Hi HowDoesShe Gals!
How many sleeps until Christmas? Are you ready? I hope each and every one of you are taking some time to relax and just enjoy the season. I have just started getting Christmas cards in the mail, and it feels just like…..Christmas! I’m so stinkin’ giddy. It’s a little embarrassing, really.
If you are looking for a scrumptious gift idea for that little gal in your life, you will LOVE today’s post by Natasha from the blog Samster Mommy! She may just be the QUEEN of craft tutorials. Take it away, girl!
This is so exciting!! I’m just thrilled to be sharing one of my crafty little ideas with the ‘How Does She’ community although I have to tell you something, I have a terrible problem, it’s called “I can do that!” syndrome & although it saves you money you’re constantly thinking of ways you can make store bought items at home. In this case however my little “issue” has paid off, & I want to share with you how you can do it yourself too. Introducing my Crewcuts Sequin Holiday Tie Tee…
Pretty darn good, huh? And it was SO EASY! Promise.
Before I keep going I just realized I haven’t introduced myself…where are my manners?! My name is Natasha & I write my crafts, recipes & mommy tangents over at my blog Samster Mommy. I named the blog after my little muse, my 2 yr old, Samantha. Recently we also added another little one to our family, Sophie Quinn. What a whirlwind two kids is! Sometimes I’m amazed I can remember the alphabet well enough to blog. But I do, (thank you spell check) & although I may not have as much craft time as I’d like when I do I just love it, & sharing it with my readers is even more awesome.
So now that we’re properly introduced how about I teach you how to make your own sequin tee?
You’ll need: 1 permanent fabric marker, 1 package small sequins, needle & thread, t-shirt
1st step- Draw the outline of the tie. One thing I really like about the original tee was how it wasn’t a literal image of a tie, it’s very hand-drawn looking which works out well for us! Don’t stress about just going for it with the marker, just take your time & follow the outline below.
(I was using the image I had snapped in the store to draw mine)
2nd step- Sew on your 1st sequin. Do this by pulling your thread through the shirt & then back down through the hole of the sequin.final step- Keep sewing those little suckers on. For the 2nd sequin through the last you’ll do the same thing, bring your thread up through the shirt & then down through the hole of the sequin. I believe proper sequin sewing etiquette would be to layer the next sequin over the first so it covers up your previous sequin’s thread, they should also be sewn on in nice, neat little lines. For this tee however I think a bit messy & random is the way to go. Once again, it’s what makes it kind of fun & casual for a kid’s tee.
So that’s it! A final step that isn’t necessary but might be a good idea is to use some light weight iron-on fusible interfacing on the inside of the shirt, it’s that stuff you see on the inside of kid’s tees to keep the applique design from scratching little ones’ skin. In this case it will keep your little one from snagging any the threads that are holding together all of your hard work.
Here’s a little snip-it of a few of the tutorials you can find over at Samster Mommy…
How to turn a bedsheet into a ruffled pillow
It was great meeting you, if you like what you read I hope you’ll come by Samster Mommy sometime & say hi! Merry Christmas!
I wish I had a toddler again JUST to have those darling little shoes. I DO have a bed, however, and that ruffled pillow would fit right in 🙂 Thanks for this fun tutorial, Natasha. I’ll be visiting your cute blog ASAP! Once I get a cup of hot chocolate in hand so I can take my time browsing. Happy holidays everyone!
Taylor says
This is completely amazing and I will be doing it! Thanks so much for the idea.
Missy says
I love sparkles! Thanks for sharing a great tutorial! I really want that ruffled pillow, I need to break out the sewing machine.
Alison says
Those shoes are so cute! I would love to have some my size!!! SUper fun!
Shelley says
I’m thinking my twins need those shirts!! I just need to find the time. Thanks for the tutorial!
Heather - Chickabug says
These are so cute!! Would it be wrong to make one for myself? ; )
alysha says
Such a cute idea! The diva in me just loves sequins! 😉 Thanks for the darling tutorial!
tiffany says
ke-ute model!!! cute shirt too. i was hoping we could use the machine on the sequins. going on my to-do list 🙂
Jill Phillips says
I saw this and thought I’d try it. I have my eye on the Happy Heart Sequin Tee at Crewcuts. It’s $36. which is much more than I want to pay for a T-shirt. I forgot to mention, I want this for MYSELF! hahahah. I bought one for my niece for Christmas and I love the colors so much I want one too.
SO, I am going to try your technique over the holiday and see if I can do it. We’ll see…
jcrewgoddess says
I made this! So easy…
Kerry says
Good for boys too! always struggling to find fun crafty things for boys.