We love DIY!
At HowDoesShe, we are obsessed with all things diy and we don’t limit ourselves to just crafts. 😉 Making your own diy natural deodorant is super quick, easy, and affordable! But most of all, we love it because it doesn’t contain all the harmful chemicals that traditional deodorants contain. Before we give you the goods on how you can create your own, I want to share a quick list of all the bad junk lurking in your store-bought deodorant.
- Parabens – you’ve probably seen and heard lots of info on this nasty hormone disruptor. It has been linked to breast cancer.
- Aluminum Compounds – these block sweat ducts and mimic estrogen (just like parabens do) which has been linked again to breast cancer.
- Steareths – this is the product of ethoxylation which causes carcinogens
- Silica – a known skin irritant and can contain crystalline quartz which is another cancer-causer.
- Triclosan – kills both good and bad bacteria, a skin irritant, also suspected to be linked to cancer.
- Talc – may contain asbestiform fibers which is linked to cancer.
- Propylene Glycol – considered a neurotoxin which is linked to liver and kidney damage. If used everyday, this chemical can cause damage to your central nervous system, heart and liver.
If that list isn’t the pits (pun intended!)! But, no worries, we have the perfect solution to keep you smelling fresh without all those yucky ingredients going into your system.
And in case you’re wondering, YES it actually works. I have been making my own deodorant for the past 4+ years and I’m a runner (oh, and I have 3 young kids which makes me sweaty pretty much always). I’m currently training for my 3rd half marathon so having deodorant that really works is top on my priority list, especially since my schedule doesn’t allow me to hop in the shower straight after my run. And don’t let the ingredient list overwhelm you….I’ve never purchased and used beeswax until I started making my own deodorant. I pinky promise if you can make mac and cheese from a box, you are capable of making your own deodorant. And feel free to change up the essential oil in the recipe. I’ve done everything from lemon to lime to rosemary to orange. Lavender is my all time favorite one to use but try several out for yourself and see what you like best!
Here’s what you’ll need:
- 1/3 cup coconut oil (buy here)
- 1/3 arrowroot powder (buy here)
- 2 tbsp shea butter (buy here)
- 1.5 oz (or 3 tbsp) beeswax (buy here)
- 2 tsp baking soda
- 15 drops of essential oils (I used lavender – buy here)
- deodorant container (buy here)
Start my melting your beeswax in a double broiler, stirring constantly. I’m resisting the urge to be punny and say “mind your beeswax”. haha!
When beeswax starts melting, add in the coconut oil and stir.
Once the beeswax and coconut oil are in a liquid state, add shea butter and stir to melt.
Remove from heat and whisk in the arrowroot powder.
Add in baking soda and continue to whisk.
Lastly, add in your essential oil of choice (I did lavender for this batch)
Scrap sides. The consistency should be similar to mashed potatoes.
Grab your deodorant container and spoon in mixture.
This recipe is enough for two 4 oz deodorants.
Stick in the fridge or let sit overnight to harden.
After 30 minutes in the fridge, mine was ready to roll, literally!
And that’s it! Diy natural deodorant that’s super fast and easy and CHEAP! You can reuse your deodorant container over and over again.
And depending on your preference, you can also use a jelly jar for your deodorant.
Want to learn more about essential oils but don’t know where to start? This post can break it down for you. We highly recommend you start with the premium starter kit – it includes all the basic oils to get you started off right. We love Young Living oils and after much research, it’s the only brand we trust for our families. Did you know that Young Living is the ONLY brand of oils that allow people to visit their farms and even partake in the harvesting?! How neat is that! No other essential oil company will let you visit their farms. This was a no-brainer for me when I was trying to find a pure therapeutic brand of oils to use. I love a transparent company and can trust them which is so VERY important.
We LOVE Young Living and think you will too!
And join in on our essential oils discussion on facebook. We have a closed group just for discussing essential oils and how to use them. Hop over HERE and request to join!
christine montes says
Hi I think natural is the best. I wonder if where can i buy this ready to use natural deodorant coz i have the to DIMS.
Thanks for helpful ideas.
Alma Vaca (Shower Caddies INFO) says
Natural is the new trend nowadays and there are a couple of good reasons why. Thanks for this tutorial. Going to do this on a weekend. 🙂
Karen says
1/3 ? Arrowroot…how much do I use? Cup,tsp or tbs?
Muriel Czarny says
Didn’t see an answer on the amount of Arrowroot to use?? I would love to make this.
Carrie says
Says 1/3C in the chalkboard picture