Car Themed Baby Shower
My sweet sister is expecting her first baby boy! This past week I helped throw her a car themed baby shower. I hope she loved it. I can hardly wait to meet the little stud muffin.
I’ve also got to share all these baby boy shower themes our friend Stephanie rounded up. Not a car fan? No problem – we have so got you covered, there’s something for everyone!
Can you believe I made those cookies?!! I can’t! I’ve been secretly pretending to be my idols: Bridget at Bake At 350 and Marian at Sweetopia. They are the sweetest gals who are MASTERS at royal icing and cookie making. If you want to learn, THEY are who you want to learn it from. I will admit, that picture was the BEST cookie I created. They took me WAY longer than expected {and I wanted to say a swear word by the time I was done with them}. After a good nights rest, I woke up and was pretty happy with my first attempts.
The car sandwiches were filled with chicken salad and cut with the same cookie cutter I used for the sugar cookies. And because I know that someone is going to ask, HERE is where I found the adorable vintage-like paper straws. Did you spot the Lemon Meringue Cupcakes I told you about last week?
I love babies. I love a good party. I love food.

TidyMom says
SHELLEY!!! Do you see me jumping up and down????? you did an AWESOME job on the cookies……..and ALL of it!!!!
I SOOO know what you mean, my cookies always look better the next day after I have time away from them! lol…..when you’re working on them you see every little mistake. Yours look FANTASTIC!!
.-= TidyMom´s last blog ..Chili’s Bar & Grill Review and $50 Giveaway =-.
Shelley says
Ah thanks Cheryl! That means a lot coming from you. I must admit,…it was my third TRY on these same cookies. I do two PRE-TRIALS that weren’t as successful. Royal icing is tricky!
Rebecca Carnicle says
I love what you did!! Your cookies were beautiful. My best friend with the last name of Carr is having a baby boy. The nursery will be “car” themed. Did you have coordinating invitations? I have been searching for car themed invites, but I can not find anything like I want. Thank you for your help
Shelley says
I just put something together really quick on photoshop. It was really nothing fancy. I’d bet you could find some adorable car invites on Etsy?
Kim says
I love both of those cookies ladies, too! The party is so cute – I love the straw tags – beep beep!
Kim @
party inspiration
Bonnie says
wow…. ADORABLE! WOW, again!
.-= Bonnie´s last blog ..a NEW life for an OLD basket! =-.
kara Jo says
thanks again sis! Love ya:)
bonnie says
wow… Amazing.
.-= bonnie´s last blog ..a NEW life for an OLD basket! =-.
bonnie says
sorry….I didn’t think it posted the first time, so I did it again. I don’t know how to delete the second comment. I think I should go back to bed!
.-= bonnie´s last blog ..a NEW life for an OLD basket! =-.
Beverly Pennington says
That is so cute and so sweet…of course I am sucker for vintage and homemade!
Brittany@twocrazycupcakes says
You did a great job! What a cute theme! My friend is having baby number 3 and it’s a girl! Hope I can throw her a shower as sweet as yours 🙂 And yes I agree those royal icing cookies are way harder than they look LOL! My first attempt was like a saturday night live skit!
.-= Brittany@twocrazycupcakes´s last blog ..Carnival Party…How to DIY =-.
Missy says
I knew you were good – but those cookies…I am AMAZED! Nice!
bridget {bake at 350} says
*sigh* This party is making me swoon! LOVE it!
.-= bridget {bake at 350}´s last blog ..Making Extra Cookies . . . Works For Me Wednesday =-.
Chris @ Celebrations At Home says
…And I love this party!! Every detail is perfectly adorable!
.-= Chris @ Celebrations At Home´s last blog ..Ladies Night Spa Table =-.
Jackie says
WOW Shelley!! Again, you are amazing. I LOVE the car theme. I will have to file that one away for future use!! And the cookies, they turned out sooooo cute! 🙂
Penny says
It was SUCH a CUTE party! I was so glad that I could be there. Everything tasted as good as it looked. And congratulations to the soon to be mother!
Crystal T. says
So cute! Love it! Just found your blog via Tatertots and Jello and love it!
Alice says
Absolutely adorable.
April Sears says
That is all so adorable! I almost wish I was having another baby so I could have a shower. I will definately use these ideas when my new neices and nephews start to arrive. Thanks for sharing!
Melissa says
Loving the cookies! Too cute! I love the new picture that you guys have on your emails, but you need to label it again so i know who is who! 😀 just an idea! 😀 Thanks for all the great ideas on your website!
.-= Melissa´s last blog ..Dryer Sheet Giveaway!!!! =-.
Wendi says
Super cute!! I love getting y’all’s e-mails–can’t wait to see what you’ve done now!
Charlene A. says
Such creativity and perseverance! I love those car cookies–sooo very sweet.
Marian (Sweetopia) says
Can I add a *squeal* here?
Too late; just did! Your beep beep cookies are squeal-worthy! Love them!
.-= Marian (Sweetopia)´s last blog ..Bonnie Gordon Cake Show 2010 =-.
Shelley says
I can’t believe I got comments from both of my baking idols! Thanks Marian and Bridget! 😉 You both totally made my day!
Lindsey {Bella Grace Party Designs} says
Those cookies REALLY are impressive! Nice job!
pamela ponder says
really cute, love those cookies
.-= pamela ponder´s last blog ..MY SON GOT AN AWARD FOR BEING A GREAT CITIZEN!! (helping a lady from a pitt bull attack =-.
Tina Wright says
I am so not faking when I say those cookie & everything else is soooooo Cute!
I don’t have the patience for that type of thing so I am so impressed by those of you who make amazing things like that. =)
leardonsbelle says
THose cookies are great! What a beautiful baby shower!
pye squire says
WOW the cookies are really really GOOD
in all seriousness they do look really good
Linda says
I love Volkswagens, so love these cookies!! Cutest things I have ever seen and wish I was that talented.
Dana says
They look professional!
Amber says
What a cute theme! Your cookies turned out amazing and the straws were a fun touch. I really like that you cut the finger sandwiches with the car cookie cutter. Fun addition!
Linda Duralia says
I love the the car cookies. They are adorable. Where did you find the cookie cutter?
Shelley says
Hobby Lobby! 🙂
Angelica says
Awesome! The cars look great ~ I LOVE the cookies! What a great idea, and a wonderful change from the hum drum baby stuff!
.-= Angelica´s last blog ..A Few New Ideas =-.
joanne says
waay cute! those cookies put the pedal to the metal!
Debbie J. says
Seriously….those cookies look fabulous! Never would have known they took you FOR. EV. ER. Loved everything!
Mel says
You are too funny. The cookies are FABULOUS with a capital F. They look like they were time consuming. Thanks for sharing.
Jenna Hilgers says
NO wonder they took forever…. they are fantabulous!!!!
Tina says
Awesome work!! Lovw those cookies and the theme!!
Joleen Haag says
Those cookies are the cutest ever!!! The car theme is awesome too.
.-= Joleen Haag´s last blog ..Snowing =-.
Tanya says
HOW ADORABLE! The cookies came out way too cute! Love it all!
.-= Tanya´s last blog ..Adorable Airplane Party =-.
ALyssa says
Those are fantastic! No faking required- you did a really great job, too bad my boys are a bit ollder you caould do a 1st or 2nd bday with this too!. Thanks for sharing.
Andrea says
Wow. I can see why they took you forever to make. But how cute and they look so professional! (Are you taking orders??) Just kidding! You probably never want to see frosted cookies again, right? 🙂
Young Wife says
What a great shower!
.-= Young Wife´s last blog ..Book Review – The Money Answer Book =-.
genevieve lebel says
“Fake like you’re impressed”???!!!! Are you serious?! Your cookies are GOR-GEOUS! OMG! They’re stunning, love the colors, the packaging… EVERYTHING ROCKS!!!!
.-= genevieve lebel´s last blog ..Yes, Packaging Matters! =-.
Natalie says
LOVE the tiered tray! Where is it from?
grey umbrella says
it looks like two cake stands to me. and i agree, they are adorable!
.-= grey umbrella´s last blog ..meatless meal :: tortilla casserole =-.
Shelley says
It wasn’t mine so I’m not sure where it is from. I borrowed it. I think it was two cake stand though. 🙂
grey umbrella says
fabulous pictures and party. thanks for sharing this great idea!
.-= grey umbrella´s last blog ..meatless meal :: tortilla casserole =-.
Alison says
Hello! I featured this adorable baby shower as part of a Baby Week ideas roundup. I love a good baby boy shower! You can check it out here:
Thanks for the inspiration!
.-= Alison´s last blog ..Wednesday’s Wowzers: More baby inspiration =-.
Lara says
ok shelley.. i gotta ask. I’ve been looking at several cookie decorating sites. The two included on this post. And I want to know your favorite recipes. Favorite recipe for sugar cookies and favorite recipe for royal icing! I really want to learn how to do amazing cookies like you!
.-= Lara´s last blog ..Bubble Oodles =-.
Miller says
Shelley. You did a great job on everything. Are you able to provide a picture of how the entire baby shower set up was? I ma trying to find baby shower beep beep decor, but I am having no luck. Anything you can provide will be great. Thanks
Shelley says
I wish I did! I’m sorry, I was so rushed that day, and all the pictures I have are posted here. 🙁 I’d love to see your party once it’s pulled together! 🙂 How Fun! Good Luck with it.
Jennifer says
Hi Shelley, the cookies look great! In fact someone has asked if I would make them for their baby shower. I was wonderIng if you could tell me which order you did the colors. I see why you had a tough time getting it!!! Ps love the blog!! So glad I found it!
Shelley says
Hi Jennifer. I did the light blue main part of the car first and let it dry. Then I did the white window. Lastly, I did the dark blue wheels. Then I place a white circle on the wheels. Whew. 🙂 Catch all that?
Vicki says
Wow you did a great job!! Love the cookies going to borrow your idea for a car themed baby shower I’m having for a good friend in a few weeks. What did you use for frosting the cookies to get such great detail, and not have it blend in together? Thanks for your help and ideas 🙂
Shelley says
Thanks Vicki! 🙂 I used royal icing. You can see more details here: Hope that helps! 🙂