My husband was a boy scout. He’s a little embarrassed to admit it, but I don’t know why! He learned some important things, one among them being “Be Prepared”. The guy can do a LOT of useful things and he always seems to have just the preparation for whatever situation arises.
Then there’s me.
I like to be prepared in my own way – like with the right color lipstick. or a fab pair of wedges. That being said, as I’ve matured I still like the right color lipstick, but I also deeply value preparing my family in case of an emergency. I know little people depend on the steps I take to prepare for whatever may be.
I know a lot of people think emergency prepardeness is just for dooms-dayers, but in reality, there are all kinds of emergencies we need to prepare for. You watch the news! Everything from power outages, tornadoes, earthquakes and blizzards – sometimes things are just out of our control. The only control WE have is to prepare.
And with that, we present to you some of our personal favorite emergency preparedness tools, products and tips.
And yes, we have these in our own homes. We have provided direct links to products as we use Amazon Prime (FREE SHIPPING!) like nobodies business in our house, but you can find many things at your local big box store as well.
1. 72 Hour Kits for every member of your family.
These little puppies burn! Great for light, or even warmth in an emergency situation.
It’s true. I’m a believer. I was so skeptic, but these are amazing. They were used for hundreds of years, why not now? In an emergency, you might not have access to medicines, etc. These are great for whatever ailment might occur.
Cold is no joke. We’ve all heard of wide spread power outages and freezing temperatures. These are cheap and essential to have.
5. Hand Crank Weather Radio
Knowledge is power and being cut off from what’s going on can be scary. This radio is the big daddy. Radio/flashlight/phone charger all in one.
6. Water Storage
You can go many days without food and survive but water is a different story. We love these water preserving/purifying products.
The Reservoir
Bad weather coming? Afraid water will be cut off? This allows you to fill up your bathtub and use it for a source. Pretty handy right?
7. Thrive Food
We love all their freeze dried food options and the fact they can last for years. Great for an occasion where food is not readily available. See why we like them HERE.
There are many options for First Aid Kits. They are generally cheaper to buy than build your own. You can always add to it, but the basics are usually about the same. Just find one that fits your basic needs and budget !
Easy. Accessible. Lifesaving. Keep them in your glove box or 72 hour kits!
This is a first-of-its-kind guidebook for all the “prepper” moms keen to increase their family’s level of preparedness for emergencies and crises of all shapes and sizes.
So those are our top 10. There are SO many more we would recommend, but it’s a great way to get started.
Are there any tips or products YOU would add to this list?
Please share in our comments!
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