Ready to make your own key chain wallet? I don’t know about you but something about summer approaching makes me want to simplify my purse situation. I guess it’s because I’m a grab-n-go kinda gal. I wanna be able to just have the essentials with me when I’m at the park with my kiddos. I definitely don’t want to wag around a crazy purse, I already have my arms full enough with my three kids in tow. So, let’s simplify your stuff, mama!
Before we start, I based my measurements off my phone which is the big daddy iPhone 6 Plus. You can easily tweak the measurements to work for your phone, too. Just keep that in mind as I’m giving measurements and such.
You’ll need the following pieces of fabric:
(2) 8.5″X6″ cotton fabric
(1) 8.5″X6″ interfacing
(1) 1.5″X6″ fabric for handle
3.5″X6″ fabric for bottom credit card pocket
4.5″X6″ fabric for middle credit card pocket
5.5″X6″ fabric for top credit card pocket
6.5″X6″ fabric for phone pocket
And here’s how I got my measurements using my phone…
Lay your phone onto your fabric.
Give yourself a 1 inch gap at the bottom of your phone to the edge of your fabric.
And give yourself about a 1 3/4″ inches on each side of your phone.
Make sure to cut TWO pieces of fabric the exact same size. This will be the front and back of your wallet. You should have an extra inch at the top and bottom and an extra 1.25″ on the left and right of your phone.
Got it? Great! Let’s really get started!
Grab the long and skinny piece of fabric to make your handle. You’ll want to fold it in half, right sides together and sew a straight stitch only down the long side.
Turn right side out. This was tricky since it’s so skinny. I ended up using a small dowel rod to help.
Now, grab all of your pocket pieces. This will include the top, middle and bottom pocket pieces for the credit card slots and the large pocket for your phone. You’ll turn a half inch over on one long side and iron flat. Sew a straight stitch across to create a hem.
Grab one of your main fabric pieces and lay right side up. Then lay your top pocket piece on top, right side up. Pin in place. Get a credit card (or in my case, a Starbucks gift card) and place it in your pocket. Using your fingers to feel, find the bottom and you’ll want to put a pin as a place marker.
Sew the pocket to the main fabric starting on the right side, sewing down that side, pivot and sew the bottom and pivot again to sew up the left side. Then using your pin place holder, sew a straight stitch to create a pocket that’s about 1.5″ deep.
Repeat the same process with the middle pocket piece as well as the bottom pocket piece.
One those are sewn into place you’ll want to place your card back into the bottom pocket. Center it up and place a pin on either side to mark the width.
Then, you’ll want to sew from the bottom pocket to the top pocket using the pins as guides. This will help create a snug pocket so your cards won’t slip out.
Now, you’ll want to grab your other main piece of fabric and attach the pocket using the same method that we just used. This pocket will be for your phone and on the opposite side from your credit cards.
You should now have 4 pieces – the credit card side, the phone side, the skinny handle piece, and the interfacing.
Lay your phone pocket piece on top of your credit card piece so that right sides of the fabric are touching. Then lay the interfacing piece on top of that.
Pin three sides together, leaving the top side open. Make sure your pockets are facing up.
Sew all three sides closed using a 1/4″ seam allowance. The top should still be open so you can turn it right side out.
Turn key chain wallet right side out and use a pen or dowel rod to poke the corners out.
Fold about 1/2″ of the top fabric and interfacing in and iron to create a nice seam at the top.
Fold handle piece in half and stick inside the top opening, making sure to center it up.
Sew the top closed so that it also sews the handle piece in place.
Ta-da! A nice little place for all the things. Well, all the important things. 😉
I love having my phone and credit cards all with me on my key chain. And since my phone is so huge, I have a clip on my key chain where I can clip the wallet on or off my keys with ease.
And this is where my key chain wallet is pretty much always at – in the diaper bag. Seriously, it’s not fair to have to tote around a huge diaper bag, a baby in a car seat AND a purse. Make it easy on yourself and make your own key chain wallet.
Making your own purses and wallet can save you a lot of money, and who doesn’t love having something completely unique to you? Here are a few more of our favorite ideas for creating your own purse or wallet:
17 Gorgeous DIY Leather Projects
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