Did you hear us SCREAM when we were invited to contribute to Disney?! EEK!!!! Truly, such an amazing honor! No pressure, right?! 😉
I had to push my creativity for something extra special. This is what I came up with: Layered Christmas Soap.
What do you think?! Tell the truth, is it Disney worthy?! I sure hope so! 😉
Layered soap making is surprisingly easy. (Yes, I cheated and bought the melt-and-pour soap base.)
Zap it in the microwave and you are ready to make beautiful layered soap.
Doesn’t it look delicious?! No, it is not edible. 😉
I was amazed at how beautiful the layers of soap looked once cut.
Layered Soap Making is truly an easy handmade gift! I complimented this gift by attaching a note saying: “We Wash you a Merry Christmas, We Wash you a Merry Christmas, We Wash you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!”Over at Disney you can find the full instructions for both the candy shaped soap and layered loaf soap.
Did you see Alison’s Disney post? Gosh we feel special…
We are participating in these fabulous linky parties
Miranda says
It’s adorable! I’ve always loved the idea of handmade soap, but this is just the cutest I’ve seen.
Ashley F. says
Gosh this looks so fun and easy and perfect! I’m totally going to do this for all the women in my family at our next reunion!
And WOW–you’re on Disney?! To think I can say, “Well I was reading How Does She? before Disney knew a thing about it…” 😉 Congratulations ladies, you deserve it!
Jen says
I never knew it was this easy! What fun 🙂
pennymck says
If you brought those to my house I would probably try to eat them, they look delicious! Congratulations to Disney on finding one of the best websites out there. You girls are the best!
Nesleirbag says
How Does She? truly has something special going on! You girls stand out from the pack!
Congratulations – it was just a matter of time before the Big Guns discovered you!
The soap gifts are outstanding!
Shelley says
Missy, I love our moms. 🙂 Thank goodness for pennymck and nesleirbag! 😉
Jo at Jo's Health Corner says
The soap looks great and easy enough to do!
I have to make it this way. I added a soap recipe myself to the raising homemakers link up today. Now I have a new idea to try out. Thanks for sharing.
Jo at Jo's Health Corner says
The soap looks great and easy enough to do!
I have to make it this way. I added a soap recipe myself to the raising homemakers link up today. Now I have a new idea to try out. Thanks for sharing.
Amanda says
Is there a link for the candy shaped soap? I tried but I think it took me to the loaf one. Thanks.
Amanda says
Nevermind! I figured it out. lol.
Amanda says
How beautiful! Congrats on the Disney mention! 🙂
Maria D. @ Downright Domesticity says
I love the labels. Nothing like a little pun for some good, clean fun! 😉
Brooke says
love this idea, will have to save for next year!
Sara @ Our Best Bites says
How did I miss this post? I totally could have used something like this! I am actually determined to give all NON food gifts next year, I cook all year long so I’m actually kind of burnt out by Christmas! lol. These soaps are darling- thanks for sharing!
Joyce Barnson says
Love these ideas. I couldn’t find the link to the candy-shaped tutorial.
Shelley says
it’s on the next page. There are two 🙂
Shirley says
I’m putting this layered soap idea on my gifts-to make list. Thanks!
janey says
Hi Shelly,
First i want to to tell you that these soaps will be part of my Christmas gifts to give this year.. They are beautiful and will be a big hit especially when they find out they are homemade…
Oh yea, can you tell me how to disable the large pink banner advertising us to sign up for your email, I’m already getting email and your RSS feed. I can’t seem to find a way to do this. It won’t stay down and takes up way to much space at the bottom of the screen.. Any help would be good.
I love the soaps , any suggestions on scents to match the colors? Again thanks for the tutorial it is a keeper… janey
Korine says
Love these soaps and would love the recipe…..went to the Disney site and can’t find the recipe/instructions anywhere. Can you help a girlfriend out?!