Many parents invest a lot of time, money, and effort into their children’s activities. With formal and informal practices, extra training, individual lessons, gym memberships, cross-fit, coaching books and videos, the options to expand a child’s extra curricular development are seemingly endless. But did you know that you can make or break all that hard work in the fifteen minute drive it takes to get to the big event? That is why having an awesome pre-game pump up is a must!
Those few precious moments will set the tone for your child’s performance. Whether your child is dancing tap ballet, running cross country, taking a test, performing in a play, or heading out for a Friday night under the lights what you say, how you feel, and what you do can predetermine if your child will perform at their very best or struggle through. Wow, that’s a big weight to carry on your shoulders. But don’t you worry any, I’ve done the research for you and put together a list of the best pre-game tactics and a few things to avoid during your pre-game pump up.
Awesome Pre-Game Pump Up Tactics
1. Keep your emotions in check:
Your child is going to pick up on your emotions. If you are calm & confident, they will feel it. If you are anxious, worried, upset,or upset in any way chances are good they will mimic your emotions.
2. Be Punctual:
Running late is a sure way to amp up anxiety & nervousness. Help your child out by being on time-or early!
3. Pump-up:
Who doesn’t love a good pump up song? Something to get the blood pumping & rev your mind up for success.
4. Encourage:
Tell your child a few reasons why you think they will do well. Just make sure that what you say is truly genuine.
5. Remind:
Take a second to remind your child of a time, or two, you’ve seen her succeed. This will boost confidence by reaffirming their abilities & past accomplishments.
6. Ask them for their pre-game strategy:
The moments just before the big event is not the time to coach. You need to trust your child is prepped & ready to go. So rather than tell him what he should do, ask him what his plan is.
7. Keep it balanced:
Obviously the upcoming activity is going to be a big focus, but it shouldn’t be the only thing you talk about. Let your child dictate the topics of conversation.
You’ve got this! And thanks to your pre-game pump up abilities your child’s got this! With the right mindset, attitude, & tactics on the way to the game you will help your child do his very best.
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