Well it’s that time again, and everyone is determined and enthusiastic about their New Year’s resolution. However, February rolls around, and then March, and by April you’re thinking “What was that New Year’s resolution I made?”
This is something I have faced again and again. For most of us, we’re just trying to get through the day, and looking a year in advance can seem really daunting. I’m not very good with long-term goals, and so, I set my sights on the short-term. Many short-term goals equal success in reaching your long-term goals.
This year, to help me achieve my goals, I wanted to make a visual reminder so I can see it every day. I could have gotten a simple white-board from the dollar section, but if this thing was going to be around the house for a long time, I wanted it to be pretty, so I made my own simple dry-erase board.
What you’ll need:
A picture frame (I got mine at a thrift store, but of course the possibilities are endless here), some pretty paper, a large envelope or rectangular piece of paper, and a dry erase marker.
Remove the back of the frame and use it as a template for your pretty paper.
Then, use your rectangle or envelope and paste or tape it to the center of the paper.
This is where you’ll be writing your notes, so plain paper is best here. I had a lot of empty envelopes from my Christmas cards, and I figured it would be just right to go in the center. Waste not!
Put the paper in your frame and you’re ready to make some goals.
I plan on changing my goal every week, but you can change it however you like. I thought I’d share my first five to get your creative juices flowing.
1. Be positive. It’s so easy to be down on yourself or your life. The little things can really get to me sometimes, and when the house is a mess and the bills need to be paid, it helps to be reminded that not all things are bad. A bad day doesn’t mean you have a bad life!
2. Be happy in the moment. I am a classic “grass is greener” person. I catch myself thinking things like “When we have a bigger house, then I’ll be happier and more organized”, or “When we have a new car I’ll be happy.” The reality is that my life is pretty great right now, and yes, you can always have that thing you think you need, but right now is good too. Be happy with what you have right now in this very moment.
3. Be silly! Play with them! I can get so crazed about finishing a project or the dishes or keeping things tidy that I forget that these are the days that my kids will remember from their childhood. I have a hard time letting loose and being silly with my kids sometimes because I am so stressed about what I think I need to be doing. They will only be little for so long, and darn it, I want to have fun with them!
4: Be the #1 fan. This is so huge for my family. My husband in particular loves to feel like I’m his biggest fan. Get out the pom poms and remember to tell your husband or kids you are proud of them and know that they are working hard. It doesn’t have to be 100% on the spelling test or closing that sale at work. It can be little tiny things, but they make a big difference. Another thing I have found effective is telling someone else about a member of my family within ear-shot. Don’t go crazy and brag it up, but let your kids and spouse know that you’re such a fan that you want to tell someone about it.
5. Be healthy in all ways. This isn’t your standard “Lose 20 lbs. by Christmas” resolution. To be healthy mentally, physically, spiritually, and in every other way is something I continually strive for. This one will probably be on the board more than once.
Weekly resolutions are a great way to work on your goals, and a visual aid helps remind you throughout the day. You can do it. You will do it.
Cheers to a new year!
Billie says
I love this project!!! We each choose a “word” in January for the year in my Sunday School class, and I was looking for a way to give each member something to remind themselves of their word. This will be perfect! I’m going out first thing tomorrow to get frames and markers to present to them on Sunday. Thanks for the clever idea.
Carina says
I love the idea of a weekly resolution! Love the idea and love the cute way to display it :).
Victoria @ Shabby-Chic-Home.com says
This is such a great idea. I have a lovely frame that has a Christmas print in it, and I was just packing it away yesterday when my husband suggested that instead of only having it out for a few weeks a year, we just change the picture, then put the Christmas print back in it when Xmas rolls around again. So this would be perfect for this. I have some fabric that I might use instead of a paper background, and just pop and envelope or small bit of paper on that.
Thanks! Victoria, x shabby-chic-home.com
Tess @ Tips on Life and Love says
This is a very simple, and cute idea! I love it! It’s good to keep your New Year’s goals in front of you– or you might not hold onto them as long as you’d like. I know that’s what I struggle with! Thanks for sharing!
kijsa says
This is the best way to do a resolution! Bravo! I just created a cute & similar idea called a resolution board for weekly quotes using wooden scraps found around the house. I agree those little things and words of encouragement can make big changes throughout the year!
Thanks for sharing your cute idea!
Anneri says
Really great idea! So simple, but so beautiful! Definitely going to do this today.
Stephanie Gwilliam says
Thank you for sharing positive uplifting family friendly ideas. ❤️❤️❤️ Keep doing what you are doing , all three of you are awesome!