April prepares her green traffic light and the world thinks Go. ~Christopher Morley, John Mistletoe
It’s true, isn’t it? Spring time has a magical way of getting to the “get up and go” in each of us. Talk of spring cleaning, organizing, starting new goals, revisiting old goals, and just DOING seems to pop up as often as the tulips do. The fresh, green colors arriving really do make us think, “GO!”. This month, we have really been focusing on great ways to get up and make over our lives – spring style!! Here is a peek at what we have been sharing, this past month, on HowDoesShe!
1. Dive into that food storage!
Tips for cooking with freeze-dried food!
2. Bring color indoors
how to create realistic silk flower arrangements
Using your noodle – Quick Spring Decor
3. Spring cleaning our attitudes:
How can I be happy about this?
Are you a builder or a bulldozer?
4. Get Fresh!
Tips on raising your own chickens
Encouraging your child to plant a garden
Let’s take a note from nature’s green traffic light and get some “GO” happening in our lives. It only takes a small effort to see big changes in our lives. Let’s pick one area and get up and going!!
Happy spring!!
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