Birthday Board
Happy birthday to…
I got together last year with 2 of my friends and we wanted to make a birthday board to celebrate our kids on their birthday. Let’s face it…I don’t like a bunch of different parts and a bunch of different things that are going to get lost to have to find each year to decorate. I want to keep all parts in one area. Like the person who invented the key ring…genius! All keys stay in one spot. {{The only trick is to find the key ring with all the keys}} anyways…Angie and Amber you two are crafting wonders! I’m glad I got to be a part of this birthday board project!
About eight of us got together and made these in a friend’s garage. Craft groups rock!!! Only one person’s house gets messed up and they supply all the supplies and it’s so much cheaper{{everybody pays for 1 pack of paper vs. paying for your own}}. O ya, crafts also get completed because you can’t leave until they are done. This is Missy’s Birthday Board that I totally get to brag on. She did awesome!! Wondering why I’m not showing you mine??? Well…her’s was out and and I didn’t want to pull my birthday box down.
The week before the big birth’day’ I sit down with my kido and plan out the week. It includes dinners, events and the count down!
The base looks like a clipboard, but we actually used 1/4 inch MDF board. It measures 2 inches longer and wider than a standard clip board. We mod podged the board with polka dot paper {{Missy is a polka dot ‘aholic}}
The top part of the board is the:
We cut out 3 — 1 1/2 inch squares.
On the first block we put the numbers 1&2
The second block we put the numbers 3&4
The third block we put the numbers 5&6
The font is Peas for fonts-Chunky {{BTW}}
I think this has been the funnest part for my kids. They LOVE to flip the numbers.
What’s for Dinner?
The middle section is the dinner section.
This is great because I don’t have to plan dinners…although depending on the kid I might be eating a lot of chicken nuggets or Fruit Loops {cereal can be dinner right?} that week!
A ribbon that is glued on the sides is holding the clips. Do the clips look familiar?? Birthday Board Tutorial and We Love Daddy. Our reader Gwen found the clips here.
Use thick ribbon (so the clips won’t slide) and thread it through the clips.
Print the dinners of choice and stick them up.
Missy…that is a cute font BTW!
How about a little celebration??
Look at the cupcake paper…it makes me want to eat one:)
Each night we have a little celebration for the birthday child {{or parent}}!
Here is a free Birthday Board pdf that has some fun activities. These are just a few fun ideas.
I know when my son gets a little bigger I am sure we will add ‘skateboarding as a family’ to the list.
The paper is layered and then laminated so I only have to do them once. And when they get sticky birthday cake fingers on them they wipe off easily!
Wait until you see how the back looks. It’s for the day of the celebration!!!
And OOO one more quick look because it’s so darn cute!!!
For an explosion of other Birthday ideas click here
Pam @ Design Fanatic says
This is such a cute project! I just found your blog … it is great! I look forward to spending more time on it!
Kris says
Oh, this is absolutely ADORABLE! I love, love, love it! What a fun way to celebrate your child’s birthday in such a clever way. Thank you for sharing!
Catrina says
I just found your site yesterday…I’m hooked! The birthday board is adorable! And I already have most of the supplies! Even those cute clips…which I’m thinking I should go get more before they’re gone. They’ve been around awhile.
By the way, what font was used on the dinner choices(burritos, ham loaf, etc)?
Missy says
the font is Calvin and Hobbes – I LOVE it for kid projects!
Liz@HoosierHomemade says
Adorable! My boys are a little older, but I may still do it!
Thanks for sharing!
Lacie E says
super cute. i love ideas that help birthday’s feel a little more extra special
TidyMom says
What a cute idea!!
Laney says
This is my favorite idea! I’m sure mine won’t look near as good when I make one. I really need that Silhouette {wink LOL}.
Heather Tucker says
LOVE IT!!! Definitely going to create these for my shorties this year! Thank you SO much for sharing.
Tricia Richner says
I just posted this to my facebook. I am so going to have to do this. I hope it is OK to repost – either on FB, twitter or my own blog. These ideas are way too great not to share. Thanks.
Bree says
Is there a Crafter’s Academy Awards? YOU WIN! I love you gals!
Love, bree
April Driggers says
OMG this is just precious!
Dina says
I just found you off of skiptomylou. This project gets me all excited! It would be great for our RS night. I’m definately going to make this for my kiddos. Thank you for sharing! And I’ll be bookmarking you!
Jenni says
I have got to make one of these! I love this idea and so much fun too! Thanks for this!
Amy says
Awww…I wish I lived by all of you so I could be in your craft group…you girls look like so much fun! Love your website:)
Linda says
I found your blog a week ago and just love it. It’s been so much fun reading and using some of your ideas and recipes. Thanks for being such a giving person.
Diane {} says
What a cute project!
Stacey @ Fun to Craft says
This is a great idea. I think I may have to do something similar! I love finding new ways to make birthdays even more special.
Kelli says
So cute! I love the polka dots! I know my kiddos would love to change the numbers each day too!
Ellen says
I LOVE this idea! what kid is not gonna feel special when you have a whole week of activities and dinners to celebrate you!
The Tiny Homestead says
goodness this is adorable. crafting in teams must really get the flow going! wow. so cute and useful. I can see that being a big hit with the little ones.
Chelsea says
SO cute!! What an awesome idea
Susan says
Do you have this in format so I can print these instructions off? This is sooo dang cute…and I am sure my daughters would like to make this!!
Alison says
We don’t…I’m sorry. Maybe we can do that in the future:)
Teri says
Super cute…what a great idea!
Dina says
I’m having a really hard time finding these clips. Can you tell me who makes them and what section I might find them in? Thank you so much!
Alison says
I found them at Michaels in the scrapbook section. I don’t remember the brand, but any brand will work! I’ve also heard they have been spotted at Joann Crafts. Let us know if you find them!
Dina says
So after searching 3 Joanns, a Michaels and Craft Warehouse I finally found the clips at a local scrapbook store. They are by Making Memories and they call them Board Clips. I could not find any other brand of little colored clip. I found some more online at Oriental Trader for an awesome price also. You may want to stock up!
Bobbi says
Oh no, I can’t believe that you had such a hard time finding them. Our Michael’s had them no problem. 24 for $3.99. Oriental Trading does have a big package of them though. Glad you found them to get crafting on this project!
Shannon Spath says
It doesn’t look like they are available through Oriental Trading anymore 🙁
Martha says
Where did you get the MDF board ?
Alison says
AHHH I just saw this question…a month later. Sorry! You can get it at lumber yards. I used overland lumber in Boise Idaho!
Hani says
another awesome creation I must say:) by the way I’ve just read your email on the change of THE MOST AWAITED DAY – silhouette..! OMG I hope my comment(on that post) makes you smile as well:)
love you gals:D much…!
Storm says
Wendy says
I saw this over at Tatertotsandjello and I LOVE it so much!!! What a fabulous idea. I am not at all crafty but I might just have to give this a try. 🙂
Liza says
What a cute idea, would love this!
Liz says
Awesome! Found this on Tator Tots and Jello blog- love love love it!
Alison says
What a FUN idea! I absolutely love this!
.-= Alison´s last blog ..ABC Marble Magnets =-.
Ashley says
This is just precious!!! Love it!!!
Elsie says
Such a wonderful idea. Definitely adding it to my to do list.
Jay says
Just came from tator tots and jello ….love it!
Sarah Carpenter says
I just popped over from Tatertots and Jello. What a cute idea! My family would LOVE this. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Leeann H says
This is so cute! You are super creative…the more I read I hope it will rub off on me!
Kelly says
Hi there! Just found you through the giveaway on Tatertots and Jello! I wanna win, so hope this comment counts! Awesome!
Gina A. says
I love this board!! My kids would totally love it.
Sarah says
This is so cute and such a great idea! There are a ton of great ideas on your site!
Great Idea Thank You!
Ashley says
I love this!! Can’t wait to do this someday with my kids. In the meantime I can use it for my husband!
.-= Ashley´s last blog ..A fun oreo Easter treat. =-.
terri hopler says
This is one of my favorite things I’ve seen so far! I’m making one for my OWN bday which is in 2 weeks 🙂
mombrud says
What a cute idea! My kids would love this!
judy says
Wonderful!!! Love it!
margaret says
Great idea….love this!!!
Christina says
Such a good idea!
kristenduke says
I simply LOVE this idea!
Michelle says
This is a very cute idea to make a birthday special– thanks for sharing!
alison says
love it!!!!!! Oh, and I love your name, too. 😉
Bobbi says
Hi ladies! I’m going to make this board with some friends but what exactly is MDF board? Did you just buy some and cut it out with a tool of some sorts {I’m pretty new to using tools!} Do you know some measurements? I can’t tell if it’s huge or not. Thanks so much. Just excited to make it! But don’t know where to start.
Melissa says
I’m so excited I found this board!! I can have it made just in time for my kids birthdays! They will feel so special for the entire week! I was wondering how you hang the count down numbers from the top? Thanks!!
Alison says
Just a hook at the top of the board. You can get them at the hardware store.
Melissa says
Thanks! Can’t wait to get started. I bought some really cute birthday paper today!
Alison says
I want to see it when it’s finished! Send pics if you get a chance!
Melissa says
Will do! Thanks for the cute idea.
Vickie says
Any chance you will be selling kits for this? Even just the wood and vinyl???
Pam says
great idea and so cute! Good for christmas as well!
Bethany says
Just wondering… did you print on the paper or use scrapbook letters? I already glued my paper down w/out the writing and wondered what I should use.
Alison says
We used vinyl lettering, but you could use scrapbook letters too! You and your kidos are going to love this!!