4-Sleep with it and I promise it relieves pain and ends the doctor’s visit either entirely or at least until a more decent hour (as in not in the middle of the night!)
KRistina says
also for earaches, a few drops of sweet oil and a cotton ball in the ear for a few min works great.
eva says
For burns: egg whites! crack an egg and put a little on the burn, repeat when it dries up!
For ear aches: a drop of oil will help! My mom used Johannes oil on us! I used to get ear infections often!
Amanda says
my mom used to crack open an egg ad use the slimy part of the inside of the shell and place it on a burn.
a little diff subject but for bee stings and slivers mix baking soda and water until its a paste and rub on bee sting or sliver, it eases pain but also help the stinger to come out.
Sharon Taylor says
Living in Northern Minnesota, I have learned a few things about mosquitos! I carry little alcohol pads in my purse as they work for relieving not only mosquito bites but bee stings as well. I have only had to use them a couple times for bee stings, but also just having a bottle of rubbing alcohol on hand with a few cotton balls can take the misery out of bug bites and bee stings.
Natalie says
Love all these ideas
Amy says
When my children were old enough to eat raisins, I would feed them chocolate covered raisins for constipation. They think they are getting a treat when really they are getting something that helps them ‘move right along’.
meital says
This is actually a great post and a few new remedies that I didn’t hear about until now, I’m going to try them on my 2 little ones…I really enjoyed this post, thanks!:)
Brandi says
Other remedies that worked for my kids(these are also Dr. approved)are: when teething, give them beef jerky…the thick strips. There is just enough spice to numb their gums without burning them. Also their gums aren’t strong enough to rip them so there’s no choking hazard.
For diaper rash: put some all purpose flour in a pan over med-high heat, stir constantly until flour is brown. When it’s cooled down put on baby’s bottom…This works better (and with no chemicals) than anything on the market.
For gassy babies: Quarter a yellow onion and put it in a small pot of water over med-high heat. Boil until onion is tender. Strain tea into air tight container and place in refridgerator. When cooled put 1 oz tea into a 4oz bottle (2 oz. for 8oz bottle) and fill the rest of the way with formula.
Sarah @ ActivityHero says
LOVE all of these ideas! So many parents are too quick to give their kids medicine for silly things like gas bubbles and teething. Great post, thank you!
Cam says
If your stuck with a sore throat chewing marsmallows helps!
Erika says
For a sore throat, marshmallows! Its has something with the geletin and the root extract…. but it does work!
Jamie says
Another homemade relief for sore throats – hot (drinkable hot, not scorching) pineapple juice. I know it sounds super weird, but it’s very tasty and soothes wonderfully.
Jackie says
wanted to share my home remedy with you. It was given to me years and years ago by a lady I nursed. I have used it for my kids and now starting in on my grandchild.
Hot Milk Poltice
Use on splinters, ingrown tonails anything that needs ‘soaking’ and I even use it on the shot sites to prevent soreness.
Flour (about a tablespoon)
Boric Acid ( about a pinch)
put flour in a bowl, add tiny bit of boric acid and milk enough to make a paste. You can heat it if you’d like…put on boo-boo then cover with a wash cloth that is as warm as can take…wrap in plastic (bag, saran wrap,etc) and leave til cool. remove, clean site. If using on the young please beware of the heat of the cloth…they can’t take it too hot so just warm is good enough.
Mary says
Honey is great for burns, too. It has natural antibacterial properites. Use the unpasteurized kind you get from a local bee keeper, not the stuff you buy at the grocery store. It’s said that regularly eating honey local to your area also builds your resistance to allergies because the bees are getting pollen from the blooming plants and flowers in that area.
liz says
It is a bad idea to put honey, ointment, butter, lard, baking soda, ANYTHING but cool, running water on a burn. And if its bigger than 4cm it needs to be taken for medical attention.
AJ says
I read a post that said it was a bad idea to put honey on a burn and this is absolutely untrue. I’ve worked in wound care for many years and honey is great for these types of things. In fact there are wound care products out there that insurance companies will only approve for burns and they are 100%natural honey. This is the key however, it must be natural, not the kind you buy at the super market. It’s promotes natural debridement and has antibacterial components as well. Your cold water remedy will not cut it when it comes to keeping the area clean and soothing any pain once you remove the area from the cold water. If that alone works for you as far as soothing the pain, that is great, but natural honey is something that has been used for years for burns and wounds….of course visiting with your doctor is always recommended/needed for serious burns.
Amaryah says
#2…cute. 😉
Rebecca Batts says
Something for dirarea is jello mixed with water. Have your child drink it and it stops it within 15 minutes. It was my grandma thing and it really works
Amanda says
You should also add to the ear infection part to prop the child’s head up to help the sinuses drain. I had the worst problems as a child. My eardrum even burst from the pressure. Sitting up or being propped up really helps. It’s so simple!
Erica says
These are wonderful naturopathic methods for treating your children but they are NOT homeopathic. Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine using homeopathic remedies to treat illness. Homeopathic by definition means using “same for same.” The remedy substance in its natural state which can cause illness in its homeopathic state can cure.
Shelia says
For constipation in adults when nothing else works this is non fail. 8 ounces very very warm water and 1 tablespoon honey. Usually works within an hour and no cramping!!
Katie B says
Black Licorice has been recalled due to high levels of lead. Please refer to the CDC to see which manufacturers/products are included in the recall.
Laura McD says
Whoa! Had not heard of that! Thanks for the info. It seems like there are so many recalled food products recently. Scary 🙁
Laura McD says
Thanks for the oh-so-awesome tips! I clicked on this link thinking ‘Yea, yea.. another one of “those”‘ and I was quite surprised to find some great tips I did not know about. I was happy to come across the BRAT diet back in July when I got a nasty bout of intestinal issues RIGHT before vacation. I SWEAR by it now. Within 24 hours I was much better. One that you didn’t mention but I also SWEAR by is putting a thick layer of Vicks on your child’s feet (with socks over it of course–unless you like messy sheets!) when they have a nasty nighttime cough. My son suffered a very sickly Kindergarten year with all the new germs he was suddenly in contact with. My sister told me about the Vicks on the feet and I thought she’d lost it. Well, I tried it and it WORKS!!
Irene says
Using hot packs for earaches is not good.. The ear canal is already swollen, and adding a hot pack may feel good, but will only make things more swollen!
Vildy says
I’ve also got a great couple of remedies for all the above. Full strength Nyquil! Works wonders when the little ones have pain, get sick, get snarky or whiny.
Heather says
My mother used to give us hot lemonade make according to the countrytime jar’s directions just use hot watter, and you can get kids to drink it by the gallon
Krista says
another great one for headaches that we use is stick you hands and feet in hot water, not scalding but hot, it opens up the blood vessels in your hands allowing blood to flow away from your head faster, allowing the headache to minimize if not subside completely.
Brittany says
A spoon full of jelly gets rid of my or family’s hiccups 99% of the time.
JessM says
I love most of these ideas but the ones that concern me are about the burn treatments! I was always told that the only thing that should go on a burn is cool running water! No egg whites, no tooth paste (esp. if the burn is still so warm it is melting the toothpaste – so just add more!), nothing, just cool running water for however long it takes to take the heat out of it (5-10 min), then if it is bigger than 3-4 cm round or is blistering it’s straight to the doctors – you should never mess with burns!!
Cathatreader says
My daughter loved a to chew a frozen dill pickle for a teething ring. Something about the sourness kept her coming back for more. She had the funniest face as she would cringe at the sourness and then put it straight back in her mouth.
Liz says
Your advice about burns is not very good advice. The consensus in the medical community is that burns can be worsened by the application of ANYTHING other than cold, running water over it. No ointment, no paste, nothing that will effectively “suffocate” the burn and trap heat, the burn needs to breathe. And if it’s over 2 in in diameter, it needs to be seen by a physician.
Ashlynn says
Just thought I should throw this out there. For #7 the sore throat remedy, I think it’s important to note that THIS SHOULDN’T BE DONE TO A CHILD LESS THAN A YEAR OLD. Honey can be dangerous for the little ones.. Kids start cutting teeth the first year so people might think because they can do the applesauce washcloth thing or frozen peas they might be led to believe they can also try doing the drink on the little ones.
Lana says
Coconut oil totally cures cradle cap on babies. Totally!!!!
Katie Jewett says
Also a great idea use peppermint oil to get rid of spiders in the house. Put some water in a spray bottle then put a few drops of peppermint oil into the spray bottle with the water. then use around the window and door and so long spiders.
Julie V says
What a great tip! My boys will be thrilled about this idea. They have woken up a couple of mornings with spider bites! This doesn’t necessarily kill them just keep them away correct?
Melissa says
What a great list 🙂
I have had my doctor tell me about the B.R.A.T.T.Y diet. The only thing with applesauce is that it has to have no sugar so that it doesn’t feed any infection and apples are fine as long as there are no peels.
The second T. is for black tea, not too much because although it does help to firm things up you don’t want to have the caffeine help with dehydration. I make it quite weak.
The Y is for yogurt the only dairy that is allowed if you have, you know, the bum flu 🙂 Make sure that it has very little sugar
and of course lots and lots of water.
If all else fails good ol childrens kaopectate
Thanks again for all of the hints. I think I have copied down almost all of them.
Julie says
Another great one for ear infections is warm table salt. My mom used to do this for me all the time as a kid. Warm a custard cup of table salt in the microwave, pour it into a plastic ziploc bag and move all the salt so it’s collected in the corner. Wrap the whole thing in a dry washcloth and put the corner with the salt into your ear. It helps relieves the ache better than anything I’ve tried. The only downside is that the salt doesn’t stay warm for more than 10 or 15 minutes.
Dawn Dillingham says
For earaches,I made salt packets for my kids. They were little packets of table salt made inside of a porous paper towel and taped shut. (You can wrap this in a man’s handkerchief if you like.) This could be warmed in a microwave and they slept on it. Earache gone. Was perfect for my son who was a swimmer and often got swimmers’ ear. The salt draws the fluid from inside the ear as evidenced by the gunk on the little pouch the next morning and the heat was quite soothing.
Missy says
Slightly warm Sweet Oil and use a couple of drops in the ear to sooth an ear ache. Be careful to not get the oil too warm. My Dad has done this for years and it helps.
AJ says
For ear infections, my parents used to put warm onion juice in our ears. They would put a cotton ball in after. It at least made us feel better and it did seem to get rid of the ear infection without going to the doctor.
Lacy Flo says
Does anybody have some homemade remedies for a child’s fever?
Aleesha says
All that I know to try and cure fevers at home is a cool bath, wrap them up tight to get nice and warm and have them sweat it out if its not to high..
Chris says
Most of these are wonderful tips. I will say that the BRAT diet is considered to be outdated. Doctors now recommend giving children with diarrhea their regular diet, including milk.
KMM says
I agree! The most important thing to do for a child with diarrhea is major rehydration with plain water or pedialyte.
Aleesha says
I love these ideas and I will be adding them to my knowledge!
Heres a few that I know:
Constipation can be cured in infants with a few drops of dark Karol syrup.. and I mean drops dont use to much or ull get an explosion trust me learned the hard way.. if it doesnt work right away repeat the process till u get results
Upset tummys in infants children and even adults *very good if ur pregnant and dont want to take nausea pills* infants: break up a peppermint and put a few small peicies in a few ounces of warm water and shake till dissolved.. children and adults just suck on the candy also works really well when uve eaten to much from a chinese restraunt and u feel really bloated 😛
Sore throats: I use worehond .. they sell it in candy form and my kids love it works on me too.. or menthol drops.. i try to avoid honey because i have an infant in the house dont want to accidently get a mix up
Teething: Ive always giving a cold wash cloth or frozen one to chew on
Burns: I put spread oly on them.. its worked for me.. takes the ache out
Bee Stings: sounds gross but chewing tobacco works AMAZINGLY! I learned this over this summer when we where on a family trip and my son got stun in the mouth and on his hand *no i did not put it in his mouth* but i did put the wet pouch on his sting on his hand and he almost instantly stopped crying
Elaine says
Some very awesome tips! A lot of them I knew about, but forgot. I have another one given to me just last month when I stepped into a fire ant hill and my right ankle and foot were covered in the buggers! My 96yr old Grandpa told me to soak a cotton ball or corner of a cloth in ammonia and dab on the bites. If anybody has ever been bitten by these creatures, they know the bites itch like poison ivy. The sting and itchy feeling goes away almost instantly and I haven’t scratched it at all (and I’m a horrible scratcher)!
Saira says
I think everyones Grandma has a sore throat secret! My Grandma’s secret recipe is to boil an onion in just enough water to almost cover it, then add to the water (after removing the onion) sweet apple vinegar and honey. It’s amazing and works straight away. I drink it whilst its still warm 🙂
Angie Merkle says
Great tips! I knew all but one..thanks to my 90 yr old grandma who says most of these have been around for ages. I would like to add another though, if I may. 🙂 When marshmallows were first thought of and created, believe it or not, their sole purpose was to relieve sore throats and coughing….NOTas candy. So next time your throat is starting to feel a little scratchy or sore, grab a handful of mini marshmallows, chew them up good and swallow slowly. In 5-10 minutes, you should start to feel relief. One of my fave home remedies for sure! Even better are the fruit flavored ones. Yummy!
Amanda says
Something else that’s works for an ear infection is Vicks. Just put Vicks on a cottonball and put the cottonball in your ear. It works great! You can leave it in all night or until the pain is gone. And don’t worry if it itches a little or feels cold! It’s normal! Hope it works for you like it works for us!
Melanie says
Just make sure not to give too much black licorice. It has a chemical in it which will cause metabolic abnormalities (ie, metabolic acidosis) which can cause acute kidney failure (this is reversible, but still can make a little one, or big one for that matter, very ill).
Dried apricots and senna (both totally natural) also work REALLY well for constipation–just make sure you give a lot of water as well.
Brooke says
for burns, apply a dab of mustard. sounds weird i know and i have no clue why it works but it does especially on grease burns from the stove. something i learned while working fast food in college.
I read where some people said nothing but cold water was to be put on burns… not sure if that’s right or not. If so, disregard my comment i guess but it works.
Jennifer says
I worked in the food service business industry and got burned plenty. My boss told me to use mustard. I thought he was crazy but it works great better then any burn cream. You just put reg yellow mustard in the burn(as long as its not an open wound) and leave it. As long as its on there it wil help. It might look a little silly but it’s works!
Jennifer says
It’s actually the BRACT Diet; Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Cooked Carrots and Toast – and yes, it works!!
Lorrie says
Another great remedy for ear infections is garlic. Puncture a garlic capsule and rub the gel into the ear (just as far as your fingertip can easily go) a few times a day. This was recommended to me when my youngest was about one. He had chronic ear infections and antibiotics weren’t working. We even went to an ENT to consult for tubes (which I was opposed to). A friend recommended the garlic and it worked like a charm. And best of all, no tubes! I do this with all three of my boys now when they get an ear infection (which is very rarely) and see drastic improvement within 24 hours. I never have to give them antibiotics for ear infections now.
liz says
To get blueberry stains off your babys face, hands, etc cut raw skinned potato and rub on stains, it will suck up the stains into the potato.
Amy Hansen says
Hi I love this site, I was wondering if there is a way to do a printable version without the pictures just the litature?? I love to see all the pictures with the info but don’t want to have to print them out, just wondering, thanks for your time, A. Hansen
Rae Mayes says
I just wanted you to know that the best medicine for an ear ache is your pee!
I know it sounds terrible but it is true and it works better than any antibiotic you can get.. You see you pee has it’s own antibiotics in it. It has to be the pee from the person with the ear ache. Just a few drops and put a cotton ball in and wait. I promise you want have problems again.
Babysitter says
You should never put any sort of water near a child’s ear. Warm, wet washcloths, although they help with pain simply perpetuate earache because the release steam into the ear and that moisture will result bin the same thing as swimmers eat. Better to use a heating pad type method to avoid the moisture.
darlenr says
this is soo great! I love these tips! I do’nt just use them for my Grandchildren,I use them too!!
babsiluna says
Using warm compresses for earache is not good .. In case of infection can get dangerously worse. Equally, it is not recommended to use the peroxide oxygen that damages the epithelial cells and inflame the ear canal!
Kristi says
Coconut water (not from concentrate) is also great for constipation.
Michelle says
Love, love, love all the tips here. So easy, I kept thinking why didn’t I think of that?
Thanks for sharing!
the kayfun says
Great information. Lucky me I came across your website by accident (stumbleupon).
I have saved it for later!
Christie says
lavender oil for burns, a frozen washcloth can actually bruise gums and cause damage
[email protected] says
Loving all these ideas! Sharing on fb!
Donna says
I swear by the BRAT diet as well. I only buy wheat bread so that is all we ever have in the house. I don’t think that it needs to only be white. But it’s not the really expensive whole grain healthy stuff that your grandma always has either. Anyway, that’s just my two cents.
HSB says
Most of your hacks are very useful, but for children & adults with diarrhea due to diagnosed & undiagnosed IBD (including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease) #1 above (the “B.R.A.T.” diet) is likely to make symptoms much worse because rice, most applesauces, and toast/bread contain di- and poly-saccharides, which feed “bad” intestinal flora. We followed “B.R.A.T.” (per a pediatrician’s advice) for over a year for intermittent diarrhea, as our daughter became sicker and sicker). Much better options are SCD-legal (google it) applesauce, plain turkey or hamburger patties, and other SCD-legal items.
Bobbi says
I lobe your blog and am usually the one learning from reading it. However,my cousin used to get earaches all the time. My grandmother would put salt into a cast iron frying pan and “fry” it. When it was hot enough she would put it into a clean handkerchief and hold it against the sore ear. It worked every time!! Now I put salt into a dish and heat it in the microwave and then put it into-you got it- one of my grandmother’s handkerchiefs. Give it a try.
Lyssa says
Do you use solid coconut oil?
desiree says
Just read an article on essential oil safety on the foodrenegade blog and it doesn’t recommend using peppermint oil for children under 6.
Lisa says
I love these! Thank you! I have a couple of remedies myself that I use(d). When my son was a baby and teething I used Hyland’s teething tablets. They are homeopathic and they worked wonders for him.
Also for upset tummies/nausea I will make what I call ginger ale tea. I take a tea bag (black tea) and put it in a coffee cup. I then fill up the cup with ginger ale and pop it into the microwave for about a minute and let the tea steep in the ginger ale for a few minutes. Then I take out the tea bag and toss it. Drink it all and usually within an hour we’re feeling better.
For sore throats I make honey-lemon tea. I get lemon tea and make it normally then sweeten it with honey. It’s super yummy and helps the sore throat to feel better.
Fevers I will usually use a cool, damp washcloth. I wet it with cool (not cold) water, squeeze out the excess water and either put it on his head or around his shoulders. And repeat as the cloth absorbs the body heat and the until his fever goes down. Alternatively I will also use diaper wipes and wipe him down a few times with one. It usually helps his fever go down quicker.
jenniferlawrance says
A mixture of herbs has always been an excellent remedy to treat fever. There are few herbs in particular, which are well known to bring down the body temperature.
Ben says
Superb blog. Nice info. Also i recommend that use ACV to cure heat rash naturally. Always use home remedies to treat rashes.