*This post is sponsored by Neutrogena Rainbath and inspired by all you moms out there who pass along your beauty secrets, helping daughters everywhere to be lovely inside and out! As a child I was enamored by my mother’s beauty routine. She would stand at her makeup counter and I would sit on a stool, hugging her legs, mesmerized by the way she sudsed her face, cupping her hands to gather pools of water and splash them over her eyes, nose, and mouth. After patting her face dry, she’d pull out her magical bag of tricks. Eyeshadows in rainbows of colors, mascara wands that looked like paintbrushes, and lipstick tubes that I wanted so badly to try. Mom’s counter was lined with bottles and tubes full of creams, gels, and elixirs. The one I most remember is her liquid gold . I’m sure you know the one I’m talking about.
is an icon. It’s right up there with Elizabeth Taylor and cat eye sunglasses. In fact, Neutrogena Rainbath has been around since the 1970s! I remember its constant presence on the rim of my mom’s bathtub. She only took baths…how glamorous! I wanted so much to be just like her.
In quiet alone times, I would mimic her actions, tiptoeing up to her makeup counter on my little stool, trying to remember each step of her beauty routine. Making sure she was occupied in the kitchen, I’d lift her magic bag out of it’s drawer, my cheeks burning because I knew I was doing something kind of wrong, but too tantalized to stop. When I’d emerge, I looked more like a clown who’d slept on her makeup all night long, but I was so proud. After seeing me, my mom never yelled. On the contrary, she complimented my look and took a second to fix a smudge on my lips.
Now that I’m a mom myself, I’ve got my own beauty regimen and girls of my own who watch my every move. I’ve got YouTube to show me how to do the perfect smokey eye, but some things haven’t changed. That same stands in my shower, it’s iconic orange bottle a symbol of the beauty lessons my mom taught me, now passed down to my own girls. still has that same spicy, invigorating scent that is the perfect start to your day, or the ideal relax and reset after a busy day. I actually use it instead of shaving gel because it creates a rich foam perfect for a smooth shave. My girls are now growing up in a fast, modern society that speaks in terms of selfies and snapchats. I want so desperately for them to know that being beautiful inside is just as important as being beautiful outside. That being kind is better than being popular. That knowing and loving yourself is better than all the “likes” you can garner. If there were five beauty secrets I could pass along to my girls, they would be:
1. Develop a love for exercise.
When you get your body moving, it feels good. It develops muscles that make you strong, and skyrockets your self esteem. Healthy exercise can mean running around with the girls playing princesses, doing yoga with them, or even flying kites in the park.
2. Eat nutritious foods.
Feeling good starts with eating good, and that means making good choices about what goes into your body. Plenty of fruits, veggies, and being open to trying new foods is a beauty secret I’d like my girls to know.
3. Take care of your skin.
Sunscreen is a must. When they get a little older, teaching my girls about daily face cleansing, moisturizing, and shaving.
4. Be a friend to everyone.
True beauty radiates from the inside. It comes from being kind and compassionate, from being a friend to everyone.
5. Smile big, and smile often.
No matter what you’re wearing, whether you have makeup on or not, the most beautiful thing a woman can show is her smile.
Now for the fun part…It’s Giveaway Time!
To celebrate the iconic beauty staple of , you can win a huge pack of Neutrogena Rainbath & Rapid Wrinkle Repair goodies! Giveaway includes four Rainbath Shower & Bath Gels (one in each yummy fragrance!), and the Rapid Wrinkle Repair Collection (Rapid Wrinkle Repair Serum, Rapid Wrinkle Repair Eye Cream, Rapid Wrinkle Repair Night Moisturizer and Rapid Wrinkle Repair Moisturizer Broad Spectrum SPF 30). That’s a ton of goodies! We’re giving away 10 packs (approximate retail value of $120 each). View Rafflecopter below to see how you can to enter to win! a Rafflecopter giveaway Good luck!
*This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Neutrogena Rainbath.
Jen says
I always use Johnsons baby lotion on my face. One of the few lotions that is mild enough for my skin!
Audrey McBride says
I use a moisturizer daily that has sunscreen. I put it on first thing in the morning. That way I always have a little protection before going anywhere (even just dropping the kids at school)!
Michele Cupp says
I keep eyeliner in the freezer to apply it more smoothly and during the winter I put a layer of vaseline on my lips to prevent windburn and chapping when outside.
Lisa Breece says
I like to use a gentle facial cleanser, and moisturize twice a day.
Shelley says
I take bubble baths. Makes me relax and refocus on what’s important after a long day.
linda says
make sure to hydrate, get lots of exercise and take in lots of vitamins!
Diana Taylor says
I love teaching my girls to love themselves. Eating healthy and staying active doing things is what makes us happiest in our family.
Stephanie says
My mom also only took baths and always had her Neutrogena rainbath on the edge of the tub! I love Neutrogena products!
Theresa Grace says
In our So Cal sun, sunscreen is must! I use it daily in my moisturizer.
Angela W says
I love use coconut oil to remove make-up and for daily use too. I recently found a Pure Body Naturals Coconut Milk Body Scrub with Dead Sea Salt, Almond Oil and Vitamin E for All Skin Types which works great too.
Carey Vinyard says
Absolutely love <3 <3 <3 <3
Sheryl McBride says
I recently learned that using a body oil and exfoliate scrub on your body should be done at least once a week. I love Neutrogena and will now also add the RainBath to my daily routine;)
Kristine says
I need this giveaway! My skin is a mess!
Laurie says
I love Neutrogena products, they work so well and are affordable too! I try to exfoliate my skin a few times a week and put lotion and moisturizer on afterwards.
Gina says
I love to use honey as a mask – it tightens up my face and feels refreshing!
Jane Thomas says
Nutrogena has quality products and they smell oh so nice.
Christi says
Water water water… And never go to bed with your makeup on!
Sara D says
I use a whitening sensitive tooth paste, a great smile goes a long way
Jamie Mortensen says
I usually use cetaphil, but today I am going to go buy some rainbath! I love baths!
heather says
Drink a ton of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. That’s the best beauty tip I was ever told.
Erin J. says
Exfoliating in the shower!!
Jennifer Goins says
My Mom used Neutrogena Rainbath on us all through my childhood. She still uses it! Every time I smell it, it brings back wonderful memories ❤
Brandy (Lynn w rafflecopter) says
I always wear sunscreen! After skin cancer, that’s my secret. (Accidentally put wrong IG account… Brandywilson not brandylwilson. Sorry)
Shiree says
I have always wanted to try this branch of Neutrogena!
Laura says
I put on sunscreen every morning! Even if it’s cloudy outside!!
heather says
I’ve never tried this. Hope I win
Christine says
I LOVE Neutrogena Rainbath!
Dawne Bil says
Coconut oil
Shawnna Samples says
What a fun giveaway!! Fingers crossed 🙂
Kristin Goodson says
I’m a fan of homemade masks. I like to use yogurt, honey, and lemon juice. It really brightens up my face. I also like to put coconut oil on my face at night.
Nicole says
I love the rainbath products!
Lisa C says
This post is so timely – I’ve been thinking that I needed to make a change in my facial products, I feel like what I’m using now is not keeping up with my skin care needs as I hit that magical “50” mark. I just saw a commercial on tv yesterday for a Neutragena product and wondered if I should try it. I would love to win this giveaway and try their products. Thanks for the opportunity!
Suzanne says
I would love to win this.
Brittney says
I loove Neutrogena products! That’s all I’ve ever used. I have a facial wash in the shower, since it’s easier for me to remember to wash my face while I’m already in there. And I have the facial wipes for those days my face just needs an extra refresh.
donna says
I always use a masque at night. I switch between hydrating and acne masks and it works great for my skin
Amanda says
I don’t really have any. I’ve only recently started to realize how much more focus I need to put on my skin. Stupid late twenties haha
Missy M. says
Rainbath will always be a favorite
monica p. says
Love, love, love Neutrogena! Best hand cream ever.
LuAnn Meyer says
I love the clean feel after using Rainbath.
Loretta Mcdonald says
Awesome giveaway thanks for the opportunity.My skincare tip is to drink plenty of water and always remove your make up before bedtime as it sets your skin back.
Tasha says
I’ve only ever used the original Rainbath. Looking forward to these new scents!
Stafford says
Washing my face daily is my tip. Always have clean pores.
Alina says
Moisturize twice daily – mornings and evenings.
Sean says
I place pure avocado on my face once a month for 30 minutes and it leaves it smooth and hydrated.
Marilyn says
I wash with Noxzema daily. I use Ponds cold cream to take out any dirt. Neutragena is a great shampoo. I love using the product. Thank you for this generous giveaway.
Lori says
I never go to bed with my makeup on, always use moisturizer and use Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo at least once a week.
Kelly says
Let’s see, skin care tips… I eat a healthy diet, wear a hat as often as possible when I’m outside in the sun, and I use coconut oil as a moisturizer if my skin gets too dry.
Jennifer says
I drink plenty of water and no pop to stay hydrated.
Ginene says
I am a mom of 3 little girls and my biggest tip for them is to drink plenty of water to keep themselves and their skin hydrated.
Rebekah says
I like to apply Vaseline to my lips before bed. They are always ready for the next day and don’t get chapped.
Gretchen D. says
Fun! I use neutrogena products but have never heard of the rain bath one! I’ve enjoyed reading some of the comments for tips too.
Gretchen D. says
Fun! I use Neutrogena products but haven’t heard of Rainbath. Can’t wait to check it out. Reading the comments has given me some new tips too. Thanks!
PatriceK says
Wash face every night before bed. And moisturize. Most importantly smile a lot!
Jenelle says
I use coconut oil for just about everything: eye makeup remover, deep conditioner, moisturizer, base for sugar scrub…It’s amazing.
My husband is hooked on Neutrogena Rainbath! It’s my gift to him for his birthday & Christmas.
He’s the one who remind me to keep my facial routine to a minimum- cleanse & moisturize.
Brenda says
I use Chapstick every morning and evening to help keep my lips hydrated.
Cathi Ogden says
All I use is Oil of Olay for my face and Suave shower soap. I would love to win this as I have been interested in trying these items but finances haven’t allowed me to purchase them.
Jen F says
A fresh, clean face is a happy face!
Leigh Anne Borders says
One of my go tos is to drink plenty of water.
Stacey says
Less is more…and always use a moisturizer with sunscreen!
Katy P says
Use coconut oil as a moisturizer.
Aurora says
I use an oil free moisturizer daily with sunscreen and a soap free facial cleanser.
Colleena Burnsides says
Lovely giveaway
Lori says
Great things to teach our girls! Being beautiful on the inside is SO important !
Rebecca d says
Drink lots of water and get enough sleep
Laurie Kearnes says
I’ve started using coconut oil on my face as a moisturizer. Inexpensive and it feels great at night. Also use it on my hair and on my body after a shower. It’s kinda greasy at first but my skin soaks it all up by the time I’m ready to put clothes on!
Katie says
Lots of sunscreen and washing makeup off at night.
Tammy S says
I use daily moisturizer with 40 spf.
Helen Owen says
My son uses the Neutrogena scalp shampoo. My hairdresser recommended it to help with his dry, dandruffy (yes, you heard it here first) scalp.
Jonnie Hammon says
I have never tried the Rainbath products, but would love to.
Demarae says
A clean face and some lipstick do it for me!
blima says
rinse my face baking soda paste
Ezgi says
Olive oil does wonders to your skin. You can apply it like you would apply baby oil and then you can wash it after a while or wait until all of it is absorbed by your skin. The more natural the oil is better. Virgin olive oil is the best.
basilisk says
Nice advise, thanks a lot ^^
Debra Smith Schramm says
I always remove my makeup before going to bed and moisturizer with jojoba oil.
ysenia ramirez says
Making sure we wash our face every night is so important. And night creams rock!
Sandra says
Wash your face every night, and wear sunscreen everyday!
Alecia Bergeron says
I’ve never tried rainbath, but love other Neutrogena products. It would be great to try out all of these products!
Richenda says
I believe skin care starts on the inside. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is so important for your entire body & definitely affects your skin! I also wash my face twice daily and wear sunscreen and moisturizer.
Sarah says
Great beauty tips. My husband always challenges our girls to try to be as beautiful on the inside as they try to be on the outside.
Gretchen Larson says
OOH! I’ve never thought of Neutrogena before!
Connie Boyd says
I love your ‘whys’ in teaching them these 5 things – I will definitely be adding them in, so as not to give the reason of ‘because Mama said’ 🙂
Heather Muir says
Sunscreen or a big hat is a must! My mom said her grandmother always had beautiful skin, even as a redhead like me, because she always wore a hat and vail outside.
Brandi Lloyd says
I love Neutrogena foaming face wash. It removes makeup easily and leaves your face feeling so soft.
Dawn says
We are allowed to skip showers if we have had a busy day but we still must wash our face and hands.
larisa says
Great advice!!
Lori says
Still learning to treat my skin better. Best practice is washing face every night and moisturizing. Add to that drinking lots of water!
Racquel S says
I put vaseline on my lips at night and they are always moist!
martie brooks says
I use a coconut cream that I get in a big jar from Sam’s.It is over with the vitamins, etc. I love it! I have really seen a difference in my face. It’s not greasy at all.
BRandi S says
Drink plenty of water, use a satin pillowcase to help prevent wrinkles and don’t touch that face!
Kimber says
Hydrate by drinking water throughout the day and limit caffeine. Always wash your face and moisturize before bed. Smile!
April Clark says
I have used Johnson’s Baby Wash on my face and loved it! Never tried Neutrogena, but would love to!
Jeanette Albright says
I make a homemade chapstick so I know what ingredients are in the product!
Marlene says
I use the oil from a vitamin D capsule to moisturize my face.
Kelley says
I remember my Granny using Neutrogena rain bath. It was the only product that didn’t irritate her sensitive skin.
Abigail says
I love Coconut Oil – I use it for everything!
Chyami H says
I use vaseline on my lips and then gently scrub them with a damp washcloth to exfoliate!
Angela says
I love using a cleansing wipe before bed…quick and easy!
JoD says
Gently exfoliate daily, head to toe.
melissa lantz says
I try not to scrub or rub too hard under my eyes
Roseann E says
I’ve used many Neutrogena products over the years, but I’ve never tried Rainbath–and I love to soak away stress in a good bubble bath!
becca says
Exercise and lots of water:)
Angela says
I remember my mom’said Noxema cold cream. The scent, the feel, the look. Wasn’t my pick when I got old enough for skincare. I did pick Neutrogena- the classic bar soap.
Smfsprout says
A great skin care routine is something I would love to teach my granddaughter. I didn’t listen to my mom.
Lori says
What great advice! I look forward to breaking in my daughter with a healthy skincare regimen like this when she gets a bit older.
Andrea says
Great post.thx for the giveaway!