This morning while babysitting for a friend, her little 3 year old boy was telling me all about his potty watch he just got and how excited he is to try it out! It sounds amazing and I made a mental note to ask his mom all about it.
Got me thinking what other tips do all you smart moms out there have for this fun milestone called potty training. Luckily, not too long ago we asked our Facebook readers for potty training tips and boy did you all come through!
Here’s a few highlights from that post:
1. The majority of our readers said to wait until the child is ready. Don’t push them into something they aren’t ready for or it won’t click and the process will just take longer.
2. Many also said to ditch the pull-ups. They are just expensive diapers and make the kid backtrack a bit. I’m going to have to agree with this one! (except at night, nighttime is a whole different ball game! ) They say to have the child pick out some favorite underwear instead.
3. Rewards play a big role as well. Use M&Ms or anything yummy that they don’t normally eat. We used dum dum suckers for the twins. They were kept up high and only given out after using the bathroom and it worked great!
For all the details (over 100 comments) you can find the original Facebook post here!
And of course Pinterest has many tips too! Some of the best I’ve found are here:
4. Bootcamp for Potty Training? Hey if it works I’m up for anything! Great tips on how to hold your own bootcamp here!
5. More tips for successfully potty training in just 3 days! Love the idea of getting it done quickly!
6. I really like how this post talks about rewards but also to LOVE your kids though all this. Your child needs to know how proud of him you are even during times of setbacks. Details here.
7. Ever thrown a Potty Party before? Find this and other great tips here! (yes those really are panties hanging on the fireplace for decoration!)
8. Here’s a great point I’ve never really thought about before- Make hand washing easily accessible. If the kids have a stool, soap and towels nearby they will have an easier and more enjoyable experience.
9. Have you heard this potty training secret yet? Cover up those sensors in the public restrooms for a much more pleasant experience! I think kids everywhere hate those things!
10. Of course, books are super helpful when potty training. Amazon has a ton! Here are a few favorites.
Good thing I still have 1 kid left in diapers….maybe if I use all these great tips this will be my best potty training experience yet! Here’s to hoping! Oh yea, and that potty watch I told you about at the beginning? You can find it here! I’m excited!
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