I am sure by now you have heard about essential oils and maybe even have some friends who offer theirs up when you get a headache or start coughing. You might kindly refuse wondering if your friend has gone a bit crazy? At least that is what I did when I first heard about them… “You mean to tell me that if I rub this oil around my kids’ ear a few times, his ear infection will go away?” uh huh. But you do it anyway, just to appease her thinking, it won’t hurt right? And then, what the?…it works! Your kid stops crying from the pain and 20 minutes later is back outside jumping on the trampoline. Interesting. Must be a fluke. But the next day you wake up with a scratchy throat and you call your friend and ask if she has any oils for keeping a cold away….and she does. 🙂
My experience was actually a little more drastic than this even, you can read about it here. I am not in any way saying essential oils are a cure all or that I don’t believe in medicine anymore. I know they have their limits and I absolutely believe in and am grateful for medicine. But if I can kick something to the curb without using medicine, I much prefer it. For example: I know a lot of people who have had success using essential oils to get rid of headaches but I haven’t found a combination of oils that works for me yet so I still grab two Advil. But I am not giving up, I will keep trying and hopefully I will find a combination that works for me. I have tried essential oils on enough other things now to know that they don’t always work the same for everyone. But I have seen them help enough times to want to keep trying.
So what are they and how do they help?
I won’t go into all the details in this post but it is interesting to read about and I think helpful to know how and why essential oils can help you. After I learned about and started having success using essential oils, I turned into the crazy friend offering them up to all my friends.:)
When I first asked Shelley and Alison about talking about them on HowDoesShe, they also thought I was a bit crazy, but were happy they were helping my family so they let me. 🙂 BUT now that they have had a chance to try them out, they LOVE them as well!
We have had a lot of people ask us what our favorite essential oils are and how we use them so….here they are!
Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense
I like to use equal drops of lavender, peppermint and frankincense. It helps with tension, stress and headaches.
I love
the most because they have helped my son so much. Some others I have tried and had success with:
For earaches / ear infections. Sounds weird, but I have used on two of my kids who were crying with pain in their ears. I assumed it was because of an ear infection. I rubbed a couple drops on the outside (never inside) of the hurting ear and put a few drops on a cotton ball and held it over the hurting ear until the pain went away. The pain went away within minutes. I repeated a few more times that day just to be safe.
I didn’t know I was a peppermint scent lover, until I tried this oil. It is by far one of my favorite scents now (lime being a close second). I can’t describe how pure and clean and yummy it smells. I use this in the car mostly for car sickness. When anyone starts feeling queezy, I pass back the bottle and have them take some deep breaths with the bottle under their nose. On longer trips or windy roads as prevention, I drop a couple drops on a cotton ball and stuff it in the air vent – it smells SO good!
A few TIPS:
1. Be sure to dilute essential oils in a carrier oil (I use coconut oil) as you first use them until you know how your skin reacts.
2. When I first started using essential oils I wanted a prescription. “Take two of these every 4 hours”. Something like that because that is what I was used to from medicine. Essential oils are different. They are super potent and although it seems weird, a drop or two is all you need at one time. Then you just repeat a few times a day until the problem goes away.
3. I mostly rub them on the bottom of my feet. I guess your feet have a ton of veins so it is a way to get the oils into your system quickly. Your skin is also more tough there so if you have sensitive skin, you are less likely to have irritations on your feet.
4. I also love to use them for cleaning. To see how I use them to clean, see this post.
5. I have started experimenting with using them for cooking. My favorite recipe so far is for super easy and super yummy FUDGE.
Ready to give them a try?
Amanda says
So far, my favorite essential oil scent is Lemongrass. Its awakening scent is lovely. I like adding it to olive oil, to wipe across my wood tables. There’s so many scents I would love to try, like Clove and Grapefruit!
Amanda says
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Amanda says
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melinda fritz says
i follow you on pinterest
i would try lavender for anxiety
i follow you on goggle plus
Diana says
I am a newbie to essential oils. I have Lemon, Peppermint, Tea Tree and Lavender currently (as of last week!) and I can’t wait to add Frankincense and Rosemary to my supply after reading more of what they do.
Diana says
I follow you on Pinterest (dianaturner123)
Diana says
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Trisha says
I follow on pinterest.
Shawna Henderson says
My friend has told me to try On Guard, Breathe, lavender. She raves about them all. I am really curious. My family has had chronic sickness since the end of January & I am ready to try anything.
I follow on Pinterest & on Google+
Thank you!
Trisha says
I would love to try the Breathe and On Guard. I’ve heard good things about them.
Melody says
I love on guard and breathe. We diffuse them in the kitchen all winter long.
Abbey says
I’ve recently just gotten into essential oils (or witch potions as my husband jokes) and I’m obsessed! I love Lavender for calming the littles down for bed. I love diffusing On Guard when somebody is sick or after we have visitors over. I also love creating all purpose cleaners with Peppermint, Lemon, and On Guard. The options and benefits are endless with oils!
Anja says
My fave oils are melaleuca, lavender and euceliptus. I know, strange but I’m new to using the oils, and these ones were the first oils I bought to help me when I had a really bad case of Shingles. They helped a lot! I’m excited to try citrus bliss, lime and peppermint!
Abbey says
I’m a Pinterest follower!
Abbey says
And a google+ follower
Christina H says
You’ve got me really interested in the Basil. My little girl gets ear infections, or ear aches and I hate giving her antibiotics since she reacts to them. I’d love to try these! I’m slowly getting all the chemicals out of our house.
Christina H says
I’m a pinterest follower!
Christina H says
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Jessica says
I haven’t tried any oils, but I would love to try the tea tree oil and the Breathe oils.
Jessica says
I follow on pinterest – jmc1013
Donna says
My daughter just sent me a link to your blog and I’m now following you on Pinterest 😉
Racquel S says
I use ON Guard a lot of my children’s feet…especially when we have been traveling or having long days! And my daughter loves Lavender at night to relax before bed!
Racquel S says
I follow on Pinterest
Monica says
Love peppermint oil.
Would like to try the DigestZen for tummy aches.
Monica says
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Carolyn says
I would like to try MELALEUCA. I have not started with essential oils yet but hope to in the near future.
nicole mcgonagle says
I love lemon, peppermint and lavender for allergies
Jennifer Reynolds says
First I would love to try peppermint for pain, I have fibromyalgia and am trying to find non-presription ways to deal with my pain.
nicole mcgonagle says
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Suzanne Hill says
I don’t know much at all about these, but I know a lot of people love to use them! I would just be excited to try any of them 🙂
melissa says
I love digestzen for digestion. Lavender for headaches. and peppermint for congestion! Would love to try m ore
melissa says
I love digestzen for digestion. Lavender for headaches. and peppermint for congestion! Would love to try m ore
Angela Yamashita says
I would love to try on Guard for my little ones.
Suzanne Hill says
I follow you on pinterest!
Carrie Hamm says
Follow you on pinterest
Jennifer Reynolds says
I would love for my husband to try the digestzen, he has a lot of stomach issues and from what Ihave read, this may help him.
Carrie Hamm says
I follow you on google
Angela Yamashita says
I follow on Pinterest.
Shannon Kaeding says
I love the antibacterial properties of tea tree oil. It’s great for the occasional and unfortunately-times breakout.
Mary says
I use a blend on my son’s feet for his ADHD to help him thru the day at school. Also, I follow on Pinterest and google+
Shannon Kaeding says
I follow on Pinterest.
Jennifer Reynolds says
I would LOVE to try Melissa, I have been reading up on this one, it is kind of a “catch all” for me and my “ailments” and such. A lot of my problems fall under this one.
Angela Yamashita says
I follow on google+ too 🙂
Shannon Kaeding says
I follow on Google+
Marie says
Now following on Pinterest.
Cara J says
I”don’t love to try them!
Jessie says
I really want to try frankincense. I’ve heard so many great things about it in regards to mood enhancement.
Keely says
I love Balance. I put it in my diffuser. It’s calming and smells wonderful. I would love to try more varieties!
Marie says
Now following on Google+
Julie Moretti says
I follow on pinterest!
Carla says
Followed on Pinterest! @th3canadian
Lindsay S says
I would love to win the lavender, I have heard so many good things and I am curious about this.
Chris says
I love lavendar and lemon. Use them on a daily basis!
Carrie Hamm says
In the past I’ve used peppermint as a message oil – love it. I would love to try something for mood issues – I take a lot of medications for bipolar and would love to see what it could do.
melissa says
We use Peppermint Oil for headaches; and my husband used Tea Tree Oil for his deodorant! I’m curious about trying the lavender.
Carla says
I am really interested in the tea tree oil because I have horrible sinus/allergy issues this year. I am also pregnant and don’t want to be taking medicine all the time for them.
Carla says
Added on Google+
martha a says
Then only oil I’ve used at the moment is lavender. Rub it on my feet at bedtime. I want some peppermint and lemon to try.
Chris says
I already follow on Pinterest
Jennifer Reynolds says
I follow you on Pinterest as well (jenemerald1971)
Joy says
I don’t have a favorite because I have never tried…BUT I suffer from migraines and would love to have a better solution than meds.
Chris says
I started following on Google!
Marie says
There are several I would like to try. Onguard, breathe, peppermint oil. I have a sample of orange but that is the only one I have tried so far.
Jolie N. says
I follow on pinterest
Julie Moretti says
I have used pepermint for headaches and lavender to relax, bit I’m interested in using something for my son and his concentration levels. I have also heard frankincense is amazing…
Amber says
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martha a says
Following on pinterest – marthaa
Lisa Donati says
I follow on pintrest!
Joy says
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SueAnn says
Peppermint, Breathe and on guard are my fav!! I use breathe for my sons asthma, peppermint and on guard are great to fight and prevent colds.
Chatelaine says
i’m super interested in breathe, onguard and digestzen! so so curious about these
Jolie N. says
I love the wild orange and peppermint together…put a couple of drops on your hands and cup and breathe…it’s like a free cup of coffee without the caffeine! 🙂
Amber says
I would like to try the peppermint for headaches
Katy says
I’m really excited about this giveaway! I just recently was introduced to essential oils and have genuinely been amazed at their effectiveness. My favorites are OnGuard, Breathe, and Lavender.
Bylly A. says
I am new the world of essential oils and would love to learn more! I’d love to try the digestzen and breathe for my kiddos.
Katy says
I follow you on Pinterest!
Elizabeth c says
I love peppermint for headaches….would love to try more!
Katy says
I follow you on Google+!
Lisa Donati says
I really like lavender and geranium for their healing powers
Bylly A. says
I follow on Pinterest also.
vicki bluhm says
I would be excited to try the breathe, as colds are common in my home.
Rebeccah says
I follow you on Pinterest 🙂
vicki bluhm says
i follow on interest
vicki bluhm says
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Kirby says
Followed on pinterest khoberg
Melissa says
I use Wild Orange in cleaning- it makes everything smell amazing 🙂 I use peppermint for my headaches, OnGuard for… everything! Melaleuca for bruises, cuts, scrapes. I love my oils! I’m just getting started, though, so I’d love to get some more 🙂
Rebeccah says
Of course I love lavender to use for relaxation, I have recently started putting a drop of wild orange or lime in my water and find I drink more of it during the day and also feel more refreshed.
Kirby says
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Melissa says
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Dana says
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On Pinterest!
Melissa G. says
I would love to try Breathe & DigestZen!
Kirby says
I love tea tree oil for cleaning, and lavender and eucalyptus for relaxing baths.
Melissa G. says
I follow on Pinterest!
Heather Taylor says
Frankincense, melaleuca, and peppermint!!
Stephanie says
We love OnGuard for taking away the beginning of a cold/sore throat. We also have started using Oregano for a wart so hopefully that works!
Dana says
I want to try peppermint, on gaurd and the basil!
Melissa G. says
Google+ follower!
Laura R. says
II have been debating between two brands of essential oils! I’d love to try On Guard and Breathe on my hubby and girls who always suffer from allergies during this time! Thanks!
Jen says
I’m so very intrigued by essential oils and have just barely dipped my toe into the water but I’m ready to leap. Bring it on!
Heather Taylor says
I follow on Pinterest. Hbtaylor10
bridget says
I would love to try the OnGuard and the Medaluca!! Who am I kidding though? I would love to try them all!! 🙂
Laura Simmons says
I follow on Pinterest and G+. I love peppermint because it has helped my husband to breathe easier (fungal overgrowth in his sinuses), lavender because it helps my son’s anxiety, and lemon for homemade cleaning products. Thanks!
Heidi says
I’ve heard great things about onguard, so I would love to use that! I think lemon would be great because it seems like you can use it for soo many things, and same with lavender. I love the other citrus smells too!
bridget says
I am know following you on Pinterest!
Heidi says
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Kris says
I would love to try Breathe for ainuses!
Kris says
I follow on Pinterest
Heather Taylor says
I follow on Google+ hbtaylor10
Stacy Voelker says
I’d love to try any of them. I’ve been reading up on them lately and am intriguing end. With two little ones there is always something…car sickness and ear infections have been the most recent issues,
bridget says
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Emily says
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Genell {Nel's Nook} says
I haven’t used essential oils yet but I have heard fantastic things! Any oil that helps with stress or tension would be my first “go to”!
Genell {Nel's Nook} says
I’m following on Google+
Abbey says
Since I’m having trouble right now I’d love to try breathe!
Emily says
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Genell {Nel's Nook} says
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Abbey says
I follow on pinterest
angela g says
I would love to try the Melaleuca for the entire family’s allergies and sinus problems!
Anja says
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Emily says
I have tried meleuca for my son’s ear infections and it seems to keep them away. I would love to try other oils!
Amy Wood says
I am just starting to use essential oils – but I love the smell of lemongrass! I use it in my cleaners and air freshener, with orange oil. 🙂 I’m excited to try some of the different blends I keep reading about.
Lynn says
I am lying in bed with a high fever for the last two days. I would like to try anything that might help!
Tracey says
I’m so new to oils, I’m just excited to try any of them!
Whitney Rosenberg says
I love peppermint oil for headaches and lavender for relaxing. I would love to diffuse grapefruit in my home as I’ve been told it can help with depression.
Amy Wood says
And I follow on Pinterest
April M says
I love On Guard, breathe and wild orange. The better question is what. don’t I use them for! They are wonderful!
angela g says
I follow on Pinterest
Whitney Rosenberg says
I follow on Google+. My profile can be found here: https://plus.google.com/108270349328283741809/posts
Tracey says
Followed on Google+ 🙂
Amy Wood says
Following on G+ too
Nadia says
I want to try Peppermint and Lavender.
Tracey says
Followed on Pinterest (username: MCVC)
Stephanie says
I follow on Pinterest!
JaKell says
We LOVE breath for Asthma and coughs, love melaleuca for cuts and skin rashes, on guard to sanitize and peppermint and lemon for heartburn!
Beth says
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Stephanie says
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April M says
I follow you on Pinterest
Beth says
I now follow on Google+
Whitney Rosenberg says
I follow on Pinterest and my username is squidgirl!
JaKell says
Follow you all on pinterest
Nadia says
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Beth says
I have a few oils that I’ve used off and on for cleaning. I just used one of my faves, clove, in a sink scrub. I also love tangerine – for the smell in cleaning products, never used any for health reasons. Looking forward to learning!
Nadia says
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Steph M says
I’ve been using the oils on my daughter for her adhd symptoms. It’s made a huge difference. Our favorite is Lavender! All my kids want it on their feet every night. Would love to try Lime and Serenity.
Tara Liebing says
I haven’t tried them yet but I would like to try the Lavender on my wool dryer balls.
Kate says
I am big fan of lavender oil but would love to try “breathe”.
Jackie says
I follow on pinterest
Cathy says
I like cederwood for sleep.
Tara Liebing says
I follow you on pinterest. deallieb
Amanda says
I’d love to try these oil! I’ve heard great things about on guard!
Kate says
Follower on pinterest
Tara Liebing says
I follow you on google + Tara L
Amber says
Would love to try Lime!
Cathy says
I follow on Pinterest.
Mandy Crosbie says
I’ve heard a lot about Essential oils lately and I’d love to try the peppermint and breathe the most!
Amber says
Following Google+
Michele says
Follow on pintrest & Goggle +. Have been reading a lot about oils lately and really want to try them.
Terri says
Oh, I have been really anxious to try Thieves oil and also lavender for all my allergies, but was unemployed for over two years an am now woefully underemployed so can’t afford any! Am following you on both Pinterest and Google +. Thanks for the chance to win some!
Mandy Crosbie says
Pinterest follower 🙂
Giovanna bascom says
I love peppermint! Since being pregnant it helps with my nausea! Also for the kids coughs! I really look forward to trying frankincense and on guard.
Hope I win!!
Jackie says
I love lavender and chamomile essential oils and use them in bath soaks as well as soaps and lip balms. The scent is so calming and relaxing.
Amber says
Following on Pintrest
Karen McAdams says
I would love to try breathe, as I have a baby in the nicu for respiratory issues at the moment. I’m nervous they will follow her throughout her life!
Giovanna bascom says
I follow on Pinterest too!!!
Steph M says
I already follow you on Pinterest.
Karen McAdams says
I follow on pinterest as well.
Steph M says
I follow on google+.
Melanie says
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Melanie says
I would like to try wintergreen. I’ve heard it is great for dental health.
Kelly says
I smelled an orange-ish one once. Can’t remember what it was called but I would love it. I’m trying a sample of breathe on my 4 year old right now as he has quite the cough.
Jamie says
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Robyn says
Lavender, Tea Tree and Peppermint…I have heard great things 🙂
Jamie says
Breathe and On Guard would be great for my hubby who alwasy seems to get colds.. And I would love the peppermint and citrus ones for baking too!
Bree says
I love DoTerra and the flu bomb has served me far better than any flu shot I have received. 3 flu shots in three years and I was so sick each time immediately after I had to iv’s to hydrate. Last 4 years I have only been using Doterra flu bombs and have been able to avoid the flu entirely.
Oregano, Lemon, Melaleuca and OnGuard in a veggie cap at the first sign of feeling worn down and ill….It is wonderful!!!!
Monica Tomchek says
We use thieves in a diffuser! Just learning bout this! My husband has a cold, congestion! Wish I had the one for breathing!!!<3
Kacey W. says
I’m excited to try some for cleaning around my house! 🙂
Robyn says
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follow on pinterest
Victor Goguen says
I have heard about tea tree oil before as a great oil. I haven;t tried any other oils yet.
Victor Goguen says
added to G+
Leah Brislin says
I love using Lavender!
Bree says
I follow on Pinterest!
Rebecca Blunt says
I use peppermint oil for making toothpaste & oregano oil for keeping sickness away!
Kacey W. says
Pinterest follower!!!
I follow om pinterest!
Megan f says
I have never tried essientail oils but would love to. I would be interested to try something for stress, focus, calming
Autumn says
I love the past tense oil. It helps me to relax after a long day at work and it gets rid of my headaches instantly!
Megan f says
I follow you on Pinterest
robin says
Follow on pinterest. My cousin loves this product and swears by it. I got to test the peppermint and I loved the smell and it cleared my stuffy nose. I also rsted a bit of the lavender to put on the kids pillow to help them rest. That’s the only two I have been able to sample. but she says she loves the on guard, so I would love to try that out. Some of the prices are on the high end, so I hope I will be lucky 🙂
Danielle Boyle says
I want to try on guard!
Layna Savage says
I’m excited to try Lavender and Peppermint the most!
Danielle Boyle says
I follow you on Pinterest!
Layna Savage says
I follow on Pinterest.
Layna Savage says
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Ammy says
I love the lavender (so far, the only one I have). A few weeks ago, I burned my thumb getting some bread our of the oven. I immediately went and put a drop of lavender on it and almost immediately the burn went away. I really am wanting to start getting into these oils.
Lisa Rychlik says
I love the Breathe blend. I used it on my son during a nighttime asthma attack. Rubbed it on his feet, mixed it with some olive oil and rubbed it on his chest and had him rub it on his hands and breathe it in and it worked. I would still always have his inhaler nearby, just in case, but, using it less makes me happy.
I follow on pinterest.
Ammy says
I follow on Pinterest!
Megan f says
I follow you on google.
Ammy says
I’m following on Google+
Lorraine C says
I love lavender. I use it to calm down and it calm skin issues. I like peppermint also. I use it to wake up, cool off, and to calm an upset stomach.
I follow you on pinterest
Heather Price says
On guard is great to use on your feet and lavender on the pillows helps me sleep.
Rebecca Blunt says
Following on Pinterest!
Rebecca Blunt says
Following on Google+!
Bree says
follow on Google+ too
Angie says
I love peppermint oil for migraines. I’m excited to try lavender to help my kids fall asleep and On Guard for colds.
Shai says
I love the On Guard Capsules, Peppermint, and Lemon. I follow on google+ and pinterest!.
Miri says
I would love something for stress & headache! I believe doTerra makes a tension blend actually that I want to try
Kellye A says
I’m still` learning about the oils, but so far I love Lavender for congestion, Wild Orange for calming at night (or a mix of the two!), and Frankincense for my headaches.
Looking forward to trying Fennel when my baby is born since it’s known to increase milk supply!!
Nikki Glynn says
I love the lavender. It is my favorite scent to relax. I use the oil on my feet before bed.
Kellye A says
I follow on pinterest
Wendy N says
I love to use peppermint just for the smell and relieves tension. And Lavender to help sleep. Would love to try the Breath oil!
Megan says
My favorites are breathe (amazing to relieve congestion), lavendar (to rub on my husband’s back before bed), and on guard (I simmer a couple of drops in water on the stove – makes the house smell so good and we have hardly been sick at all this winter.) I am very intrigued about the digeztin oil you mentioned – my daughter has chronic tummy aches. May have to try it.
Nikki Glynn says
I follow you on pinterest.
Megan says
following on pinterest!
Nikki Glynn says
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Tamiko says
I follow you on Pinterest.
Wendy N says
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S^3 says
Excited to try some things to keep us from getting sick! What a horrible winter we had!
Jeni L. says
I follow you on Pinterest.
maxine says
I am really wanting to try theives. I hear it’s good for cleaning and keeping sickness away!
Jeni L. says
I follow on google.
Misty says
Frankincense, On Guard and Breathe
S^3 says
follow on pintrest
THF says
I have been wanting to try essential oils, but don’t know where to start! I would like to try OnGuard, Breath, DigestZen, and Peppermint.
Laureen Eichelberger says
Lavendar is a necessity, my kids ask to use it for everything from cuts, scrapes, burns, and more.
Jeni L. says
My favorite oils are peppermint, lavender and lemon. I also love on guard for cleaning.
Rachael Nelson says
I love and use Melaleuca for everything! Would like to see how OnGuard and oregano can help!
Angela says
I follow on Pinterest- ajminear
Amanda Cook says
I LOVE On Guard. It cures so many big things. I also love the smell of Eucalyptus. I diffuse it in my house to get rid of any boy (I have 5 of them) smells.
maxine says
I follow on pinterest.com
Amanda Cook says
Following on Pinterest!
Rachael Nelson says
I love and use Melaleuca for everything, but would love to see how OnGuard and oregano can help!
Amanda Cook says
Jessica says
I love Digestzen. We were given a sample to try for my son who has autism and terrible digestion issues. I’m a believer! Following you on Pinterest and Google+!
Angela says
I LOVE Elevation and Purify, just for the smells. I used Purify and OnGuard on my girls when they got Hand Foot and Mouth, Purify on the sores and OnGuard on their feet, and their sores never ‘crusted over’ like Dr Internet told me they would, plus their pain was eased!
I’m looking forward to trying Frankincense, I’ve heard amazing things about it!
maxine says
I also follow on Google 🙂
Colleen says
I would love to try any of them. I have heard great things about them. The Lavender would be fun to try.
Rachael Nelson says
Follow on Pinterest as well
Colleen says
I follow you on Pinterest.
Colleen says
I follow you on google plus.
Dawnisha says
I’d love to try the on guard! Thanks for the chance to win!
Emily says
Lavendar works splendid with burns and onguard is great for preventing and helping with colds.
Autumn says
I’m following you on Pinterest!
Brandi Foisie says
Following on google+!!
Nora says
Would love to try on-guard, thanks for the giveaway:)
Brandi Foisie says
Following on Pinterest
Lilah says
I follow on pinterest.
Brandi Foisie says
I’m interested in trying any that may help my headaches. Also peppermint for sinuses:)
Alicia says
I would love to try the lavender to help my boys sleep!
Alicia says
I flow you on pinterest!
Alicia says
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Rebekah Will says
I am following you on pinterest.
Lilah says
I have never used essential oils but I would love to try them! I have heard lots of success stories about them lately and I am curious.
Rebekah Will says
I am following you on google +
Jennifer G. says
I love the balance and serenity together. I suffer from severe panic attacks and I’m amazed at how well they work! I’m excited to try the peppermint and orange bliss!
Jennifer G. says
I follow on Pinterest!
Rebekah Will says
They all look great..hard to choose! I would love to try them all so any would be great!
Jennifer G. says
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Danielle says
I love lavender and use it mixed with aloe vera for burns, mixed with Vit d oil for scrapes, and just diffused or on the kids to calm them down for bedtime. Onguard is the other we use on the feet or diffused when a sickness is going through the house.
Kori says
I follow on pinterest.
Kori says
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Sarah draper says
I love the lemon, lavender & frankincense! I love essential oils. I follow on Pinterest!
Carrie B. says
I love on guard the most! The second most is eucalyptus and lemon for cleaning!
Val Hensley` says
I LOVE the Breathe when we’re getting colds and stuffy
Val Hensley` says
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Gina says
I am already a Pinterest follower.
Vanessa C says
I’m following you on pinterest and google. I’m REALLY excited to try lavender !!
Gina says
I am a new follower on Google+
Lisa cederlof says
Have been hearing so much about essential oils – would love to start using them!
Gina says
I haven’t tried essential oils yet but would like to try something for allergies and headaches.
Sara Y says
I follow on Pinterst.
Aubrey Hierholzer says
I use 2 drops of patchouli on a damp microfiber cloth and throw in the dryer instead of dryer sheets. My clothes smell scrumptous!
Carmen Schram says
I follow on both!!! I love Doterras essential oils and use them daily!!! My favorite so far is deep blue!!! Love love love it!
Ashley W. says
I’ve used the Melaluca for my kids’ ear infections and loved it!
Sara Y says
I love lavendar and mint for headaches. I mix it with lotion and rub on my feet. Ahh! I would love to try the OnGuard.
Thanks for the chance.
Penelope says
My favorite oil right now is on guard as I have been battling a sore throat.
Kellie says
I would love to use the lavendar to help my little night owl try to settle down at night. Since I’m breastfeeding I would also like to use the oils as treatment for things like headaches and sinus pressure instead of taking medicines.
Penelope says
I am a Pinterest follower.
Kellie says
I follow on pinterest.
Nicole Z. says
I love using lavender to relax, tea tree oil in my homemade deodorant, past tense for my headaches, and lemon and grapefruit oil in my drinking water.
Michelle Marino says
I recently purchased my First Doterra Kit and LOVE LOVE LOVE Frankinsence Oil!!! I use it in the morning for my overall sense of well being. I’m going thru pre-menopause and I feel so much better when I use it! I just dab some on my feet before I slip my shoes on. I also love the lavender which I bathe with and dab on my sheets at night. I am slowly dabbing into all the uses and benefit of all my oils and am anxious to see what Melaluca will do for me! I also follow you on Pinterest.
Sandra says
I would love to try lavender oil, it’s my favorite scent
Karen says
I use the lemon/wild orange over steaming water. It really helps with the sinuses!! <3
Erica C. says
I have heard a lot about oils. I would love to try lemon, frankincense, and peppermint. I follow on Pinterest.
Sandra says
I follow on Goggle+
Teresa Moore Thomasson says
I’m new to essential oils other than peppermint.
Lori H says
My daughter has had a stressful school year. We have been using lavender to help her relax at night, both massaging her arms and spraying some over her pillow and blanket.
Alishia Bigelow says
I love lavender, I diffuse it and it makes the whole house feel calm
Susie-Q says
I follow you on pinterest and Google+!! Would love to win oils!! Thank you for the great stuff you share!
Alishia Bigelow says
I already follow on pinterest
Michelle says
I already follow you on Pinterest,, and my favorite is Lavender,
Julie s says
I tried breathe and on guard, next I would like to try Balance and serenity
Theresa G says
I follow on Pinterest.
Theresa G says
I am now just looking into essential oils myself. I would love to trade my medicine cabinet full of over-the-counter medicines for all natural remedies. My husband is a little skeptical, so this will be interesting. To start, I would love to try frankincense, On Guard, and lavender.
Marybeth says
I would love to try Breathe, On Guard and Peppermint.
Nicole N says
I follow on Pinterest 🙂
stephland3 says
My favorite to use is lavender and I use a few drops in my bath or on my neck before bed to use to calm myself
Nicole N says
I use YL, but would love to try DoTerra’s ongaurd, breathe and digestzen.
Marcia says
I have tried Breathe and love it…also use lavender every night on my feet to help me sleep.
Sharon Shepherd says
I am excited to try peppermint and lavender because I read they can help you sleep.
Carol says
I agree essential oils are wonderful. However, PLEASE, PLEASE don’t use those oils neat on your skin!!!! Always dilute them in a carrier oil even after using them a few times. Essential oils can cause a burning reaction on your skin. As a registered Aromatherapist I can’t believe anyone would tell you to not dilute them first–every time!!!
Lori M says
Love the lavendar to sleep, but would love to try the basil.
Jen says
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Ramona P says
I am a pinterest follower!
Lori M says
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Maureen says
I love the 3 pack from doTerra (Lavendar, Peppermint, Lemon) They cover most of the basics. I also love on guard for my twins when they get sick the cold seems to pass faster. I also love Balance for my son who is mildly autistic. He has really mellowed out and melts down less often since starting essential oils
Kim says
I love love love Lavendar and I put it on a cotton ball in my pillowcase every night to help me sleep.
Jen says
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Taun says
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Kim says
I now follow all boards on Pinterest.
Ramona P says
I already got the OnGuard and Breathe per your recommendation, and now I would like to try Melaleuca and Lemon.
Kim says
I now follow on google +
Taun says
I haven’t tried any oils yet, but I’ve heard great things about them. I’d love to try one for headaches, allergies and sinus problems.
Jen says
I TrieD A Sample Of ClAry Sage For My Horrible Cramps And PMS This Month. I’m A New Oil Believer. I Usually Take 2400Mg Of Advil A Day On My Cycle. This MonthI Needed 0! I’m So EXcited To Try Anything!
Jairia says
I used Breathe this winter for my family and it really helped when we had colds and were stuffed up.
Judy says
I’d like to try the basil as my kids have frequent ear pain.
Jairia says
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Lora M says
I like peppermint.. I rub a drop on my hands, exhale, then cup my hands over my nose and breathe in deeply. It helps open my sinuses especially during pollen season. I really would like to try Melaleuca. I have heard good things about it.
Lora M says
I follow on pinterest.
Jairia says
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Judy says
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Robin H says
I follow on pinterest!!
Leah G says
I would love to try peppermint, lavendar, and tea tree oil. my hospital uses them as an alternative to pain meds during labor. it didn’t make the contractions stop hurting, but it definitely helped me relax!
Mrs M says
I follow on pinterest
Robin H says
Love On Guard, keeps us healthy
Leah G says
I already follow on Pinterest, too! 🙂
Lila says
I would love to try the peppermint oil for headaches and the lemon one for cleaning!!
LM says
I’ve only tried a few, I’d love to try more!
Lila says
I already follow you on Pinterest. Because Pinterest is awesome.
Breana says
I love peppermint oil for sinuses and headaches
Mrs M says
We are a family that tries to avoid taking medicine when possible so I am always looking for ways to help in that endeavor. I am very interested in using oils but I haven’t tried any.
Breana says
Following on Pinterest!
kelly tillotson says
I really want to try On Guard! Thanks for the giveaway
[email protected]
Breana says
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kelly tillotson says
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kelly tillotson says
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Courtney says
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Courtney says
I am interested in trying Breathe for my sons asthma and peppermint for my headaches. Thanks!
Crystal says
I use Japanese peppermint oil and lavender oil daily on my daughter’s feet to help with her attention and calm at school. It has worked Wonderfully!!!
Crystal says
I follow you on pinterest.
Nicole says
would love to try the breathe and lavender
Crystal says
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Cariann J says
I am most excited to use Breathe to get some relief for my son who has asthma. I’d also love to try DigestZen. Thanks!
sahana says
Followed on Google +.I got these oil to try after seeing your post about do terra.Peppermint works great for headache.I would like to try other oils than lemon, lavender and peppermint 🙂 Becoz I already have them .:)
Tylynn Gardner says
Deep blue is amazing with my kids in sports, breathe is amazing for sickness, peppermint and the droplets for sooo many things and digestzen for stomach problems.
Rebecca G says
I made homemade purex crystals, homemade febreze, and used a blend I made in vaporizers this winter. Used an icky calming blend on one kid but it stunk so bad I stopped!
Dana says
I want to try tea tree oil, breathe & lavender.
Michelle Ferris says
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Dana says
I follow on Pinterest.
Elizabeth J says
I am falling in LOVE with these! I rub the Zedocrine on my liver/gal bladder area, and it really helps with random rage fits! Also, the Breath helps rid my asthma symptoms, and stuffy noses from colds. 🙂
Michelle Ferris says
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Michelle Ferris says
I love peppermint and would love to try breath guard. We have been fighting colds all winter!
Rochelle says
I already follow you on Pinterest!
Tylynn Gardner says
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Elizabeth J says
I follow you on Pinterest also!
Melanie says
I love onguard for flu season!
Bunny says
Follow on Pinterest.
KimG says
Long time follower on Pinterest
Judy Dailey says
I am using one called pain aid and another muscle aid between the 2 they ease pain in shoulder from torn rotator cuff ,as well, as; a knee needing replacement. They are mixtures of several. I love the lavendar and peppermint.
KimG says
My daughter loves On Guard,
KimG says
I think I am following you on Google plus
Serena says
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Judy Dailey says
I am following you on pinterest and google+
Jen A says
I love lavender and thieves. I would love to try doterra digestive oil blend to compare it to what I have. Thanks
Bunny says
I just purchased ClaryCalm, DigestZen and Balance to try. I have been taking tums or rolaids multples times every day. I received my oils and Friday and haven’t taken anything since then – so far I love the DigestZen.
Serena says
I use peppermint and lavender, would love to try On-guard
Bunny says
Follow on Google +.
Erica Hemphill says
I would like to try lavender and some of the blends. I have never used essential oils before.
Rochelle says
I have recently started researching essential oils the last few months for my migraines and allergies after having several people suggest them. I am especially interested in trying the peppermint and lavender oils!
Paige says
I am new to the oil scene, but I have had some peppermint oil that I put on my forehead to fight headaches. And I LOVE the smell.
LindaSonia says
Wow – the essential oils thing is really becoming a cult following….
Paige says
I follow on pinterest, by the way.
Karen says
Followed on Pinterest.
Jessica says
I’m most excited about the On guard oil… And now that you mention there is one for digestion, I could definitely use that for my husband!
Jessica says
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Jessica says
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Tiffany Spencer says
I love Serenity. I love the way it smells and makes me feel!
Mega D says
I’ve been wondering about essential oils, but haven’t tried them yet. I’d love to try melaleuca. It seems like it can do so much! Frankincense, on guard, pepper,int, orange, all sound like they are worth trying. Fun giveaway. Thank you!
Mega D says
Also, can I just correct and say my name is Megan, not Mega. Ha!
Erin says
I love On Guard! I used it all through Flu season
Tiffany Spencer says
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Erin says
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Tiffany Spencer says
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Jessica says
Ready to try breath!
Jessica says
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Tina Chambers says
I have been using doterra for about a year now and I love love love their essential oils. My favs are lavendar, melaluca and lemon. I use all three several times a day for a variety of things. Sometimes I’ll just use some lemon as an uplift for on my mood.
Erin @ Strawberry Mommycakes says
Definitely want to try On Guard! So tired of being sick this year!!!
Tina Chambers says
I follow on Pinterest.
Emily @ A Very Sweet Life says
My favorite oils are the citrus oils because of their scent, but I’m interested in trying out some of the lesser known essential oils for other things like headaches.
Emily @ A Very Sweet Life says
I follow you on pinterest.
Tina Chambers says
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Samantha says
lavendar is a favorite of mine, but I would love to try others.
Samantha says
I follow on pinterest as freshsamanthaaa
Samantha says
I follow on g+ too, as freshsamanthaaa (at) hotmail (dot) com
SAndy says
I only have the On Guard, and I JUST got it! I’m excited to see if there’s a difference.
SAndy says
Following on Pintrest
Heather says
I love lavender and eucalyptus!
Mary says
I’d love to try lemon and melaleuca. I already have lavender and peppermint and have been rubbing them on my daughter to help her sleep at night!
Jeanne says
I love lavender, peppermint and lemon. Just getting into essential oils and can’t wait to try more!!
Diana B says
I would love to try breathe and on guard!
I already follow on Pinterest!!!
Mary says
I’m a Pinterest follower!
Jeanne says
I follow on pinterest! 🙂
charlene says
I follow on Pinterest, too!
Audrey says
I get awful headaches that aren’t responding to medication anymore. I would love to give essential oils a try to see if they give me any relief.
Diana B says
I really have been wanting to try oils for my allergies and sinus problems! Sounds like I need breathe and lavender!
charlene says
I like to smell Peppermint when I’m feeling listless. Also, finding out that Melaleuca is all around the most used in our home! 🙂
Diana B says
I’m following on google+!!!!!
Terri V says
I love Deep Blue. Really helps with sore muscles and helps get rid of bruising. I used it a lot after breaking my ankle.
Terri V says
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Terri V says
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Sandra T says
I have only tried Peppermint, Lavender and one other that I don’t remember. A friend gave me some samples to help my baby for our fly to UT for my fathers funeral. They helped my baby to be calmer on the long two airplane rides.
Christy Carter says
The only one I have tried is peppermint oil for upset stomach. I have been thinking about trying more but I am still undecided. I like the idea that there is a combination to repel mosquitos!
Kristal Redfearn says
Thanks! I already use the oils and I love them! And I follow you on pinterest.
Victoria says
I am just starting to use essential oils, but I have been using orange in my DIY carpet deodorizer and I love the scent! I am excited to try new essential oils and love suggestions! I have heard some good things about OnGuard and would love to try that one!
Victoria says
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Margett says
I’d love to try on guard or the lavender.
Linda says
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Linda says
My friend introduced me to DoTerra. I love the lavender before bed. I also mixed a couple drops with coconut oil for my granddaughter’s diaper rash.. It cleared up overnight!
DeNeal says
I would love to try something for allergies and anxiety.
Darla says
I am excited about trying tea tree oil and oregano!
DeNeal says
I follow you on pinterest
Diana says
I would love to try the basil and oregano among other things. I have heard so many wonderful things especially relating to my daughter who has Spina Bifida I would love to try them to see how they might help her.
Desperate Craftwives says
I use Oregano oil and a neighbor just brought me over some InTune Doterra oil to try on my son for a few days.
Desperate Craftwives says
I follow on Pinterest!
Myaela C says
My favorite to use is peppermint. I use it to help with my headaches. I’m interested to try Serenity and Breathe.
Myaela C says
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Stacie Gorkow @SincerelyStacie says
I want to get started but have no idea where to start. I am interested in that digestzen one since our daughter has tummy aches a lot. I also want something that will help me STAY asleep and that isn’t lavendar as I don’t care for that scent.
Stacie Gorkow @SincerelyStacie says
I follow on Pinterest – Stacie Gorkow
Renee says
I like Frankincense to alleviate sun spots and sun damage.
Renee says
Following on Google+
Kristin C. says
I’ve actually never tried any but would like to try the tea tree oil in my shampoo and also try the lavender for aromatherapy
Melissa W. says
I want to try the Breathe one. That sounds fantastic right now with allergy craziness going on.
Alisha says
I am following on Pinterest!
Christina says
I just started using oils and I have my family in love with them. My daughter was having trouble with ticks on her dogs . She found some oils that work for ticks and ask me to get them! I was excited to help! My mom loves breathe! She hasn’t had a headache since she startedM I love them all! Thanx for the opportunity to win some for our family collection!
Alisha says
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Alisha says
I am most excited to try On Guard. I have heard wonderful things about it!
Kristin C. says
I follow on Pinterest!
Heather says
I love Citrus Bliss!!! It immediately puts a smile on my face and smells sooo good!!
Stephanie Kirk says
I haven’t tried any oils yet, but have been wanting to. Would need something for headaches & sinus issues.
Stephanie Kirk says
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Stephanie Kirk says
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Tina ref says
I would love to try frankincense
Tina ref says
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Elisa Koranda says
I follow on pinterest under the name Elisa Koranda. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Melanie says
I’d LOVE to try Breathe for my son with asthma and Clear Skin for my boys with eczema.
G. Ordonez says
I love lavender and want to try ON GUARD THROAT DROPS.
Melanie says
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G. Ordonez says
I follow you on pinterest.
Cathy Liebgold says
I would use the Peppermint, Lavender and melaluca.
I follow on Pinterest and G+, as well as already receiving the newsletter via email!
Marlana says
I’m a Pinterest follower.
Jessica says
I follow on Pinterest!
Jessica says
I’ve been talking with many women about oils and was so glad to read your article. Can’t wait to try lavender and breathe!
Marlana says
I recently started using essential oils and I’m hooked!!! I’ve used the allergy mixture (drops of lemon, lavender, and peppermint) in a veggie capsule to help with these awful allergies!!! I’m also a fan of OnGuard for myself and children with colds and viruses.
Teresa evans says
I love lavender. I use it before I sleep. 🙂
Kayla A says
I follow on pinterest.
Kayla A says
My favorites, so far, are peppermint and lemon.
Maria says
I love doTerra. My son uses the lavender to help him sleep. He has IBD and often has trouble getting to sleep at night and wakes tired which triggers his stomach issues. Lavender helps so much!
Jennie Webb says
If I have to pick just one (do you know how hard that is?!) I would have to say lavender. We have used it for scrapes, burns and ear pain, as well as in my daughter’s nighttime routine. It’s so versatile! We will be ordering our 2nd bottle soon 🙂
Kaylie says
I only have lavender, so not much experience, but would love to try more! Especially peppermint, lemon, and breathe for allergy/sinus stuff. Awesome giveaway thanks!
Kaylie says
I have been following you all on Pinterest 🙂
Tricia T. says
Right now I am using a lot of Breathe in the diffuser for my kiddo that has asthma 🙂
kellee omisanmi says
I follow on Pinterest!
kellee omisanmi says
I can’t wait to try breathe for my sons congestion!
Krystle says
I love on guard and breathe!
Krystle says
Following on Pinterest 🙂
Krystle says
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Nadia says
I love lemon essential oil for my acid reflux!
I follow both on pinterest and google+
Katie Slade says
I would love to try on guard. I have always been cheap and I’ve never tried doterra. I also love lemon for cleaning.
Tracie says
I would like to try whatever is good for allergies and whatever is good for skin issuesime rosacea.
Whitney W says
I follow on pinterest.
Whitney W says
I would love to try On Guard and Lavender!
Tracie says
Following on Pinterest.
My profile name is tracie_snipes
Kelsie says
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Kelsie says
I’m most excited about blends to help with headaches
Laura M says
Now following on Pinterest.
keyra says
I love Peppermint. But woupd like to try brqeathe and on gaurd
Rebecca Timmons says
I’ve heard Theives is a miricle oil and I would love to try anything for allergies. My poor son suffers horribly.
Rebecca Timmons says
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Kalli Christensen says
I follow on Pinterest!
Kalli Christensen says
I love peppermint EO it is by far my favorite
Roberta Olmeda says
I can’t wait to try on guard and breathe
Allison says
I am most excited to try Digestzen…I have problems with my stomach and would love to try it! I am also excited to try Balance for my anxiety.
Allison says
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Allison says
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Michelle Dunsmoor says
I like to use lavender on my son’s exzcema. I’m also excited to try a mixture of a few oils for my varicose veins.
Michelle Dunsmoor says
I also follow you on Pinterest.
Bettina says
I would love to try Balance, Citrus Bliss, and Juniper Berry.
Kim says
Megan says
I would love up try breathe. Right now! I’m so congested and it’s never fun. I’ve heard great things about these oils. I would love to try them.
Elizabeth S says
I’ve heard a lot about essential oils recently, and would love to try the lavender, the breathe, and the onguard!
Desi says
I used Roman chamomile and lavender on my son’s jaw line for teething today. He seemed relieved and a few hours later his teeth popped through!
Libby says
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Libby says
I just now put lavender and frankincense on my husbands cracked lips. I use breathe on my sons when they have coughs. I love lemon for detox. Peppermint and lavender helps with headaches and is great right before be to relax you.
Jaime says
I would love to try the Onguard & Breathe!
Jaime says
Following on Pinterest! 🙂
Jaime says
Following on google+ too!!!!!
Deb Gale says
I follow you on Pinterest . I’d to try meleluca, francinese, and peppermint.. Thanks
Amber mowery says
I love following you on Pinterest!
Amber mowery says
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Amber mowery says
I am new to essential oils (thanks to my sis!) but really want to make the owie spray for my littles!
Stacey Chaffee says
I’ve never tried essential oils but would love to give them a go! My oldest always gets sick too! A nebulizer and inhaler always come with us on trips. On guard and breath both sound like good first tries. I’d also like to try either peppermint (my favorite scent!) or tea tree oil since I hear it had antibacterial properties.
Jackie M. says
I’d love to try the peppermint oil. Some of my friends were also talking about the oils with disinfectant properties and how you can diffuse them in your home and it helps to fight off colds and other infections.
Jackie M. says
I follow on pinterest.
Audrey says
I’ve heard of essential oils, but have never tried them. Would love to do so…hope I’m a winner!
Kristi says
I’ve been wanting to try oregano. I’ve had a sore throat for a couple if days and I’ve read that oregano works wonders.
Karina Bahr says
I LOVE using Lemon in my ice water! I also rub Balance on my wrists to ease anxiety.
Karina Bahr says
I follow on Google+!
Karina Bahr says
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Natalee says
I follow you on Pinterest~
Natalee says
My favorite is Lavender!!!! I use it on my babies to help them sleep/relax, I diffuse it constantly in the air, and I recently made my own laundry dryer balls so couple drops of it on to the balls and my laundry comes out smelling fabulous!
Angel G. says
I love so many of these oils — I use them daily. Right now, I am loving lemon in my water, and lavender in my bath, and On Guard on the kiddos every single day.
Angel G. says
Following on Pintrest. . . .
Lois says
I love citrus scents, so I want to try the lime. I would love to try peppermint for headaches. Never used oils, but intrigued.
Kim says
I just got my doterra oils about two weeks ago. My favorite right now is on gaurd and lemon in water in a glass spray bottle. I use it to prevent on my kids hands before and after school. I also brought it on vacation and sprayed it all over our hotel rooms. I want breath and meleluca and so many others!
Kim says
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Marcia says
I follow on pinterest.
Judy says
I use OnGuard, Breathe, Peppermint droplets to clear a stuffy nose, Passtense for headache and Digesten, DDR. Think I listed them right.
Marcia says
Following on google+
Angela says
I have used Melaleuca and Oregano oils for their antibacterial properties. I am interested in the Breath product, as I suffer allergies and upper respiratory infections quite frequently.
AnelS says
I would love to try lemon and breathe.
AnelS says
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AnelS says
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Cindy says
I really like lavender, but would love to try some for respiratory issues.
Cindy says
I follow you on Pinterest.
Rebecca Allcox says
My favorite is lavender!
Rebecca Allcox says
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Micah says
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Micah says
I’m interested in trying the Basil and Breathe.
Tiffany Olsen says
I love lemon lavender and peppermint combined, great for allergies!!
Tiffany Olsen says
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Ami says
I’ve had some about these oils but have not tried them. I’d choose Lime, White Fur, and Peppermint
Ami says
I follow How Does She on pinterest!
Liz says
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Liz says
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Liz says
I love lemon oil in my water. I would love to try peppermint for motion sickness.
BrieAnn S. says
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BrieAnn S. says
I love lavendar and the tea tree oil, and I’d love to try breathe for my kiddos new allegries.
Katherine says
I have never used EOs but I would love to try them. My 7 year old goes for weekly allergy shots and cries every time….I would love to try the tea trea and the peppermint for her. Also, a lavender rub for my girls at the end of the day would be a nice way to send them off to sleep 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity!
Katherine says
of course I follow you on pinterest!
Megan says
I follow on Pinterest:)
Megan says
I would like to try lavender, on guard and breathe:)
Kristen B says
Really want to try lavender and peppermint!
Sandra says
I’d love to try an oil that would help my 10 month old sleep at night!
Katie says
I have tried the past tense and I love it for my tension headaches. I would love to try the digest zen and the lavender for my kids!
Katie says
I follow on Pinterest!
Stepanie S. says
I would love to try Breathe and OnGuard. My son has horrible allergies and from what I have read these oils are so much better than the meds we are currently using.
Laurel O. says
I love tea tree oil (melaleuca) and lavender oil. I use both of them daily in coconut oil as a moisturizer for my face. I only have therapeutic grade oils and have been wanting to try doterra for a couple years now since it is CPTG certified. Thanks for the chance!
Stepanie S. says
I follow y’all on Pinterest 🙂
Laurel O. says
I follow on Pinterest!
jill says
I LOVE using lemon in my lemon bars. And deep blue rub is great for my always tense shoulder/neck area. I would love to try the melaluca for my always bad allergies. And I’ve always wanted to try the frankincense and digestzen.
Sandra says
Follow on pinterest.
Laurel O. says
I follow you on google+.
jill says
I’m not on Google plus. But I’ve started following on pinterest
jessie says
I have been wanting to try essential oils for a long time. I have no idea how much i would love them or which ones i will like best… But i am hopeful to try them soon.
jessie says
I follow on pinterest (newjessieg)
Nicole G says
I follow on pinterest. Name is; nicoleinflorida
Nicole G says
most favorite oil? lavender or peppermint, all day everyday in my hot box that heats it up 😉 🙂
Caroline Ivory says
Lavender and peppermint are the perfect combo to help sunburns! I live off it during the summer!
Caroline Ivory says
I follow on Pinterest and Google+
JanaLee says
I LOVE OnGuard! I can be surrounded by sickness (my entire family got sick with a very nasty flu a couple Christmases ago), but I was just fine because I was rubbing the OnGuard on my feet 3 times a day. I tried to get the family to use it, but they weren’t interested… Too bad for them
JanaLee says
I follow on Pinterest.
Jane Curtis says
I follow you on Pinterest.
Jennifer v says
I am dying to try essential oils! I think Lavender would help my daughter to relax before bed and Breathe would help me get through this allergy season. Thanks for such a generous giveaway!
Jane Curtis says
I use tea tree oil in my shampoo and to make cleaning cloths. I would like to try lavender and others.
Jennifer v says
I follow on Pinterest, too: itsjennalicious. Thank you again 😉
paige says
I follow on Pinterest
paige says
Google+ follower too 🙂
I am excited to try Lavendar, Breathe, Metaleuca, and Basil.
Ear Aches, Sleepless nights and sinus issues be gone.
Brenda S says
Love On Guard and Lemon
Brenda S says
I follow you on Pinterest
Brenda S says
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Leslie Moore says
I love lavender, lemon, and tea tree oil.
Leslie Moore says
I follow on Pinterest!
Leslie Moore says
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Melanie Craft says
The oils we seem to use most often lately are serenity, balance, and peppermint. I have a stressed out teenager that benefits from these.
Megan S says
I am most excited to try lavender to hopefully help my toddler fall asleep easier at night!
Megan S says
I follow you on Pinterest!
Keri T says
I absolutely love tea tree oil. I use it for cleaning and for colds. I put a little of that Eucalyptus and lavender in the warm mist humidifier when we have the crud. I would love to try the basil for earaches.
Kendra Duncan says
I love wild orange and cassia mixed with seriity to help me with anxiety. And depression
I follow on Pinterest
Keri T says
I already follow on Pinterest.
Heidi says
Following on Google+, FB, Instagram, and Pinterest! All of your social media channels, lol! My favorite EO’s are Maleluca, Oregano, and Lavender. I use Maleluca on my face (in a carrier lotion), take Oregano when I start to feel ill (in pill form), and use Lavender in the bath. It’s hard for me to pick just one that I am excited to try, but if I had to choose, I would choose Basil. I tend to get ear aches a lot (yes, as a grown adult). I also would like to start diffusing (haven’t done that yet) as I hear it gives great results. Love EO’s, still so much to learn!
Jen M says
I keep hearing about on guard and breathe so I’d love to try those! I’d also love to find something to help my kids with allergies if that even exists.
Jen M says
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leah says
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Danielle says
I follow on Pinterest.
Megan M says
My favorite oils are lavender and sweet orange. I use them for making DIY all-purpose cleaners and additives in my baby wipe wash.
Megan M says
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Megan M says
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Staci C says
I follow on pinterest.
Danielle says
I love adding orange oil to the dishwasher. Cuts grease and smells wonderful!
Staci C says
I would like to try lavender and breathe
Samantha T says
I follow on pinterest!
Samantha T says
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Tonya says
My son uses an inhaler to help with his allergies which got bad enough to send us to the hospital this year. I would love to try the breathe and On Guard to see if we could come off of the inhaler or at least reduce our reliance on it.
Samantha T says
I would love to try melaleuca, peppermint onguard, breath and digestizen.
Deena S says
I would love to try the peppermint oil
Alina says
Love peppermint for headaches
Leigh Ann says
have not tried any yet so maybe the peppermint oil ???
Marta says
Follow on Pinterest
Marta says
I use doTerra essential oils: Breathe every night so I can sleep – helps w/sleep apnea. OnGuard to keep from getting sick. Peppermint for sick tummy, Lavender for headaches … InTune to help with focus at work and many many more
Sharon says
Follow on Pinterest
Sharon says
I love Pepermint. Great to get rid of ants. Yummy in hot cocoa. I would like to try on guard.
2wellsmade5 says
I am a lavender lover…Actually anything soothing! Eucalyptus, lemon and mint!
Nanci says
1. Tell us what your favorite oils are and how you use them, or which ones are you most excited to try. Respitory blend
2. Follow us on pinterest, or let us know you already do. I am following
3. Follow us on google+, or let us know you already do. I am folloeing
2wellsmade5 says
I follow on pinterest! 2wellsmade5
Emily says
Following on Pinterest! (: Breathe, helps with my Asthma. I love that stuff.
Beth says
I am most excited to try anything that helps with focus and allergies — 2 things my oldest son is struggling with. AND the lavender for my younger son.
2wellsmade5 says
Added you to my google+ circle!
Beth says
I follow you on Pinterest.
Kristen P. says
I follow on Pinterest.
Kristen P. says
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Kristen P. says
I have only used a few EO’s, but I LOVE peppermint for headaches!
Dawn says
It is hard to pick one favorite, but I love On Gaurd, lemon, peppermint and Citrus bliss!
Sarah says
I love Serenity! I have so many I would love to try.
Sarah says
I follow on Pinterest
Sarah says
I am a Goggle+ follower as well.
Melissa Warner says
I have always wanted to try essential oils, thank you for this post so I can learn more about them. I would love to win some to try!
Melissa Warner says
I follow on pinterest
Kellie Christensen says
I love lavender when I am going to sleep. So soothing.
Kellie Christensen says
I follow on Pinterest
Carol Bartl says
My family and I started using essential oils a little over a year ago. We LOVE them! My husband is now off all his prescription meds. He is diabetic and was on medication for that and for psoriasis and high blood pressure. He slowly weaned himself off his meds and only uses essential oils now! I am no longer taking over the counter meds for acid reflux and have changed my Hormone Replacement Therapy for oils and other natural alternatives. We take the supplements and feel great. It’s hard to say which are our favorites, but we love peppermint, marjoram, lavender, deep blue, lemon, wild orange, … Thank you so much for this opportunity to win free oils! 😉
Carol Bartl says
I am now following on pintrest and on google+. 😉
Janell Aparicio says
I follow on pinterest.
Janell Aparicio says
Follow on Google.
Janell Aparicio says
Love the lavender, peppermint, and lemon for allergies but want to try breathe, digestzen and so many others.
Aubrey says
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Aubrey says
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valerie says
I have only just barely, barely begun using essentials oils. My daughter came home from school one day with a terrible stomach ache – I called my friend who sells oils and she gave me some of the peppermint beads. My daughter took one, and her stomach ache was gone within minutes! Would also love to try the Breathe for her terrible allergies.
Aubrey says
I use peppermint and rosemary currently for headaches and muscle aches. They are amazing! I am wanting to try lavender and deep blue. I am definitely a believer!
Danielle says
I love using lemon in our diffuser because it makes the whole place smell nice and clean.
Emma says
I would love to try some! I think I’d like to try melaleuca, on guard, and breathe.
Emma says
And I’m following on pinterest!
valerie says
I follow on Pinterest!
Nicole Francom says
I’m following you on Pinterest and Google + and I love Whisper Essential Oil! I use it on my neck to help me keep my head in check. It’s great when dealing with kids and stress. I also LOVE Citrus Bliss to keep me happy and I put it on my wrists. I would love to try Melissa and Coriander.
Danielle says
I follow on Google+.
Danielle says
I follow on Pinterest too!
Rachael says
I follow on Pinterest!
Rachael says
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MIssyV says
I’ve used the Lavender oil in some rice heat bags. It’s great! I’m most excited to try the peppermint one, i get lots of headaches and it would be nice to have something work besides popping pills every time! 🙂
Cat Yates says
I use essential oils all the time! I had a heel spur that was so painful, it was keeping me from working out. I wanted to avoid surgery and read that balsam oil helped. Sure enough, using a drop of balsam oil on my heel every night for about 6 weeks, and no more heel spur! I also like to use a few drops of Eucalyptus or Lemongrass in a facial steam once a week – opens up my sinuses and my skin feels so wonderful afterwards! P.S. I follow you every which way possible. 🙂
MIssyV says
I follow on pinterest
[email protected] says
I would LOVE to win this contest! I am most exited to try breathe, as my children have asthma/allergy issues that we are working on. My friend uses them and loves them!
MIssyV says
i follow on google+
Brenda A. says
I have never tried essential oils but would like to start using them. First one I would try would be the peppermint and then lavender
Brenda A. says
I follow you on pinterest
Jenalyn says
I love PastTense. It works wonders for my tight shoulders and neck.
Jodi says
I would love to try breathe…I always am having sinus problems 🙁
Jodi says
I follow on pinterest.
Jodi says
Following on google plus!
Amber Schroeder says
I just started using Doterra essential oils last week. I had a friend give me some lavender essential oil along with coconut oil to try on my six month old son that has a tough time sleeping. Immediately I noticed he was more calm after using it the first time. We have now went from him waking up 6 times a night, to once or twice. I am so excited to try other oils now!
amy b. says
So many I want to try! I use herbs a little already so EOs just play right into that. The cost has been a big obstacle to getting a stockpile though so yay for a giveaway!!
amy b. says
following on pinterest (awhite312)
Tiffany says
I follow on Pinterest.
Tiffany says
I would love to try the breathe and digestive one. : )
amy b. says
following on google+
Violet E. says
I love Lavender! It is my favorite go-to oil for so many problems!!!
Violet E. says
I follow on Pinterest!!!
Justine says
Tea Tree Oil.
Justine says
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Justine says
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Jen .C says
I have been wanting to try these for awhile… Please pick me!
Shanna Curley says
I follow on pinterest
Shanna Curley says
I love breathe for helping when we are sick, melaleuca also for sickness, I love peppermint for headaches, onguard to help stop the sickness…….and so many more.
Beth says
I like the lavender! I love lavender! I pour a few drops on my pillow and my Kids pillows to help us sleep more soundly.
Carrie M says
I’d like to try Onguard, Breathe or Orange. I think one of those would make me and my husband a believer! Thx!!
Aubrie S says
I love using orange or lemon in my water to boost my mood!
Sheri says
Lemon is my go to oil for making household cleaning products. I’d love to try lavender for aiding with sleep.
Amanda L says
I follow on Pinterest
Amanda L says
I’ve never ever ever used Essential Oils but am anxious to try both the Lavender & the Peppermint
Kath U says
I love peppermint, lavender, lemon and tea tree EOs. I use them for homemade peppermint lip balm and beeswax balm.
Kath U says
I follow on Pinterest.
Erin says
I like to add lemon to soaps, lotions, and cleaners — cheers me up!
Amy K says
I am a Pinterest fanatic, and I follow!!
Desirae says
I LOVE the On Guard and I put it in my diffuser when the kids are sick or afterwards. LOVE LOVE LOVE
Erin says
I follow on Pinterest.
Amy K says
I am a newbie to essential oils, but I love a drop of peppermint in my coconut oil for oil pulling. 🙂
Sue D says
I use EOs everyday. My fave is On Guard–keeps our family healthy. Lavender helps me sleep at night and Breathe has been useful when we do catch a cold.
Erin says
I’m following on Google+ now, too.
Shannon says
My favorite is Past Tense. I always have it with me to relieve headaches. Thanks 🙂
Olga says
My fav… BREATHE for my hubby and Lavender for my son who has difficulty settling down at night.
Jen says
Following you on Pinterest!
Sue D says
I follow on google+
Tenesha says
I love using lavender,it mixes well with other scents and the scent is so soothing. I use it for linen sprays before bedtime..divine!
I follow on pinterest!
Crystal says
I love peppermint and lavender…. Wild orange also, just to inhale.
Becky says
I follow on Pinterest!
Crystal says
I follow on pinterest
Sonya Armiger says
I’d love to win the essential oils. I am following all your pinterest boards!
Amanda says
I’d love to try OnGuard. I’ve heard good things about it.
Amanda says
I follow on Pinterest.
Amanda says
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Sonya Armiger says
I would love to win the essential oils giveaway! I have seen lots of ideas for using them but just haven’t made the plunge. You girls sold me on using coconut oil and I love it! I can just imagine trying some lavender oil in my bath or mixing peppermint and coconut oil to put on the bottom of my feet. Ahhh!
Thanks! -Sonya
Kara says
I follow on FB and Pinterest and am most excited to try essential oils that will make my far-too-frequent headaches go away! 🙂
Morgan Turner says
I’m excited to try the Breathe, OnGuard and Lavender. I’ve never used any of them, but have heard a lot of really great things from friends, so I’m hoping I win so I can give them a try myself.
Stacey says
I want to try the peppermint and the breathe oils.
Morgan Turner says
I follow on Pinterest too
Stacey says
I follow you on Pinterest.
Wendy Cameron says
I love to put some lemon in my water and use PastTense for headaches.
Crystal says
I use the lemon EO for kitchen cleaning.
Wendy Cameron says
I follow on Pinterest.
Adriana A. says
I have never tried essential oils before, so I don’t have any favorites, but I really want to get into essential oils and I would love to try any of them
Adriana A. says
Forgot to mention in my comment that I follow on pinterest and google+
Betty Jones says
I have never used oils, but I would love to try something to help with my husbands & my sinus problems.
Christine says
I am interested in trying Breathe and the Tea Tree Oil..
Betty Jones says
I already follow on Pinterest.
Diana says
Breathe, I’d love to try this before bed.
Christine says
I follow on Pinterest.
Mary says
I’m excited to try peppermint for headaches! I would love to find a no meds solutions. Also something to relieve stuffy noses would be amazing to have!
Melanie Amaya says
I love doTerra peppermint. I was sick a few weeks ago and couldn’t breath. My friend brought me a sample of the peppermint and I rubbed it under my nose and it helped me breath. It also helps keep you alert.
Mary says
I now follow on Pinterest.
becky smith says
I would love to try Breathe and On Guard. I have read some good reviews about them. I don’t have any EO yet but hope to soon.
Tracey F says
I haven’t tried essential oils yet but am eager to try some!
Shelley says
I follow on pinterest!
Tracey F says
I follow via Pinterest.
Kayce says
I just followed on Pinterest and I’d love to try out the lavender and peppermint oils!
Shelley says
I am a huge fan of the peppermint & lavender and add a drop to my bath water.
Denise says
I have only used essential oils for scents in homemade candles and soaps/spa . items . I will certainly try them for health benefits now too! thanks for the helpful post.
Theresa says
Oh so many favorites!! Breathe is definitely one of them–I love how instantly it clears my sinuses. Melaleuca is another one–one drop cured me of esophageal thrush when I first discovered doterra. This winter I tried a combination of 1 drop each of lemon, on guard, peppermint and frankincense placed in a capsule and it helped relieve the bronchitis cough I get every winter. I could not be without my oils!!!!
Theresa says
BTW, love following your blog in my email
Shalyn says
I swore by onGuard this winter. We had a very rough go of it until New Years when I tried this oil as a last ditch effort. Nothing could keep my kids healthy, but this was a turn around. My husband thought I was crazy and disliked the smell, but the kids looked forward to their nightly foot rub with ‘orange oil’. I am very excited to try Breathe. Allergies are often challenging in out house, particularly for my little guy who suffers with asthma. Would love to hear how others use the oils.
Shelley says
I would love to try DigestZen and OnGuard. I would also like to try Basil for my cronic ear infections– as well as for my 4 kiddos.
Hope says
My favorite oil is lavender. Helps me sleep
Manda says
I would love to try clove oil. I’ve heard it’s great for killing mould!
Manda says
I follow on Pinterest.
Shelley says
following on Google+ 🙂
Hope says
I follow on Pinterest
Hope says
I would like to try on guard
Jill says
Love coconut oil for so many things!
Leanna says
I bought lavender and deep blue so far and have had great results with deep blue for muscle pain.
Jill says
I follow on Pinterest
melissa l says
I use the Immortelle every couple days near the sides of my eyes & smile lines to stay looking young 😉 Someone the other day asked if my 8 year old daughter was my little sister & I’m almost 34! So maybe it’s working haha.
Brandy says
I have not tried any oils, but I am most excited to try the ones that soothe allergies!!
Leanna says
I’m a Pinterest follower!
Brandy says
I follow you on Pinterest!
Amy says
I would like to try the Slim and Sassy because who doesn’t want to be Slim and Sassy! I also would like to try the Breathe for my daughters’ asthma/allergy related issues.
melissa l says
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melissa l says
I follow on Google+ too
Misty says
Lavender, peppermint, tea tree
Amy says
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Amy says
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Teresa Jackson says
I am excited to try Lavender!!
Megan says
I use tea tree oil in our shampoo. I follow on pinterest & google+
Teresa Jackson says
I follow on Pinterest!
Amanda says
I have been really interested in oils I know a lot of people who use doTerra ..curious about the OnGuard. Thanks
sharon f says
Onguard, Breathe and Lavender
Tina says
I have been wanting to try essential oils and this would be a great start. I would like to try Lavender for the calming and Tea Tree for asceptic properties. Thank you for the chance to win.
Mimi says
I follow on pinterest! :o)
Janice says
I would like to try On Guard, DigestZen and Breathe.
sharon f says
I follow on pinterest
Diann R. says
I love so many oils. But the ones I use the most often are peppermint, OnGuard, and Lavender. So many great uses for all of them. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Jessica B says
Frankincense is definitely one of my favorite oils. I feel like we use it for everything. I also love Breathe during respiratory season!!
Diann R. says
I follow on Pinterest.
Diann R. says
I follow on Google +.
Jessica B says
I follow you on Pinterest.
Carla says
I would love to try lemon, lavender and peppermint.
Judy says
Melaleuca, – peppermint – on guard – frankincense – use for pain. Have used for bells palsy – improve breathing
Kristal says
I am a Pinterest follower!! Never tried essential oils but very interested for my awful daily headaches.
Debi M says
I am new to essential oils, but have read so many good things about them, that I really want to try something more natural. I am most excited to try peppermint, but the lavender follows a close second.
Debi M says
I follow on pinterest.
Judy says
I follow on pinterest
Rebecca D says
I follow on pinterest
Rebecca D says
I haven’t tried essential oils yet, but especially want to try the peppermint
Judy says
I follow on google +
Rosemary says
I love lavender and peppermint (my cats don’t) but would love to try Breathe as I have year-round allergies and OnGuard. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Krista says
I haven’t tried any of the doterra oils, but it seems like everyone loves them. I think i need to jump on board. I would love to try the peppermint for many reasons and maybe the breathe for my boys at night time.
Michelle says
Currently I use tea tree and lavender, but would to try some others as well.
Ivy says
I love wild orange it smells great and helps lift moods around our house.
Ivy says
I follow on pintrest.
Nancy says
I would love to try OnGuard.
Amber says
I’ve just started getting into essential oils, and I love using them. Still learning! Would love to try some new ones.
Janet R says
I follow HDS on Pinterest
Kim Sorensen says
Love tea tree oil on pimples/breakouts and lavender in the diffuser to relax : )
Janet R says
I also follow on Google +… I’d love to try these essential oils!
Kim Sorensen says
Follow on google+
Kim Sorensen says
Follow on Pinterest
MelissaR says
My favorite oils are OnGuard and Breathe. I love OnGuard for keeping colds at bay, and I use Breathe frequently for my son who has seasonal allergies.
Samantha says
I love OnGuard and Wild Orange. I borrowed my friend’s DigestZen and definitely need to get my own. Each day I catch myself saying, “Oh I’m sure there’s an oil for that!”
Christie P says
I love the orange, lemon, and lime for my water. Anything that helps me drink more water is good in my book. I also love Deep Blue for any muscle aches and pains.
Diana says
I already follow you on Pinterest & Google! I would LOVE to try Breathe & Lavender, because I have major issues with stuffy nose at night. My husband has been telling me that I’m snoring lately! embarrassing!
Also, I cannot wait to try the Digestzen! I have serious stomach issues and pains practically every day. I also suffer from Sjogren’s Syndrome which can do a number on your digestive system. I would love to replace some medication with natural options! Can’t wait to see if I’m a winner!!
Christie P says
I also follow you on Pinterest. 🙂
Kerstie says
I love peppermint I use a lot for headaches! I use lavender for sunburns and citrus ones to focus during a test. I love them!
Stephanie says
I would love to try OnGuard. i love EO’s, especially tea tree and lavender.
Trica says
Would love to try some peppermint for my stuffy nose!
Trica says
Following on pinterest.
Jennifer Strickland says
I follow on google and Pinterest.
I love all of them! But my favorite way to use wild orange is to add one drop to a cup of coconut Greek yogurt…VERY good! I just started using lemongrass to heal whip lash and help with the pains in my back…waiting to see, and feeling very happy to know that there may be a solution to my problem that doesn’t require spending lots of time and money at the chiropractor’s office for the rest of my life!
Nicole says
So far , I use the ,Melaluca, the most as it helps with my son’s eczema.
G. Huff says
I’m very interested in trying do terra oils. Have purchased some from a local health store and not sure of the potency. Hoping to find a brand that works well and are pure (as stated). Thank you! Love receiving your emails!
Marcia says
I have heard of essential oils but never really bothered to look into it. Now, you got me curious and I think I need to be more open about it.
Nicole says
Pinterest follower 🙂
G. Huff says
I’m now following on Pinterest!
Nicole says
google+ follower
Seashells says
I am a Pinterest follower! I use tea tree oil and any fruity oil in my homemade deodorant…
Kristi says
I love elevation…. I use it when I need a perk me up …
Dielle says
I think the peppermint sounds fantastic. I haven’t used oils, but more and more of my friends are singing their praises.
Dielle says
I follow you on pinterest
Dielle says
And I follow you on google+
Marne says
I am excited to try the grapefruit it smells wonderful ! I have also heard that the lemon is good for so many things.
Marne says
I love your pins on Pinterest
Candice P. says
I love lavendar, clear skin and breathe!! I am a true believer in these oils!
I also follow you on Pinterest! 🙂
Jay says
Very interesting-would love to try peppermint
Rachel says
I have been wanting to try Breath and On Guard for a while now and after reading this post I’m curious about Digestzen as well : )
Rachel says
I follow you on Pinterest
Dani says
I follow on Pinterest.
Christina says
Lavender and peppermint sound great! I’d love to try them for stress relief
Christina says
i follow on Pinterest
Christina says
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Jennifer S. says
I have tried essential oils I bought at Whole Foods in the past. Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Sage and Rosemary blend for my sons bath when he has a terrible cold. I also put these same oils in a carrier oil and rub them on his chest. I would really LOVE to try doTerra. They are out of my budget these days, so I haven’t been able to try them.
Dani says
I use essential oils for everything. They truly are amazing! My all time favorite has to be peppermint oil. I struggle with fibromyalgia and it helps me to function. We use it for headaches and tummy aches as well. We use tea tree oil a lot for any skin acne….great having three teens. ;). And we use lavender a lot. It’s great for mixing with a bath or lotion as a night time aid but it has helped clear up my daughter’s eczema. In fact, our mini schnauzer gets a regular spritz due to his skin allergies. I could go on and on but those are my favorites.
Jennifer S. says
I follow on pinterest: @jennyrhythm
Jennifer S. says
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Monica Anderson says
My most favorite oil is lavender. I like to use it in my bath water right before going to bed. My second favorit is peppermint, however, I’ve never tried it as an essential oil only in lotions or bath gels.
I would like to try Melaleuca. My middle son severly suffers with allergies (he needs to be placed in a ball). His allergies are so it affects his schooling. He can’t breathe from being so stuffy, he has a skin rash, he can’t hear from his ears being clogged. He’s always so aggravated because he can’t go out and play with his brothers or kids in the neighborhood. We’ve tried all types of OTC meds and precritptions and I feel like he’s a guinea pig. I would like to approach organic and home remedies. Hopefully the Melaleuca would work.
I would also like to try Frankincense for myself, I’m a single mom with three sons and trying to build my cake business from the ground up with no help. It gets quite stressful at times.
Monica Anderson says
I am following on pinterest.
My pinterest page is http://www.pinterest.com/cndbymonica/
Monica Anderson says
I’m following on google+ plus
Jenni says
I would love Onguard or Peppermint. I have tried both and really liked them both, among others of course.
Jenni says
I follow on pinterest now.
Jenni says
Following on Google now.
Stacy says
I would love to try ONGUARD since that is the one I’ve heard the most about. The peppermint also sounds amazing-my daughter gets carsick easily.
Stacy says
I follow on pinterest
Stacy says
I also follow on google+
blima says
I love lavender for burns
lori A says
Hi! I follow you on Pinterest! 🙂
Alyssa says
I love Digestzen and I want to try the On Guard beadlets.
lori A says
I’d love to try the tea tree oil for my allergies!
Chris says
I follow you on both pintrest and google… absolutely love you and all the great info you offer! You have me hooked on coconut oil! I have Lavendar and Tea Tree oils also that I use in recipes for cleaning, air freshening, pet medicating, body scrubs, lotions and salts. I would love to expand and try some more! Lemon, Breathe, Digestzen and On Guard are the ones I hope to get next. Do you have any tips or info on diffusers? Would love to get your input on that!
Alyssa says
I’m following on Pinterest. http://www.pinterest.com/crazytoddlermom/
Tina says
I follow you on Pinterest!
Donna Payne says
I would love to try the Frankincense on my dog as he has warts. I was told by another user that putting a few drops on her dog that the warts went away soon. I don’t want to have to have them cut off and would must like to use something natural.
Claire says
I follow your pinterest board and really like the DoTerra oils, I am currently using OnGuard to fend of all sorts of bugs as my children are in constant contact with other children and I have managed to keep them away from the recent tummy bugs that are going around. I have also helped my husband who was suffering from a chest infection with Breath – I used it in a vapourizer and he had a good nights sleep and felt much better after that. Thank you for sharing all your posts I really enjoy the newsletter.
Donna Payne says
I already follow you on Pinterest. Thanks!
Dorinda P says
I have only just started my journey with essential oils. I have used lavender on my daughter’s diaper rash, and sort of played around with lemon, wild orange, and peppermint. I love the smell of peppermint. 🙂
Dorinda P says
I follow on Pinterest 😀
Tiffany says
When I had a hysterectomy I immediately out of anestitia rubbed lavender oil on my stomach and around my incisions I never took pain meds just rubbed every 15 minutes. My md was amazed and when I told her what I did she understood and stated she wished more people would decline the narcotics and rub oils.
Talia says
I can’t go a day without melaleuca and lavender oil,, I use lavender oil for relaxation and use melaleuca oil to help with acne and blemishes. Would really like to try frankincense and peppermint.
Talia says
I follow on Pinterest
Tracy says
I love learning about EO’s & all the terrific things they can do for us. I just started diffusing a blend of lavender, bergamot & geranium. It’s a great combo that lifts my spirits.
Buffy says
I have been using essential oils for years and love them
Buffy says
I follow on Pinterest
Heidi says
I am waiting to try peppermint for my headaches and something for my husband’s insomnia. Something for colds would be nice. That seems to be what we get in my house.
Heidi says
I also follow on Pinterest.
jc says
I have just recently began trying essential oils (another brand) Love them all….so far. Just still hesitant about using them. I have added tea tree oil to shampoo to keep kids from getting head lice @ school, etc. Using peppermint to prevent pests from entering house. Thank You for the suggestions for other uses….can’t wait to try.
pk says
I follow on Pinterest. My sister-in-law LOVES these oils!
Amanda says
I would love to try the oils for headaches and sinus problems! Thanks for all the great info!!
Meg says
I love calming scents like lavender and vanilla, would love to try ones to energize throughout the day. I also work with little kiddos in a private clinic setting, would love to know what works best for concentration.
Jennifer says
I follow on Pinterest
Nicky Nestor says
I have never tried them, and just recently heard about them for the first time. I’d love to try the peppermint and lavender ones. Sounds neat!
Jennifer says
I would like to try the peppermint for my headaches
Nicky says
I follow you on Pinterest
Kathy H says
I especially love lavender, simply for the calming effect it gives me. I also have a blend with eucalyptus for stuffy noses. I’ve been using it lately during pollen season. Be especially blessed…
Kathy H says
I’m a follower on Pinterest: henniespennies
Kathy H says
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Lisa H says
I’m so excited to try On Guard!
Lisa H says
So excited to try On Guard
Lisa J says
I would love to try the lavender and peppermint oils
Lisa H says
I’m a follower on Pinterest!
Lisa J says
I follow you on pinterest.
Kim says
I follow on pinterest!!!
KimH. says
I would love to get some sinus relief with these oils!
Jamie says
I follow on Pinrerest
Jamie says
I would love to try Breathe, On guard and Basil
Kim says
I would love to try the doTerra oils. I have heard so many great things about them. Not a fan of buying online so I haven’t found them yet. Love the idea of ” Breathe” and “On Guard”. Would love to see if they work, especially for allergies!
KimH. says
Already following on Pinterest
Jorgee Johnson says
I have used eucalyptus in the shower and a as a chest rub to help with clearing up sinus issues.
Vicki says
I follow on Pinterest.
I like tea tree, lavender, lemon, and so many more!
Blanche says
I wanna try Breathe on my next cold!
courtney tucker says
I follow on pinterest. @aisforbeautiful
courtney tucker says
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Courtney Tucker
Cathy says
I love lavender, and would love to try the peppermint for migraines and the melaleuca! I take too many pills – time to try oils instead!
courtney tucker says
I’m excited to try the “On Guard” one.
Laurie says
This allergy season, lemon, lavender, and peppermint are my new best friends. I have been able to just use 3 drops each of these oils (either in a capsule or dropped iin some water) to control all my allergy symptoms this spring!
Ellis says
I am most excited to try peppermint for headaches!
Ellis says
I follow on Pinterest
Amanda says
I love my peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus, and lemon grass oils. Lemon grass is great for getting rid of fruit flies. Peppermint is great for keeping mice out of your home. I use eucalyptus for aches in my feet and ankles. I follow on pinterest and Google
Brandi Zimmerman says
I’ve been wanting to try them, and I am mostly interested in those that help with sinus/allergy issues and sleep issues – and something that gives an energy boost! Thanks!
Brandi Zimmerman says
I follow you on Pinterest! Would love to win some oils!!
Annie Martin says
I have never tried doterra, so any of their oils I’d love to try. I really liked the young living ‘abundance’ when I would give massages (I’d just add it to my lotion). It was lovely. I would love to get into using oils in my daily life & cooking as well. So much to learn!
Annie Martin says
I follow you on pinterest (AnnieRuthMartin)
Carrie Duvall says
I’ve been looking into essential oils the past few weeks. I would love to win lavender & lemon. Both sound like nice, natural, cleans cents,
Annie Martin says
I follow you on Google+ as well 🙂 Thanks for doing this! Congrats to whoever wins – although I hope it’s me!
Amanda says
I have not tried any of the essential oils, but this sounds like it would be a great way to dip my toes in. 🙂 My daughter is actually pretty healthy, but hubby works at a university and is always bringing home the crud. I would love to try the OnGuard and the Breathe. Thanks for the chance to win!
Amanda says
I already follow on Pinterest. Thanks for the chance to win!
Amanda says
I am a new follower on Google +. Thanks for the chance to win!
Sandy Diaz says
I love peppermint for controlling itch. A drop in a bug bite, and the itch is gone for hours.
Sandy Diaz says
I follow on pinterest.
Sandy Diaz says
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Jessica says
I follow you on pinterest and I have been wanting to try essential oils and havent had the chance. I would love to win some! LOL 🙂
Amanda says
Definitely tea tree oil…clears up zits and scrapes in no time!
Julie says
I want to try the lavender. I heard it will calm my dog before going to the vet.
I already followed you on pinterest.
I started following you on google+
Abigail says
Id love to try the ginger because its one of my favorite scents and also the wild orange because its energizing!
Laura says
Lavender oil to help anyone fall asleep and relax. I’m excited to try any new oils!
I follow on Pinterest and Google+ pick me!
Christy says
I love grapefruit for a pick me up! We use clary sage for calming.
Christy says
I follow on pinterest!
audrey hall says
I’m very interested in the digestive oil for my toddler who has problems with gluten and other foods. I’m also interested in the breathe oil, as I’m tired of having to use nose spray during the pollen seasons!! I hope I win 🙂
Kelly M says
I am a follower on Pinterest 🙂
Kelly M says
I am new to essential oils & I love them! I use them for cleaning, in our laundry and for anything that may be ailing my family. But may FAVORITE way to use them is in a diffuser – I have one in each of our bedrooms & in the kitchen. In our bedrooms I use different oils, maybe on guard if someone is feeling a cold coming on or lavender for calming. They even have a serenity blend that I enjoy for a peaceful night. In the kitchen I like to use the citrus blend for the great scent & it also has antibacterial properties. Try these oils, I think you’ll love them!
Kelli says
I have tried many essential oils but would love to try the Doterra line. I love grapefruit to add to my laundry soap. I make my own and then add some grapefruit oil and sometimes a few others and the scent they provide is light, refreshing and makes me smile. I would love to try the Digestzen because my son has lots of tummy troubles and I wonder if it would help him.
Kelli says
I follow y’all on pinterest as well.
Kathi says
I follow on Google and Pintrest. I haven’t tried the essential oils yet but have heard great reviews about them.
Sunnie says
I would like to try lavendar oil
Earthmama says
Hello. Thanks for these great ideas to try. I currently use tea tree and rosemary oils for stimulating hair growth after just having a baby. I add a few drops to my hair products and sometimes i just add the drops alone and massage it into my scalp. We also use tea tree for its anti fungal properties on cuts, in diaper ointment, etc. oils are also great instead of using chemical laden perfumes.
Sunnie says
I follow you on pinterest
Laura says
Trying to acquire different oils to help my Lyme disease. I just made a homemade eczema cream for my son with the doTerra lavender oil and it works amazingly!
Kristin Malara says
I follow you on Pinterest, and always love all the great ideas you share. With both allergies and asthma in my family, we would be very interested in trying BREATHE (respiratory blend)! As the owner/operator of an in-home daycare, the Oregano (to help avoid colds) and the Basil (for earaches) may be extremely helpful.
Katy says
I would love to try the breathe and oregano for my children’s colds.
Shanda says
I follow on Pinterest.
Sandy says
I am following you on Pinterest & google +. I would love to try the Roaemary, Lemon & Peppermint oils.
Katy says
Follow you on Pinterest
Katy says
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Shanda says
The only ES I’ve tried is Tea Tree oil and that stuff is AMAZING! I’m excited to try others.
Claudia Trejo says
I was so excited when I saw this post on Facebook because I was just thinking of researching these oils. My girls’ have terrible allergies and I don’t like giving them so much medication. I would love to try these! I also follow in Pinterest.
grace says
I would love to try frankincense for mood enhancement … thanks for the chance
Diana says
I just started using EOs and I love them. I got a diffuser for my birthday and love to diffuse lemon and lavender. I would like to try AromaTouch – my husband holds lots of tension in his back and I think it would really help!
Diana says
I follow on Pinterest!
Kimberly S. says
I’m SOOOO in love with essential oils!!!! My friend sent me the wild orange!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE! I use lemon on a cotton ball in my vacuum. Nothing smells cleaner to me than lemon.
I am trying to narrow down which ones I want to use on my dog for her seizures. I think frankinsense is the most highly recommended that I’ve found so far.
Kimberly S. says
I follow on pinterest.
Kimberly S. says
I started following on google+!!
Jess says
I follow on Pinterest!
Jessica says
I tried Spark Naturals’ Shield blend when I had a cold recently. I couldn’t get over how much better I felt after just a day or two – while others in my family had it linger for over a week!
Jess says
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Jess says
I have a VERY active 2yr old, so I love vetiver! It does a wonderful job helping him slow down and relax when he needs to (like nap time…)! Mix it with patchouli and lavender and it’s bedtime!
Alicia says
I follow on pintrest
Carylynne says
We use them in the bath, with Epsom Salts, very relaxing!!!
Carylynne says
I’m a Pinterest Follower too.
Korine says
Have just started using essential oils. Peppermint is a top one that we use. I use frankincense on my face bc I’ve have several skin cancers removed and would love to not have more. We have made a blend for my husband for nerve pain and regeneration which includes: geranium, wintergreen, juniper, nutmeg and one more which I can’t remember right now!
Korine says
I follow you on pinterest.
Jennifer says
I have not tried but would love to try the peppermint. I get terrible migraines and would love a natural way of relief!
Kristine says
I follow you on Pinterest!
Kristine says
I love On guard for prevention of sickness. I love breathe for colds to help breathe. I love peppermint to help ease headaches. I love digezen for tummy troubles.
Jennifer says
I follow on Pinterest!
Kembralyn says
I follow you guys by pinterest and would love to try MELALEUCA, BREATHE and ON GAURD!
Kembralyn says
I follow you on google+ and would love to try MELALEUCA, BREATHE and ON GAURD!
Kembralyn says
I would love to try MELALEUCA, BREATHE and ON GAURD! My family and I have severe allergy and sinus problems. I have thought about trying oils but my husband is so skeptical on these kinds of things and always goes to medicine, so I still haven’t invested in the product yet. This would be a great way to prove to him…THEY WORK! 🙂
Debbie S says
I would love to try the lavender on my son who has a hard time falling asleep. The On Guard would be good for the long allergy season here.
Debbie S says
I have been following you on Pinterest for a long time 🙂
Jennifer says
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Debbie S says
I am now a new follower on Google +
Sherrie says
I would love to try the Breathe and On Guard. With allergy season in full bloom I know my son and I both could use some relief.
Joy says
I use a Peace and Calm oil on my daughters feet to help her fall asleep easily! Also the lavender oil works great for allergies. There are so many I want to try!
Joy says
I follow on PInterest!
Kara says
My favorites are theives and breathe again. I am interested in trying peppermint for headaches. I also follow on pinterest
June Nelson says
I want to try lavender.
June Nelson says