I must tell you I don’t really know how to sew. There. I said it. Somehow I’ve tricked all my friends in to thinking I do. The reality of it is, I only attempt to sew things that require no pattern and that are square. They must be square! Small blankets, pillowcases, beanbags, and burp cloths. I dream of being an amazing seamstress someday, but in the meantime thank goodness for gorgeous Fabric that makes all of my ‘square’ sewing projects look adorable.
It seems I always have a baby shower to go to, so I love keeping a stock of these adorable gifts on hand. I sew up several sets in one day and then have months of baby gifts ready to go. These gorgeous gifts end up being a mere few dollars a set {shhhh, don’t tell your friends}! Handmade gifts are always the most cherished and did I mention they make you look ultra talented?
Now I don’t care who you are, you can sew a square. These look adorable because, well, the Fabric is adorable. Amy Butler
has fabric that is pure eye candy. Heather Bailey’s
patterns are another one of my favorites. My favorite place to buy gorgeous fabrics like these at wholesale prices is from Fabric.com
. {Unfortunately you can NOT find these designer lines of fabric and JoAnn’s or similar stores. Your local quilting shop may have some}.
Here are the incredibly easy and basic instructions:
-Get your hands on some fabric you love. Fabric.com is my choice and they have a great sale going on right now. (I love having fabric on hand to make whatever on a whim) -You will be amazed at how many burp cloths you can make with a yard or two of fabric.
-For the back I used a basic white Chenille {This can be found at JoAnn’s for a great price. Don’t forget your coupons}.
-Cut your square. Whatever size. Mine were technically rectangles…9×14.
-Place the front of the chenille and front of the patterned material together and pin {so it looks inside out}.
-Sew all the way around all four sides, leaving appx 2 inches un-sewn.
-Use the 2″ hole to flip your fabric right sides out.
-Tuck the rough edges of the hole under and hand stitch the hole closed.
-Vwalah! Pair them together and you got an incredibly adorable gift.
What are your favorite lines of fabric? Any other suggestions for ‘square’ sewing projects?! 🙂
{This post was orginally posted 9 months ago. I’ve been going to several baby showers lately, so I thought I’d share it once again.}
We’re linking up to these parties!
colleen says
I LOVE designer burp cloths too! I have made these before but just sew the patterned fabric down the center on one side of cloth diapers. They are extremely durable and unbelievable cute!
Annie Byers says
Im gonna make these for the next baby I have. My husband and I are getting ready to start trying and while im pregnant I will have to make these so stinking cute! I even have a gift cert for fabrics.com!
Sherry says
I just love these, and your fabric too! I am hosting a baby shower next month and I wanted to make her something “homemade” Thanks for sharing, this will go on my to-make list!
Michelle says
Great gift, I have a friend expecting these would be perfect!
Stephanie says
I love those! I will be featuring these for sure!
Wendy Cooper says
SHELLEY! Ive been sewing and already made some! Are you so proud?? They turned out super cute, and you’re right they are super easy.
lisa nova says
funny you posted this today…i’m due next wednesday and i’ve been sewing burp cloths (both this style & the ones on cloth diapers), cloth baby wipes (also a square, just flannel & terry cloth), an infant car seat cover, and a car seat canopy this last week (including today).
Shelley says
Wow! You sound busy! And more talented than me! 🙂 Good Luck next week and congrats in advance!
Melissa says
I love these! They are so adorable. Thank you so much for sharing. I will be trying these soo as we are expecting a new baby!
Stephanie says
These are so cute! I too am not a seamstress by anymeans…growing up I remember trying to use my mom’s sewing machine to make scrunchies (I know that this dates me) and would ALWAYS break the needle before finishing them!
This Christmas I decided to have another try at sewing. Thanks to my wonderful Mother-In-Law she helped me gain confidence that I CAN sew! I made Grocery Bag Holders for all of our mom’s and sisters. http://www.makeitandloveit.blogspot.com/2009/01/grocery-bag-holder.html
I only used one piece of fabrick for the entire project because I didn’t trust myself. They LOVED IT! I even had one sister-in-law say that she thought it was bought. It was easy and basically was all in a straight line. :o)
So now with all of that confidence, I’m tempted to try this project out:
http://www.skiptomylou.wordpress.com/2007/04/25/on-a-roll/ and probably do what another she also did with adding a notebook to it: http://www.skiptomylou.org/2009/12/18/felt-crayon-holder/
And of course I can’t wait to try your idea too! Thanks!!
Rachel V says
My sewing abilities are just like yours. Give me a square and a straight stitch!
I have made burp cloths for my three past babies and nephews. I have made mine out of quilters flannel. They are so soft and wash up even softer each time.
My sister is now pregnant, so I will be making some more, but this time, I’m going to get some chenille!
Stephanie says
I am featuring this on my site next Monday! Come see yourself in the spotlight!
Caitlin says
SO adorable! I will definitely be making some for my little miss coming in March! 😉
Sew Crafty Meg says
Oh…. those are cutest burp cloths I have seen yet! I think I should make some up to have on had for those baby showers that always come around too. Thank you!
tiffany says
I would love to feature this on mypetitepurse.blogspot.com (the center for great gift ideas that don’t cost too much). It will fit perfectly! Thanks for sharing and keep the square sewing projects coming – those are my favorite!
Andrea says
These are so beautiful and I love giving homemade gifts. I have such a thing for Amy Butler fabric too! I just ordered some great fabrics to make some of these for a shower gift. Do you prewash your fabrics before you make these?
Shelley says
I think I have done them both ways! 😉 No rules here! 😉 -Pre washing is probably a good idea,…but I have done it without before too.
Andrea says
I finished mine this weekend and they came out great! thanks for the idea. I posted on my blog and linked back.
My biggest challenge was trying to cut them straight after prewashing. Overall I think they came out very cute and the chenille got super soft after I washed it. I am definately making these for baby gifts from now on. Thanks again.
Tracy says
Adorable! I agree, Amy Butler fabrics are awesome! Do you topstitch them? If not, it is easy peasy, gives a finished look and helps them not “slip” (for lack of a better word) when washing.
Heather says
Hi! These are beautiful and I went on fabric.com and ordered all the nec. items. I got the same chenille that you suggested and I prewashed to see if it would shed—and it DID! Terribly! From your experience with this fabric is this a one time deal or does it always shed so much each time the burpies are washed? Thanks for your help!
Shelley says
Just once!! They wash up nicely after the initial shed from cutting, then washing. 🙂 Hope that helps. I’d love to see pictures! We just added a HDS flickr group. We’d love if you added your pics there! Thanks Heather! 🙂
Annie says
Shelley, these are adorable! When you’re using them, which side should face up (for Baby to burp on) — the chenille side or the fabric side? Thanks!
Shelley says
The fuzzy chenille side! 🙂
Amber says
I love these!! I’m adding these to my list! Thanks for sharing
Penny says
Thanks for reposting this! I always just make mine out of flannel but these are gorgeous! I love the chenille idea! Thanks for the tip on fabric.com also. I live in Northern Ontario and we don’t have access to much when it comes to fabric.
.-= Penny´s last blog ..Button find! =-.
Lissa says
Thank You for re-posting this! My first little one is due a couple months and I admit I have left my burp cloth sewing until the very end, partly to find the cutest patterns and partly to make sure I had something to pass the time as the last few weeks creeeeeeeeeeeeeep on by. These are by far the cutest I’ve seen, and I have googled a LOT!
Laurel says
My babies go through burp cloths like . . . . I’m not sure, but they use a lot! These are so cute!
.-= Laurel´s last blog ..Grateful Sunday =-.
liz says
Love these! Thanks for sharing. I will be featuring you over at ziggycrafts.blogspot.com
Amy says
Love this idea! I have many baby showers coming up. This will be perfect!
Saw this on It’s So Very Cheri!
northern cottage says
I love love love these – they are simple (yeah) they are cute (yeah) they are useful (yeah) I can’t wait to see which of my friends has a baby next so I whip some up!!
Tiffany says
I love Michael Miller. I’m basing an entire birthday party around his dandy damask print! I’ll post pictures at http://www.thetastefulllife.com later!
.-= Tiffany´s last blog ..TasteFULL Launches Shop Our Closets! =-.
Alyssa says
Super cute. I HATE hand stitching with a passion, so I’d be inclined to just top stitch around the whole thing once it’s turned right side out and it would avoid the need to hand stitch the opening closed.
.-= Alyssa´s last blog ..Blue with Multi Dots Nursing Cover with Pocket =-.
Julie Goodson says
I’ve been doing this very thing for a while now—mostly for my own kiddos, but you’re right they do make great gifts! I should start stocking up on them too!!
Jen says
these fabric designs are so pretty!
Candace says
Thanks for the idea and easy-to-follow instructions! I love your blog!
Peggy Witter says
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I have two friends who are expecting and two who recently delivered plus a bunch at church who are expecting!! Now I have something to do with all the lovely fabric stacked up in our closet as well as the old flannel sheets which I cut down when the middle wore out. My husband will be so proud of me and we can even put some in the missions closet at church! Once again thank you!!
Jessica says
Thanks for yet another faboulous idea! I am a big fan of Fabric Finders, they have a large selection of tri-check gingham that is great for boys.
Kristen says
i made these burp cloths for a good friend of mine!! She had her baby at 21 weeks and it was very stressful time until he came home a few weeks ago. I wanted to make her something custom made and she absolutely loved these!!! I’ve never sewed before and this project was super easy!! Everyone should try it!!!!
Cameo says
This is SERIOUSLY ADORABLE!!! I don’t know how to sew but this post might actually make me try! 🙂
Lisa Malachinski says
I made some burp cloths out of cloth diapers where I put fabric in the center of the diaper. Sometimes I’d add a little ribbon or trim to the sides or top and bottome for some flair.
I will give this a try as I just got some remanents at Joann’s of the chennile.
Natalie says
Love this, and I am not much of a sewer but I think if I found a sewing machine I could do this 😉
megan @ whatmegansmaking says
What a good idea! These are so cute! Do you know if the material functions well as a burp cloth?
.-= megan @ whatmegansmaking´s last blog ..Chai Latte =-.
Rachel says
These are adorable! Too bad I just got back from JoAnn’s with supplies to make bibs for a baby shower I’m going to this weekend. Otherwise, I’d make these. Also a friend of mine did essentially the same thing, but instead of chenille, she used a piece of a store bought towel. From my spitting up infants, I know the towel material would be great.
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..Photo Shoot-Part 2 =-.
notyet100 says
thy look so good nd colourful
.-= notyet100´s last blog ..Cooking for Advay – pea rice topped with baked beans =-.
TidyMom says
Shelley these are GREAT!!! My daughter has a friend who’s due with her first baby early next year…..I am SO going to whip some of these up!! I LOVE it!! Thanks for linking up today too!!
janimal says
I clicked on here and thought “I’ve seen those pictures before. Hmmm” Then I read this was a repost. Ha! They really do look lovely. I have two places I love to buy fabric from, with great prices and selection, and are independent women small businesses. http://www.whipstitchfabrics.com and http://www.someartfabric.com
I have a tutorial on my website to make giftcard/business card holders. VERY simple and really just sewing rectangles together much like these burp cloths. Try it!
Suzanne says
What beautiful work! Love them, thank you for sharing your talent!
Katie says
Oh, I love your honesty. I too am “square-challenged”. I also love Amy Butler fabric! I think we’re kindred spirits. Thanks for sharing these lovely burp clothes!
Tammy Moore: Mama Bear Stamps says
These look fabulous! Love all those fabrics! 🙂
.-= Tammy Moore: Mama Bear Stamps´s last blog ..A slight diversion… =-.
mallory says
Hello! I am new to sewing and looking for simple projects, and I am completely IN LOVE with these burp cloths!! I love the fabric you picked, it’s absolutely perfect! I am looking at Amy Butlers fabric and I can’t find some of the ones that you used. Do you have the names of them by chance?? Sorry if this is a totally weird question 🙂 I am just too in love with them!
Shelley says
Let me do some research and I’ll email you as soon as I figure it out. 🙂
melinda says
me too! can I get the names?
Philippine Lotto Tips Forum · says
i love baby gifts and i love to give baby gifts to my baby and also the my sister’s baby ~**
stella says
SHELLY, wow this is a GREAT idea. When hearing about this i am wondered. i Love it.Thanks for sharing that.
Edward @ christening gifts says
They look cute and i like the design of fabric.
Very useful post.
Amanda says
Hello! I just wanted to let you know that I made a link to this page in my blog post today on my friend Katie’s blog, Feathers and Fingerprints! Thanks for inspiring me!
Rita Kontny says
I just made six of these darling burp cloths and am going out to buy more fabric. They are just the cutest and can’t wait to give them to my daughter who is having my first grandbaby in July! Thanks so much for the perfect quick project!!
Linda says
A little late to probably get an answer, and may be a dumb question (no such thing, right?)………. but what is it you have in the first picture that are holding them all together? :/
They are beautiful, and I too love Amy Butler fabric 🙂
Shelley says
Just ribbon and ric-rack 🙂 –And no, there is no such thing as a dumb question. 🙂
Kim Adams says
Do you wash your fabric first??? These are too cute!!
Shelley says
I didn’t! But I am sure you could 🙂
Alexandra says
Hi Shelly! This might be a silly question, but what type of fabric did you use for the patterned side? I was thinking of using flannel as I would for a burp cloth made from a cloth diaper…but it doesn’t look like you used flannel in the pictures! Thanks for your help. :]
Shelley says
I used a simple cotton fabric. I believe it was Amy Butler’s line. Hope that helps! 🙂
Rhonda says
I am so excited to find your site!! I love what you wrote above. It could have been me writing the same thing. My sewing skills are exactly the same.
I made some burp cloths yesterday and they turned out great. I went and bought some more cloth today.
Another idea: doll quilts. I’ve made some 18×18 inches.
Thank you!!
Shauna says
I’ve never sewn with chenille before, and am having a heck of a time with it getting super distorted from the cotton, even with copious pins! Any tips?
Tammy says
Question – on the minky fabric – there is nothing listed at the location you suggested. Does it go by another name? Forgive me, however I am new to sewing. Thanks.
Carol M says
love this idea and your post. It is amazing how far being able to stitch a square can take a girl. I am expecting my first grand baby so I am very excited to have a very handy gift to make. I also love love love Fabric.com. Wonderful people. Thanks for sharing!
Valeree says
I saw this on pinterest, and couldn’t wait to try it! I had some chenille that I got as a remnant at Joann’s, and a box of fat quarters that are of complimentary colors, and, as you say, vwalah! 3 of the cutest burp cloths you’ve ever seen!! Giving them as a shower gift to a co-worker, I think she’ll love them too! Thanks so much for sharing!! Oh, and I top-stiched around the whole cloth so I didn’t even have to hand stitch the opening closed!
Runt says
I have a question!!! I have been hearing EVERYWHERE that you can get chenille fabric at JoAnn’s but I went there yesterday and I couldn’t find it. Can you tell me where/what area I should look?? Thanks!!
Carla says
Too Cute!
Lindsay says
Can I just say that I LOVE YOU!!!!!! I recently started working from home and the downtime was boring me to death and I busted out my mom’s sewing machine, but quickly realized I CANNOT SEW!! Your square projects are making me all crafty!!!
Kellie says
I’m new to this whole homemade burp cloth thing but I’ve been a beginner sewer for awhile so I know I can do it. I saw someone’s comment that their chenille pilled the first time washing. Do you suggest washing the fabric first before working with it? Also, do any type of fabric work for this project? Not sure which type is best for the burp cloth: cotton or flannel.
Judy says
I use terry cloth, lots of new colors. I have seen minky ,but havn’t tried it yet.
Mrs.Nick says
You have gotten this old lady excited about making these wonderful sewing projects! Thanks for sharing. You’re a smart girl! Great ways of doing these shower gifts. You’ve explained it so well! Thank you!
Nicole S says
Oh my gosh, these are so pretty! My little brother (he’s 27, not really little. lol) and his wife are expecting their first baby and I want to make these in a fawn (baby deer) fabric. I’m just re-learning how to sew and I am pretty sure I can do this. Thanks so much for the directions!
Irina Johnson says
This is a wonderful post.
Teri says
These are so beautiful and great tutorial! I’m making burp cloths for my daughter and just love the fabrics! I wondered what the name/brand of the turquoise blue with the white flower outlined in gray is?