This year I have my eye on the Thrive Black Friday sale. I’m going through my Thrive food like mad right now so I’m hoping I can stock up on all my favorites. I have a crazy appetite that is almost taking over my life. Why? This little guy.
For one, he has me up all night. When you’re not sleeping, you crave carbs, lots of carbs. And then on top of that I’m nursing a man-child. He’s two months old and weighs almost 15 pounds. Those two factors make the kitchen a minefield for me. When I’m hungry I’ll just grab whatever I can find, no time for washing, drying and chopping those precious little veggies. And making it to the store for a fresh stash every 4-5 days? Forget it. So I’m really loving all the Thrive freeze dried fruits and veggies for my snack attacks. And since everything is freeze dried I know I’m getting all the vitamins and nutrients I would with the fresh version.
There are so many fruits to choose from. The grapes and pineapple are my ultimate favorites. I also like the strawberries, cherries and banana slices…
And then for a more savory snack I reach for the broccoli and cauliflower.
I’m also using up lots of spinach and peanut flour for my smoothies. Click here for my PB smoothie recipe.
Check back next week and I’ll have and update of all the products that go on sale so you can get your own Thrive freeze dried food stockpile going.
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