I’m always watching for fun, easy, and inexpensive ideas that will help me to build awesome memories with my kids, so I’m excited to be back, as a new part of HowDoesShe, to share some of these ideas with you & I hope you’ll be inspired to make some great memories with your kids, too!
Today I’m going to show you how I took a big, broken umbrella (Do you have one of those sitting around after all of these rainy May days?) and made it into something really fun for my kids to play with!
Honestly, I was ready to put it in the trash but my hubby saw more in it and after some thought, we decided it could be turned into a parachute! (Not the jump-off-a-roof-and-hope-for-the-best kind of parachute, but the hold-onto-the-edges-and-shake-it-like-crazy kind of parachute).
Here’s What You’ll Need:
1. A broken umbrella
2. Some fabric scraps & a sewing machine
3. A small, lightweight ball
(or you could make it really simple on yourself & sew some old straps from a broken bag on for handles, or even some ribbon or something like that)
Here’s What You Do:
1. Take the fabric part of the umbrella off of the metal part (dispose of the metal part)
2. My umbrella had 8 points & I wanted 4 people to be able to use it at once, so I needed 8 handles. (We tried playing with it without handles & I determined that the handles would help my 2 year old keep her grip, and make the parachute seem bigger- the umbrella I used was 4.5 feet in diameter)
3. Cut 8 strips of fabric- mine were 4.5” x 12.5” 4.
4. For each strip, fold in half & pin if you like (shown below)
5. Sew the open side closed (shown below)
6. Turn each strip inside out & iron it flat (shown below)
7. Fold each strip in half, making a loop. Then fold the ends in, to make a point, and iron. (shown below).
8. Sew the ends down so that you have a permanent loop (you can see how I did it above, but I am no expert, so do it however you want!) Do this for each loop.
9. Remove the little knobby things from the points of your umbrella if you haven’t already.
10. Sew the end of each loop (soon to be a handle) onto one of the points of your umbrella. I drew purple arrows to show you where my new stitching is (shown below).
Now you have a parachute! Go find some kids and a lightweight ball & have some fun!
(This was the best photo I could get you of my kids playing with it- it was such a windy day!)
If you’d like to get to know me better or see some of the other fun things we’re doing,
come on over to the Raising Memories Blog- I’d love to see you there, too!
Emily Hamson says
What a fun idea! I have a few umbrellas lying around!
Shelley says
Mine broke yesterday when the kids were playing in the house with it. 😉 Perfect timing. Fun idea!
brenda says
I am totally LOVING this! I don’t have any umbrellas, but I am thinking I will be making a trip to Goodwill soon for one:)
Alyssa says
So clever! I think we have a broken umbrella around… 🙂
Alison says
Heather this is a great idea! Thanks for the fun post!!
Heather says
Thanks Alison 🙂 I’m glad you liked it!
Tracy says
I have been following Heather’s Blog for some time now and she is amazing. This is such a great idea Heather. Congrats on officially becoming a part of the How Does She team.
Heather says
Thank you so much, Tracy! I’m so excited to be a part of such a great blog! 🙂
Chrystal says
This is awesome! To make it even easier, you could just use some 1.5″ – 2″ ribbon. 🙂
Heather says
I agree! Or like I mentioned in the post, I think it would be ideal if you had an old backpack or bag that you could use the straps from- that would be nice & strong! 🙂
Melissah says
I just discovered your lovely blog. I’m just new into blogging this year & have just finished off my own blog on fashion, food, travel & interior design.
I had a lot of fun putting it together maybe you would like to check it out if you have a spare minute.
Hilary says
So creative! I never would have thought of that! Im sure the girls love it. Also, you are getting some mad sewing skills! I need more practice! Congrats on becoming part of the team! Thats awesome:)
Heather says
Thanks Hilary! 🙂 I wish you lived closer & we could work on our projects together!
Amber says
This is fantastic! I am a teacher and the kiddies always get so excited to play with the parachute in Phys. Ed. Creating a mini version to entertain them at home is a perfect idea! Congratulations on becoming part of the team, you have so many great ideas and I can’t wait to read more of them!
Emily says
Love this!!! My Layla just broke hers so we are going to make it today!
Heather says
Awesome- good luck & have fun! 🙂
Victoria says
So smart! What a great idea!! Thanks for sharing.
Marisa says
That might just be the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m going to go break my umbrella. 😉
jessica says
shoot, I threw away an old broken umbrella a couple weeks back…too bad!
Jan says
Awesome! Can’t wait to use my daughter’s pretty one that broke. Thanks
Heather says
Good idea- now she won’t have to be sad to loose it!
Larni says
Great instructions!
Crystal says
What a great idea!! Kids love those parachute things and making one yourself is cheaper or more personal!! Love it!!
Amanda K. says
What a fabulous idea, thanks for sharing!! I cannot seem to keep a working umbrella…I have prob 3 that are broken + 3 kids= a parachute for each!! ;p lol
architects says
I rеɑlly prize your good article, Great post.