You know those women who walk with a pep in every step? Who seem to have this whole mom thing down and always have a smile on their face? You’re probably that type of hot mama, but just as a friendly reminder, we’ve observed all kinds of confident mamas and there are some things they all have in common. So, without further ado, here are 5 things confident mamas do differently!
5 Things Confident Mamas Do Differently
1. Don’t compare themselves to other women.
Confident mamas feel no need to compare themselves to other women—not the PTA president, not the domestic goddess next door, not the smoldering best friend, and not the successful entrepreneur. A confident mama is comfortable in her own skin and loves herself inside and out. A woman confident in herself is genuinely happy for the successes of others. Her confidence radiates from the inside out and that’s why she always looks so happy.
2. Don’t feel mom guilt. 
Mom guilt is the feeling that you should be doing more, doing better. You’re already rivaling a worker ant with the things you accomplish in a 24-hour period—laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning, chauffeuring, counseling, mediating, etc. Mom guilt is that nasty little devil on your shoulder dismissing those feats and chiding that you should be able to do more…like so-and-so who knits glorious afghans in her spare time, or what’s-her-name who is training for a body building competition.
Confident mamas have learned not to listen to that devil. Confident mamas don’t get caught up in mom guilt. Instead, they realize that doing their best is totally sufficient. They know that if their family is well-fed and well-loved, the other stuff can fall by the wayside or come later.
3. Listen to their gut.
Confident mamas never second-guess their gut feelings. If a situation seems sketchy, a confident mama will listen to that warning and get her little ducklings to safety. If it doesn’t feel right to let your child go over to a peer’s house, a confident mama will listen to her gut, stand tall, and say “No.”
4. Sweat it out.

It is a scientific fact that exercise is good for the body. Regular exercise boosts energy, releases “happy” endorphins, and gives you curves in all the right places. One thing that confident mamas are doing differently…getting regular exercise. They are doing yoga, speed-walking the dog, doing cross-fit, and running with kids in tow. That mama who holds her head high and seems like she could lift mountains probably can!
5. Laugh.
Unsavory situations happen to moms all the time. Diaper blowouts on your favorite shirt, yogurt smears in your hair, finding boogers on your shirt, showing up to parent-teacher conference in your sweats. A confident mama can laugh anything off. She doesn’t sweat the small stuff and is able to laugh off her mistakes (like the time she belted out the wrong words to “I Will Survive” at Karaoke night!).
So here’s to all you confident mamas out there, showing the world what’s up one strut at a time! You go girl.
We love to share ideas and thoughts that have worked well for us, especially where parenting is concerned! After all, we’re all in this together, right? Here are a few of our favorite tips and tricks for parenting that you might enjoy:
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Heather says
Donna says
Love tulle skirt in No. 5. Any idea where I could find one?
Nicolette says
I love it too! The picture comes from this post:
Maybe it says there:)
Nathalie Dumais says
Wow, this post is really made for me! Thank you!! I begin my holiday summer today and I will stick to it for the next week. The guilt make me crazy and I do have to change my way of thinking. I’m a mama of three childrens and even in my work (I am en elementary teacher) I feel guilt because I always compare myself to others. I always have a non satisfaction of myself and I critisism me. Continue your nice work, you are helping me in my personnal life!!!
Sorry for my english, I am a french canadian!
Nathalie Dumais