Over 15 Tips for Tidying Up & Decluttering Your Home
This past month the “cleaning up” bug has hit me. All of a sudden I’m in the purging mood and have thrown away a ton of broken toys, started a donation pile for clothes we no longer wear, and brought home several plastic bins from the store to get the toys we are keeping better organized. I even purchased this book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo. Have you heard of it? I’ve heard great things about it and can’t wait to crack it open and start reading! Got me thinking there must be some more easy tips out there to tidy up and simplify life. So I started looking! Couldn’t believe my results and thought I would share!
1. Have you heard of the one touch rule? I love this idea. When you put something away, put it away in the right place the first time, then you won’t be touching it all day moving it from place to place.
2. Oh this one is super hard for me – finish what you start. Don’t leave a job half way done when something more exciting comes along. That will give you twice the work!
3. Do you find yourself emotionally invested in your stuff? Follow this advice and get rid of only 5 things a day!
4. Here’s a great tip to keep your kitchen counters clutter free all the time!
5. Create an evening pick up routine. Make it a habit and it will get done.
6. It’s important to purge the extra stuff from your house to make it easier to keep tidy!
7 – 13. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the clutter? These 7 great tips will help you know where to start!
14. Ask yourself these questions if you need help deciding what to keep.
15. Think of the thrift store as your storage unit…. and other great ideas to becoming clutter free!
16. And of course we must stop bringing in the clutter! Have you heard of the “one in, one out”rule?
Here’s to a tidier house for all of us! What tidy tips do you love to do?
Sarah Mueller says
Thank you so much for featuring my post on how to finish what you start! It’s been a life-changer for me and so many of my readers. Have a lovely day 🙂
Leeann Lambert says
I am going to start thinking of the Thrift Store as my storage bin. I am cleaning out and I really like this idea!!
Katie says
I thought it was great too! Thanks for your comment!
Aileen says
Thank you for this article. We are planning to remodel the kitchen and incorporating storage areas, pull outs, spice racks etc in the cabinets so the counter is clutter free. This gave me even more ideas on how to layout the cabinets.