A cute high school boy in my neighborhood was over visiting a few nights ago. He was getting ready to ask a ‘special girl’ to the Homecoming Dance. Do you remember how exciting those days were?! We were helping him brainstorm creative ideas to ask to dances. Then it dawned on me, I needed to ask YOU! I know you’ve got a bajillion ideas up your sleeves! Oh I’m so excited for the results of this post. I can’t wait to have a database of creative ideas to ask to dances, propose, etc. So let’s have it. Okay, okay, I’ll go first…
You’ll need a cantaloupe and some whipped cream. {You always need something messy in projects like this, right?}Clean out the center, then add whipped cream and a note saying “Since we ‘Can’t-Elope’ will you go to Homecoming with me?”
Put the melon back together, place it on her doorstep, ding-dong, and ditch.
“Ew, what’s this” She’ll say…
So super cute. And the best part? It tastes good too! 🙂
Now I just so happened to hear of a girl who was asked this very way. Her response….PRICELESS!
I love hearing about this sort of stuff. Do you have teenage children who are asking or have been asked to dances in a fun way? How about you? It was just YESTERDAY that we were all there, right? {I swear it was yesterday,..it sure feels like it}. 😉 Or, how about the BIG ONE? How did your sweetie propose? Have you heard of an idea that melts your heart? I’m begging for participation here. Who wants to bet that we will have 16 year old boys googling our site in no time? 🙂 Let’s hear it.
Corie @ Red Letter Rising says
Messy but cute!
.-= Corie @ Red Letter Rising´s last blog ..Photo Challenge- Brown =-.
Lynn from For Love or Funny says
Maybe he can send her a small bouquet with a note that says “Want to go to the dance with me?”
.-= Lynn from For Love or Funny´s last blog ..What is your hidden talent =-.
Shelley says
The old fashioned way always has some charm too, huh? 🙂
Jacque Charwood says
Those are adorable!! I hope he knows this girl well tho, cos I think if I found that, I would have chucked it right in the bin! LOL
I will have to share how my husband proposed to me. It wasn’t exactly sweet and romantic in the traditional way, but it was super funny and cute!
We’d been talking about getting married for some time, so, we knew we were GOING to get married, we just didn’t know WHEN we were going to get married, or where. We were at the mall one day, which is a rarity in and of itself, and I said “You know, it’s getting close for Christmas sales to start, lets go look at jewelry. At the very least I can show you what I like, that way, when you DO pick my ring, I’m not going to hate it.” (Said jokingly) He, being the typical Marine that he is, “Ugh! Can’t I just get you the top from a soda bottle or something?!” Me, laughingly “No! I want a big ol FAT diamond that will put someones eye out with sparkle!” (He knew I really wanted the opposite). We walk into my FAVORITE store, which is having a FANTASTIC sale and start looking at rings. I find a tiny little ring with about 1/3 princess cut stone and took a look. He wants to see something bigger… and bigger… and finally, I have a 3 stone ring with 3 diamonds on each side total is 1k! I was in love with it… and so was he. It came time for financing, and he was literally sweating! I knew it wouldn’t be a problem and everything was fine.
When it came time for him to ask me, I thought he would NEVER ask! Then one night, he crawled into bed, looked at me, gave me a big kiss, and said “I know that I’m not the biggest romantic in the world, and I know that I probably could have planned something big and extravagant, but then you would know what was coming! I wanted to ask you when I caught you off guard, when you are the most beautiful to me. My whole life (we were both 28) I’ve waited for someone like you to come along and show me what it was like to really love someone and be loved in return. I want that feeling for the rest of my life.” And he popped out the ring, I started crying and hugged him. Then of course he has to add “So… are you gonna put this ring on or do I need to take it back to the store?!” LOL It was perfect for us, for him.
.-= Jacque Charwood´s last blog ..whisper Have you heard what her hobby is! Weirdo! =-.
Jen says
My teen son has done some great birthday gifts if you have a category for that.
He sealed cash in a freezer ziploc then froze it inside a block of ice. The gift was ‘cold, hard cash’.
He gave his girlfriend a can of nuts with a card that said ‘I’m nuts about you.’
He taped fresh, brand new bills end to end along with a few papers cut the to the size & shape of the bills. It made a very long strip & then he rolled them up. The roll went inside a box with a slit in the side. The roll had paper taped to the end & this stuck out the slit with a tab that said ‘pull here’. As they pulled the roll of bills out, they read a poem written on the papers. It was really fun.
Ashley says
I know this is about asking people to prom, but I have a fun story to share about how my cousin got her first car for her birthday. Her and a few friends went out to eat and to see a movie, and when they were walking back, they passed in front of the parked car. When they were passing in front of it, a police officer came up and said “your car’s in an illegal parking zone, I’m going to have to write you a ticket” and my cousin said “no this isnt my car” but the police officer kept it going saying “don’t u lie to me, I know this is your car!” and she kept saying “no it’s really not I swear this isn’t my car!” the whole time they were fighting the police officer kept writing the ticket, and finally after a few minutes, she handed her the ticket and said “this IS your car!” and the ticket said “happy birthday sweetie! – mom and dad” and then the police officer threw her the keys. Then her parents, who had been hiding around the corner videoing the whole thing came out and surprised her. It was a fun way to receive her first car!
Kate says
I have so many, I don’t even know where to start.
1. I decorated a guys room with cut out stars and said something like “Our fate is in the stars, will you go to the dance with me”. He looked at each and every star, but my name was actually spelled out in glow in the dark stars on his ceiling (got his mom’s permission).
2. To answer, got a bunch of helium pink ballons and put pig faces on them. Put them all in a box and left a note that said “I’ll go to the dance with you when pigs fly”. This almost back fired because the guy was so upset by the note, he didn’t open the box to let the “pigs fly”, until I called and told him to open the box. Could possibly alter this to ask.
3. I got a whole bunch of fortune cookies and said “I would consider myself fortuneate if you would go to the dance with me” and stuck my name in one of the cookies.
4. Got a bowl of Swedish fish and a note that said “Of all the fish in the sea, you are the only one for me. Will you go to the dance with me”. The guy dug through the fish forever looking for my name, I showed up later holding a goldfish.
Annie says
Please don’t ‘snicker’ when I ‘pop’ the question. “Will you go to the dance with me?” Snickers candy bars with helium balloons. Pop the balloons to find the name or letters of the name.
“Me and You make a good combination. Will you go to the dance with me?” A mailbox locked with a combination lock given with a paper with hundreds of different combinations.
Erin says
Here’s one I heard of once that sounded kind of fun:
Decorate under her bed. Lots of confetti, balloons, flowers, whatever… and a note asking her to the dance. And then, set an alarm clock to go off at, like, 3am.
Or, the old standby: A trail of Hershey’s kisses from the door to her bedroom… ‘Now that I’ve kissed the ground you walk on, will you go to the dance with me?’
Kate says
These ones involved boyfriends, so they were a little more work and I don’t know how they would go over with “just anyone”.
5. My boyfriend got 11 garbage bags of shredded paper (his mom worked for the state) and filled my car while I was at work. In the bottom of my car was a present with his name in it (I was less than pleased about the mess). To get back at him I got 10 pounds of M&Ms (the big peanut ones) and took three and wrote “Y-E-S” but I also grabbed 2 and put “N” on them (just to freak him out). He spent a week looking on the front and back of every single one. He finally gave up and asked my answer after his family ate a bunch.
6. Another boyfriend sent me on a scavenger hunt during school. He got a deck of playing cards and took out all the hearts cards. He put a rose, a heart playing card, and a note with a poem and instructions of where to go next for each card in 12 different classrooms (with permission from the teachers). At the end he was holding the Ace of Hearts card with another dozen roses and a group of guys from the show choir there to sing “Unchained Melody”. Since I had inturupted 12 classes and was walking around with 2 dozen roses, I was quite a sight, but it was pretty awesome.
7. Another guy got a whole bunch of ballons and filled them with paper and put them in my room. I had to pop dozens of balloons and looks on tons of paper to find his name.
8. Another time a guy got 10 bags of hugs and kisses and scattered them all over my room (my mom approved ahead of time). His name was on the bottom of one of the kisses.
Devony says
So many great ones to share:
1. My friend and I got TONS of shredded paper (the long kind, not the confetti kind – we weren’t THAT mean!) and put it everywhere in her dates room. In his shoes, his pillowcase, his bed, etc. In all of the mess she his a card asking him to go to the dance with her.
2. Get a bag of hersheys kisses and scatter them in a path in their house to the shower. Then leave a rose and a note saying, “I’ll shower you with kisses if you’ll go to the dance with me!”
3. A note on cereal “Be my Lucky Charm at the dance this weekend?”
4. Put some pears and a bottle of honey in a basket. “We’d make the perfect pair at the dance. Will you be my honey?”
DE says
Love these ideas!
Place some “sticky buns” in the back of a toy truck. Attach note that says, “I’d love to haul your buns to the dance”
Give a box of Honeycomb cereal with a note saying, “Honey comb your hair and let’s go to the dance!” Put name inside box.
Phannie says
When I was in High School I took a dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts with a note that said, “I would go Nuts if you would go to the dance with me.”
He responded with a box of donut holes and said, “I wouldn’t be ‘whole’ if I didn’t go with you.”
Jennifer says
I used the “Golden Ticket” from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I made up a golden ticket asking him to the dance and wrapped it around a caramilk bar.
Brenda says
I was working at a law firm when one of my little brothers was in High School. To ask a girl to one of the dances, I created an official lookings summons. I had the plaintiff as the girl he was asking and I put my brother as the judge. The summons said that she was requested to appear before the Honorable Judge (Name of person asking) on the date and time of the dance. My brother then had a Police Officer deliver it to her door one evening.
Now, I grew up in a small town where you pretty much know everybody, so of course we knew the police officers and it was easy to ask one of them to do it.
Story Lady says
This has already been mentioned, but I was sent on a scavenger hunt once and I LOVED it! It was so much fun!
A few years ago, a cute boy in our high school asked his girl friend to prom by filling a Wheelbarrow full of Little Debbie’s Honey Buns. He put it in front of the school (or in the front lobby, can’t remember which) with a big sign that said something along the lines of “Ashley, be my Honey Bun at Prom.”
All of the girls just DIED over it and he was the most popular guy in school for the rest of the year.
Good luck to him! You’ll have to tell us how he ends up asking her!
.-= Story Lady´s last blog ..Wild Sunflowers =-.
Nickelle says
I once asked a really cute guy (…he was like the “Mc Dreamy” of the school….) that I barely new (I was so scared!) to a dance with a real Ticket from a Police officer.
I knew the cop & asked him if he would let me fill out the ticket & asked him to deliver it to his house in his cop car.
I don’t remember everything I wrote…That was like 10+ years ago… anyways, something to the effect of you make my heart race — therefore you’re getting a “Speeding Ticket”… He was one of those guys that was like “perfect”… a very good, clean cut guy… if you know what I mean & he was SOOOO Embaressed & very Surprised about the cop showing up at his door! — so were His neighbor’s!!
It was Classic & he said he would Never forget it! :o)
I got asked by a phone book… chase. The guy sent me to all different kinds of pages in the phone book to spell some words & some words were like in the business name, he would tell me what page number to go to for the next clue & so on. It took forever! — I ended up doing it back to another boy that I asked to a different dance, it took him like an hour! :o)
Nickelle says
Oh! I forgot to share this one…
My Husband asked me to marry him on April Fool’s Day! — Just in case I said “No” he could use that as an April Fool’s Joke….and Yes, I asked him if it was an April Fool’s Joke, and if it was, it wasn’t funny. :o)
~ We’ve been HaPPilY MaRRiEd for 12 Years & StonGeR than EveR!~
Tanna says
My husband asked me to marry him by placing a ring box inside a box of barnum animal crackers. Inside the ring box was a picture of an engagement ring. He knew I loved animal crackers and wanted to pick out my own ring. Wow, that was 13 years ago!
Angie says
Love these ideas! I can’t wait to read more submissions. No one did fun things like to ask people to dances this where I grew up! I’m totally making my son start a new tradition when he is older!
.-= Angie´s last blog ..Grandparents Day Gifts =-.
wendy says
It might be a bit early in the pumpkin/Halloween season for this one, but this is one I heard of from a friend.
Her (now) husband asked her out by delivering a pumpkin to her with a note that said something to the effect of ‘if you’d like to go out with me carve this pumpkin and leave it on your door step.’ Obviously, since they are now married, she carved the pumpkin! 🙂
Michelle says
My husband is not the most romantic guy but his proposal totally threw me. We were already talking about getting married and I secretly knew he had already asked my dad. We went to dinner at Ruth’s Chris so I was suspicious but he didn’t ask so no big deal then after dinner went back to his house and he opened the front door and I walked in to a path of candles and red rose petals. Up on the shelf in front of me was the black ring box with the ring he picked out all my himself and it’s perfect! The best part is the song “Question” by The Old 97’s was playing in the background. With help from his buddy it was the best proposal!! Seven years later and never happier.
Don’t have any cute ideas for the high school kids.
Beth says
A creative request and a creative response is expected and the norm at our sons’ high school as well. The response usually falls in with the theme of the request.
I have crafted poems for each of them and made sterling bracelets to fit the theme (Fire and Ice Dance had a snowflake charm on a cuff name bracelet, and Homecoming Dance had school nickname spelled out in letter cubes with an RHS charm). Both poems written matched the themes.
My son decorated the lawn of a girl with a very Irish first and last name with little plastic leprechauns and left a pot of chocolate coins on her doorstep with the invitation. She responded with a French flag on which she had written “Oui! Oui! Prom would be the Bomb!” and had the his French teacher hand it to him in French class.
Others I’ve heard about are PROM? spelled out in golf balls for a girl on the golf team at the clubhouse with the invitation on the golfcart that drove by her. She responded with YES! in tennis balls on his front lawn. Needless to say he was on the tennis team. Both where thrilled with the balls, too!
My older son’s friends have baked cakes with the invitation on top and inside, purchased a giant chocolate chip cookie with the invitation in icing, given a soccer ball (to a soccer player) with the invitation written on it, the only fish in the sea idea but with goldfish crackers, etc.
alli says
if he is outdoorsy, he could send her on a geo-chache (sp?) it is where people all over the state hide very small and inexpensive “treasures”/toys and others find them using their gps units. they punch in coordinates on their gps and use it to find the treasure. he could hide a note asking her to go with him and give her the coordinates and she would go find it…of course having someone take video and pictures and have him hiding around there and when she finally gets it, have him come out…just a thought! i hope it makes sense!!!
Infarrantly Creativetnb says
Oh that is so freaking awesome. I want to be in high school again. Oh wait…did I say that. NO I DON’T!!! HAHA…very cute. Thanks ladies. Although my children won’t date until they are 30 so I am not sure I will need this….ha!
.-= Infarrantly Creativetnb´s last blog ..Roadkill Rescue- Vintage TV =-.
Alana says
Wow, those are such neat ideas! I wish we would have done things like that when I was in high school. I look forward to helping my kids to come up with creative ideas when they hit the teenage years.
.-= Alana´s last blog ..Happy birthday- little man! =-.
AJ says
well I NEVER want to be in High School again…college I could do over because it was a BLAST.
Anyway, this is a way to answer someone but you have to make sure at least someone is home when you drop it off or it will melt into a mess. Get a carton of ice cream and tie an ice scream scooper to it with a note that says “I Scream YES!”
I helped my brother ask someone to a winter formal by getting Christmas Tree ornaments and taking the tops off then filling some with m&ms and 1 with name in it. She had to open the ornaments to find his name. I have no idea what he wrote with it, probably just a 16 yr. old boy thing like “to Amanda, wanna go the dance?” or whatever her name was…lol
.-= AJ´s last blog ..General Mills Quericavida =-.
Tara says
I didn’t read through all of them, but my favorite is still……You give the person that you are asking lots of different butters. Peanut Butter, Honey Butter, regular butter, Almond Butter you get the point. Then after he has all the butters you give him a loaf of bread and say “Now that I’ve buttered you up will you go to the dance with me?”
ERiCA says
When I was in high school I asked this one boy by cutting out hundreds of letter P’s and putting them all over his room (ceiling, walls, etc.) And I put a little note on his bed that said I was so excited to ask you to the dance that I P’d all over your room. I had the letters of my name on the P’s (not on every single one, just enough to spell my name).
He responded by giving me a plant wrapped in a diaper that said I was so excited that you asked me to the dance that I wet my plants. He was going to answer me by sending me a pair of his pants saying: I was so excited that you asked me to the dance that I shipped my pants.
'Becca says
Hey, I can see from your comments that a lot of people do like this sort of thing, but I have to mention that it’s important for the asker to think about whether the desired date is someone like me: very jumpy, very organized, hates most “surprises”, would be furious if my family allowed someone to trash my room while I wasn’t home. Most of these stunts would lead me to the conclusion that this person doesn’t respect or understand me so is not a suitable date!
Luckily, I fell in love with someone like myself. 🙂 He did one time surprise me by awakening me by gently stroking my hair and then handing me a bouquet of roses…but that was when I not only knew he had a key to my (our) house but also expected him home that morning after traveling overnight. That’s the level of surprise that’s comfortable for me: “Surprise! I brought you roses!” instead of, “Surprise! I entered your space without your permission and trashed it!” See?
Thanks for the possible explanation of why I found two melons wearing false mustaches and glasses on a sidewalk one spring day.
.-= ‘Becca´s last blog ..Christian Childrens Television =-.
Shelley says
I totally agree,…you need to be sweet, simple, and romantic sometimes too! 😉
Erin says
Since we’re talking about marriage proposals, too, my favorite one I’ve ever heard was my old roommates:
Her ‘boyfriend’ (now-husband) planned an entire day out… they had daytime activities, and then he dropped her off to get ready for dinner. When they were done with dinner, he told her had a gift for her. He handed her a wrapped journal. When she opened it, she started flipping through the pages, and realized that there was an entry… he had written it as if he were her and it went something like this:
“Today, Joe (not his real name) took me to the park where we had a picnic, and then we went shopping and then he took me to dinner. He gave me this journal… as I was looking through it, I realized that he had gotten really quiet, so I looked up, and….’
So, she looked up and he had the ring out…
SO CUTE. I loved it!
Chelsea says
I also used a journal when I proposed to my now-husband, but in a different way. I bought a journal that I thought he’d like, and wrote “I Love…” at the top of each page, then wrote “Will you marry me?” inside the back cover (so I couldn’t chicken out by just removing 1 page!). I went back through it and wrote something else that I loved about him on each page, then gave it to him for Valentine’s Day. 🙂
We’ve now been married over 10 years, and I echoed this for our 5-year-anniversary with another journal, only this time I wrote “Thank you for…” on each page, then again filled them in. He still has both journals. 🙂
Jessica Jenkins says
I know of a girl who, at the boys house, had a friend draw around her with chalk outside on the sidewalk, with the saying, “I’m dying to go to the dance with you.”
His reply, “R.I.P knowing that I’d love to!” He made a headstone w/black poster paper, stood it up on her bed, then added some flowers.
Shelley says
A fun answer. Use a box of HONEY COMB cereal with a note in it saying “Honey, Comb your hair, ‘cuz we’re going dancing”. 🙂
Lara says
shell, look at Rachel’s facebook pictures. The Senior Year album. She has pictures of how she got asked and answered a boy to homecoming. It is so gross. He bought a cow heart.. from where? I have no idea? But He put inside of it a little piece of paper with his name on it and sewed the heart back up. He said “I would heart {cow heart} to go to homecoming with you.” so she had to cut open the heart and find his name! SICK!
She answered him by destroying his room with confetti and said “when you asked me my heart exploded into a million little pieces” then she had a puzzle in balloons that were also full of confetti. The puzzle said “look on your front porch. Then there was a poster that said “Not really.. my heart did explode.. only I vomited up the answer first. We made a fake bucket of vomit.. it was really nasty looking and smelled horrible. And she put a yes inside there. It was so funny.
I have so many good ones.
You can make a crime scene with caution tape, and get a sheet of painters plastic and trace someone’s body on it. Put that on the floor. Then throw clothes everywhere and make the room a mess. Then leave a poster saying “I would DIE to go to _______ with you. – name” That was my favorite way of being asked. It was so creative.
.-= Lara´s last blog ..Thats a Lot of Candles =-.
'Becca says
Wow, I guess Rachel and her guy deserve each other. I still cannot believe anybody thinks these stunts are funny.
I came back here to tell you that last night, I was telling my family about this discussion (they found it as horrifying, yet bizarre enough to laugh at, as I do) and my 5-year-old son had an idea for a scheme like this, which I guess some of you might find useful:
Get a dead fish. Write a note for the outside that says, “I’ll smell much better than this when we go to the dance together!” Cut open the fish and put inside a card on which you have spelled your name by gluing cake sprinkles that resemble fish eggs (can’t use the real fish eggs because they’re too slimy to glue, he thinks–not that we’ve tried!) and wrapped in plastic. Leave on the victim’s–I mean, prospective date’s–doorstep or better yet, in the foot of the bed under the covers.
I thought it was too extremely horrible, but then I saw Lara’s comment, so I guess somewhere out there is someone who would find this just so romantic.
.-= ‘Becca´s last blog ..Christian Childrens Television =-.
Lara says
Not romantic. High school dances are all about the fun. Being crazy and having fun 🙂 I loved getting a laugh and making crazy memories with my friends in high school. It’s not every day you can get away with these stunts.
But it depends on the person. Everyone’s different.
.-= Lara´s last blog ..Thats a Lot of Candles =-.
Kat Taylor says
I was waiting for a VERY important letter in the mail. My friend sent me a fake one calling me to serve with him at the winter formal. If that makes sense.
Madi says
ohh, were you waiting for a mission call to serve for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints??
Taylor says
You have just given me a great idea! My boyfriend is LDS (I am not) and I saw your comment and looked up what a Missionary Call would look like and found an example of a Missionary Application. So what I will do to ask my boyfriend out to the dance is send him a “Missionary” Application where his location to serve is the dance!
Thanks Much! 🙂
The Party Animal says
That is a cute idea, but my only concern is that if it is sitting on the door step too long the ants will come. So what happens when she comes home to ants all over a cantaloupe at the door step – do you think she will pick it up and open?
Still love the idea though.
.-= The Party Animal´s last blog ..Watermelon Fairy Costume and My Top 12 Girls Fairy Costumes =-.
GraphicMania says
for a fun, and longer lasting asking/answering experience fill a heart shaped cake pan half full of distilled water (to make it clear)! While freezing, cut out a red heart, write your message (my heart would melt if you would go to the dance with me) or (you melted my heart! of course i’ll go!) Laminate the heart cut it up like a puzzle and place onto the frozen heart! freeze the next half so that the note is suspended inside! Place on front porch, ring the door bell! AND RUN! Enjoy!
Salena says
I was asked once this way and it drove me nuts:
I found a 5 lb. bag of flour on my doorstep with a note that said: Will you go to homecoming with me? My name is in the flour.
The flour bag had clearly been opened and taped shut.
With my best friend we tore through the flour bag and after 3 hours of sifting and resifting and making a TOTAL DISASTER of the kitchen we swore that we lost the name somewhere but decided it was late enough and went to bed. The next morning I found a rose on my doorstep that said:
Oops sorry! Wrong flower and his name was stuck between the petals!
I was really frustrated but it was super cute!!
Also, my husband is pretty darn romantic and proposed with a real GLASS SLIPPER!! Oh how I love him!!
ciara smith says
super cuuute <3 i wanna use this
Sarah Weiss says
I was a cheerleader in High School, and at one of the football games (during half-time), a group of guys in the stands held up a huge banner that said “[My Name], How about Homecoming? -[His Name]. It’s one of those things where you answer right away, so he appeared, and I said yes in front of everyone in the stadium. What’s even more sweet is that my parents happened to be there that night with the video camera, so I have it all on tape 🙂
denise @ little ant design says
I love this idea – simple and creative!
My daughter was just asked to Homecoming. You can see the invite and answer here..http://thebakerfam.blogspot.com/2010/09/late-way-late-1230ish-am-last-night.html and here..http://thebakerfam.blogspot.com/2010/09/answer-you-have-all-been-dying-for.html
Shelly says
I LOVE THIS ONE ! Hope you enjoyed your dance, Megan …
honestly, I was asking my husband if he could remember anyone in high school that he wanted to go out with that badly that he would’ve put out that much effort !??? (LOL ~ Nope, we didn’t date in high school!!)
Michelle says
When my husband asked me to prom, he was on the theater crew. He got me front row aisle seats to the theater department’s latest play. Right before the play started, the announcer said that they had a short announcement to make before the start of the play. My husband (boyfriend at the time) came out on stage with another crew member following behind him with 2 dozen white roses. He hopped off the stage and walked down to me and asked me to prom. I answered him when he came to visit me at work one day. I worked at an after-school program for elementary school kids. When he got there, I had given each of the kids a balloon with a letter on it. I sent the kids up to him one at a time in order so that the balloons spelled M & M (both of our names start with M) PROM 2000. The last kid had a stuffed gorilla with a bowtie with a balloon tied around it that said YES!
Jessica says
LOVE all the ideas!!! I have 5 kids heading to High School, so I’m excited to have so many ideas. I still consider my marriage proposal one of the best I’ve ever heard of….my then boyfriend lived in another town so when he came to town Valentine weekend I knew he was going to ask (we’d picked out a ring already) but i didn’t know how or when. I picked him up at the airport the night of Valentines Day, he had a rose but no ring! A couple days later we went on a date, had a romantic dinner…no ring…we planned on a movie afterwards, so I figured he was going to take me somewhere after the movie to ask me. We sat down in the theater and were chatting until the lights went down for the previews, instead of previews “our song” came on and the big screen was filled with pictures of us! Then some of the sweetest words I’ve ever seen were on the screen (him telling me how much he loves me and how amazing he thinks i am :)…..at the very end the words asked if I’d marry him and he was on his knee with the ring!!!! Everyone cheered in the theater when I said yes…it was awesome!!! He’d called the manager of the theater ahead of time and slipped him the disc when we walked in…LOVE that man!!!
Ashley says
That is by far one of the sweetest and most romantic ways to propose ive ever heard! You must have felt so special when everyone in the theater started cheering!
Jessica says
Here are two of my very favorite ways that I’ve been asked to dances.
1) The guys left a newspaper on my front doorstep with a note that said “please check out the wanted ads” He had typed up a wanted ad and pasted it in there. with things like “Wanted: A cute and sophisticated, breathtakingly gorgeous girl. Must have a great sense of humor, enjoy fancy dinners, limo rides, and beautiful flowers. A must, her name must start with a J and end with essica.”
It was definitely a self esteem booster and I thought a unique way to ask.
2. The second guy decorated under my bed with flowers, chocolate, confetti and such and set an alarm clock for 2:00am. He left a note on the alarm that said, “Don’t be ‘alarmed’ this isn’t a bomb. I just wanted to know if you’ll go with me to prom!-David”
I love hearing other people’s experiences/ideas. These are way cute!
MessyMissy says
Here’s a poem (I credit it to Shel Silverstein) along that same theme that I am SURE you could do something with:
Do you carrot at all for me?
My heart beets for you,
With your turnip nose
And your radish face.
You are a peach.
If we cantaloupe,
Lettuce marry.
Weed make a swell pear.
It’s always puts a smile on my face!!
.-= MessyMissy´s last blog ..Refinished Crib and Highchair =-.
Holly says
A friend of mine knew his girlfriend (now wife) liked Crackerjack, so he hid the ring inside the “prize” envelope in the box. She was delighted just to get the box of Crackerjack, and super surprised when she opened the prize!
Melinda says
Spell it with Silly Bands!
Becca O. says
Put a candle on top of a box of life cereal with a note- “It would LIGHT up my LIFE if you’d go to homecoming with me!”
alli says
so what was the final way he asked her?
Heidi says
I asked a boy to a dance by getting a box of Life cereal and a match. I rang his doorbell (his parents knew I was coming) and when he answered I lit the box on fire and said it would light up my LIFE if he went to the dance with me…He answered by lighting sparklers in my front yard that said YES when I opened the door.
Tiffany says
I actually had to say no to someone in high school. My friends suggested that I put a can of nacho cheese on the doorstep with a sign that said, ” ‘Nacho’ Date!” then doorbell ditch… too cruel!
Christie says
When my son had to say no, I suggested he pick up a “sorry” game. We delivered it to her doorstep with an apologetic “sorry” decline.
Tessa says
I had to say no to someone because I had already been asked, so I got an axx from walmart and left it on his door stuck in a stump with a note that said “sorry, I’ve already been AXED!”
Another one (I find a little mean..) is to put a bunch of sports balls (football, soccer ball, etc) on their porch with a note saying “nah, I’ll pass!”
also, last one, put a chair on their porch with a note saying “I’m going to sit this one out!”
The first option is definitely my favorite. (:
Anthea Goodman says
I loved how my husband proposed to me. It was very unique!
Firstly I have to give some background… I’m a white South African girl who was living in England at the time. My (now) husband is English. The only reason I mention my skin colour is because it has a bearing on the story.
In South Africa in traditional Black African culture it is tradional for the prospective groom to go ask the brides father for permission. Once permission is given the groom and his representative (normally his father or uncle) then have to negotiate the bride price (known as Labola). This bride price is to be paid to the bride’s father as a surety that the groom will treat his new wife with all respect and honour and that if he ever gives her cause to leave him then the labola would be used to help set her up in her own home and he would lose all rights to her and the bride price. Normally labola is paid in CATTLE. A chieftains daughter normally costs about 12 cows. Nelson Mandela had to pay labola of 85 cows to his second wife’s family as she was a member of their royal family.
Anyhow, my lovely Englishman somehow found out about this tradition and he went and spoke to my father and got his permission to propose to me. He then took me out for a lovely dinner. After which we went back to his apartment and there on the dining table was a lovely arrangement of 13 cows, 3 calves and a bull all in plastic from the local kids toy shop. Hanging on the horns of the bull was my engagement ring! A second after I’d seen them he got down on one knee and proposed formally.
Afterwards he packed all the cows up and drove me to my parents house where he presented my Dad with my Labola. My Dad roared with laughter… and 11 years later those cows still have pride of place on my Dad’s study desk and we have added to them by giving him a new calf for each of our two daughters when they were born.
Despite the fact that it wasn’t part of my culture I loved my Englishman for paying attention to the detail and coming up with something that spoke of home… for both me and my Dad!
Tara says
My best friend and her high school boyfriend had some really fun ways to ask and answer. The most memorable were her boyfriend emptied her locker, slid a piece of plexiglass down the front of it, and filled it with water and gold fish! Can you even imagine? It was awesome! I don’t even remember what the note said, something along the lines “Of all the fish in the sea, will you please go to prom with me?”
She answered by getting my boyfriend to haul a bunch of haybales to school. We surrounded her boyfriend’s motorcycle with all the haybales so you couldn’t see it (it was taller than us!)with a giant sign sticking out of it that said, “Hay! I’d love to go to prom with you!”
Awww, the good ol’ days! lol
Christie says
I think my favorite was one my son did. (Hope it’s not too sacreligous, but I kinda thought it was cute.) So, he gets an old metal wash tub that I had, and I gave him permission to dig up one of my dying shrubs. He wrote up a scroll which said something like, “Put on thy shoes on thy feet and come to Homecoming with me.” He got permission from the girl’s dad, and then brought the washtubbed shrubbery and lit it on fire in their driveway. It burned while she read the invite. The reply she gave was a very cute “10 commandments for dancing.”
Shannon says
This was something the daughter of a friend did to ask a boy to her High School Sadie Hawkins dance… She had arranged with each of his teachers at school to pull this off!
She made 7 cupcakes, each one with a word on a “flag” stuck in the top. Will… you… Go… to… Sadie… Hawkins… and the last one — With Me? The last one, she gave to him in person, in class!
It turned out very cute — all the teachers were very supportive, and he said Yes!!!
Tessa says
few ways I’ve gotten asked..
1. a box of ding dongs were left on my door with a note saying “I may be a DING DONG but I’d love to be your HOSTESS to the winters dance!”
2. I came home to my room COVERED with post it notes!! A big sign said “STICK with me and you will see, Homecoming is the place to be!” his name was on the back of one of the hundreds of post its!
one way I’ve answered..
1. this ones simple, but so funny/cute and my favorite! I left a little caesar’s hot and ready pizza on his door with a note saying “You’re hot, and I’m ready so let’s go to prom!!”
Grace says
Love all these ideas!! I could have used this when I was asking a guy to preference this year! I’ll definitely have to look this up:)
Just some girl says
I was asked by this kid who I hadn’t known for very long, but he called it “operation alpha” he talked about it for over a month and I kind of guessed that it was asking my to the school dance. But anyways one day there was a container of frozen ice with a note on top that said “There is a note inside the ice” so I had to melt the container to get the note. The note was sealed in plastic and said “Now that we’ve broke the ice, will you go formal with me? xoxo operation alpha”
Emily says
Last year one of my guy friends left a stuffed bunny in a girls locker with a note that said “will you go to prom with me? I wouldn’t want to go with any bunny else”
and this is a proposal that i found on youtube (it isn’t me), but it is the cutest thins i’ve seen in a while….
“we always knew”
Bonna says
My daughter and her boyfriend had alot of creative ways to ask/answer each other. Once he put an alarm clock under her bed set for 1:00 and when she found it, it said “It’s time for the dance, will you go with me?” Once she answered him by filling his bed with peanuts in the shell. She had written one word on several nuts saying “I would be nuts not to go to the dance with you” Once she used the Knock Knock joke that says Knock Knock–Who’s there?–Banana–Banana who? She had 6 of his teachers give him a banana with that written on it and then when he brought her home from school, I took him an orange that said–Orange you glad I didn’t say banana again? I would love to go to the dance with you! Once he filled her room with helium balloons and had put a piece of paper in several of them asking her to the dance. Once she filled his room with balloons on the floor and taped leaf cutouts all over the walls and ceiling, and some of them said I won’t leaf you hanging, my heart would burst with joy if you would go to the dance with me. Another time, she filled a garbage bag with popped pop corn and wrote a note that said ‘I would pop at the chance to go to the dance with you’ She wadded up the note so that it was the same size as a piece of popcorn. He said he looked through the kernels 3 times before he found the note! I loved helping them with their plans and they have now been married for 15 years! His marriage proposal was amazing–but that is for another post! ;o)
Ana says
Me and my now fiance met in high school and he wasn’t so creative when he asked me to our school dances.. BUT, I have heard of some cute & clever ways of how people got asked !
1. Find out the person’s class schedule, room number, & where they sit in that class. (At my school we had 8 classes that we divided up. Monday we would go to our first 4 classes, on Tuesday, our last 4, etc.) Leave one gift for that person in each class..
first period- bag of rocks
second period- fish food
third- fish bowl
fourth- a bag with a fish in it & a note that reads “of all the fish in the sea, would you go to (name of dance) with me ?”
2. A girl tennis player got asked by a guy who rounded up all the tennis balls & stuck them in the holes of the fence on the court to spell out PROM?
3. One guy had told his soon-to-be date to walk over to where there were a bunch of rocks outside of the school. When she got there, there was a sign that said “Will you go to homecoming with me? Carry back your answer.” Under that was a small rock with a YES painted on it, and one that she obviously couldn’t carry that read NO. (that ones my fave (; LOL)
4. For our Sadie Hawkins dance, my friend made shirts that each had a letter spelling out SADIES? She gathered up a bunch of us & had us wear a shirt & she stood at the end wearing the “?” and holding flowers lol
5. I helped one of my guy friends place a trail of Hershey kisses that led to our friends desk, and on her desk we spelled out her name in kisses. Then he left a note saying “now that I’ve kissed the ground you walked on, would you go to prom with me?” and when she turned around he was standing behind her holding flowers. Luckily, we all had this period together & our teacher didn’t mind
McKenzie says
a couple I have asked with, been asked by, or helped a friend with!
1. To ask, the boy bought 34 goldfish (all that goldish color) and 1 white goldfish. He filled my bathtub up with water and stuck them in there. Then he wrote on the mirror, “Of all the fish in the sea, would you go to commencement with me?”
2. To answer back, we filled his bathtub with water and put 34 rubber ducks (yellow) and one pink rubber duck in there. Then on his mirror we wrote, “Of all the ducks on the lake, I’m so glad you chose me to take!! Yes!”
3. To ask a guy to a girls choice dance, I decorated his room with gold and black streamers and balloons and a giant trophy… 4ft tall to be exact… (Got it at DI, a thrift store). Then i put up 2 black posters with gold writing that said, “I’d feel like I’d won first place…” that was on his door. The other was taped to the trophy in his room that said, “If you go to Sadie’s with me!” I left letters to my name scattered all around his room so he had to find them and unscramble them.
4. To answer, he left the trophy standing up on my car (I wasn’t happy to see that thing again! It was HEAVY) and left a poster saying, “I’d feel like a loser if I missed this opportunity!” With picts of football players and basketball players sitting on the ground like “losers”
5. For another girls choice dance, I painted a poster that said on one side, “I’ll go to the dance with you” then on the other, “When pigs fly!”. I cut it up into about 15 pieces and gave them to people to give to him randomly throughout the day, teachers to give them to him, randomly on the wall for him to find, lunch ladies to give to him, I even asked the resource officer to call him into his office to make it sound like he was in trouble, but he really just gave him another piece to the puzzle. The best part? When he put it all together, NOTHING HAPPENED! No pigs flew 🙂 Of course I was going to say yes though! I knew he was going to be at work until about 11pm, so I left a giant box on his doorstep for when he came home (it had pink balloons in it with pig faces drawn on them) I had taped it up so it just looked like a normal box that UPS or FedEx would drop off, so apparently he just stuck it inside the door for his mom to find, but never opened it! Finally a few days later his mom told him to open it and he found them.
6. To answer back, he came to my house around 1 or 2 am and started throwing little pebbles at my window (romantic, I know! good thing he was my boyfriend!) When I came to the window he started singing a cheesy song he had made up to the tune of, “call me maybe”. I don’t remember the exact lyrics, but it was so cute!
7. For my friend to answer her date back to the dance, we kidnapped him at six in the morning, blind folded him, drove him around in a car for about a half hour so he was really confused, and brought him to her house. We sat him down at the table and when we uncovered his eyes there was a giant breakfast waiting for them. The server, (her mom)brought out pancakes and his had a giant “YES” in whipped cream.
8. To help another friend, we made some vanilla pudding and put it in a large bowl with a laminated piece of paper that said YES somewhere in the middle of it. On top of the pudding we put an entire can of whipped cream. We gave it to him in the middle of class and made him tie his hands behind his back and eat it to find the answer. It was priceless.
9. A way my friend got answered was the boy made A LOT of jello (5 gallons to be exact) and poured it all into a 5 gallon bucket. He laminated a piece of paper that said YES on it, and tied it to a dice with ribbon so it wouldn’t get too lost in there. (But it was dark green jello so you couldn’t see where it was at) Then he left it on her doorstep and ding dong ditched her.
10. A way to answer back- This boy had a truck, so in his truck bed she left a bale of hay with a sign saying, “I promise not to BALE on you! Of course I’ll go!”
Madi says
DI? like the LDS Desert Industries??
MirandaDill says
I asked a guy to Sadie Hawkins with this. I got a bunch of fishing line and yarn and stretched it between his house and mine (about five blocks) and put little notes on it saying things like “Sorry to string you along, but your almost there,” and,” Keep going!” We tied the end of the string on his doorknob and doorbell ditched him. At his house I put a note on it saying,”Would you go the girls choice dance with me?” At my house the string was tied to the mailbox and there was a note saying, “You fell for the bait, so would you be my date?” and it had my name on it.
He replied a week later by sending his little sister to my door with a fish in a vase and a note that said, “You’ve caught me with bait and so…with you to Sadies I will go!”
Sami says
Well one girl at my school was asking her crisp to Sadie’s this week and I loved the way she did it. She had his friends give him small pats of butter during the day then when he got to cooking class there was a bowl of popcorn on his counter with a note that said “now that I’ve buttered you up. It’s time to pop the question.” then she walked in and asked.
ashley says
My friend took that game, “Guess Who?”, with all of the doors with cartoon people under them, and taped a bunch of pictures of random people they knew in the little doors, and there was a list of clues, so that she slowly closed the doors and eliminated people until the only two pictures were of him and her, and at the end of the clues paper it said “WILL YOU GO TO HOMECOMING WITH ME? :)”
Abby Puckett says
I recently asked a guy to a girls choice dance by taking some Wonder Bread and Candy Corn, I taped a note on the top that said “I know this may sound “CORN”Y but it would be “WONDER”FUL if you went to the dance with me. I had taken out all of the bread and pushed the letters of my name into individual slices 🙂
Also, to another girls choice dance I got a plant (any kind) and a diaper, and put a note in the plant that said “I would pee my plants if you went to the dance with me” I also wrote my name in the inside of the diaper 🙂
For another one I had a Ken Barbie doll and gave it to him with a sign that said “Ken you go to the dance with me”?
All of which got some pretty hysterical responses to 🙂
cj says
some other fun ways are to get a bunch of corn stalks and put them in their car their locker in there bedroom with a note that says I’m stalking you will you go to the dance with me.
another one is you get a little rock and paint yes on it then you get a huge rock so big you can barely lift it and you write no on it then you leave a note that says will you go to the dance with me bring the rock of your choice to school tomorrow.
Rhyannon says
My Friend did this:
get a tub of butter and dig to the bottom, place a note at the bottom saying, “now that I’ve buttered you up, with you go to the dance with me?” recover the note with butter and deliver it to him/her in class. put your name on the bottom.
Ella says
Omg I’m totes gonna use this, thanx