I was at my wits end.
I have been parenting for 22 years. I have 5 children. I have read A LOT of parenting books… and listened to A LOT of parenting podcasts…and attended numerous parenting classes.
But I was not prepared.
The melt downs, outbursts, and negative talk that came from all the heightened emotions present in our son, diagnosed on the autism spectrum, had me second guessing every parenting book I ever read. Because none of it was working.
So we dug in more, read more & listened more. And while all this helped some, we still felt like we were just continually trying to put out fires.
Then our prayers were answered.
My husband found Crystal through a podcast, and after a brief conversation with her, we signed up for coaching. The paradigm shift we experienced through working with her has not only worked wonders in our parenting game, it has spilled over and been a HUGE blessing in EVERY ONE of our relationships.
We love what we learned so much, we even hired her to come speak to us at our campsite on our recent family vacation, close to where she lives in Canada, so our children could learn, first hand, from her.

I still have a lot of practice to do in implementing everything I have learned. But I am ok with that. I feel peace because I have the knowledge and tools to work through all the hard, which happens far less frequently now.
Crystal offers private coaching sessions,
what my husband and I did and LOVED, but she also offers
It teaches most of the information we learned through coaching and is geared towards tweens/teens to do as a family. It is a course I wish every family would take together. In fact, I wish I could make this mandatory learning in schools and before you get roommates, or get married, or have children, or enter into any relationship of any kind.
And the fun news is….
All of her products and coaching services are
marked down 30% through the end of the week!
I can’t think of a better, more rewarding, more important, more lasting gift for your family, than the knowledge you will gain together as a family in this course, or through any of her programs or coaching.
I hope it will help your family, like it has ours.

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