You’ve probably heard tidbits, if not waves about the new miracle spice that claims to have unbelievable healing powers. It’s actually not all that new. What’s all the buzz about Turmeric, the spice used in Indian curry? Well, for 4,000 years, Turmeric (aka Curcumin) has been used in Eastern medicine to treat inflammation (think arthritis), to fight infection, treat digestive problems, and cure skin diseases (adios, acne!). Many herbalists and holistic practitioners even claim that Turmeric has powerful cancer-fighting properties.
So is there anything to it? You’ll have to try it and decide for yourself. *(Consult your doctor before adding any supplement, turmeric included especially if you are currently on any medications.)
Here are 8 ways you can use Turmeric to help heal your family and get an added boost of superfood powers!
1. Whole root or ground powder?
Turmeric comes in two forms: whole root or ground spice powder. You can find whole root turmeric in health food stores and grocery stores (it looks kinda like ginger). Peel off the skin with a spoon or peeler and then grate the root to use in soups, dressings, smoothies, etc. If using the powdered version, buy organic turmeric spice, free of chemicals, preservatives, and additives.
2. Should I take the pill?
Many people are using turmeric capsules as a daily supplement. Although in capsule form, you may be missing out on the full potential turmeric has to offer as opposed to cooking with it. Skip the supplement. The active agents in turmeric are fat soluble, meaning that they require a fat source (like coconut and cooking oil) to effectively absorb nutrients¹. Sooo…the best way to get your turmeric miracle agents is through cooking. Yum!
3. Turmeric + Black Pepper=POW!
To increase the POWer of turmeric, add a little black pepper to it. Turmeric and black pepper are like the ultimate power couple…the Brangelina of spices if you will. Curcumin (the active agent in turmeric) is a powerful anti-inflammatory and black pepper contains piperine, which helps reduce pain². When cooking veggies, start with a little coconut oil in a pan and add a turmeric and a pinch of black pepper until hot. Then add your veggies and saute to perfection!
4. Drink “Golden Milk.”
Golden Milk is an ancient Ayurvedic drink made with turmeric and milk. It’s creamy, satisfying, and good for you! In a saucepan, combine 1 cup of almond milk, 1/4 tsp turmeric, 1 tsp coconut oil, a dash of black pepper, a tsp of vanilla, then honey or agave to taste. Add a dash of cinnamon on top–delish! See more yummy Golden Milk recipes here!
5. Add turmeric to your smoothies.
An easy way to get a little turmeric is by adding it to your smoothies. Make sure to combine your turmeric with a little coconut oil before adding it to your smoothie, preferably heated together. Try our favorite smoothie recipes or specific turmeric smoothie recipes found on Pinterest.
6. Shake it up in your dressings and marinades.
Turmeric is a perfect addition to salad dressings and meat marinades. Add 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of turmeric to any of these delicious homemade vinaigrettes for a delicious and miraculous meal.
7. Make a turmeric spice rub for meats.
If you’re not a huge fan of curry, you can get your turmeric on top of a big, fat, juicy steak. Try this copycat Texas Roadhouse steak rub or any of these spice rubs for chicken, steak, or seafood.
8. Try a turmeric facial mask.
Have you seen those crazy yellow face masks floating around your Facebook or Pinterest feed? However silly they seems, people are swearing by turmeric face masks and the acne-fighting, scar-fading power they have. Hey, I’m willing to try anything once! Get all sorts of DIY turmeric face masks here!
So dish…have you tried turmeric yet? What do you think?
Who doesn’t love staying healthy, the natural way? We’ve got even more great tips to feel at your very best all year long:
Tips for Staying Healthy This Winter
Rebecca says
I actually do take turmeric supplements as I have fibro and am also prone to inflammation. I take one capsule three times a day with meals and I’ve noticed a huge difference in both my pain level and inflammation using it preventatively. I double the dose on days inflammation is particularly high or I’m sick and have noticed increased recovery times. I’ve actually had my fingers swell so badly I couldn’t get my rings off. I took turmeric supplements and a half hour later the swelling had subsided enough to remove my rings. So definitely don’t discount the “pill!”
Nicolette says
Good to know! Thanks for sharing Rebecca!
Vangie says
I have to agree Rebecca! I started taking Turmeric Capsules when i started exercising (for the first time in my life at the age of 32). My knees just couldn’t take it andIi found the pain very debilitating. My workout instructor recommended Turmeric as she herself suffers from Arthritis and uses it religiously. I’ve never looked back. Also take it 3 x a day. Plus has anyone mentioned it’s weight loss benefits too!
Sharon Shepherd says
I found organic turmeric powder at it was reasonably priced too! Anyway, I add it to so many things I cook. I add it to the spices I use for fried chicken, spaghetti sauce, chili and much more. It doesn’t add Too much flavor and I figure if they don’t like it, too bad maybe they should cook every darn meal! Haha. Anyway they haven’t even noticed and what they don’t know won’t hurt ’em. Lol
Mina Irow Henna says
Thanks for sharing Rebecca!
Minaibrowhennatintsusa says
Nice & informative article. Thanks for sharing !!