We’ve been having some great discussions on our Facebook page on how to get rid of these cold sores fast, and we always get SO MANY great ideas!
Have you ever woken up to a very important day, just to feel a pesky cold sore forming? Oh NOOO!
They always show up at the worst times, don’t they?! If you’ve ever had a cold sore you know that they can be very painful, embarrassing, and downright annoying!
{Please excuse my ridiculous cold sore face impression.}
It was brought to our attention that we should make actual posts with these suggestions for readers to be able to locate and reference easily in case of emergency. 🙂
Take a look at just a few of our FB friends’ suggestions!
Thanks to these tips, I’ve tried Abreva and LOVE it, and I even gave yogurt a try! {I’m not sure if the yogurt actually worked or if it was a combination of things.} 😉 Thanks for coming to my rescue gals!
You can get Tea Tree oil (another name: Melaleuka oil), here.
Have more suggestions to add or agree with the ideas already mentioned? PLEASE add in the comment section below. We’d love to have a great list handy, right here on the site!
Thanks for your help ladies!! I love that we can help make eachother’s lives just a bit easier by sharing our idea’s with one another.
Hopefully we’ll all be cold sore free in no time! 🙂
Now that your cold sore is on the mend, check out these 17 secrets to applying lipstick that you’ll definitely want in on!
Wondering what color of lipstick will flatter those lips best? Check out our top 7 lipsticks for spring!
If you’re not a HDS FB friend, you should be! We have great discussions like this all the time! Next up to post, Shelley had an emergency involving permanent markers and a leather couch! Ouch! Luckily our FB pals came to her rescue and she was able to get the stain out! How? Stay tuned… 😉
Calli says
This is such a great thing to have handy! Cold sores are awful! I personally love Abreva, which you can get over the counter. I’ve hear lysine works wonders as well! I bet the ice would work too, I’m going to try the next time I feel one coming on!
Lynn from For Love or Funny says
My poor husband gets cold sores, so these suggestions may help me help him!
Erin says
Great topic, at least for those of us that have cold sores… I have never heard some of them, but will definetely be trying them all 🙂 Thanks!
Kelly G says
Great idea’s! These can be such a pain to get rid of, so thank you for this post. 🙂
Jamie says
I was not aware that tea tree oil could help. i will definitely be looking for the chapstick that was mentioned. as of right now i use abreva, but its so expensive. thanks for the tips!
Crystal says
I have a standing perscription for Valtrex. It’s only 4 pills and they work quick. The other thing he said to use for a topical was good old Listerine. It dries it out so it takes away the ugly oozing fast.
Amy says
Alysha you are too cute. Love that picture. 🙂 Do you have an ounce of makeup on?! Sheesh. I’m excited to try some of these ideas! The yogurt one made me laugh, but worth a shot right?
Sasha says
With one simple google search, you can learn that cold sores are actually caused by a virus. Yogurt, which has anti-bacterial properties, will not do ANYTHING to affect a viral infection.
Sorry I had to just throw that out there.
Ally says
It could, however, ease the pain that is caused by the outbreak.
Liz says
I do like abreva, valtrax and L Lysine. I have also found lemon juice works rather well. Apply it when you first feel that awful tingly feeling. They don’t get near as big and they are gone in half the time.
Lorena says
I have a cold sore and for some reason there very ugly. Try to put on lemon and salt even though it might sting.
Lorena says
I have a cold sore and for some reason there very ugly. Try to put on lemon and salt even though it might sting.
A-Gurl says
Bactine! Just spray it on at the first sign of a cold sore. Reapply a few times a day. It works great! The active ingredient is the same as the $20 (.2oz) bottle of Releev.
katie joe says
When I feel a cold sore starting I immediatly put a drop of melaleuca oil on it and keep applying throughout the day. The cold sore stops growing so I dont look as gross as I feel! I use Oils from dōTERRA, they sell oils for pretty much anything! http://www.doterra.com/us/
Tamara says
Years ago when I worked in a pharmacy people would complain about sores in the mouth or cold sores on their lips. The pharmacist would talk to them about lysine and the other recommended things and then he said to us that if you would just dip a wet finger in alum and place it on a mouth sore it would heal it almost overnight. I’ve never had a cold sore but I’ve had sores in my mouth and I know it truly is well on it’s way to being healed with no more pain the next morning. My son had many mouth sores when he wss a newlywed and I thought I’d never get him to try it but when I finally did he took my alum home with him! It really works!
reedy says
What is alum? And where can I find it?
Delaney says
Yeah where can u find alum????
Ann says
Its a spice
mayli says
You can go to the deodorant section of any grocery store or pharmacy.They have a natural crystal deodorant.I think 1 will last you a life time. It has alum in it.I guess some people use it as a deodorant, but you can moisten it, glide it over a sore or sore that is starting to come & it will make it disappear. I’ve had sores come fully out & when I put the crystal over it, it makes it disappear in a few hours.I usually put lip gloss or vaseline over it so that I don’t eat it off. This has been a miracle for me. None of the meds ever worked for me (Valtrex, Zovirax, Abreva, etc).You can google it & find online too. I broke my crystal so that I have a piece for my purse, bathroom, pocket, etc. I won’t leave home without it!
Ali says
So do you roll the roller on your cold sore or completely take out the crystal and put water on it?
Wendy says
Alum is a pickling spice and can be found in the spices at any grocery store.
Jodie says
I woke up with a stupid cold sore 2 days ago!!! Yuck!!!! Whenever I have them I feel like a diseased – disgusting person! Seriously, I hate them! I feel like I should be quarintined to a Leperosy colony or something! Anyway, I have a prescription for FAMVIR 500 MG. I take 3 tablets whenever I get that “tingly – wavy” sensation across my lips, you know, that feeling when you wonder if you’re getting one? Anyway, if I catch it just right, I usually don’t get one, but if I wake up and see one starting, and take those pills, it usually doesn’t get any bigger than it is at that time. I also have a prescription for Zovirax. It’s an ointment, but it’s VERY expensive. It helps putting that on and taking those pills….. If only there was a cure to never having them AGAIN, life would be grand!!!!!
K says
ME TOO. 🙁 Contact me for support
Hannah says
I use Glimpse facial Serum by Xango. As soon as I get it on it stops growing and starts to disappear. Abreva just seems to shorten the cycle and you still have to go through the blister and scab torture. With the serum it just stops. Just make sure you keep using it for several days after you think it is gone. I can’t say enough about how pleased I am with it.
marianna says
I need help I have a cold sore every 3 weeks. Since. I had my baby its very. Hard. To get it to go away n This just will not go away I have done all the post that u have put up but its not working. And this cold sore is smaller then the others but its been. Two weeks so please somebody. Give me more. Home care that I can do
Ally says
Everything I’ve read has said that you should see a doctor, if a cold sore persists longer than 10 days. It sounds, not only like you should get to a doc STAT (home care is obviously not working for you), but also like your sores may go in step with your cycle… may want to look into that, more?
Jackie says
I buy cold sore treatment vials (compared to the active ingredient in Viroxyn). They are over the counter from either the grocery store or walgreens. It has two little vials of clear liquid. I apply it the first sign of a cold sore and it dries it out right then. I have never had to use the other vial on the same cold sore (although you can if you need to). It hardly even looks like a cold sore as it heals. I will never go back to any of the other cold sore products. This works the quickest for me and has been a life saver.
Dani says
What it is called?!
Sidsnowy says
Orajel -instant pain relief for cold sores.
My cold sore stopped right away and I can tell it’s healing and getting smaller but doesn’t look like the usual nasty diseased scab it usually looked like! Day three and no one knows it’s there but me!
Becky says
I have a prescription for Acyclovir refilled every year at my annual. I used to get cold sores 2-3 times a year (the virus activated when I had a cold or if my lips were sunburned) and now I only get them every 3 years or so. I take 2 when I feel the tingle. I also make sure I always wear lip stuff with an SPF of at least 15. I’ve heard that if they are frequent drs will prescribe one per day for prevention. When I do get them, they are really bad (I once had one cover the whole left side of my upper lip and up into my nose) but, I have found that currently Abreva works best for me. Unfortunately, some of the “cures” others have listed actually spread mine, so, good luck finding what works for you. I HATE coldsores.
Heidi Lee says
Lavender oil by Young Living will help to dry out the cold sore quickly. It can be ordered on line.
Amanda M says
I found this site yesterday when I woke up with one. I immediately started using the vanilla extract, this morning it’s GONE! Well, almost. It’s not NEARLY as gross looking as it would be normally! It didn’t get super swollen, it doesn’t burn either. I also used the yogurt one while I was at work. the combination makes me SO happy! Now I just have to figure out how to stop my cats from peeing on my clothes and I will be the happiest woman in the world! Thanks for this post!
alysha says
Yay! I’m so glad this post came in handy for you!
Kathy says
My sister told me to use bactine the last time I got a cold sore and sure enough it works. It has exactly the same ingredient Benzalkonium and same percentage .13% as Abreve at a much lower cost. I actually liked it better because there is something in Bactine that is numbing. I sprayed a q tip and applied it that way. Have not been able to find Bactine in a cream just a spray bottle. I even asked the pharmacist and he said it was the same ingredient. Save your money and use Bactine instead of abreve. $4-7 verses $15-$18.00 for Abreve and you get a gazellion times more. I use to get something called zorvac? with a prescription but I think the Bactine works just as well.
Stacy says
I use Abreva when I get a cold sore, and it helps it to heal faster. I heard from a friend that plain old bar soap can help, too. I got my finger wet and rubbed it on the bar, then applied it to the cold sore. There is some ingredient (forget which one) that is supposed to help, and is most commonly found in bar soap. I’ve also tried ice, but didn’t notice any change. I’ve never heard about some of the ideas on here, so I’ll have to get experimenting! Hopefully my chance to try it all won’t come too soon, though!
Kathy says
Washed my face this morning in the shower and felt the cold sore coming on then. Have not had one this bad since 2007. Found this site on Pinterest… going to try some of the ideas! I currently use Zovariax – it works okay but I think sometimes my body starts to get immune to the medication. Thanks for the ideas…
Sara says
Put salt on your cold sore and it will dry it up super quickly so that it heals faster. I have gotten cold sores since I was a kid and this is how I dealt with it.
Jessgal says
Have heard that peppermint extract helps.
Kaylee says
oh my gosh i tried peroxide and natural sea salt and it works better than peroxide and regular salt! i know i might be young but getting rid of cold sores is a waste of time if your really super active but i managed to find your awesome website and tried the remidies and succeeded in an hour!! thanks so much for the website!
Health Tips Blog says
I always apply ice cube on the infected area to get rid of cold sore over the night. But it is not a permanent solution. I am looking for its permanent treatment because having a virus can lead to the serious complications. Is there any permanent cold and sores treatment available in the market?
Stephanie says
Hi . Yesterday I felt the right side of my bottom lip feel a little weird! I had a feeling I would get a cold sore so I put on some Lip Medex Blistex to heal it before it came. I haven’t gotten a cold sore for a very long time Well today I woke up with a gross cold sore on my lip 🙁 its like really tiny ones then on my inner lip it’s a bigger one , not huge. But bigger than those tiny ones. It’s so frustrating I just took a vitamin C like I read you said, and I’ve been putting in this Blistex since last night. There’s been NO difference. I’m so frustrated what can I do? I was thinking about the garlic remedy but needed more details help please :'(
demarques says
put ice on it
Abbey Stalcup says
Try dabbing the area before and while you have the cold sore with rubbing alcohol. It kills the virus and prevents it from spreading. Then I use Denavir, which i find works much better then Abreva.. Good Luck!
Ashlea says
Gargaling salt water helps too11
Ashlea says
Thank you for all the help, my mouth was in sooooo much pain
Liz says
Lemon Balm. German studies have shown that it helps treat and prevents future cold sore as well.
Heather says
Hey all- for fast relief, alcohol (isopropyl or ethyl- IE rubbing or drinking alcohol) dries out the cold sore FAST. It’s why listerine, pure vanilla extract, and Viroxyn (yeah, it’s the 70% alcohol that dries it out, not the medicine, sorry you wasted $40 :/) Now, I realize that few people would want to put rubbing alcohol right on their cold sore, but if you’re brave enough, it will work wonders. Otherwise anything that contains at least 60% alcohol should work!
I have also heard there is limited research that tea tree oil works, if you have some already, it’s worth trying. Otherwise, just try the alcohol, since you probably already have some at home, and it’s so inexpensive. My source? I’m a dental student- oral maladies are our specialty 🙂
karen says
Thank u so much u help me alot
laura says
I’ve tried everything on the market and nothing really works. Something I recently tried and swear by is Oil of Oregano. I put it on my cold sore the moment I felt it start tingling and continued applying a few times during the day and night (when I got up to go to the bathroom). It stopped it from spreading (getting bigger) and by the next day was already crusted over and is on it’s way to healing. Much faster than the 7-10 days it usually takes to run its course.
Georgia says
Toothpaste and salt mixed in a bowl leave on for an hour or so be generous when applying (goop it on!!!) good luck!!!!
Adya says
My boyfriend just recently spotted a co-worker standing holding a frozen butter knife against his lips. He questioned him, and the co-worker explained that it’s how he gets rid of cold sores. He keeps a butter knife or two in the freezer, and when he feels one coming on, he just holds the knife to it until his lip is numb.
Last night I had a cold sore pop up, so I gave the frozen knife a try. Somehow it’s been working! 🙂 It’s definitely my new method of getting rid of them. I’ve had them since age 5. What a pain!
Kaila says
I’ve had cold sore all my life only break out every 5 years and i normally have flair ups in my eye which isn’t good at all!! and that tingly feeling everyone gets I unfortunately don’t get :/ Sunday the corner of my upper lip was a little swollen it hurt a lot I started icing it and putting the cold sore treatment on it.. its Thursday and my lip is completely swollen pain is almost unbearable! I made it to the er yesterday got my valtrex and I am trying the yogurt I heard from different sites it works. I just need something for the pain! Any good ideas I have bactine I thought bout using that but wasn’t sure so I might use that too!!
stacy says
I have a cold sore ;( .. and I have a date with my boyfriend tonight .. iv had my cold sore for about three days now. And it needs to go away fast?!!!!!!!! .. I need some help. My cold sore is on the upper lip in the corner .. sorta. I just really need this monster gone ASAP! !!! ;/
michelle says
chap stick and vickx
Me myself and i says
I mixed together toothpaste perfume peroxide handsanatiser nail polish remover cold sore creme and hairspray and Im using it now. I’m not sure how this is going to work but it’s worth a try 🙂 GOOD LUCK 🙂
ariana says
thx osss muchthat was a toatl save
Kirsten says
After suffering for many many years from cold sores, I have found a sure thing remedy!!
As soon as you feel the hint of a tingle apply Zovirax immediately (always have some handly). Be meticulous about hand washing, they are highly contagious and will spread if you double dab etc.
Take two Neurofen every four hours. They are an anti inflammatory so they stop the swelling and ease the horrible burning feeling from the cold sore.
Take massive doses of vitamins. I take a Berocca and a multi vitamin each day while I still feel the cold sore coming.
Using this remedy, I have found that the blisters never come up and the tingle is gone in a couple of days.
Try it!
Payton says
I have tried llysine pills they work great and I have also tried tea tree oil! It also works good but the llysine pills work best!!!
Jayne says
I’ve gotten horrible cold sores for years that would last SO long and spread and be a HUGE mess, especially when stressed out in college. Abreva didn’t do anything for me (plus who can walk around all day with a big white glob on their lip), neither did ANY over the counter stuff, just seemed to irritate it and make it spread more. What worked best for me when I would got them was just washing with good old fashioned soap and hot water. I recently found Lycine, and the first time it healed my cold sore in NO TIME and I haven’t had one since! I take it the second I feel like I am going to get one, and take 3 or 4 capsules 2 or 3 times a day and it never even pops up! Lycine is AMAZING!
Ashley says
Every time my uncle were to get a cold sore he would get a needle and burn it. First to kill the germs on it. Then he would burn it once more for about five seconds. Then he would burn off his cold sore and apply rubbing alcohol to clean it. It works very we for him.
Sheri says
Lemon Balm. 3 to 5 times a day. Dries it up before it can even get to the blister oozy stage. Amazing!
claire says
Zovirax works like a breeze! also try vaseline and toothpaste before it starts to form dab some on!
misschrys says
I discovered that if you put deodorant on the impending cold sore before you go to sleep it will normally get rid of it.
Lindsey says
Just use a topical ointment. They are fairly inexpensive and hasten healing. These combined with the ones above work great and speed up the other methods. I like WishGarden’s Herp- Elim Salve
Darla says
Ice it
Put peroxide
Blistex or Abreva
Orajal for cold sore
It really works
trust me 🙂
Anna says
I read somewhere about Apple Cider Vinegar. It works, I just bought some to make my cold sore go away for my date tonight! 😉
Danny says
I find that if u put ice on the cold sore util it feels like really cold, and then put tea tree oil Chapstick on it goes away fast. Also have valtrax pill.
Sara says
Do you just put the peroxide on first and then the sea salt? I have a sore now and I just need it to be gone! Please help!#
Chloe says
Im 12 and just got a cold sore this morning.I have tea tree oil at home,should i try it? i have this other cream that used to always work when i put it on when they were only coming up but i didnt notice it. I have them all on my chin too. What should i use that is cheap?
Victoria says
If you are smoking,and your getting cold sores,then that would be the problem
annie says
nail polish remover! definitely helped me last time.
Allyson says
When I get a cold sore, I use herpecin, abreva, and take lysine pills. Someone told me that licorice works too. Actual licorice powder not anise. You can rub it right on the sore and apparently it works wonders! Also, I heard to mix baking soda and milk and rub it on the sore as well.
shelly says
Put bleach on a q-tip and apply to cold sore! It goes away within hours! !! It really works!
Jen says
I used ice to numb and inhibit the virus during the prodormal stage (and for relief and swelling when blisters were present), toothpaste mixed with salt to dry out the blisters once popped (nail polish remover also works), heavy doses of L-Lysine throughout the presence of the sore, Vaseline or Lysine+ to moisturize during the healing stage. My prodormal stage lasted one day, blisters to ulcers and healing on day 2, healing and hardly noticeable and easily covered with makeup on day 3 and I’m sure they’ll be almost entirely healed by day 4! It’s good if you can prevent blisters in the prodormal stage, but 4 days from start to finish is amazing in my experience. Especially considering I only got two blisters instead of my normal 5 – 9 using this method.
Meghan says
Lysine!!!! I used to get cold sores horribly. My whole lip would swell up and pains would shoot to my ear!! They were horrible!! I started taking a Lysine everyday. It is an over the counter vitamin. I have only gotten one in the past year and it was tiny!!! Highly recommend taking it!!
Kendall says
You can also rinse your mouth out with salty water or even mouth wash I use oragel and it acually worked gone in less than 2 days and also make sure your lips aren’t chapped have Chapstick handy at all times
Angie says
Garlic is our go to cure for a cold sore. At the first little tingle, we grab a piece of raw garlic, cut off a piece and rub it directly onto the skin. I rarely have an eruption now unless I am somewhere and don’t have easy access to the garlic.
Mackenzie E. says
My friend has a cold sore and we’ve been trying to get rid of it for a very long amout of time and it will not go away. We need help i think im getting one to!
Mackenzie E. says
My friend and I have cold sores and we’ve been trying to get rid of them for a few days now we need help ! were are 12 years old.
MacKenzie E. says
Me and my friend have cold sores and we’ve been trying to get rid of them for a few days now. Our moms haven’t ever had a cold sore so they don’t know anything about them. We’re only 12 so there’s nothing we can do much. Please give us some advice we want to get rid of them by tomorrow.
yolonda says
dnt no howw
Megan says
I started getting a cold sore on the bridge of my nose 2 years ago at the age of 38. I think someone have it to me when they kissed my nose.
The first time I got it, I had no clue what it was and burned the crap out of it with a hair dryer. The doctor didn’t get enough of a sample for the test, and by the time I found out she dropped the ball, I had no more sample to give. It looked HORRIBLE.
The second time, I really didn’t do much and went through all the stages. Looked like crap again.
The third time, I knew it had to be a cold sore and started with the ice at the first tingle. It soaked the site so badly, that it started getting raw. I tried Campho Phenique and Lysine. Not as bad looking as the first two times, but still embarrassing.
Fourth time, started Abreva with Campho Phenique and Lysine. Less hideous and faster healing. I think it was 8 days.
The current one, I started Abreva with Herpecin, 4000 gm Lysine morning and 4000 at night. I was also exposed to below freezing weather most of the time. I’m on day 4 and it’s starting to heal. Only 3 small blisters that hardly weeped, HARDLY. The skin is flat and starting to heal with minor redness. I had no tingling and absolutely no pain at the site. This time around, you could hardly tell it was a cold sore. My symptoms may have calmed down with each break out, but this is definitely the regimen I’ll be sticking to from now on. As long as it continues working.
Ash says
Lysine supplements and keeping an alkaline diet. If you eat something acidic (ex- tomatoes), be sure to balance your body’s ph levels by eating something alkaline (ex- zucchini or most green veggies). The virus is triggered by an acidic ph level.
Aysia says
A mixture of raw apple cider vinegar and vitamin E capsules works really well.
patrick says
help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need to get rid of a cold sore on my bottom letf coner on my lip help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
patrick says
help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need to get rid of a cold sore on my bottom letf coner on my lip help!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE
iggie says
The BEST remedy to stop a cold sore from forming further is to crush an aspirin tablet and spread the residue on your cold sore. Do it overnight and through out the day. IT REALLY WORKS!
Krystal says
This is going to sound weird… But when you FIRST start feeling it come up..put some aerosol Lysol on a Q-tip And place it on the cold sore. I do this for 5 to 10 minutes 2 to 3 times a day when I first start feeling it for the first two days or so and it will never come up. If it does come up the healing time will be significantly shorter. It even says on the bottle that it kills the HSV 1&2 virus
Melionioa says
toothpaste worked for me 🙂
candace says
my grandma will swear up and down that if you drink a glass full of buttermilk then you will never get them again. I have tried it a few times but cant get more than 2 swallows down before it comes back up.
Bethany says
Spray Lysol onto a q-tip and hold it onto the spot when you feel the first tingling sensation. Hold it there as long as possible. I try to hold it on for an hour longer if possible. Using a new Lysol soaked q-tip when each starts to dry. If your cold sore has begun to develop before you’re able to apply the Lysol, still follow same routine and it heals faster.
Bethany says
Make sure to use the aerosol Lysol only.
Nicky says
I take Lysine everyday to help keep them gone but when i feel one coming on, i ice it immediately. I generously apply campho phenique and toothpaste works great! Rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to help dry it up. I’ll try some of your solutions! Hope this helps!
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keith says
test comment
Christine N says
The ice thing really works. I put it on my lips at the first tingle and they stay very small and heal in just a few days.
Jill says
I have searched the web about a billion times for remedys and treatments. I do this just about every time I get a cold sore. And all I really see is what to do at the first “tingle”. Unfortunately not all of us are lucky enough to catch it that soon. Or what youve tried (ice, etc) just didn’t do the job and your cold sore has turned into a full blown swollen mess that eventually pops and leaves a bright red nasty slimy looking sore. Now it has become a waiting game. Waiting for it to heal. Cold sores on the lips are awful because its hard to keep them dry so that they can scab. ver and heal. Talking, smiling, eating, licking your lips. All make it impossible to heal. A friend of mine told me about camphor cream. (When i went to visit her and had two bloody cold sores on my lips) she said it dries them up fast and cost about 2 bucks. At that point I was willing to try anything! So i ran to the nearest store on my way home (Family Dollar) with the hope that possibly maybe they’d have some…they did. It cost me $1.50. I put it on my lips as soon as I got home and immediately felt relief. Within a couple hours I saw them start to dry up this was around 2pm. It is now midnight and I’m laying in bed, cold sores barely noticeable. I applied the camphor phenol several times throughout the day especially after eating or drinking. I know we would all rather not get them at all and I’ve started taking lysine supplements for prevention. But when we just cant stop one from coming I would 100% recommend camphor phenol!! Forgot to mention this is day 3 of cold sores. Day 2 of the bloody gross slimy stage. Also u can find camphor phenol in the chapstick isle! Hope this helps you as much as it helps me because these things are gross and embarrassing!
Sally H. says
I got a huge cold sore the night before I was leaving for a weekend in vegas. I’ve tried everything in the past- abreva, lysene, dabbing the cold sore with hydrogen peroxide, garlic, nail polish remover etc etc etc Nothing seemed to work. BUT this time i tried something different and my cold sore only lasted for 2 days, and it’s now turned into a scab 🙂 I let the cold sore dry out instead of moisturizing it with creams. I used a tea tree oil face wash a few times a day that i bought from trader joes. I stayed out of the sun-and made sure that nothing touched the cold sore- not even lip gloss or chap stick. The drying out method worked great for me- hope it helps you too!
Amanda says
L-lysine is the absolute best thing ever. But you have to take it everyday. I take 1000 mg right before I go to bed, and have for probably 5 years. If I take it without fail I don’t get them at all. But if I miss a day there is a chance ill get one. I’ve missed one day and got one the next day, and I’ve missed a day and not gotten one. It’s kind of up in the air, but I have never gotten one if I take it religiously. Best preventative ever. It also helps speed up healing. I will pop like 5-8 of them a day if I get one. Now when I do get them-maybe once every year and a half(used to get them a few times a year)-they are super small. Maybe one blister or two rather than the 5-7 blisters it used to be.
Anyway, I know taking a pill every day sucks- but it’s a miracle pill and its def worth it to me…
allyana says
my step mom gets cold sores all the time she is going to try the vanilla extract lets see how it works fingers crossed!!!! 🙂
xiandra says
Put toothpaste on your coldsore it dries it out.
emmy says
Brush teeth and mouth wash every time you eat then apply alcohol swabs and vanilla extract last: should be gone in a couple days. Hope it helps!
Marie says
So what about Carmex?? Does anyone know if this works?? It’s my first week of freshman fall semester and I got one the second day!! It horrible!! But my roommate suggested Carmex but I was wondering if you wonderful ladies had any life Saving answers!!?
Alex says
it gets rid of cold sores in hours 😀 just use blech it burns but worth it
Roberta says
As a Licensed Esthetician I despise of cold sores so I want to share my secret weapon to dry them up asap, believe it or not Desitin Diaper Rash ointment will kill the virus and dry it up in less then half the time; and this stuff is excellent for cuts, scrapes, and superficial burns too!!
Hilde says
Hi guys! what a great tips! I’ve been having coldsores all my life, it’s a family thing :S (I’m 29 now) and I’m immune to Zovirax and those things. So I’ve been trying some other things. Since Tuesday I’ve been having a coldsore and since Wednesday I’ve gotten a second one! Yes I’m one lucky lady! NOT!! So since this morning I’ve been using the teabag method! What you see teabag?! Yes a used teabag, every hour you hold it against your coldsore (cold or warm!) and I how it’s looking right now I think it will be gone tomorrow or saturday (so instead of heaving those things for 7 or sometimes longer! days it’s almost gone after 2/3days!!)
Skylar says
I get cold sores probably 2 times a year at the most. But I still absolutely freak out over them! I’ve tried so many different ways to get rid of them. When the cold sore is in its blister stage, I use ointment called Camphoe Phenique (you can buy this at any drug store). I also take 6,000MG of Lysine a day. Once my cold sore hits its scab stage I put Carmex on it 24/7, this keeps it moisturized and prevents scaring. Day by day it becomes easier for the scabs to just peel off or they fall off in the shower. These remedies literally make my cold sores last up to 5 days at the most. including scabbing.
Shannon says
I found this site while doing a google search for ways to get rid of cold sores & I am so glad I did! Reading other people’s recommendations is super helpful, so thanks!
I am 26 & have been getting cold sores my whole life. My brother & I both suffer from them, but neither of our parents do, so they were never helpful with tips & tricks on how to get rid of these suckers. I have tried so many things, but lately, I have discovered the Lysine vitamins. They have worked absolute wonders for me. If I take them at the very first tingle of one, it never comes in. I would take one 1000mg every few hours for a few days, followed by one daily since purchasing the bottle. I haven’t had a cold sore in 3 months while taking these vitamins, where as before, I would get them monthly. Usually right around my monthly cycle. However, this past week, I haven’t taken them. In my head, I somehow thought it would be a good idea to take a break from them so I wouldn’t build up a tolerance… if that is even possible. Well, as luck would have it, yesterday I woke up with a HUGE, disgusting, bubbly cold sore right in the center of my bottom lip & it looked like it was already spreading. I had NO signs of this coming on when I went to bed the night before. Yesterday, I started taking the Lysine vitamins every few hours, but I think since it is already all the way in, the vitamins aren’t working as good. Usually, I will run out & buy abreeva once one comes in, but I just don’t want to spend $20 on that anymore! It doesn’t seem to be as effective for me as it once was. This go round’, I have tried to just not touch my lip at all, occasionally dab some peroxide on the sore, wash my hands constantly & put lysine ointment on the sore along with taking the vitamins. I woke up this morning & there is no change. I have been icing my lip all morning & am going to continue to take the vitamins.
From here on out, I will never again skip taking the Lysine vitamins, ever ever ever again. In my experience, they are the best preventive treatment for cold sores. But it seems once mine come in, they are there & I just have to ride it out. I may go pick up some of the things listed on this site. Seriously, everyone, take a Lysine vitamin every single day & if you start feeling/seeing the signs of one, take one every few hours until you no longer have the signs of a sore!
Carol Bates says
Almond extract- put it on a Q tip and it stings but it works. Mom did that with me and I do it with my Great grand children.
Wendy Jennings says
I use perfume for cold sores. Yes it is a bit of a f*** moment when you put it on but it certainly dries them out.
Ashley says
Well actually putting a fres slice of a cut lemon will help a great deal may burn but it worth it. GOOD LUCK
Emilie says
I have never had a cold sore in my life until this year!!! This is my second one in about 2 months and it is down right EMBARRRRASSSSINNNNG!!! I will be trying some of these tricks (: The Abreva just isn’t doing it for me… :I Hope the vanilla extract works!
Joanna says
Deodorant and ice!! As soon as I feel one coming on, I put deodorant on the spot and ice it for at least 30 minutes. I have not had one flair up to the point where other people can see it in years! If I get a chance, I repeat the deodorant once or twice during that day.
mmb-963 says
The dentist is the best bet. If you go to the dentist before the cole sore erupts, they will zap it. The cole sore never happens. Additionally, it will not come back in that spot. It’s a nominal fee and no prior appts needed. It’s a quick run in-run out.
Makenna says
i have the worst cold sore in the world! im going to my boyfriends house tonight and i dont know what to do! you got to help! please?
Emily says
I cut open a NyQuil Liquigel nighttime medicine and apply it with a q-tip on my lip several times at the first sign of a cold sore. It makes
The sore go down instantly&& is usually gone within a day(if caught early). Hope this helps! I’ve tried everything and nothing works as good as this! 🙂
Michelle says
I hsve used Releev with some success. I caught the cold sore a little late and while the sore took a few days to heal, others couldnt tell it was even there until the scab stage happened. Even that stage was short though.
I’ve been taking red marine algae lately as well. It seems to help keeo things at bay altogether. See if I keep taking it and no longer get as many sores. I got three in about 5 weeks and dont wantto go through that again.
Becki Coffman says
Zinc tablet. Take one, no special brand, they usually are in 50 mg dosage- usually the next day the cold sore is GONE !
Rachel says
A dab of straight Lemongrass essential oil works amazing! And over the years I’ve tried so many remedies. I’ve even used prescribed Zovirax and lemongrass beats it hands down! Lovd that it’s a drug free remedy!
Hollie says
Lysine works great when I remember to take it. Applying apple cider vinegar to the cold sore works wonders also.
Annie says
I’m in Canada and they sell cold sore healing patches. They are like a tiny invisible bandaid for your cold sore. If I feel one coming on I put it on right away and it literally is gone by the next day, or the day after that at the very latest. They are amazing!! I’ve seen similar ones in the US too. I also hate going out or talking to anyone when I get one. Now that I have a baby I’m terrified of passing it onto her.
KayIam says
I currently have a cold sore. I get them a few times a year due to the sun or dehydration. Here are some idea’s that worked for me in the past. Put salt on an ice cube, it will bun through the skin and break the cold sore open. After that put some crushed aspirin on to the cold sore. Keep it on for about 20 mins at a time and repeat a few times during the day. If the cold sore has popped make sure to use Bactin on it. Rub it into the cold sore with a q-tip or cotton ball. It will numb your lips so that helps. Abreva has stopped working for me so I needed to find some home treatments. You can find all of things I mentioned at the drug store. They certainly help make healing time shorter and usually make the cold sore less noticeable.
Sarah says
Avoid chocolate, Oats, and alcohol-these contain argenine. Argenine blocks lysine and when you have low lysine you get a cold sore.
My personal favorite treatment is L Lysine ointment and Oregano oil which should be combined with something like olive oil, coconut oil or even chapstick. Oregano oil is very strong and hot; you can find it at a health food store. I’d also like to try the lysine pills too.
Misty says
My father had horrible cold soars a few times a year. He started taking L-Lysine ten years ago and has never had one since. Do a bit of research on it. There is a way to take it so that it stays effective. My dad swears by it and I know many other people who it’s worked for also.
Cathy says
I take a lysine pill every day. I use to get cold sores about once a month now I get them once or twice a year. I have a aloe Vera plant and put the juice on it when I feel it coming on.
Stacey says
Any tips for getting rid of canker sores inside the lip?
Angela J says
Antifungal cream works for me. I don’t leave home without it. I apply if I feel the tingle and I haven’t had a cold sore in years. If I do wake up with one I apply the cream and it shortens the life of the cold sore significantly. Even the cheap brand from the Dollar Tree works.
nemiha says
Campho phenique works really well. I get fever blisters so bad and that has worked wonders. I also have a prescription for Zovirax which amazing as well. (Abreva never worked for me)
Good luck!!!
Diane says
I’ve had the flu for the past 4 days, and yesterday I woke up with my lips all puckered up and when I looked in the mirror my entire upper lip was swollen and at least 4 cold sores, and one on the left corner of my bottom lip. I’ve tried abreva which really helped take it down, and just went out and bought Lysin pills, so I’m hoping that helps. I’m going to try the salt and water next and then smooth it with vanilla.
I mean I always get cold sores, and abreva usually works, but this just got out of hand. Glad to know I’m not the only one suffering with cold sores!
I appreciate the tips and suggestions!
Michelle says
So I woke up with a cold sore and didn’t know what to do and within a few hours I looked like someone punched me in the mouth. It was gross and i felt gross But my husband and I did alot of research and found several things. Like cold pack and pure vanilla extract but nothing was working so finally I thought to use my clearasil rapid relief pads and Google it and found out alot of people said it healed in a day tops!! Dries out the cold sore fast and starts healing fast. I was a little skeptical but I switched to applying a hot towel to my lip for the swelling and applied the clearisil pad every few hours. (Just once is fine but I want to make sure it’s COMPLETELY gone) and by the end of the day the swelling is gone and the sore is dried and small. You can still see it unfortunately but it doesn’t look nearly as bad as before so I can take it. In order for it to dry so fast the website had said u need to get all the fluid out of the cold sore. I did and it worked wonders.
Anne Jardin says
Unfortunately I get cold sores occasionally. Hemoform serum works fast, but costs $49.95 at the http://www.hemoform.com, and makes it easy to keep it on hand for when that awful “tingling” feeling starts above my lip!
David Morris says
Recently picked up a brand new product called Intercept CS, I dont think a lot of people have heard about it so Im spreading the word! Works great and unlike any other product Ive ever used, check it out here if you are interested http://www.interceptcoldsore.com/
Stacey Wiley says
Finally after a lifetime of suffering from cold sores there is hemoform serum. It stops the cycle in its tracks.
Stacey Wiley says
hemoform serum helps prevent the cold sore when you use it at first tingling feeling on the lip. If the cold sore should appear, it cures the blister in shorter time. I love it.
Nefertiti says
Lysol, white vinegar and gel deodorant in that order
Kimber says
Apply a thin layer of toothpaste. It works wonders!!!
jade says
Iv gotten cold sores on and off for most my life. Iv tried alot of these remedies. Abreva for me only works if its used at the first sign ( the tingle) i take lysine which hasnt seemed to help either. It works for my gma tho. I actually woke up with a cold sore this morning. They say your not suppose to pop them cause it can spread and become worse but i continually drained it throught out the day. After draining each time i put acetone on it to dry it out. This does sting!! But it worked. It hasnt even been a full day and its almost gone 🙂
Alex says
What would be amazing is if someone made a poll people could vote on to what the best method is when you feel tingling and another one for what the best method is after a blister already formed. PLEASE!!!
Emily says
I use a combination of Listerine on the spot, salt and toothpaste, and Proactiv. Since Abreva is expensive, I try nipping the little bugger whenever I feel it coming on.
Jessy le Nguyen says
Hemoform Best thing for cold sores!
nicholas says
hi im 15 and always get cold sore butd nothing seems to work can any of you please help me i get teased and bullied at school because of these things I really need them gone and fast
Nichole says
Melissa oil is fabulous. It’s an antiviral. It kills it fast and I have three spots that I get them. After applying Melissa oil on each of them when they were active I have not had a reoccurrence of them in over 3 years. It’s a pricey little oil but well worth it. My son caught them at school 2 years ago. I applied the oil and he has not had a reoccurrence either. In reading through the doterra info it says that Melissa oil could possibly kill the virus. Even if it doesn’t though, it is gone in three days. Which is way faster than any of the otc meds I have used.
Lo says
Once you feel it coming on (tingle,itch,bump) constantly apply CamphoPhenique for cold sores. Then put Neosporin AntiBacterial directly over the CamphoPhenique. This helps the cold sore medicine stay longer and prevents the cracking/eruption because it is healing your lip as it is being treated. Works better than abreva for a fraction of the cost!
Missey Smith says
I have always had a horrible time with getting cold sores. My favorite remedy is Burt’s Bees Wax medication lip balm. It immediately soothes and protects the cold sore. Over the years, I have learned to apply the balm AS SOON AS YOU FEEL THE TINGLE of a beginning of sore emerging. It always helps with the duration as well as pain!
Christine says
All of these are great! My remedy is a combination of many of the ideas listed above. I’ve always suffered from Cold Sores and when I have an outbreak it’s bad, lasting up to 3 weeks at its worst!! It’s only a matter of hours before I feel it coming until it’s full blown and active. So, once I feel that sucker coming along I get to work with this remedy of mine:
-Clean the area with rubbing alcohol
-Dip a Q-Tip in pure vanilla extract and swab the area ( let it dry, about 10 minutes)
-Dip a cotton ball in whole milk (important that it’s Whole) and soak the area for about 2 minutes
– Let it dry and then wipe down again with rubbing alcohol
– Ice the area to tend to the redness
*Repeat this at last 2x daily and always after you eat!*
sophia amelia says
I recommend to you all a great Traditional doctor Lawson who has different kinds of herb’s medicines for all kinds of diagnosis. Me and my in-law are a living testimony, we can’t thank him enough and I believe God used him to restore our life’s back. I was diagnosed of lungs bacteria that I started coughing out blood and losing strength and I was been taken to several hospital and it’s just drugs and injections prescriptions but I thank God today for making me come across dr lawson who used his herbs medications to heal my lungs bacterial and also my in-law was HSV 1&2 diagnosis and he also order an herbs from this same dr Lawson and they also got him cured completely without any side effects, and now I believe our bodies acutely understand nature more than that of the western medicines! Well we do really appreciate what God has used dr Lawson to do in our life’s we are forever great-full here are his contacts infos : his Email: [email protected] his website https://drlawsonherbalhome.wixsite.com/website Do contact him now if you or any of your relatives are diagnosed of any kinds of illnesses/diseases/infections .
benitia lopez says
I was diagnosed with human papilloma virus (HPV) 4 years ago and i met a doctor he told me there is no cure and i have be taking some medication the warts multiplied when trying to removed them and it got me embarrass and pains, luckily few weeks ago i was recommend to Dr Ogedegbe for natural treatment after one week i got 100% cure and all the wart and pains got disappeared, i shared this post because its part of my life experience, incase anyone need speedy help about this cure email Dr IBOZUA via [email protected]
Or Whatsapp him now on +2349121737553
spencer says
Dr OGEDEGBE is man of trust he cured me out of pains and sorrows, I suffered from human papillomavirus in couples of years with lot of warts in my genital, and the symptoms was so bad then i was recommend to Dr Ogedegbe that he has hundred percent natural treatment to get rid of human papillomavirus. and I doubt about it, because my doctor said there is no cure. After a while I emailed Dr Ogedegbe and was his patient for two weeks on his natural treatment and I was totally cured. This is real and his treatment shows a lot of proof to me. Try to reach him on every incurable virus. I assured you concretely he will have a solution to your problem: his whatsapp contact + 2348109374702.