30 Family Dinner Questions #2
Here are questions that encourage family talk! We believe in families and we know the power of getting to know each other better. We’ve created another 30 questions that you put in a jar. It doesn’t need to be a fancy jar {see above}. Each night at dinner time pull out one question and read it to the family. Some are silly and some are serious. Get to know each other better and smile as you create memories with your loved ones!
Click here for the pdf form of: Family Dinner Questions#2
Melissa says
Hi Alison, I just wanted to correct you on the last question. Our eyes actually DO grow slightly after birth. My son has an eye disorder and we have seen an eye specialist since he was 4 months old where each visit his eye is examined; and yes it does grow. Love the questions, they are on my table already.
Alison says
Thanks Melissa!
Kelley says
We loved the last set of quesitons… can wait to give these a try.
Meghan says
This is great. It’s nice having “getting to know you” questions even of those we already know (and love) so well. There’s allways something new to discover about someone.
[email protected] says
Great idea! Dinnertime is so important. Thanks for posting. I’ve added a link.
April Driggers says
Thanks so much for these! We have something from a company I hosted a party for and it’s called “Conversation Starters”… these are much more kid friendly and fun though! I think we’ll start a new jar too!
Betsy says
I’d likethe chickabug printables for this idea, but I’m already a subscriber; did I miss my chance to download them? If not, please tell me how. Thanks!