**This post is sponsored by Relay and Republic Wireless. All opinions are our own! We have been talking about Relay for QUITE some time and are truly HUGE fans!**
I still remember the first time I got lost as a kid.
I don’t remember the details exactly – I was only about 6 years old.
But, I do remember the feeling of complete fear not seeing or knowing where my mom went and having NO way to communicate with her.
As a mother, that fear is obviously even more intense when I think about anything happening to my kids or them feeling that same fear!
I don’t care if you have little kids, bigger kids, or teens, there is one thing we all have in common as women – we worry about our kids.
Of course, no one wants to operate life in fear! There’s been way too much of that this year!
Not only is it not good for our children, it’s not good for ourselves!
That is why finding the right tools is SO important.
What if I told you there was a way to better communicate with your kids, keep track of them, and provide peace of mind for you?
What if I told you they DON’T need any kind of smartphone?
As my kids have gotten a bit older, and one entered middle school, I was finding I needed the ability to communicate with them better when they’re “away”. Sports practices at night, study halls after school etc., etc. The problem was, I did NOT want to hand my child the responsibility of a cell phone. For my family, I don’t feel like cell phones in my kids’ hands is the answer.
Wherever you stand on the issue, perhaps you too are looking for an alternative?
I started doing some research and found RELAY.
I’m not being dramatic when I say, it was a literal answer to a mom’s prayer.
I’m excited to tell you more about it because I KNOW so many of you have been interested when I’ve talked about it in the past. I know my “real life” friends have been asking non stop as they see my kids with them!
PLUS, starting today, they are 20% off HERE.
What IS Relay?
I like to compare Relay to a cross between a cell phone and a walkie talkie. It’s a screen free device that allows you to communicate directly with those you choose via another Relay device or a cell phone with the Relay app.
What does Relay do?
So much!
1. Allows you to communicate with family members and friends by just pressing a button.
It’s similar to a walkie talkie; however, you’re using 4G cell phone service, so you can communicate from ANYWHERE in the US. My husband and I were on a trip in Florida and could talk directly with our kids at grandmas just using the Relay app on our phone, that was connected to our kids’ Relay devices. They could hear us on the devices and we could hear them on our phones!
Relay to Relay
Your child can contact a friend or family member with a Relay device, once you’ve set up a channel that connects them. No screens necessary.
Relay to Phone
Your child simply presses one button and speaks a message—then you instantly receive it on your Relay phone app. And it’s just as easy for you to reply
2. Leave each other messages
What if you’re not around when your kid talks to you via Relay?
What if your kid is in the bathroom and leaves his Relay on his desk?
Both of you are able to leave messages and play them back when you return! This way, you never miss an important message from one another!
3. Talk to the WHOLE group
This is one of my personal favorite features!
You can link several different Relays or phones with the Relay app together into a group. This is a great way for your kids to keep in touch with their school friends, even when they’re not in school. My husband, myself and our two Relay devices are all in a group. You can talk to individual Relays OR you can talk to the whole group. My family LOVES all talking to one another. It’s like a big group chat!
4. Track your child’s device using GPS.
Anywhere your child goes, you can find them using the GPA tracker on the Relay device.
This summer, my son was involved at the county fair. He’s almost 12, and I wanted to be able to give him a little more freedom. He loved bumming around with his group of awesome friends, but honestly, I didn’t think he was old enough to wander around completely alone. Plus logistically, how would I reach or find him if we needed to feed his animal? Grab lunch? Leave for the night? How would he check in to let me know he was safe? I was super grateful for the GPS tracker because I knew where he was at all time! All I had to do was pull up the Relay App on my phone and it would show me where his device/he was!
Not to mention, if your younger child ever gets lost, you can track them quickly! This is especially useful to us when traveling….I haven’t lost a kid yet, but we all know it does happen to even the most watchful parent/grandparent. In just a split second when you think they’re right behind you as you walk away, and they’re still busy staring at the candy in the store. That heart gripping terror can be avoided!
5. Set Geofencing
When our kids are really young, we do things like set up baby gates and fences to keep them in or out of a safety zone. When they’re a bit bigger, we tell them things like “Don’t leave the backyard!” Then they get to an age where boundaries are a little less literal. The Relay app on your phone allows you to set virtual “fences” or areas in which your child is supposed to stay. When they leave those areas, you are alerted.
For example, you drop your 9 year old off at the ball fields for practice and tell him NOT to leave the fields. If you set the geofencing to that area, if he leaves the ball fields, you will be alerted.
6. Allows SOS Alerts
If something, heaven forbid, more serious would occur, the Relay allows the user to set out an immediate SOS alert. This is a quick, and attention getting way to reach you quickly!
7. Other “fun” features
Of course, with no screen, you don’t need to worry about your kiddo being “glued” to his device like some. Yet, the Relay does have some fun features that kids love. Daily Jokes, a music player, even a language translator – there’s a little something for everyone!
How durable is the actual Relay device?
This is one concern I did have and I have to say, I’ve been impressed with the durability. It’s durable, water resistant and if it’s survived my rough kids, I feel like it will for anyone!
How will my child keep Relay with them?
I was concerned about my children LOSING their Relay. It’s a good size – small enough to be portable, but big enough to have a decent battery life. That being said I was excited to see all of these accessories offered. From the armband to the lanyard, there are several options for every kid and activity! My 11 year old preferred the lanyard so he could wear the Relay under his shirt. I like the armbands for younger kids as mine seemed to keep them on a bit better.
How much does a Relay cost?
The cool thing is, Relays are SO affordable. I’m always shocked to hear what parents are paying for some of their kids’ devices. Normally the actual device will run you around $49.99, but right now, you can get them on a rare 20% off sale HERE making them EVEN more affordable!
Connecting the device to the 4g service will cost you only $9.99/month with NO CONTRACTS REQUIRED! Under $10 for incredible peace of mind? That’ll be the BIGGEST no brainer purchase of the year. Worth every penny for me personally!
Again, you can grab a Relay 20% off HERE.
(I will warn you, they have been known to SELL OUT as soon as they go on sale. Relays are truly a HOT item!)
I truly can’t say enough good things about Relay devices. They’re just the answer for the craziness of any school year – no matter what school looks like for you!
I feel like I can give my kids more freedom while still keeping track of them and most importantly, keeping the lines of communication open.
The Relay has enabled me to have a little peace of mind as we navigate the ever changing waters of parenthood.
It’s one of my favorite product discoveries of the year and is soon to be one of yours!
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