You know the saying “Kill two birds, with one stone” ? That is how I feel about couples costumes. Not only are they clever and fun, but it also equals less work. SCORE!
Here are 8 costumes you will be “dying” to wear this Halloween that can get to you in 3 days flat. aaahhh… I love Amazon.
Everybody loves this couple. You can’t go wrong with this costume.
What goes better together than these two things?! nothing. If you have a little one you could maybe even add this costume to make it the perfect match.
SNL Spartan skit (Greg & Arianna)
This has to be my favorite couples costume. If you don’t know what skit this is.. you can see it here. It is a classic, and sure to get a ton of laughs.
Salt & Pepper
for the couple who isn’t that into dressing up, but also doesn’t want to be a party pooper.
great costume for some good clean fun 😉 I’ve seen the girl part worn with leggings as well and it is super adorable.
Witch & side-kick
Hehe… Just make sure his shirt gets locked away until next Halloween ;). (Wouldn’t want that to be his only clean shirt on parent teacher conference day).
AAAH! My very favorite television couple (please get back together).
A classic. maybe even for a funny twist he could be red.
Don’t eat all of your kids candy. 😉
Happy Halloween,
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