Are you feeling the ‘Luck of the Irish’? Well I hope so, because today is your ‘Lucky Day! Our Chickabug has designed an exclusive St. Patrick’s Day printable package just. for. YOU.
In addition to the St. Patrick’s Day printable circles Chickabug exclusively designed for us last year, she had added new water bottle labels, straw flags, and patterned paper.
Aren’t these straw flags fun?
I stuck them in an Irish dessert for a little party we had this last week.
And of course, the original printable circles that can be used for soooo many different things.
Make sure to put an ‘Absolutely No Pinching Badge’ on your kiddos before they head out the door! You wouldn’t want to be the one responsible for pinching marks!
Here’s everything that you get with the set:
Ok. Personal Moment. Bare with me. My husband dreamed of getting his MBA from Notre Dame for a long time. This past Spring he was accepted to their prestigious graduate program. It was so fun to use this “tweaked” Irish set designed by chickabug, for a our little celebration.
Flash forward one year. We are now “living the dream” and my husband will be graduating from Notre Dame this May. I feel another Irish Party coming on very very soon.
Chickabug is not only a truly talented designer, but the sweetest person to work with. EVER. Make sure to use her for any of your parties. You won’t regret it.
So where are your FREE exclusive HowDoesShe St. Patrick’s Day Printables? If you are already subscribed to our email list, they are in your inbox. Make sure to check your junk if you don’t see them!
If you aren’t on our e-mail list yet, SHEESH, it’s about time you joined us! Simply sign up for our mailing list, and a link to ALL of our exclusive printables will be immediately sent to you.

{FYI -We send out e-mails once a week and pinky promise to never sell your information or spam you. Yuck. We hate spam. We just fill you in on our latest creative posts.}
A special thanks to Chickabug for creating ALL of HowDoesShe’s exclusive printables. We love you.
{We’re linking up to these parties}
christa says
Can’t seem to find the free printables for St Patrick’s day water bottles?
Shelley says
Christa, you need to subscribe to our email list. Once you have, they will automatically be sent to you. There are about 5 pages of printables so scroll though the whole st. patty’s day package to find the water bottle labels. 🙂 Let me know if you are still having problems. Enjoy!!!
Priscilla says
I am a subscriber and can not access the printables. Please help.
Shelley says
Sorry you are having troubles. I just unsubsribed and resubscribed you. Just confirm and they should automatically be sent. 🙂 Enjoy!
Vanessa says
I seem to be having problems getting the downloads. I have registered 2 emails and I have not received the St. Patrick Day downloads. Am I missing something? Thanks!
Susan says
Hi I am having issues downloading this St. Patricks package. I have subscribed to the newsletter but still haven’t received an email with the link.
deanna deanna says
Help, I can’t find them either. I keep checking my mail and nothing is there. I did get my “How Does She?”, but can’t find the down loads. I really want them as I have a meeting I am in charge of next week , and I think these are darling. Thanks, Deanna
Shelley says
Are you a new subscriber? There should be a link to our password protected printables. Check you junk! 🙂
Missy says
Yay! Hip hooray!! Way to go! So excited for the news! Although I don’t want you to move I am SO excited for you! You are awesome Brad!
Those printables turned out so fun…nice job chickabug. You did it again!
Bethany Weber says
Are the free printables only for new subscribers?? 🙁 I can’t find the link either but, I’m not new!
Monica says
I thought you and your followers might be interested in these cute homemade cards at
Nikki says
Shelley, Congrats to you and Brad! A dream coming true for you two! Best wishes, you will be greatly missed!
Wendy Orme says
I’m not a new subscriber and received the printables email, however, when I click on the link and enter the password, all I see is the blog post and links to Chickabug. I can’t get to the actual printables.
Tracy says
I can’t find them either. I just see the ones from last year or the iphone wallpaper.
Shelley says
I just added you to our email list. Simply confirm your subscription in your email inbox and the printables will be automatically sent to you. Enjoy 🙂
Karie says
Where did you find your cute green gumdrops? Or are they candy? They’re cute, anyhow!
Shelley says
They are gumballs! 🙂 I found them at TJ maxx.
Julie O. says
I love the straw flags. I am so excited about St. Patty’s Day now.
They inspired us to have a big dinner.
Jo says
Love these ~ thank you!
We have a St. Patricks party to attend next weekend. These will be perfect for the goodies I’m taking.
Anita says
I receive HowDoesShe newsletters all the time, but never the Free Printables emails…and I signed up a while ago. Tried to sign up today and got a message that I’m already signed up. How do I access printables.
Shelley says
I just unsubscribed you and resubscribed you to our list. Just verify and make sure it isn’t go to your junk. As soon as you verify, the printables will automatically be sent. 🙂 Enjoy!
Carla says
I’m a subscriber and can’t locate the downloads anywhere! Been looking high/low and in spam folder. Nada. 🙁
Shelley says
I just unsubsribed and resubscribed you. Just confirm and they should automatically be sent. 🙂 Enjoy!
Lura says
The St. Patty’s Day printables are so stinkin’ cute! but I am having the same trouble as some of the other ladies and I’m not getting the printables right now so can you please do your Unsubscribe/subscribe magic for me also? Thanks!
Shelley says
done 🙂
Stacy says
What is the chocolatey minty drink you are showing here? Recipe?
Amanda Baron says
Trying to print the St. Patty’s Day Printables. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks so much for your help and amazing ideas! So appreciated!
Patti Colwell says
Love your site. But I can’t figure out how to access the free printables. I am on the mailing list and I do get the email with the password…….. “welcome” right? But it just takes me back to this page.
Can you help me figure out how to do it?
michelle r. says
I shared on fb!!/michelle.riebeek/posts/207807452566714
Amanda Baron says
I am on the newsletter list already. I got the email and the password, but for some reason I can’t get them to work. Do you mind sending me the link again to print them? I so appreciate it!
melanie k says
I got “spring thrills and creative meals” but I check my deleted box too and couldn’t find these
Pamela says
I would love to download and print the st.pats printables that were available but for some reason I haven’t received them in my email. I have checked and double checked. Would you please send me the file again. THANK YOU!
kristie says
Just looked through these and was thrilled to see the ND addition!! All 4 of the boys in my family are Notre Dame MBA or MNA grads and they would LOVE LOVE LOVE these! Is there any way I can get the ND printables? Good luck in the MBA program. We were there in ’03 and loved South Bend. There is nothing like being on the Notre Dame campus or being part of the Notre Dame family. GO IRISH!!
Shelley says
I got the Notre Dame printables from I’m sure she could set up a listing for you? Get in contact with her. -We are here in South Bend and enjoying every minute of it. I love the Notre Dame spirit here. Truly a special experience that we are proud to be a part of. 🙂 Go Irish is right! 😉
Kirsti Fleming says
Curious…is there a scallop circle punch for purchase that you used on the cupcake toppers?
Shelley says
I used the silhouette 🙂 I am sure there is a scallop punch somewhere though. 🙂
Sunshine says
I saw one at Michael’s about two weeks ago that was a decent size. It was about $20. Good luck!
Sunshine says
Hi there, I’m a subscriber but didn’t receive these. Any chance I could get them again?
Lisa says
How do i get the notre dame bottle covers???
Shelley says
Lisa, contact chickabug (designer). [email protected] -She might be able to set up a custom listing for you on etsy. 🙂
melissa b says
Congrats on your husband’s acceptance to Notre Dame’s program!
Sherri Braun says
I am subscribed to your email list, but I didn’t get the free printables. I also checked in my junk mail and it isn’t there.
ann says
awww i think i missed this one. i’m already subscribed but didnt get it 🙁
Keleen says
I also am subscribed but don’t receive the e-mails anymore and sent an e-mail a while back to try to get this fixed and never heard anything. I really wanted to access the Halloween and Christmas banner chickabug made for us but couldn’t. Is there anyway you can help me get access to those old ones and help me get set up again to receive the new stuff! I have checked my junk and they are not there either. Love your site and all the fun stuff you do for us!
Casie says
Hi I just downloaded the St. Patrick’s Day printables but am wondering…how do we print them out to use them? Is it a special type of label or something? I like the water bottle ones a lot and think it would be soo cute if i could figure out how to use them
Baghy says
Congrats for your hubby, Shelley, that’s quite an achievement! So sweet of you to prepare such a lovely custom party for him!
Faye says
Thanks for sharing these wonderful St Patrick’s day printout’s, love all of them
Myoriah says
Sorry but the Gremlins must be at work because I’m subscribed and the free printables are not there. I even did check my junk folder. I need to make a do not pinch badge for my granddaughter.
Wendi Higby says
So sorry to be a bother, but the printable wasn’t emailed to me. Been a subscirber for a while. Thanks for the help!
Karen says
I’m a subscriber, have the password, but can’t find anywhere to download these. My husband’s birthday is St. Patrick’s Day and I would LOVE to have these for his “party.”
Michele says
I must not be seeing the freebie link anywhere in my email as mentioned here….. i am on your newsletter but still dont see it. please help!!! these are too cute.
Judy says
I get your newsletter, have the password and can’t find the link to download the printables???
Judy says
GOT IT!!!!
Carla Spitler says
I am having the same problem too – I have been looking around for 30 minutes – have the email and the password, but only get to the blog post… Please help?? Sorry to post the same issue again.
Caley says
Hi Carla,
If you are a subscriber you should be getting them in your inbox. If not, feel free to enter your email in the FOLLOW US box on box in the right column. After your confirmation email, you will have access to ALL the FREE printables chickabug has made exclusively for HowDoesShe readers. If you are subscribed and didn’t get them in this week’s newsletter, please email me at caley @ for help. Thanks!
Alison says
Ha! I love the “No Pinching” straw flag! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!
Elaine Moore says
LOVE all the Irish goodies – BUT – how do I get them??? Can’t find a download button or anything else – please help
Caley says
Enter your email in the black box at the end of your post to become a howdoesshe gal. Once you have confirmed the email, the printables should be sent to you! Enjoy!
Elaine Moore says
I’ve been receiving your postings for a long time and have always been able to get the freebies – but not with these. I’ll do what you suggested but will probably be told I’m already a subscriber.
Shara Lee says
Hello, I can’t access the printables either. I am a subscriber. I love your stuff! Thanks for all the great ideas. Please keep them coming 🙂
Valerie says
I’m already a subscriber to your newsletter and everytime you post something free and say to look in your in box, all I find is the email with the link to the post, but no freebie, not even in my junk mail. Am I missing something?
keecam says
I’m a subscriber-can’t get these printables like the other people who commented!
Jenny MacNeill says
I’m having the hardest time trying to download these. Can you help me figure out why I can’t get them. I’m subscribed but I can’t figure out how to download…I’ve downloaded before so I don’t know where I need to go…thx
Lisa says
So adorable! Thanks for offering these! I am a subscriber, but unfortunately I must have missed when they came in my email-boo! Can you help me access them? Thanks!
Jamie says
I love your St. Patrick’s Day printable set. it’s really cute! I hope it’s okay, I’ve featured it in free printables for St. Patrick’s Day round-up here:
Thank you so much for sharing!
Victoria says
Wow! These printables are awesome! I can’t wait to use them. I also shared this on my blog:
Lindy@itsybitsypaper says
I love these projects. I hope you will stop by and link up to my St. Patty’s Day Project Parade.
Ally Jean says
What cute printables! I am totally in love with those Notre Dame ones, I sent them to my sister for her big ND tailgates this fall!
I featured your printables on my blog! Stop by and say hello!
Kathie Anderson says
Love them all!
Kathie Anderson says
great items
gina says
Hi, I would love to have the printables but cannot find them any where on my e-mail. I am a subscriber already. Please help, thank you.
Ellen Jordan says
Thank you for the free print-outs. Our St Patricks Day will be a little more festive thanks to your generousity. Much Appreciated.
Lisa says
Thank you so much for these absolutely too cute for words printables! They will be a hit at our St. Paddy’s Day party for sure!
Nicole says
I get your newsletter but can’t get the link to these printables to work…they are too cute!
Jen says
Ugh…I get your emails but can’t access the free printables. I have been able to in the past. So frustrating…
Brandi says
These printables are beyond precious! Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂
Susan says
I have the email with the password and I enter it and come to the same page over and over and can’t see where to download. thanks.
Shelley says -Type in the password and then click on whatever printable you wish to download. 🙂 DId that help?
Deemarie Parsons says
Thank so much for the free St Patrick printables.I downloaded all of them. I use the St Patrick cupcake topper to decorate the cupcake I made for the children of the afternoon program.I volunteer at our church every Thursday night.We help with homework,Art, Science, Cooking, Sewing and games. Thirty children were so excited!Vanilla rainbow cupcake with cream cheese frosting. I tinted the frosting with green coloring and sprinkles with Shamrock/green sprinkles. I bake them in gold cupcake cups and put the adorable cake topper on top. The children and staff use words like Delicious/Yummy and the Best cupcake ever!.I put a photo on the final product on your website on Facebook.Thanks again for the free printables!
Carrie says
Hi! I’m new to your site and I love your stuff! just curious how to get access to ‘older’ free printables? I wasn’t around to get an email link for this one but would love to have them!! Thanks! 🙂
Gina says
I am a subscriber also but cannot access the printables. For some reason I never receive the link e-mails. I think they are so cute, please help. Thank you
lauren says
I actually just found them! I thought you meant at the end of the post. I found them at the bottom of the email! Thank you!
Valerie says
Ok I am a dork. I just read some comments and found them at the bottom of my email. Thank you!!
nina says
interested in st patrick’s day printables
Katie says
Hi Nina, make sure you subscribe (no charge for this) to our newsletters for all the fun free printables! If you’re already a subscriber and can’t find the password in your emails, please email me at [email protected] and I’ll be sure to help you out! Thanks!
ashley says
I followed the link to these printables from your most recent St. Patty’s Day in a jar post. I am already a subscriber, but I can’t figure out how to download these printables. Will you please send a link? Thanks!
Katie says
Hi Ashley, check your email soon, I’ll send you instructions. Thank you!
Sally Truszkowski says
I cannot find how to print the water bottle labels for St. Patricks Day. I am a subscriber but I still cannot get any of the free printables to come up for print. Can you guide me as to what I can do, since I was hoping to have them printed out as soon as possible. Thanks!
Katie says
Sally, watch for an email coming from me, I’ll see if I can help! Thank you!
Natalie says
Does this still work? I would love to get the water bottle printables but it wont let me subscribe.
Katie says
Natalie, check your email soon, I’ll see how I can help! Thanks!
gina says
where do i find how to get the free printables?
Katie says
Simply subscribe on the website with your email address and you’ll receive a welcome email with the password and links to the free printables. If you still can’t get it to work email [email protected] and she’ll be happy to help you! Thanks!
Christine says
Hi, I cannot get the free printables no matterr what I do. I am signed up to your newsletters otherwise I wouldn’t know about your offers?
Katie says
Hi! I just emailed you more info. Thanks so much!
nichole says
I signed up and would love an email link as well thank you in advance
heather sadleir says
I am a subscriber but dont see how to get the free st patricks day printables???
Katie says
Hi Heather, I just sent more info to your email. Thanks for your support!
Chris says
I just signed up for your newsletter and I confirmed my subscription. How long does it generally take to receive the link for the free printables? I’d like to use them for an upcoming office party.
Katie says
Hi! Check your email. I just sent you more info. Thanks!
MIssie says
Absolutely gorgz!!
Lacey says
Hi, are you still emailing these? I got your inital email to confirm my subscription and waited a half hour, but never got the printables or any log in info. I also don’t have anything in my junk folder. I needed to print these today. Thank you for your time.
Lacey says
Thank you, but never mind. I found an alternative.
nichole says
Hello I am a subscriber and I am also looking for the st pats day free printables thank you
Katie says
I have been subscribed for quite some time. But how do I go about downloading the printables?