18 Summer Activities for Kids to Do Under $5
It’s a great time of year in our parts, the sun is shining, the days are longer and the kids are having a blast being outside digging in the dirt. In case you’re in need of a few more fun ideas that don’t cost much, I’ve found some great ideas to keep the kids busy and having fun! Hope you can use them too!
1. These twirling ribbons are perfect for those little ones who like to pretend they are princesses! Your little ones can head outdoors and twirl all summer long!
2. Make a rainbow ice tower for some extra cool fun!
3. Just a few toothpicks and marshmallows and the kids will have a ball making amazing sculptures!
4. “Blow up” summer boredom with these fun volcano experiments!
5. Some inexpensive rain gutters make this a summertime hit!
6. What an easy and creative way to make finger puppets!
7. These garden fairies are a fun way for kids to enjoy nature!
8. Let the kids help with yard work. Not only does this help the yard look better, it’s fun family time!
9. Just a few bucks for snacks and a little preparation and you’ve got yourself a fun drive in movie!
10. My kids have made these sponge bombs before at grandma’s house and just love them!
11. Spend time outside rounding up twigs to make this fairy bed!
12. Don’t these frozen popsicle chalks look like so much fun! (Just don’t let the kids eat them!)
13. Summer is more fun when you’re wearing tie-dye t-shirts! Learn how to make them here!
14. Find odds and ends at your house and make your own obstacle course. (currently my kids are outside doing this very thing with the chairs and the slide!)
15. Kids love to finger paint, but what about that mess? In these warm summer months, there’s nothing better than when they can take those messy activities outside. 😉
16. These marshmallow shooters are so much fun! We’ve had some epic battles with the ones at our house!
17. A neighborhood scavenger hunt would keep the kids busy for a few minutes! Free printable found here!
18. This salt painting is a great sensory activity! Once again move this outdoors for less clean up! Yes!
Have fun making those great summer memories!
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