It is always a bit stressful to come with ideas for what to give our neighbors every Christmas, so we decided to brainstorm and compile some ideas. We updated some of these from last year and are excited to share our 30 Neighbor Gift Ideas! Here are a few (in no particular order) to get you started…
Therapy sacks, Wood Candy, Cookies in a Can…
Click here to find the rest!
There is sure to be something you can give to your neighbors this holiday season!
Have fun!
Bobbi says
I am ALWAYS looking for unique ideas for my friends and neighbors. Thanks!
Nesleirbag says
It is that time of year to spread some love. Thanks for the clever (and useful) ideas!
Mindy says
I NEVER know what to give as neighbor gifts. This post is PERFECT!
Nichole says
You gals are always so great…I need HELP!?!?! Idea for a quick and easy teacher gift for thanksgiving??? I want to show her we are thankful for what she gives our kids!!! I have 1 teacher for my 1st grader and 2 preschool teachers for my youngest! IDEAS??
Missy says
Someone commented on a different post that she made the caramel dip and put that with some apples, an apple slicer and some apple bread in a basket for her teachers. I thought that was a great idea! Good Luck!
Giana says
Hi, thank you for the ideas for gift making for our neighbors. Will you be making a craft list of things to make for your own kiddos and or kids in your life? Thanks, Giana
krafting kelly says
Thank you for this fabulous list! I’ve been feeling way behind already, not knowing what to do for neighbors this year. This is perfect!
stacy says
What a great post! This is the time of year to be thinking of ways to remember our neighbors and friends and this post is PERFECT! I love all the fun ideas!!! Thank you!!!
Lucy says
Such great ideas and so adaptable to using all year long. Thanks. I’m bookmarking them.
Lucy says
Such great ideas and so adaptable to use all year long. Thanks!
Lance says
Good ideas, also like a gift basket with gourment food items.
Lance says
Thanks for the gift ideas for our grandchild.
Tia says
Thanks for these ideas…I think my neighbors may love me more after this Christmas season!
Danelle says
Love these! You gals are so creative!
Pam Milewski says
I have several that I like to do….one is to give a basket with cookie dough mix, red spoon and measuring cups, cookie cutters, frosting, sprinkles, and a Christmas mix with a note saying I hope you make lots of Christmas Memories this year. Also giving a nice roll of wrapping paper with a note attached saying I hope you are all wrapped up in the Christmas Spirit. Tied with twine of course! 🙂 I also give calendars with a note attached by tying twine around it like a present with a note saying Here is to a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. You can find cute $1 Calendars all over the place!
Darcy says
These are fabulous ideas, very thoughtful!
P.S. I love this blog, it’s all over pinterest! 🙂
Byers Choice says
during Christmas time my wife always makes Cake Pops for neighbors as a gift, they are really cute gift and delicious!