Stories are a POWERFUL tool in connecting and understanding our children. Not to mention, they are fun and interactive.
Then, you need to fill the bag up with random images or objects like this:
Here’s how you play:
1. Choose who goes first and have them take out 3 to 5 items (no peeking) out of a bag full of random objects or images.
2. Have them come up with a story that is completely made up on the spot. The story must have a beginning, middle, and an end.
3. After they are done with the story- have them tell you what the moral or lesson of their story. There is no wrong or right answer to this.
It is fun to see what everyone comes up with and how they find a way to incorporate all the objects and end their individual story.
If your kids give you a blank stare when you tell them about the game, then volunteer to go first. Here is an example of a story that I literally made up right now while writing out this post using the four objects seen in the photos above.
“Once upon a time there was a magical princess who was given the challenge of finding a special blue and yellow mirror that would guide her to the ancient lost camera. This camera was really important to the kingdom because it held important records of their history and people that were once lost. The princess was worried because she was only given a certain amount of time before the time ran out and the camera would be destroyed forever…” and so on and so forth. Then I could end the story and say what I thought the moral of the story could be. An example of a moral could be- if you are persistent and listen to guidance you can have positive results. Pretty easy right?
Sharing and listening to stories will:
-Provide us with information about how your child may view their world, and their place
-Provide us with a way to model positive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
-Help communicate with them at their level
-Build relationships
-Promotes creativity
If you are interested in knowing more about using stories for more of an assessment tool in understanding your child- I will be explaining more here on my blog this week!
Bianca Merkley says
Great idea Cristi- I am going to use this idea with the kids I work with as well!
Missy says
Fun idea – my kids will love this as we are traveling this week! Thanks!
Shelley says
So fun! Love this idea. Not sure if my kids are old enough, but we are going to give it a try. Could make for a really interesting story. 😉
cami stewarr says
I really appreciate your post. I’ve been looking for ways I can incorporate play into Spanish language study time with my son. He’s going to love this.
melodee says
love this idea! going to use it for creative writing in my language arts classes:)
T M says
Thanks for the fabulous idea!
Michele says
I love this idea! Being able to think on your feet and put together ideas in story-form are skills that are valuable for kids.