Climbing tress, riding bikes, hop scotch, and monkey bars were all things that I loved to do on a daily basis as a child. I am afraid many of these things are being replaced with electronic devices and our children are not moving enough!
Kids are not moving enough
According to research, the amount of physical activity since the turn of the century has declined 75%! SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT people!!! Our kids are not playing the way we used to and therefore, not moving like we used to. I wanted to find out more and contacted Katie Kendrick, an Adaptive Physical Education Teacher in New York and she reported that an unhealthy diet is not the only culprit in the rise of obesity in the United States, but that the lack of physical activity is just as much to blame. Kendrick recommends that parents take the initiative and be active along side their children. If they participate in physical activity with their kids their kids will be more likely to incorporate it in their lifestyle as adults. Not to mention the great bonding opportunity it can have!
But how do we move and run around when the weather is so cold still in many areas? Katie shared with me an idea. She recommended using a video camera to record silly dances or movement performances and then later watch it with your child. That way this generation of technology lovers can move AND also engage in screen time!
I got to thinking with St. Patty’s day just around the corner… we should DANCE like a leprechaun and record it for us to watch!!
Leprechaun Song
So, I asked Bee to come back and share with us her Leprechaun Song… but wait not so fast… first you MUST dress each other up like leprechauns. This makes for a great bonding moment with your child! Let them have control over what you wear!
Warning: Sticky leprechaun eyebrows and sideburns ^ may or may not serve as a waxing strip followed by crying children.
Don’t be afraid to be silly and wear whatever your child wants you to wear! Make it fun!
Okay we are ready…
How do we look?
Now, get those dancing feet ready.
Okay …hit it Bee!
Want to see the video we made with this Leprechaun song? Find me over (here) at for more!
alison says
I love when you post!!
cristi says
Thanks Alison! 🙂