I had one of those light bulb moments that you never forget when I was introduced to the concept behind Kathryn Thompson’s, Drops of Awesome. If you haven’t read this post yet, click over HERE now and read it. I’ll wait for you.
What did you think? Amazing right? You can see why this post went absolutely VIRAL! I could go on and on about how much I love it..the concept, the writing style, the personality…but since you read it, you know for yourself. So I will just share with you the good news…
Drops of Awesome is now in book form!
It is a place full of #dropsofawesome wisdom where you can record all of your own awesome. And just for us, Kathryn is giving away a signed copy!…along with a fun Drops of Awesome bracelet. See bottom of post to enter. *GIVEAWAY CLOSED*
I jumped the gun and already purchased a copy for myself and I LOVE it!! This book is a MUST have in everyone’s library which makes it the perfect gift for everyone you know. If you know me and you have a birthday coming up and you are reading this, now you know what you are getting. :)…be excited.
I was jumping up and down the day I received word back that Kathryn (after a bit of my stalking her) said she would write for HowDoesShe. We are so lucky to have her talent on our blog each month!! You can read all of her posts, here. Or catch her on her own blog, here.
And the book is a no brainer. You can get it here.
I love how Kathryn ends her post,
“Small and simple. Tiny drops. Go forth. Be awesome.”
What drop of awesome have you done today?
We are going easy and old school on this one.
3 Ways to Enter:
Be sure each entry is in a separate comment!
1. Go read the drops of awesome post. Then come back and tell us your favorite part in a comment.
2. Leave a comment telling us one drop of awesome you did today.
3. Head over here and read the customer reviews. What book gets ALL 5 stars? Amazing. Then come back and comment telling me you did it.
*Giveaway CLOSED, congrats Sheridan!*
Kristi C says
How neat, I need to remember to celebrate the joys of the day, not the should of……
Karen says
Looks like a beautiful book-about not being so hard on ourselves and living in the present moment.Wonderful how the book got all 5 stars.If I don’t win the book-I’ll have to buy it for sure.I have 6 kids,today I got the kids off to school.
Linda says
We do have a tendency to focus on the negatives rather than the positives. The review makes you remember to think of all of the positives you do each day.
Linda says
It’s still early but I’m going to feed the dogs breakfast soon so they will be very happy. and, I left the Keurig on so my DIL can have a cup of coffee without waiting.
Linda says
Drops of Awesome gets 5 stars! great reviews.
Heather Siani says
I love how she said that you can’t take away from the awesomeness.
Heather Siani says
I washed all of the dishes right after breakfast!
Heather Siani says
Did it!
Carol says
My favorite part of the book is when she has that first epiphany walking home from the bus stop. I sometimes think that same way. I was good to see how someone else turned it around .
Carol says
Why shouldn’t this book get 5 stars? It’s a great book and I can’t wait to get one.
Monica B says
1. My favorite part of the post is focusing on the things you can do and accomplish instead of the things you can’t.
2. Talking to my daughter on the ride to school in the morning instead of listening to the radio.
3. Awesome reviews!! I hope I can write my own one day. 🙂
stephanie says
“They don’t define you and you can change this very instant”
stephanie says
One drop of awesome…mailing samples of oils to family.
stephanie says
I read reviews! Can’t wait to read the book!
Loretta says
I love that she points out that we should be giving ourselves props for the little things (like putting a bra on!) instead of focusing on all the times we didn’t do that thing. I’m certainly used to doing this, so it’s nice to see all those “little” things as drops of awesome 🙂
Sarah says
1. Love the idea of staying positive throughout the day. I often make a list of the stuff I’ve done rather than a todo list that visibly slaps me in the face with all that I haven’t accomplished throughout the day.
2. I just sat down to read this and had to chuckle. My awesomeness today was tucking both my kids in bed tonight with the words “I think you’re awesome, God thinks you’re awesome, all your friends and family think you’re awesome!” Now, how awesomely ironic is that? 🙂
3. Great job on this book and major props for the 5 star reviews!
Angela S. says
I told my son how much I appreciated him for all he does
Angela S. says
I read the reviews, it sounds awesome
Dezi A says
Love the story about her son. Something I totally do with my boys- dismiss something great I’m doing cause I’m not always like that. Super inspiring!
Dezi A says
I made an amazing dinner for my family! 🙂
Dezi A says
Love the reviews! Totally adding the book to my wish list!
Kathryn Murakami says
My favorite part of the Drops of Awesome blog post was when she poured water from the pitcher and taught those girls about atonement. Beautiful. 🙂
Kathryn Murakami says
One drop of awesome for me today is I got up before my alarm. 🙂
Kathryn Murakami says
I read the reviews on amazon and I have to say that I was a little (only a very tiny bit, mind you because I can see where they might be coming from) upset at some of the people saying to “get this for your mothers and sisters but it’s not really for men” but then I was very happy to see that at least two men commented saying they loved it and got something out of it.
Also, after reading those reviews, I feel inspired to get back into my blog which I have been putting off for WELL over a month (maybe two), so another Drop of Awesome for me! 🙂
Molly B says
What a wonderful concept! I just read the post about it, and this line stuck out to me: “In the end, it’s really about allowing yourself to feel joy and allowing yourself to be proud of the small victories of life.” LOVE IT!
Molly B says
Drop of awesome already today: I woke up right away when my alarm went off! I am someone who wakes up on time! Yay me!
Molly B says
Wow! What wonderful comments over at Amazon! I’m thinking this might be a good gift for some friends!
Amy Marlowe says
I love the prospective change she has. She decides to stop pointing out the negative and instead focus on the small drops of awesome. We all should try to do this more. We focus so much on the negative when there’s a lot of positive things that are much healthier for us to focus on. Great post.
Katie says
oh goodness, for a recovering perfectionist, Drop of Awesome is, well, awesome. Love the focus on the small and the simple, but also the idea that every bit counts.
Katie says
Read the reviews! I’m hooked!
Linda Fuller says
My favorite line in the blog was: “In the end, it’s really about allowing yourself to feel joy and allowing yourself to be proud of the small victories of life.” The reality is the glass is half empty most of the time in my life as a means of feeling joy when situations are good and joyous. Many call me too serious and I need to embrace these words: ” allowing myself to feel joy and proud of the small victories of life”
Linda Fuller says
My one drop of awesomeness is that each day on my Facebook account in November I am thanking one of my friends for being my ‘awesome’ friend.
Linda Fuller says
5 star reviews! We all need the inspiring reminders to be awesome and allow ourselves the opportunity to appreciate first ourselves and others.
Leslie D says
Can’t wait to own it! I went to the Amazon site, must be really that AWESOME for it to have 5 stars! 😉
Leslie D says
Today I went to my monthly prenatal dr appointment. As I was waiting in the lobby to get called for some labs, I heard the person in the front desk struggling to communicate with an elderly couple who didn’t speak English. So I came right away asked of they needed help since I’m very fluent in Spanish. I was so grateful to be there at the right time to help them communicate with each other. =)
tsmith says
I just love how it’s focus is on all the little positive things we do each day. I spend so much time focusing on the could have would have should have moments in life that the little glimpses of awesomeness get overlooked and forgotten. Definitely need to remember this!
tsmith says
I hugged my kids and told them that I was proud of them.
tsmith says
I read the reviews and I think I will be bringing this book up at our next book club meeting.
Brandy says
I love the Drops Of Awesome post. I used it as part of a talk in church over a year ago! I live the reminder that our drops are only added upon. The reassurance that when we have bad days and slip ups it doesn’t discount our previous awesome-ness.
Brandy says
One of my awesome drops today was doing my hair. With a new baby it doesn’t happen often. :/
Cheryl says
I believe in a God who loves us and roots for us and cheers for every Drop of Awesome we can manage. Our victories are his victories.
sheridan says
I loved in the post how everything awesome we do is a drop, and that can certainly add up, but that Christ’s atonement is a pitcher and it makes up the difference. Amazing!
sheridan says
My drop of awesome for today was getting all my homework done for this week. Graduation can’t come any sooner!
Cheryl says
I listened and talked to a family member with serious health problems.
sheridan says
I read Drops of Awesome Amazon reviews, and it makes me excited for the chance to win this book!
Casie Lanham says
I loved the blog post. I work 8 hours a day and sometimes feel like I rush and don’t have time for my kids….. But I get them ready every morning,they are dressed, loved and happy I’m doing something right. I needed to read this today… There are joys in every day.
Casie Lanham says
Today I made a difference in a child’s life I am a teacher and teach special education. I showed them love and compassion they sometimes don’t get at home.
Lisa says
I just love this idea. My favorite part is the author sharing the verse. I am not, but my family is Mormon and I am so encouraged by her faith. Thank you.
Cheryl says
The world can sometimes seem like a negative place to be in. However each of us can make a difference by how we treat and serve others. Drop of Awesome is a wonderful way to realize our own individual worth and then share this message and this book with our family, friends and others that cross our paths.
Heather says
My favorite part that sums it up is
In the end, it’s really about allowing yourself to feel joy and allowing yourself to be proud of the small victories of life. Simplistic!!!
Heather says
My drop of awesome today was being there for my son when he left for a leadership conference which I changed my work schedule to make it!
Heather says
5 STARS!!!! Many people were moved by this book!! With reading all of those one must get the book!
Bridget says
With four kiddos, the walking to school bus really hit me. I have been working on giving each of my kids that mommy time and with a new baby, I beat myself up that I’m not that great mom. I love the “awesomeness” idea. I will be using that from now on……..It’s the little things and being in the moment that they will remember!
Bridget says
I gave my 5 year old……4 random hugs today! He was so giddy….he was eating up my drops of awesomeness!!
Tamara says
Love this line
In the end, it’s really about allowing yourself to feel joy and allowing yourself to be proud of the small victories of life
Tamara says
Today for really no reason at all I picked my kids up from school and took them out for ice cream and we sat and just chatted about their day
Tamara says
Wow 5 stars is incredible, I think I just found a couple gifts for the holiday season.
Crystal Sandifer says
My drop of awesome today: I work as a service coordinator at an elderly and disabled independent living residence. Two of my residents needed housekeeping services to help them maintain their independent living status. I just so happened to find and refer them to a non profit organization that provides monthly housekeeping services free of charge! I was pretty stoked and felt extremely awesome! 🙂
Nancy says
What an uplifting blog. Can’t wait to read the book. Focusing on the positive things instead of the negative.
Kristie says
I love the whole story. I gave this in a church class lesson
Boramy says
Instead of staying home all day I wrnt out and enjoyed. A nice day with my son 🙂 and I still got the house cleaned
Kristie says
I helped a handicapped girl with a project
Kristie says
I read the 5 star comments for this 5 star book!!!
Michelle crisp says
My favorite portion of the article was the Sunday school lesson. How amazing that when we are down on ourselves Christ does not depend on us going about life alone. Love the idea and hope to implement. Thanks
Alicia Szkapi says
I like the realization that you can always be the exact person that you want to be. Just to have that realization that you can begin again, just by saying okay I may not have had the best day yesterday, or I may have dropped the ball on these things, but I can pick it up and add more drops into my bucket, because I am awesome.
Kristin says
Such a beautiful review! The line that really spoke to me was the idea that in the drops of awesome, she became the person that she wanted to be. That’s a very powerful idea.
Melissa Hamilton says
1.) I love how she states every positive things adds up to a drop of awesome, and that can’t be taken away!
2.) Today, I drove all my littles to school rather then them riding the bus!
3.) wonderful reviews! I hope to leave one soon!
Kristin says
Today’s drop of awesome: saying “yes” when my oldest child asked for a friend to come over for a spontaneous play date and dinner.
connie says
i took soup to an old friend, her husband is in the hospital for an extended stay and it isn’t fun cooking for only one!
Kristin says
After reading the reviews, I definitely need this book—and it’s going on my gifts-to-give list, too.
Jennifer says
She is so right about the negative talk! Despite occasionally noticing I can be hard on myself, I’ve never stepped back and noticed, I critique where I think I fail as a mom, wife, etc. when I should be praising the good I”m doing now. I want to buy this for myself and my friends!
Aimie says
My favorite part was the object lesson that she did! Inspirational!
Aimie says
One of my drops of awesome for today is that I got all dressed in my winter clothes and went outside to play with my kids in the snow!
Aimie says
I read all the reviews for Drops of Awesome: The You’re-More-Awesome-Than-You-Think Journal
Tonya Kockx says
I loved the blog post. Her style of inner monologue is so relatable…back and forth – as moms, as women…very relatable!
Tonya Kockx says
Woo hoo! 5 stars for Drops of Awesome!!
Tonya Kockx says
Today I didn’t yell or lose my temper with my kids once!!
Nancy P. says
I loved the part that says, “You don’t lose drops for every misstep. You can only build. You can only fill.” I held lots of strange little hands today=awesome drops!!. I did all 3, good luck everyone!!
Amy Jane Maciel says
1) My favorite part is when she said to herself: “Do not rob yourself of this moment’s joy because of what you failed to do yesterday or what you fear you might not do tomorrow.” This started me thinking of all the times I do something good while beating myself up for all the times I haven’t been perfect.
2) My favorite drop of awesome today was having one on one time playing playdoh with my oldest daughter “just us” after school, letting other things wait like dinner. We played for a couple hours and it was so much fun and relaxing and the best drop of awesome of the day!❤️
3) Drops of Awesome: The You’re-More-Awesome-Than-You-Think Journal
sandy Lockey says
my favorite part in her post as her realization hat she did many awesome things!
sandy Lockey says
I made my husbands lunch for him to take to work today. There’s no cafeteria where he works. He has diabetes and has to take food with him everyday.
sandy Lockey says
I read all the reviews on Amazon and certainly hope I win!
Brittany says
I love the reminder that we should not compare yesterday’s or tomorrow’s drops to today!
Brittany says
Today I went and picked up backpacks at home and took them to my kids that forgot them, instead of making them go without.
Brittany says
I read the reviews! I really would love to win! I have a sweet friend who used this post as part of a devotional at a primary presidency meeting. I would definitely give it to her if I won. That would allow me to add a big, fat drop of awesome to my bucket (and heart)!
Jori says
Love the reminder to focus on and celebrate the positives in each day <3
Jori says
Read the reviews. Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!
Jori says
I sat outside and looked at the stars and held my weepy, emotional 12 year old daughter. She told me she was so glad I was her best friend.
Night made.
Brandi B. says
I love the part where we can’t take away from the bowl of awesomeness….we can only fill it!! It’s so true, us moms are so hard on ourselves sometimes…enough of that! I can’t wait to read this book and start filling my own bowl with drops of awesomeness!
Brandi B. says
I took my youngest son out to lunch today, he is 12 and we don’t get that time with just he and I because I have five children.. I tried talking myself out of spending the money and we really didn’t have much time for that today but I’m so glad I did take him out because he just kept going on and on about how special this mom and son lunch is! He is growing up so fast….my drop of awesome was taking him out today..and I will do that more often before he gets too busy with his friends when he’s older! 🙂
Brandi B. says
I read the reviews…This book deserves five stars! I only read the post about the book but alot of it is stuff that I had running through my mind at one time or another. This book looks like it will be the awesome encouragement that alot of us mommies need!
Brooke Newman says
I love that she emphasized the importance of focusing on your successes not failures. It’s so easy to beat yourself up for the things you didn’t do but if you focus on your successes, other successes soon follow.
Brooke Newman says
I let my two-year-old go down the toy isle and push every button on every toy that had a button. Super annoying (sorry everyone near that isle when we were there) and something I was about to pull him away from but he was so excited. He even came home and the first thing he did was tell his daddy all about it. It made his day which definitely added to mine.
Brooke Newman says
Great reviews! This book is going on my wish list for Christmas!
Laura dixon says
The reviews are fantastic…..my drop of awesomeness was dancing around the kitchen with the kids….singing as if no one was watching! Lol
Jessica V says
My favorite part is focusing on the positives not the negatives. Even though sometimes very hard to do but this book is a inspiration.
My drop of awesome today was taking the. Not so good news I received. About my newborn and trying to turn I not a positive knowing that his condition. Could go away and knowing that right now he is gaining weight even through his breathing issues .
And giving my 3 year old some extra love and hugs now that his baby brother is here. .
Love that the book got 5 stars and love the reviews in amazon!
Ruthie says
I loved this total breakthrough as usual we always see the bad first… “As I added up these Drops of Awesome, I found that in those moments I actually became the person I had always wanted to be.”
“I believe in a God who loves us and roots for us and cheers for every Drop of Awesome we can manage. Our victories are His victories and He wants us to feel joy. Not later, when we no longer make mistakes, but right now.”
How amazing is this! Love it celebrating joy instead of bashing ourselves. Can’t take from the awesomeness!
Ruthie says
Having a jam out session in the car with my kids favorite music!!
Ruthie says
Great reviews I totally need a copy!!
Wendy says
I try my absolute best to perpetually reassure and build up my children and my husband on a daily basis and tell them how awesome THEY are, so why don’t I do that for myself? I love the scripture at the end of the post.. “small and simple” things bring about great things.. and I need to refocus on my small and simple daily wins and not beat myself up for the insignificant losses.
Stephanie Wilkinson says
I loved it all!!!
Stephanie Wilkinson says
Woke up and read an amazing post that made me realize that I am being a good mom, even though I feel like the worst because I am either working or working on my masters. I feel like I have little time with my kids.
Stephanie Wilkinson says
Read the reviews and can’t wait to have a copy!! This will definite be on my Christmas list! Thank you!
Amy says
I read the reviews. Added to my wishlist.
Tammy says
Wonderful read. Wow, now I need to get motivated one drop at a time! I definitely need/want this book.
Tammy says
Love reading all the reviews…Can’t wait to get my hands on this book.
Tammy says
It’s time for me to get off FB and get my day started. Thanks for the motivation. The kids and I are spending the day together…It’s going to be one big drop of awesome!
Rs Mom says
I read this post a lot time ago. Thanks for the nudge to read it again!
Rs Mom says
I went to amazon and read the reviews. Looks amazing! I like the first line of the blurb ‘If you aren’t rooting for yourself, who will?’
Rs Mom says
It’s early, but my drop of awesome was getting out of bed “early” even though I was up coughing much of the night to see DD1 off to school (on Saturday!)
Karin says
I’m so excited for this book. I have loved drops of awesome since she first wrote about it. I would love the book because from what I read, I might be more successful in remembering the awesome things I do every day.
Karin says
My drops of awesome for the day: ignoring my sink of dishes and recognising my 6 year old was in need of some mom time. So we cuddled up on the couch together with a blanket and a book together.
Karin says
I love how she reminds us that we don’t need to be the best of the best. That we just need to rejoice in the small things. Even Even on those days that I put myself in time out, I am recognizing my limits and taking care of me.
Karen says
Did it 🙂
Living with a chronic illness means just getting out of bed today is my drop of awesome. Love this book
Karen says
Did it 🙂
Living with a chronic illness means just getting out of bed today is my drop of awesome. Love this book
Lynn says
I love how the Drops of Awesome thoughts bring energy!!! How wonderful it is to turn a negative into a positive! Thank you!
eileen marie says
I related so much to this post! I seem to beat myself up for all of my missteps, but never congratulate myself when I add a drop of awesome.
eileen marie says
My drop of awesome today -I emptied & reloaded the dishwasher then brushed the dogs’ teeth (don’t laugh). And now I’m grading papers to try to get ahead. It was hard to resist the urge to beat myself up for what I DIDN’T do.
eileen marie says
Wow! Rave reviews -all 5 stars! This makes me more eager about this book!
Sadie says
Drops of Awesome – positive and awesome book!! 5 stars. I will buy it for sure. It’s right up my alley.
Instead of yelling at my kids to do their chores, I took their little hands and helped them do each one.
Stephanie L. says
Love this…it is always a nice reminder as I think we are our own worse critics. I love the visual analogy with the teens and the Atonement pitcher. My favorite line in the post was “And we live and we love and we repent when we do wrong and we allow ourselves to be glorious, beautiful, and dare I say perfect in Christ, children of God.”
Stephanie L. says
My drop of awesome today was sending a letter to a friend whose daughter was terribly hurt by a trusted friend. Letting her know she was not alone & she can reach out to me for help anytime.
I also just read the reviews on Amazon. I can’t wait to read this book!
Audra says
What an inspiring book! I can’t wait to read it! I like how the author noticed that she needed a way to increase her happiness and notice the good things she was doing!
Dianna Collins says
The part where she holds magoos hand and how it was pure. Remembering that we should take and love each moment and not race to the next milestone. They will come. Just enjoy the moment
Dianna Collins says
One drop of awesome was taking my kids for a drive and letting them tell me “left or right”. It was a fun game to see where we ended up.
Shay says
My favorite part of the drops of awesome post:
Small and simple. Tiny drops. Getting my awesome on today! Great post!
Jodi beck says
I love sharing the idea of not overflowing but the atonement will come in and help. I needed this post I have had back surgery and struggled with weight and depression. Thinking I am a failure. Need to take little steps
Shay says
One drop of awesome I did today:
Worked with my daughter and her two mini horses in the freezing cold. I am very cold natured and the last thing I wanted to do was be outside but the amazing thing was that I was with my daughter and the cold didn’t matter!
candy says
You don’t lose drops for every misstep. You can only build. You can only fill.!! and 5 stars i would expect no less! it’s a beautiful concept!
Lisa says
I really enjoy when she talks about her object lesson and how the girls were worried. I love the idea of the second bowl and the atonement
Lisa says
my drop of awesome happened early this morning when my son was telling me about a toy he is excited about and I got excited too! (even if I’m not into pokemon!)
Lisa says
read the comments, I can’t wait to read it too!
Chelsea says
I loved that she pointed out how simply we are able to overlook our successes (or drops of awesome) or disguise them as failures.
Chelsea says
Today, I accomplished a daunting school task before noon!
Chelsea says
I read the reviews! I am on board with buying one of these for everyone in my family for Christmas!
april Lentkowski says
I loved the idea of taking each good thing, no matter how small it is, and it literally being a “drop” to be happy about. Those drops add up! As a military wife, avid photographer, crafter, and mom of three…sometimes I get down about how I didn’t get everything done today. I didn’t clean the breakfast rush up before rushing out three door to catch three “golden hour” of the morning with my camera. Or I didn’t return a missed call. Or I didn’t make the bed until 3pm. Or I didn’t volunteer at one of my husbands unit events.
But then I think of how I got that perfect shot with my camera, or that I dropped a card off in the mail for the missed caller three day before. Or how the bed was made before I went to bed and that I sprayed lavender sleep mist on three pillows because I remembered because it was nearly bedtime. Or the young Marine without a car, walking in the rain on base that I gave a ride to. And I started thinking…my day wasn’t a bucket full of awesomeness that was flowing freely from a running faucet, and that’s ok. It’s ok…because that bucket is filling, with drops of awesomeness.
Wow. Thank you for making me realize that I can’t have a broken spigot overfliwing my bucket with awesomeness all day, and that those drops really do add up and mean something!
Pam says
When we are in a relationship with Christ, striving as God’s sons and daughters to do His will, He pours more into our buckets than we can ever hope to imagine.
Pam says
I actually got my floor mopped and clothes folded.
Pam says
I liked the idea one reviewer had for a teenage version of the journal.
Jenn says
My favourite quote from the blog post:
“As I added up these Drops of Awesome, I found that in those moments I actually became the person I had always wanted to be.”
I struggle constantly with negative thoughts. I have bad anxiety and that doesn’t help it either. I would love a copy of this book because I feel from the blog post that the author and myself have a bit in common and as I was reading, I kept saying “yep me too.. Yep me too..”
I finished making 2 Christmas presents, one for each of my sisters in law. Drop of awesome!!
Book rating 5 stars, done! 🙂
Best of luck to everyone hoping to win! 🙂
Sarah says
My favorite part was this:
When we are in a relationship with Christ, striving as God’s sons and daughters to do His will, He pours more into our buckets than we can ever hope to imagine. He can fill us to overflowing with peace, with joy, with perfection, with Awesome. And then what do we do if our bucket is overflowing like that? Where does the Awesome go then?
I pulled out an identical bowl, twice the size of the original. Our capacity for joy and light increases. And we just keep working, one tiny drop at a time. And we don’t compare today’s drops to yesterday’s or tomorrow’s. And we live and we love and we repent when we do wrong and we allow ourselves to be glorious, beautiful, and dare I say perfect in Christ, children of God.
Sarah says
My drop of awesome today was watching some Bible videos with my kids before church.
Sarah says
Read the comments!
Teresa says
My drop of awesome I did today is that I smiled at everyone who crossed my path! 🙂
Laurie says
“In the end, it’s really about allowing yourself to feel joy and allowing yourself to be proud of the small victories of life.” We truly are the keepers of our own joy. We have to allow it in. We have to allow Christ in. We have to allow ourselves to accept his gift of forgiveness. And we have to ALLOW others to share it…one tiny drop of awesome at a time…. I need this journal. I don’t allow nearly enough in my own life. Thanks for sharing. <3
Laurie says
My drop of awesome today: Cleaning the kitchen. That should be a whole bucket of drops I think!!
Laurie says
I read the reviews and it just makes me want the journal even more. It is amazing how so simple of a concept can light a fire under people. Kathryn should be very proud of this work.
Jet says
I love this reminder that we can do things one step at a time so it’s not so overwhelming! ‘I can quickly and immediately feel like I’m making progress with just a tiny drop.
Melissa says
Love this idea!! Celebrating our little bits of awesomeness can have such a profound effect on us!!
Lori says
i loved the Drops of Awesome post. I loved the part about walking her son to the bus stop. Although my son is now a grown man. I remember having those same feelings of guilt right smack in the middle of an awesome moment. This was so refreshing.
Jet says
I read the reviews. I liked the suggestion for a teen edition.
Kimberly says
My favorite part was Kathryn talking about walking her son to the bus stop, I never realized what walking my 11 year old daughter to the bus every morning may mean to her and how much it means to me to have that 5 to 10 minutes each morning of time alone with her. I often let the days stresses get to me and forget to cherish these moments in life that make me an awesome mom.
Lori says
My drop of awesome today was getting my workout in early!!!
I read the reviews on this book and Thankful Heart. Will be ordering both for myself and gifts if I dont win!!!!
Jet says
I just took 3 minutes to clean off the computer desk and then I got a drink of water– for those 3 minutes I was a healthy and organized person.
Marissa says
Love this idea. Definitely need to focus on the good more than the bad. Today I took my daughter to school, and already have supper on the stove. Yeah for me!
Liddy says
My favorite parts of the blog post:
“You may have done these things or have a hard time with them but they don’t define you and you can change this very instant. You may not think you can change permanently but you can change the next choice you make..”
“You made the right choice once. And in that moment you were the person you want to be and that is a triumph.”
Tamara B says
I read the reviews and the book sounds , well, Awesome! I would love to win a coy!
Liddy says
In spite of feeling down and inadequate today, I went grocery shopping and bought the ingredients for a meal my family loves (Halftime Chili), and I’m about to start a double batch of it simmering on the stove. My Drop of Awesome: In spite of how inadequate I feel, I am getting supper on the table for my family tonight…I am NOT inadequate…I am ADEQUATE!
Jet says
I would love to win this book for my struggling MIL. I try to help her but this book makes me realize it really is up to her to be happy. Nothing I do will ever really help if she is not changing her own thoughts.
Liddy says
I went and read the reviews on Amazon. Seeing how highly the book is rated makes me really want to read it! 🙂
Tia says
There were a couple of parts I liked about the Drops of Awesome post.
“These things are lies, depending on the next decision you make, the next Drop of Awesome you put in your bucket. You may have done these things or have a hard time with them but they don’t define you and you can change this very instant. You may not think you can change permanently but you can change the next choice you make. And as you change that one next tiny choice, you may think, I got this one Drop of Awesome but I may never be able to get another one again.”
“When we are in a relationship with Christ, striving as God’s sons and daughters to do His will, He pours more into our buckets than we can ever hope to imagine. He can fill us to overflowing with peace, with joy, with perfection, with Awesome. And then what do we do if our bucket is overflowing like that? Where does the Awesome go then?”
This made me think about all the times I’ve beat myself up because I didn’t feel like I was being a good mother. I have to leave for work super early in the morning and so I don’t see my kids until the afternoon. My loving husband makes sure the kids get to school/daycare okay and I get to pick them up in the afternoon and sometimes I feel like I miss so much. I try to forget the house at times just so that I can spend more time with my 2 year old, but it gets hard. This made me re-think about how I evaluate myself as a mother and wife.
Tia says
My drop of awesome happened this morning. I made sure all of the forms my 12 year old needed for Beta club was filled out and waiting for her (along with the dues that was due). I also made sure that the clothes for my 2 year old was laid out so my husband knew what he was to dress him in, I also had the diapers, washed blankets, check, and food that was needed at daycare (we have a special diet that requires us to provide food at daycare). I’ve got a couple of drops of awesome in my bucket so far 😀
Tia says
I read the customer reviews for this journal at Amazon 😀
Aimee Majdpub says
As someone in recovery for an eating disorder, we focus too much on the large things in life rather than the tiny things that make up the big picture. One praise to yourself a day is huge but sometimes we are to out-and-about to realize them. This book does just that, it makes you realize the small things.
Kelly says
Really great post! I love the part about the Savior & His atonement making up for any lack of drops in our buckets!!
Katharine Graham says
I can’t express how much I can relate to this. I am beating myself up all the time because I feel like I can’t do as much as a stay at home mom, or can’t afford things like the other parents in his school I try to hard, but yet still feel like I’m lacking. Realizing that I can fill up a glass with my own drops of awesomeness really made me smile.
TraciS says
Love what she says about finding joy right now and not being perfect all at once – “I believe in a God who loves us and roots for us and cheers for every Drop of Awesome we can manage. Our victories are His victories and He wants us to feel joy. Not later, when we no longer make mistakes, but right now”
Kristi D says
My favorite part about the post is the overall message. I always feel like I am the only one who feels like they are not doing a good enough job as a mom. I am and have always been my own worst critic. I beat myself up all the time over the little things I did wrong and hardly focus on the good things. It brings me a sense of relief to know that I am not the only one who thinks this way. I can not wait to get a copy of Drops Of Awesome and start changing the way I think about myself.
TraciS says
My drop of awesome was to make lunch for my friend as she was running late.
TraciS says
Drops of Awesome
Kristi D says
My drop of awesome today was buying a just because package of candy for my neighbor/friend.
Robin Santos says
That moment you had when you were walking home from the bus stop. I have those daily. That was my favorite part of the blog. I find myself finding all the things I didn’t do right or enough of and what will my children remember when they get older. I am so glad to know that I am not alone and those negative moments do not define me as a mother or wife or friend. I just need to keep track of my drops of awesomeness!
Robin Santos says
I loved reading the reviews and comments about the book. It’s nice to know that there are more people feeling the same way. It looks like a great read!
Mc says
“I believe in a God who loves us and roots for us and cheers for every Drop of Awesome we can manage. Our victories are His victories and He wants us to feel joy. Not later, when we no longer make mistakes, but right now.”
Mc says
Great reviews read!
Deb Gale says
I liked this quote. . You may not think you can change permanently but you can change the next choice you make.
One baby step at a time.
I got groceries and put them all away instead of waiting a few days for the nonpersihables.
Deb Gale says
Drops Of Awesome got 5 stars!!!
Annie says
I tend to beat myself up and tell myself mistruths much like the post expressed. I’m a crap mom. But as I read on this line stuck out to me: You made the right choice once. And in that moment you were the person you want to be and that is a triumph. …In that moment. …This evening I cuddled up next to my 11yo daughter with some super delicious-y rich hot chocolate and mega-stuffed oreos while we laughed at some AFV reruns. Fleeting moments, but a drop of awesome achieved in that moment. …Reading through the book reviews, it’s encouraging to see how Kathryn has reached into the hearts and minds of so many other women out there that need to feel awesome.
Tanisha C says
I loved the whole post! It really makes me think about my day to day living and how hard I am on myself at times. I need to stop doing that and look at the positive things I do all day…..my drops of awesome and I’m sure they will build faster than the negative.
Loni says
“I wore a bra and brushed my teeth before schlepping it up that hill. Two Fat Drops of Awesome!”….AMEN!
Loni says
My drop of awesome today was getting up at 6:30 and walking the dog 3 miles in 18 degree weather!
Jessica clayson says
Favorite part of article: don’t wait to be happy and to celebrate small victories
Jessica clayson says
Took our kids to family reading night at our local library and got down on the floor to really play with them while we were there
Jessica clayson says
Read the reviews. Now I really want this book! 🙂
Fayth says
I have read the comments and I am very excited about this journal. My drops of awesome was taking time out to listen to a friend who needs a shoulder to cry on not worrying about how many other things I had to just giving them yhe time tgey need
Laura Bezuidenhout says
I loved this part of the drops of awesome post::
This started me thinking of all the times I do something good while beating myself up for all the times I haven’t been perfect.
Can totally relate!!!
Laura Bezuidenhout says
My drop of awesomeness today:
I gave away all my maternity clothes to a pregnant lady a lot less fortunate than I am! I was holding on to them for memories or who knows what but I knew it would mean a lot to her and she would get so much use from them instead of keeping them in a box at the top of my cupboard xxx
Laura Bezuidenhout says
Wow loved the reviews and can’t wait to win one of these journals!!!!! 🙂
I especially liked this comment in the review by Ryno:
There is no need to assume that what you do accomplish, no matter how small, is insignificant or unimportant.
Awesome xxxxx
ERinn S says
i need this book! I’m so quick to ruin my own day of awesome over one tiny thought the creeps into my mind. Ahhh! I want this book!!
Diane says
My favorite part was helping us all realize the little things DO matter. We arent perfect, we arent meant to be. It’s tough and we beat ourselves up. I can’t wait to get a chance to read this book…I bet it helps with SAD!
Diane says
Read the reviews…even those made me tear up! So excited for this!
Diane says
Today I wrote out my Christmas cards. That counts, yes?? As a drop of awesome!
loving how you CAN do and be awesome everyday!!!
Kari says
My favorite part, “You do not need to wait three months to be who you want to be.” 🙂
Kari says
Drop of awesome today: volunteered at my daughter’s school 🙂
Kari says
And, that is quite a few drops of awesome reviews on her amazon page!
Katie Burt says
Read the reviews. We all need help to focus on the positive.
Katie Burt says
Drop of awesome for today: got my son to school without losing my patience, even though I slept in.
Katie Burt says
“Kathryn. What is wrong with you? You are being an awesome mom in this moment. Your child is happy. You are loving him and caring for him. He’s well fed and dressed. You’re walking to the bus stop in the early morning and you’re already wearing a bra for heck’s sake. Do not rob yourself of this moment’s joy because of what you failed to do yesterday or what you fear you might not do tomorrow.” I love this! It really is the little things.
stacy m says
I got the fridge cleaned out!
Misty says
The reviews were great! I can’t wait to read this book!
Misty says
I took extra time to make my children’s lunch notes extra special!
Misty says
The best part of the post was when she talked about her don holding her hand 🙂
Stephanie L says
5 stars WOW!!!
Peggy says
I love that the author reminds us that Christ is with us every step of the way.
Peggy says
My drop of awesomeness is inviting both of my grandchildren to spend the afternoon with me.
Peggy says
Five stars! I did it!
Shannon H says
So relate to all of it, as im told those negative things by other’s who never see anything good either. I need to focus on the good parts more, they happen often!
Shannon H says
My drops of awesome were playing in the dark with little one after he hugged and kissed boo boo he had just given me!
Shannon H says
Drops of awesome was 5☆ book!
Erika says
I love that the author made the decision to make this her mindset and celebrate small victories. Too often I find myself wondering how some people are just so positive and happy… It’s nothing but a choice, not chance! Love it.
Erika says
Today I shared a cup of hot chocolate and snuggles with my youngest in the middle of the day- with no tv, phone, computer… just the 2 of us.
Darce says
I’ve been thinking a lot about how to be happy and how to reinforce the positive thoughts I have, rather than the negative. I LOVE the focus on positivity, and that by acting on the positive thoughts it builds additional positivity! So wise!
Erika says
Drops of Awesome gets 5 stars!! Looking forward to my inner critic giving me 5 stars for awesomeness.
Darce says
When I put my teenage daughter to bed, I sat on the side of her bed and just listened to whatever she wanted to talk about–no judging, no teaching, no “being a mom”, just listening and being interested. She asked if I’d do it again tomorrow.
Maretta says
“And we just keep working, one tiny drop at a time. And we don’t compare today’s drops to yesterday’s or tomorrow’s.” I love this! It reminds me that every moment and every day doesn’t need to be perfect, but I just need to keep trying to do better every day!
Maretta says
One drop of awesome from today was helping my friend. She recently broke up with her fiance and has moved into her own place. I took her to my favorite thrift store and she was able to find a popcorn popper, a milkshake maker and some gifts for her kids!
Kelly says
I shared the Drops of Awesome post with my class (of #alted / #atrisk teens) a few weeks ago. They — on their own — started pointing out ‘drops of awesome’ that happen in our class, at our school, and in their lives. It’s such a welcome to change to hear a little pride in their voices as they discuss their lives. Our school (which is punitive) has been looking for a way to recognize small moments of success and my class decided we should have a bulletin board noting the ‘drops of awesome’ going on. Make an “A” on a test? Drop of Awesome! Go one week without an absence? Drop of Awesome!
Maretta says
So cool! Glad it’s got 5 stars and I’d love to win one of my own!
Kelly says
I checked out the reviews — and put it on my Amazon wish list. [crossing fingers]
Theresa says
I love the whole concept of the drops of awesome and the fact it emphasizes the positive in life. I also love the kid’s name is Magoo.
Theresa says
Our clogging group did a show for the residents at the nursing home. They really love it when we come. We will be busy all next month doing our Christmas shows.
Theresa says
Went to the link saw that the Drops of Awesome: The You’re-More-Awesome-Than-You-Think Journal Paperback did get a 5 star rating.
Lori M says
Thinking of the positive and negating the negative. Good Vibes!!
Sarah says
I love the image of the bowl overflowing and bring out a larger bowl because capacity for awesomeness can increase!
Ellen Crawley says
I just read the original post about Drops of Awesomeness.I love being reminded that every day, every moment is a new chance to be awesome and that God fills that bowl or bucket or whatever to overflowing, if we let Him.
Ellen Crawley says
My drop of awesomeness today was that I spent the day with my Mom, just being there with her. I had a ton of things to do but I knew she wanted me there and I wanted to be there.
Ellen Crawley says
I just read the customer reviews on Drops of Awesome. Looks like this might end up in a few friends and family member’s stockings! Thanks for bringing this to your blog and sharing with us.
Susan Carroll says
Two fat Drops of Awesome for putting on a bra and brushing your teeth before you walked to the busstop!
Well earned!
After I read this original post, I awarded Drops of Awesome to those around me and on the internet. Love the whole idea. We all need a little encouragement for what we do. Thanks, Big Fat Drops of Awesome for you!
Anne-Marie S. says
My favorite part of the blog is where is says “In the end, it’s really about allowing yourself to feel joy and allowing yourself to be proud of the small victories of life.” Just a good reminder to always find joy in life no matter the circumstances.
Alex says
Live in present!! Love it!
Alex says
just read customer reviews…LOVE!
Emily says
I love that it says every time you do something good, something kind, something productive, it’s a drop in your Bucket of Awesome. This is great!
Ariel says
I enjoyed the post – I always tell my son when he doesn’t have good behaviors for the day at school, “We get to start all over again tomorrow and make better choices”. He thrives on that and appreciates the chance to try again. The best part, he’s 4 in Dec! My drop of awesome was giving him a kiss as I left him at school and he replied I love you, too, mommy!
Julie Lawson says
I am constantly telling my daughter that the thoughts on repeat in our heads determine our outlook and how we feel about ourselves. This book is a must read for my 13 year old twins! I love it. We all beat ourselves up on a daily basis. Looks like a great read.
Jorgee says
To focus on each simple joy – may favorite take away from the blog
Jmuclgina says
Lately, with our current daycare facility and issues surrounding one of my custodial grandchildren, It’s a good day if I wake up and can get out of bed without bursting into tears. Today was one of those good days.
Jorgee says
My drop of awesome, was fixing my husbands lunch, packing his lunch, and making his coffee for him. I do it everyday, but took extra joy in it today because he came to me and specificly expressed this thankfulness for all i do for him
Jeanne says
My favorite part was: “Every time you do something good, something kind, something productive, it’s a drop in your Bucket of Awesome.”
As far as something awesome I did today, I burned a cd for my teenage daughter before driving her to school this morning in the snow! AND she wasn’t late for once! 🙂
Jeanne says
I read a few of the reviews and I hope I get picked to be the winner!!
Kim says
The Drops of Awesome post is exactly what I needed today. Thank you! I had the same experience with my seven year old son holding my hand in a store a couple weeks ago. It made my heart so happy. I even wrote about it in my gratitude journal. It is crazy how normal it is to enjoy the moment and then so quickly turn to the negative. Being a working mom is hard, but there is a lot of unnoticed awesome too. I plan on paying more attention to my awesome drops and not to the negative. Thanks!
Kim says
I was patient while helping my emotional four year old put on her tights. Drop of Awesome. BAM!
Kim says
I read the reviews. I can imagine them to all be true. I enjoyed her writing style so much. Kathryn writes like she is speaking to a friend. I’d love to win her book. I have a hunch I’ll love it enough to buy more as gifts. 🙂
Jorgee says
I read the amazon reviews and they have me even more excited about this!
Pam Compton says
I love the idea of filling my bucket with drops of awesome! So much of the time I worry about what I haven’t done instead of focusing on what I HAVE done. And as women, we do A LOT every day!
Pam Compton says
Today I helped fill my bucket by bringing a new wrist key holder to my co-worker because hers broke.
Pam Compton says
Drops of Awesome–5 stars–WOW! Can’t wait to read it!
RZG123 says
I loved the line: “And in that moment you were the person you want to be and that is a triumph. “
RZG123 says
I helped my daughter have awesome hair for “Crazy Hair Day” before I left for work, instead of running around frantically trying to get out the door like I usually do!
RZG123 says
From the reviews, this seems like a great book…this may end up on my Christmas list!
Susie says
The reviews of this book are amazing! I am inspired just reading the reviews. This is a must-have for me, and it couldn’t come at a better time in my life. Can’t wait to win (or buy) the book!
Angie. F says
Just read the amazon peek for the book. Super enlightening! I really need to get this book. I’m a hard critic on myself.
Angie. F says
My drop: wow..this is hard. I ate carrots when I didn’t want to because I needed to eat a vegetable.
Angie. F says
Read the reviews and am more excited to hopefully win this book. 🙂
Gabriela says
I like how you were awesome for putting on your bra and brushing your teeth, Sometimes its the little things. Thanks for helping me look at the positive.