A good holiday is one spent among people whose notions of time are vaguer than yours. ~John B. Priestly
Summer break is ALL about time, isn’t it? And who’s notion of time is vaguer than our child’s? To them, it may seem as though time stands still, like they have all of the time in the world to waste playing, laughing, creating. We know that time speeds up as we get older, and it seems as though we just can’t fit everything in in just 24 hours. So, the KEY to EVERYONE enjoying their summer is making sure that the time spent together is QUALITY time. Spending time sharing together, getting to know each other, laughing together, and learning to love each other more deeply. We are sharing just 7 simple ways to spend some quality time together this summer. What are your favorites?
1. Alison knows that meal time is a ready-made excuse to STOP, SIT, and BE together! She shares a fabulous way to get the most out of these precious meal times – and REALLY get to know one another. This is so fun. Find out all about these Family Dinner Questions by checking out the links below. You can download your own copies of some questions to get you started π
2. We all have the urge to create within us – in one form or another π I promise…it’s in all of us. Spend some time creating something beautiful, then sharing it! Hold your own family art show! Invite friends and neighbors to come and admire your child’s work(s) of art. It will be an event to remember! Alison shares one fun idea for some unique artwork that your children will love:
3. Long-distance relationships deserve some quality time, too! Shelley shares some fun ideas for some long-distance “dates” with loved ones who live far away. Your children AND your loved ones will appreciate this quality time together.
Long Distance Date With Grandparents
4. Alison shares a great idea that allows you to spend EXTRA time together! First, use her recipe to make your OWN sidewalk chalk (so fun), then spend time together sprucing up your sidewalks with some bright and vibrant pictures!
5.Being lazy in front of your TV set can be tempting, and a good relaxing movie night is well-deserved! That doesn’t mean it can’t be QUALITY time together. Check out Amy W.’s fun ideas for a movie night your kids will never forget. Just put a little extra thought into it and your children will be over the moon excited about movie night!
6. Want to spend some time outdoors? Of course you do! Alison shares how to make some bubble blowers that will blow your mind! We’re not interested in those wimpy little bubbles…only SERIOUS bubble blowers need apply here π Parent supervision required…remember, this is about TOGETHER time π
7. This is my personal favorite. Caley shows us how to use our cameras to go on a photo scavenger hunt unlike any other! Go hunting around your home, yard, or neighborhood to find pieces of architecture or nature that create the shapes of letters. Help your children spell their names, their friends’ names, or even their school! The sky is the limit!
We all have a laundry list that needs our attention, and that doesn’t change just because summer has arrived. But in the end, we won’t remember what chores we did, or how much work we accomplished. We’ll remember those quality times spent together. So invest your energy into fitting in those quality times together this summer. You’ll never regret doing it! Happy summer!
{{We’re linking up to THESE parties! Thanks for hosting ladies!}}
Caley says
Love these ideas!! Thanks for your sweet note about my photo scavenger hunt idea. It’s a pretty fun one I must say! π
Carrie says
Love it! I’m doing this tomorrow night at dinner. Kids will LOVE It! π
Michelle says
Great ideas as always! Our motto this summer is to do/experience things we haven’t done before. The photo scavenger hunt is going on our list for sure π
kelly@ glitter says
I love the Family art show!! Thank you for sharing.. and it is an honor that you joined the Running with GLitter Link Party!
Carrie says
Thanks so much for these questions! I came from Homeschool freebie of the Day site. I was just TODAY going to ask my DH to come up with some questions for us to use at the supper table. I would love to have some good discussions and increase my kids speaking and critical thinking skills. I am thankful that God used you to provide these for us!! Blessings to you!