A big thanks to KiwiCo for sponsoring this post. Looking for a great screen-free activity? Want to buy yourself some time on Sundays for a nap? Here’s our little secret…and kids LOVE it!
My kids aren’t babies anymore. I’ve earned my stripes through plenty of sleepless nights, potty training, first days of school, and spilled milk. They’re all in a magical spot where they function 90% autonomously and for me, that means that after YEARS…I can finally sneak away for an uninterrupted Sunday nap. It is glorious!
But I have to give credit where credit is due: these much-needed Sunday naps only happen because of a little secret…KiwiCo subscriptions. They provide FUN screen-free activities for kids of ALL AGES.
They are the best. Really and truly! One fun box can keep my kids not only entertained, but completely engrossed for TWO HOURS. It’s the perfect Sunday afternoon activity when things can get a little boring around the house. The kids can be quietly creative without being on a screen and I can get a much-needed nap. It’s a win-win!
Our Favorite Screen-Free Sunday Afternoon Activity
If you have kids or grandkids ages 0-18+ (okay, I think that covers about everyone), you gotta get KiwiCo! It’s a monthly subscription box designed to get kids off screens and inspired to CREATE. And let me tell you, my kids have made some pretty amazing things (look at the hand-dipped planters my daughter made a few Sundays ago).
Each box constantly surprises us and I think it empowers my kids to realize just how much they’re capable of. Plus, there’s something uniquely rewarding in making something incredible with your own two hands.
No screen will ever give you that.
KiwiCo projects get your kids brain firing on all cylinders and THAT is something that kids today desperately need.
You will never regret gifting your family a KiwiCo subscription. All subscription boxes ship free in the US and you can use code HOWDOESSHE to get 50% off your first box!
Which subscription should I get?
Our family has two favorites: the Tinker Crate (ages 9+), the Kiwi Crate (ages 5-8), and the Maker Crate (ages 14+ although my 10-year-old is very capable as well). My boys tend to lean toward the Tinker Crate with its impressive STEAM projects and my girls the Maker Crate with its fun crafty projects.)
This month, our Tinker Crate came with one of the most amazing projects I’ve ever seen in a KiwiCo box…the DOMINO MACHINE!!!
Oh my heck, our whole family was gathered around this little guy as he spit out dominoes for us to collapse. Forget the Sunday nap–both my husband and I were intrigued and thoroughly entertained. This was one of the FUNNEST PROJECTS EVER! So good, I’ll get it again for birthday gifts.
You can also get the Domino Machine as a solo crate, no subscription required! It makes the most impressive birthday present.
Based on how old your kids are, there’s a KiwiCo subscription for them! Just go match their age to the appropriate KiwiCo line.
Turn the screens off…let’s have some fun!
I have four kids. I’ve seen firsthand the effects that too much screen time can have on them. They get moody, depressed, lazy, and they fight more with me and each other. After about an hour of screen time, I take all the phones and tablets with instructions to go do something creative or active with their time.
I’m not sure if you’ve encountered this problem as well, but kids of this screen era seem lost when it comes to creating their own fun. Sometimes my kids look at me with blank stares and I realize, it’s my job to teach them how to think creatively and invent their own fun.
This often means that I’m right there in the trenches with them, my cogs turning as for what to do. We’ve built forts out of couch cushions and blankets and dug through cookbooks to finds something to bake together. We head outside when the weather is nice and play Annie-Annie-Over and Red Rover.
After all that, I’m exhausted and it’s time to let KiwiCo do its magic so I take a nap.
Takeaway #1: KiwiCo subscriptions are the best. They take kids off screens and teach them how to think creatively and analytically. Plus, they’re LOADS of fun!
Takeaway #2: Use code HOWDOESSHE to get 50% off your first box in a subscription. It’s a win-win-win! Your kids get a box of fun every month, you get a deal, AND a nap.
Takeaway #3: You gotta get the Domino Machine. CUTEST EVER and hours of entertainment!
So turn off the screens and let’s have some fun!
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