Backpacks are a necessary purchase when it comes to the school years. Is it strange that I STILL remember some of my favorite back to school backpacks? And is it insane that I had the SAME backpack all through high school and COLLEGE??? That was a $50 well spent! (It was a NIKE brand backpack by the way! You can find some HERE.)
Some of Our Favorite Back to School Backpacks
Whether you’re into cute factor or just want something LONG lasting, we’ve rounded up our favorites for this school year. Some are perfect for your tween, and some are made for little backs on their first day of PreK.
Leopard print Jansport.
Nothing beats the classic Jansport. Unless of course, it’s a LEOPARD print Jansport. Perfect for your fashionista..or wild spirit.
Sport backpack
Every boy I know LOVES Underarmour. They are a little higher price point, but they’re known to last the test of time.
Minecraft Backpack
Everyone loves Minecraft right? What a fun backpack for the Minecraft lover in your house!
Polka dot backpack
Anyone else a sucker for polka dots!? I love everything with a good polka dot print. Appropriate for a variety of ages!
Floral backpack
Isn’t this one PRETTY? I love the combo of the classic floral and lace. So shabby chic!
Minion backpack
I can’t stop. The minion madness. With the release of the new movie, who can resist the hilarious bags with those crazy yellow guys staring at you??
Animal Face Backpack
Nothing like a 3D shark to shake things up. These animal face backpacks are a hoot and bound to be a hit with your schooler. They have a few different animals to choose from.
Madpax backpack
These spiky backpacks are all the rage. Even the celebrities are rockin’ them! They look dangerous, but they’re not -promise. AND they’ll definitely make a statement!
Owl backpack
There are no words sufficient for the level of cuteness of this bag. I mean, an OWL with a BOW?!?
Roxy Backpack
Roxy is a popular brand for your tween/teen. We love this funky Aztec print and the added back support.
Zoo backpack
These are the sweetest backpacks and lunch bags for your littlest students. They’re a perfect size and cute to boot! They have several different animals to choose from. I love the butterfly too!
A Monogrammed backpack
If you like then you should put your name on it…right? Nothing more personalized than a monogrammed backpack. Doesn’t it make you feel so Southern? It’s a great way to be sure everyone knows who it belongs to!
Tell us, what kind of back to school backpack will your kiddos be rockin’?
Is there a certain brand or type you always go for?
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Apryl Holland says
Well my daughter knows what’s hot in backpack fashion, haha! We just bought that Jansport leopard backpack yesterday! You’ve got a lot of great picks here, great post!